

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,003 Member
    The bad thing here is both dh and I keep way too much stuff. For me, it is craft supplies for both me and for the daycare kids and other stuff for the kids. I will be so glad when I am totally done with the daycare and can clear it all out. Beings I don't know what age kids I will get next(will continue to do this part time for a while I think) can't get rid of stuff, not knowing what they will use.
    Dh loves to shop and buys so much. It is the only thing that brings any happiness to him at all. He has stuff for his hobbies and tools and..... The garage is totally full- some my stuff, most his. Can't find stuff so buy a replacement.
    The biggest project for me to start on when I cut back to two days a week is to clear out my sewing room and really organize it. A lot of the craft supplies that are collecting in the living room in one corner, can go into the sewing/craft room. There is a playpen in there that hasn't been used in years- full of, yep, craft stuff, Can't hardly even get in the room. I want to do more crafting because I enjoy it but can't get to most of it or lost interest in some of it. Maybe I will again.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/ family- turned back at 2 mi w/Addison and Lucy- 1hr 34min 43sec, 29elev, 2.53ap, 80ahr, 105mhr, 4.08mi= 414c
    Strava app= 500c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 6.47min, 20elev, 89aw, 17.6amph, 108amph, 142mhr, 1.98mi= 54c
    Zwift stats- 6.49min, 22elev, 88aw, 56arpm, 17.52amph, 1.99mi= 34c
    Traditional strength training- 14.21min, 3sets of 15ea w/1 3#weight extend arm in front, weight at chest and extend out, arm extended swing side to side, 85ahr, 95mhr = 66c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 25.21min, 548elev, 145aw, 19.2amph, 114ahr, 149mhr, 8.11mi= 175c
    Zwift stats- 25.22min, 551elev, 145aw, 60arpm, 19.21amph, 8.12mi= 210c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 20.32min, 52elev, 85aw, 17.9amph, 6.13mi= 185c
    Zwift stats- 20.34min, 53elev, 85aw, 58arpm, 17.88amph, 6.13mi= 100c

    Total cal 894
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,468 Member
    Rebecca, those pictures are just lovely... Just looking at Athena's smile and carefree demeanor, too, in her last few days as an only child. They'll all do very well.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,003 Member
    Lisa- thank you!!
    I hear that often. In some ways I look like my dad but almost completely like mom.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,259 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    edited August 2023
    ginnytez wrote: »
    I'm always confused with where to post comments on last of month after new link is posted (that truly is a first world problem!)
    Terri-thanks for sharing the song-I have always liked "Raindrops keep falling on my head." There was the great scene in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" when it was sung. And Burt Bacharach was so talented (better at composing and playing than singing).
    Machka-hope you stay safe during your wicked weather. And thanks for clarifying map-like Lisa I was very confused!
    Kylia-good to see you and Karen popping in.
    Margaret-I find myself in agreement we gather too many things. I used to think my mother did because she was a depression baby-I don't really have an excuse. I do find the 10 minute patrol at bed time to be helpful.
    Heather-glad you were able to dodge the heaviest of the rain.
    Carol-hope your ankles and knees continue with improvement-it seems like they have been bothersome forever.
    Rebecca-your comment about the boxes being organizational hoarding made me smile-and I may be guilty of some of that-but I use cheap boxes.

    Felt pretty good again today. The medication change does not seem to be hurting me and I definitely have more energy and fewer aches. Hope it continues.

    Need to put a few things away. Work from home day for most of tomorrow.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I bought that photo organizer, (my second attempt as my first ones were photo boxes for eldest and youngest sons). The thought of going thru 7 albums is a bit daunting! I am glad I went thru the albums for middle son first and made a photo box back in 2016. They say the middle child always gets the short end of the deal. I had made a box for him, removing baby thru high school from the albums. I then put index cards to the back of photos that were a bit sticky on the back. I separated each different place we lived by a taller index card, that had our address, dates we lived there, and school he attended. Might be nice when he gets older.
    When I was down at my sisters I bought a plastic photo organizer
    I had sent one to our middle sister because my eldest sister didn't want to go drop off 5 photo albums we borrowed from middle sister last year. Sending them back by mail would have cost a pretty penny! So I removed ones I thought she would want to keep, albums that were my grandparents, my fathers, took copies of ones I wanted, and gave her back the originals. She had mentioned she wished another one, so I am sending her thus one. I figure when we pass, the boys will get together and go thru photos anyway.💖👍
    Before I learned about what minimalism was, I bought some of those collapsible canvas cubes. In various colors. They were at the dollar store, so not a big investment. I have my art supplies in some, and batteries & bulbs in others. I do like that when I think of anything I have, I know just right where it is. Why that makes me happy, is a puzzlement!😂

    My father has been scanning family photos and I have scanned a lot of my earlier ones too, years ago. So I don't have albums anymore. But I may have hard copies of some photos in one of the boxes in the office ... or maybe my parents have them.

    I'm so glad my father is scanning the older photos so I don't have to sort through them!

    One of the goals with my office clean up is to digitise as much as I can.

    That's my type of minimalism ... put everything on computer! 😀

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :):) Jake's trip to Seattle was successful for him. He arrived early, they fixed the problem with the suspension as soon as he got there and he was finished and ready to come home an hour earlier than his scheduled appointment. He arrived at the ferry dock just in time to be the last car on the ferry and he was home before 10:30. I was delighted that he was home safely and early but disappointed that I didn't have my long day to putter with my projects while listening to my music.

    :) A few years ago I scanned, labeled and organized all our photos. About ten years ago I was able to turn many of my slides and father's slides into jpeg files. Unfortunately we got a new computer with a newer operating system and the slide scanner didn't work on the new system. I recently did some research on scanning slides to save on my current computer and learned a lot. I decided not to buy anything right away but I'm looking forward to that new project. Part of intentional living for me is postponing big purchases for awhile so I can think about them and decide if I really need them.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    Evening ladies
    Went to the outdoor concert tonight,was fun,just not my type of music..but good to catch up with friends...
    And it was outside,so felt safe.
    Betsy- sorry about the Covid I just got over it myself.. its not fun . rest and lots of fluids
    Nighty nighty
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Went in the pool, then went for a walk around the block. For one thing, I wanted the steps (calories) but I also wanted to see how far it was. It’s 2 miles around the block. After dinner we put in three pieces of the border. Will probably put in 3 more tomorrow or the next day. I know Vince talked about cutting the grass.

    Tomorrow I’ll go to the gym to do a body pump DVD, then Aldi, come home to put away the groceries, then I have an appt with the sleep MD, then to the Salvation Army to make a donation. Probably in the pool afterwards because Vince talked about cutting the grass around 3.

    Betsy – so sorry to hear about the Covid. Hope it isn’t real bad and you get well fast

    Lanette – you will be welcome any time at all. If the pool isn’t your “thing”, maybe the spa is. Oh my, about your Subaru. Vince always says that I’m too trusting. I need to be more like you.

    Joy – please refresh my memory about that window cleaning device

    Vicki – that is so very nice of you to be making that party. I know it’s something Addison will never forget

    Rebecca – lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing

    Look at the time! Better get to bed.

    Michele NC
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,510 Member
    Rebecca, those pictures are just lovely... Just looking at Athena's smile and carefree demeanor, too, in her last few days as an only child. They'll all do very well.

    I think so too. If anything, one takes one kid, one takes another if its a stressful day.💖. I think they've been talking alot to Athena about when her brother comes. Its something she can't ignore, because Momma looks about ready to pop. She seems very happy during thus pregnancy, radiant. She did not take preggo pics when she was pregnant with Athena.