

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Karen in VA ... we haven't heard your voice in a while. Hope all is well.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
    Tracey ~ I meant to say that your dragon (?) piece of ceramics is going to beautiful. Love all the colors and can't imagine how much work went into it.

    Machka ~ The governor's mansion is lovely. I have always love going into older estates that have been opened to the public like the Biltmore House and Flagler museum in St Augustine.

    Growing up in rural Georgia, we always had meat provided by pigs, chickens, and cows.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    My great niece called me yesterday asking if she could stay with us for a week. She started out with the conversation saying, remember when you said if you were with me I would have you more active and get you in shape?

    This will be interesting… she’s 14 and is overweight but I told her it’s in her best interest to get a grip now because it will only be harder as she gets older. I called my sister (her grandmother) and told her about the call and she said that she doesn’t think she will last 3 days. I told her I wasn’t going to take her back early (lives about 40 miles away) but will after the week is up. Wondered if she was serious our just wanted to get away from her mom. She said they have talked to her about her weight on various occasions and said the only person capable of helping her out was me.

    I am going to get her weight at the start.
    Going to calculate what her active and maximum heart rate should be
    Going to let her use my Apple Watch so we can see what her heart rate is like
    May create a MFP account for her and show her how to use it. This way she can really see what she’s putting in her body.
    May create a Strava account so she can log her walking distance and be her friend on that app so I can see how she is progressing from here.

    Pip - didja mention the boot?

    Lanette B)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Yes, Karen and Kylia. <3<3 Wassupp?

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    edited July 2023
    Ginny- we felt bad for the baby possum. He has been hanging around her since he was very tiny, all alone. He is still small, less than 1/2 the size of a rabbit at most/just bigger than a full grown rat.
    They are not distructive like rats and coons so we leave it alone. We just don't want it trapped in the garage, climbing on dh's 3D printers.

    Lisa- I agree, they are not the cutest when full grown but the little ones are pretty cute.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Nothing special today. Went in the pool (another tube of sunscreen bites the dust), went to WalMart since Vince needed bananas and milk, went for a walk to Dollar General (they didn’t have what I was looking for), then went in the pool to cool off. That felt so good since I get sweaty on my walk.

    We had another skunk in the skimmer. Oh joy, thank goodness the garbage can is outside….

    Tomorrow is back to the soup kitchen. Then I’ll go to the Humane Society’s thrift store to donate a home theater system, hand embroidered pillowcases, and a CD radio.

    Young kids...when I got to work today in the back room someone had spilled their drink. How hard is it to clean up after yourself? Well, these are young, immature kids who are working (at least some of them are)

    Heather – love the floors

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Speaking of possums, I walked my dog at 3AM last night and was surprised it was still 75 degrees out! While walking, we came faced-to-face with a raccoon. My dog went bonkers and the raccoon ran away and fell in the water in the canal beside us. It came back up looking pathetic all wet, looked at us, looked at the water, then scampered away on the edge of the water. It was funny at 3 AM!

    RVRita in SE NM where it is hotter than hell in the daytime!

    the raccoons we have here are really bold-they actually stand up to me. They are around because of the cat food. One time, one tried to grab the plastic container of food and run off with it. He wanted to run but wanted to take the container with him too- couldn't decide what he wanted more. He finally dropped it and took off. For a while they were living under the deck. We had to put chicken wire on the whole catio instead of just screen because the coons ripped a huge whole in it. I was just about ready to fall asleep when I looked over at the bedroom window, just less than 2 feet from my head, and there was a coon, poking his nose in. He was in there after the cat food. The catio is off our bedroom window and our window is always open. Another time they ripped the latch off the side door to it. Cats got out both times and I had to spend two days catching them and then repairing the damage.
    They are very distructive
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Rosemarie- YES, I think dh would really benefit from some meds. He went to a psychiatrist not long after his brother died. She wanted to put him on them then, that was 13 yrs ago. He didn't want to.

    I have the same issue although he never went for therapy. He has a short temper and gets depressed easier than I do.


    mine went I think once, maybe twice. I wish he would go back.
    Oh, the short temper!!!
    Today, he was talking in the kitchen, not far from where I was. He always talks very loud and I have asked him many times to talk a little quieter. It is terrible in a car. I kind of shushed him and he got PISSED, walked out and then wouldn't talk to me at all for quite a while, even when we were driving over to his mom's so I could walk her dog while he took care of her.
    He is a total pessimist about every single thing in life.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member

    I was also raised with animals as utilitarian parts of living and survival (dogs and cats, too). And pretty much feel the same about chickens as you do. For the squeamish, look away! :smiley:
    We honestly had bacon wrapped up in the freezer with names written on them from the contributing pig. They were all named after my mother's female relatives, Flossie, Lorraine and Belle--my father's sense of humor tended toward the macabre.

    We kids also raised a calf each to full grown, sold a couple and a couple were processed by Mr. Penny down the road, the meat manager at the Piggly Wiggly in town, and they added to the freezer as well. It was a different life. I don't think I'd mind too much having to ask a chicken to give their all, named or not. More like a really nice gift from a friend. :smiley:

    Lisa in AR

    Growing up, we raised all of our own meat and veggies. We rarely named the animals except for the ones we were going to show and sell at auction at the fair for FFA-
    We knew certain animals were safe- My rabbit, Butterscotch but her little ones were meat rabbits for us or to sell. Same with the goats and sheep. Raised a pig or two each year along with one beef for us to split with my grandparents or aunt and uncle.

    I HATED when it was butchering time for the chickens- we would raise 200 each spring. Then at 8 weeks old, first 100 were butchered then the following weekend the other 100. We would all sit around a pile of chickens that had been blanched and pluck then they would go in the kitchen for the rest of the work. I had to do the inside part once- I couldn't handle it- Still don't like the smell of raw chicken because of it. We had all the family and some ladies from church. Those little old ladies LOVED to come out and help and boy were they quick and thorough.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member

    We had another skunk in the skimmer. Oh joy, thank goodness the garbage can is outside….

    Tomorrow is back to the soup kitchen. Then I’ll go to the Humane Society’s thrift store to donate a home theater system, hand embroidered pillowcases, and a CD radio.

    Young kids...when I got to work today in the back room someone had spilled their drink. How hard is it to clean up after yourself? Well, these are young, immature kids who are working (at least some of them are)

    Heather – love the floors

    Michele NC[/quote]

    Yuck to finding another skunk. I was always so worried when I was trapping the feral cats to take them up to get them fixed, that I would accidentally catch a skunk in one. Thankfully, never happened.
    One of our cats got sprayed by one and son almost did. It was dark and he thought it was one of the cats. He backed away just in time.

    Lucky HS- I love checking out the embroidered pillow cases and table clothes when I go to our thrift store or garage sales. They are so pretty and took so long for someone to make.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    edited July 2023
    Went shopping after taking MIL's dog for a walk. I glanced over and notice an old guy- think to myself that his shorts are the same color as his skin, NOPE- the old man was completely naked, walking across the street. This was at one of the busiest intersections in town. He didn't seem to have a care at all.

    Went in to FoodMaxx just to get peaches that were on sale for $1.69 a pound- ended up getting a bunch of other stuff- spent $60- got 8lbs of chicken wings that were $1.29 a pound- Cooked them tonight in the pressure cooker in my homemade teriyaki sauce then air fried. Got some beef that I cut up and also made broccoli beef tonight.Got some other meat, a few fun snacks. Got home and see they charged us for the other peaches that were not on sale- will go back Saturday to get a refund.

    Went to our old favorite Mexican restaurant- haven't been there in a few years because the food and service went down hill really bad. I saw a post on Facebook with their daily deals so we decided to give them a try again. Service is super slow still BUT she was very friendly and the food was great. We were the only people there. I got a civeche tostada and dh got the shrimp enchillada combo. Mine was only $5-the daily special. We will be back on Tuesday for Taco Tuesday- $1 tacos- six meats to pick from and one Wed. for their $5 burrito(same six meats to pick from)

    The only thing on my list for today and the one thing that didn't get done today is clean out the catio- need to get that done tomorrow for sure. Need dh to put a door on the end where the playhouse is(it is an old one from the daycare that we just left inside and built the catio around it. The cats love sitting on the roof that we put shingles on and I put a 40lb bag of cedar bedding pellets inside for a big litter box) No door to it means me leaning through the little playhouse window to scoop- it is a PAIN to do .

    No plans this weekend- Next weekend I think I will go to mom's.

    Napa Valley,CA