

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,512 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ginnytez wrote: »
    I'm always confused with where to post comments on last of month after new link is posted (that truly is a first world problem!)
    Terri-thanks for sharing the song-I have always liked "Raindrops keep falling on my head." There was the great scene in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" when it was sung. And Burt Bacharach was so talented (better at composing and playing than singing).
    Machka-hope you stay safe during your wicked weather. And thanks for clarifying map-like Lisa I was very confused!
    Kylia-good to see you and Karen popping in.
    Margaret-I find myself in agreement we gather too many things. I used to think my mother did because she was a depression baby-I don't really have an excuse. I do find the 10 minute patrol at bed time to be helpful.
    Heather-glad you were able to dodge the heaviest of the rain.
    Carol-hope your ankles and knees continue with improvement-it seems like they have been bothersome forever.
    Rebecca-your comment about the boxes being organizational hoarding made me smile-and I may be guilty of some of that-but I use cheap boxes.

    Felt pretty good again today. The medication change does not seem to be hurting me and I definitely have more energy and fewer aches. Hope it continues.

    Need to put a few things away. Work from home day for most of tomorrow.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I bought that photo organizer, (my second attempt as my first ones were photo boxes for eldest and youngest sons). The thought of going thru 7 albums is a bit daunting! I am glad I went thru the albums for middle son first and made a photo box back in 2016. They say the middle child always gets the short end of the deal. I had made a box for him, removing baby thru high school from the albums. I then put index cards to the back of photos that were a bit sticky on the back. I separated each different place we lived by a taller index card, that had our address, dates we lived there, and school he attended. Might be nice when he gets older.
    When I was down at my sisters I bought a plastic photo organizer
    I had sent one to our middle sister because my eldest sister didn't want to go drop off 5 photo albums we borrowed from middle sister last year. Sending them back by mail would have cost a pretty penny! So I removed ones I thought she would want to keep, albums that were my grandparents, my fathers, took copies of ones I wanted, and gave her back the originals. She had mentioned she wished another one, so I am sending her thus one. I figure when we pass, the boys will get together and go thru photos anyway.💖👍
    Before I learned about what minimalism was, I bought some of those collapsible canvas cubes. In various colors. They were at the dollar store, so not a big investment. I have my art supplies in some, and batteries & bulbs in others. I do like that when I think of anything I have, I know just right where it is. Why that makes me happy, is a puzzlement!😂

    My father has been scanning family photos and I have scanned a lot of my earlier ones too, years ago. So I don't have albums anymore. But I may have hard copies of some photos in one of the boxes in the office ... or maybe my parents have them.

    I'm so glad my father is scanning the older photos so I don't have to sort through them!

    One of the goals with my office clean up is to digitise as much as I can.

    That's my type of minimalism ... put everything on computer! 😀

    M in Oz

    We have two huge albums each like a ft thick. One is our Renaissance faire days, and the other is our SCA historical reenactment days. Both can't be scanned because husband wrote in them, and lots were glued with fun memorabilia. So there that. I have two pizza boxes (new), that were a box of 20 my husband got for his board games. One for mom, one for dad. Much of what I have from them are items that aren't really scannable. Plus there's a part of me that like the feel of the old photos, letters etc. But at least I only have a small container. Nice of your father to scan them.👍
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,866 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Today’’s (8/1) gratitude: This thread and all the wise, compassionate, funny gals who share their lives here.
    Machka “* Meeting, meeting, bow-beeting, banana-fana, fo-feeting . . . “ Thanks for the laugh, and the memory!
    Terri your poem really resonated. “Waking up is winning” indeed.
    Kylia If you can, plan some travel now. Never know what’s around the corner.
    Margaret “Rather than focus on what is not done I try to focus on how far I have come.” Brava! Are those phlox? Do they have a scent?
    Lisa :love: the Kermit wildly “YAYYYY”ing meme and you richly deserve it!
    Annie Lisa’s YAYYY to you for the successful airport trip. 8 years renewal? SMH.
    Heather sending good thoughts that the borderline hemochromatosis is gone, gone, gone.
    Rebecca Brava for sticking to your guns. Can you send the milk glass back to the sisters since they value it so much?
    Michele thanks. Back then I’d have never believed it would be possible for me to be smoke-free for 22 minutes, much less 22years.
    Betsy so sorry to hear about the C-19. Is your sister able to keep safely away from you and the virus? Hope yours is a mild case, quickly over.
    Rita that was a lucky cougar. Animal control here doesn’t relocate predators that range too close to residences.
    Debbie sticky sap from jasmine hedge?
    Lanette when you get the transporter working, pick me up on your way to Michele’s, ok?
    Joy would love to see a pic of ragamuffin Lucy before any trims… ;) Well done on the “No.” Lisa’s right, it is not a dirty word.
    Vicki prayers for your CT scan. Well done on the Addison bday party plans.
    Allie glad you’re feeling better.
    Pip Lovely wall transformation.
    . . .
    July intentions and summary
    Move: average more steps than May: 950 short of goal, but 53 steps more than June.
    PT 58% down from May 68%, skipped too many times.
    Fuel: less sugar than mfp allows. Way no. 238 g over for the month even after switching (mostly) to unsweetened tea. Urk.
    Live: mindfully with people, dogs and when putting things in my mouth. Open heart and mind before mouth. Needs work.
    July average weight 0.2 lbs less than June.

    August intentions
    Move average more steps than May (7778), daily-ish PT.
    Fuel: less sugar than mfp allows.
    Live: Get back into daily-ish habits of sitting with Joe and playing with Tumble and Shadow. Squeeze in some mindfulness meditation.
    08/1: Move: 2 sets PT w/D, stroll with D, dogs to powerline, line dancing. Steps:12042! And I’m pooped!!!
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=11 CI=1323 CO=789
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, play with plants. Wt:132.3
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. August: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,269 Member
    Off out early to do my weekly grocery shopping.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    edited August 2023
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ginnytez wrote: »
    I'm always confused with where to post comments on last of month after new link is posted (that truly is a first world problem!)
    Terri-thanks for sharing the song-I have always liked "Raindrops keep falling on my head." There was the great scene in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" when it was sung. And Burt Bacharach was so talented (better at composing and playing than singing).
    Machka-hope you stay safe during your wicked weather. And thanks for clarifying map-like Lisa I was very confused!
    Kylia-good to see you and Karen popping in.
    Margaret-I find myself in agreement we gather too many things. I used to think my mother did because she was a depression baby-I don't really have an excuse. I do find the 10 minute patrol at bed time to be helpful.
    Heather-glad you were able to dodge the heaviest of the rain.
    Carol-hope your ankles and knees continue with improvement-it seems like they have been bothersome forever.
    Rebecca-your comment about the boxes being organizational hoarding made me smile-and I may be guilty of some of that-but I use cheap boxes.

    Felt pretty good again today. The medication change does not seem to be hurting me and I definitely have more energy and fewer aches. Hope it continues.

    Need to put a few things away. Work from home day for most of tomorrow.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I bought that photo organizer, (my second attempt as my first ones were photo boxes for eldest and youngest sons). The thought of going thru 7 albums is a bit daunting! I am glad I went thru the albums for middle son first and made a photo box back in 2016. They say the middle child always gets the short end of the deal. I had made a box for him, removing baby thru high school from the albums. I then put index cards to the back of photos that were a bit sticky on the back. I separated each different place we lived by a taller index card, that had our address, dates we lived there, and school he attended. Might be nice when he gets older.
    When I was down at my sisters I bought a plastic photo organizer
    I had sent one to our middle sister because my eldest sister didn't want to go drop off 5 photo albums we borrowed from middle sister last year. Sending them back by mail would have cost a pretty penny! So I removed ones I thought she would want to keep, albums that were my grandparents, my fathers, took copies of ones I wanted, and gave her back the originals. She had mentioned she wished another one, so I am sending her thus one. I figure when we pass, the boys will get together and go thru photos anyway.💖👍
    Before I learned about what minimalism was, I bought some of those collapsible canvas cubes. In various colors. They were at the dollar store, so not a big investment. I have my art supplies in some, and batteries & bulbs in others. I do like that when I think of anything I have, I know just right where it is. Why that makes me happy, is a puzzlement!😂

    My father has been scanning family photos and I have scanned a lot of my earlier ones too, years ago. So I don't have albums anymore. But I may have hard copies of some photos in one of the boxes in the office ... or maybe my parents have them.

    I'm so glad my father is scanning the older photos so I don't have to sort through them!

    One of the goals with my office clean up is to digitise as much as I can.

    That's my type of minimalism ... put everything on computer! 😀

    M in Oz

    We have two huge albums each like a ft thick. One is our Renaissance faire days, and the other is our SCA historical reenactment days. Both can't be scanned because husband wrote in them, and lots were glued with fun memorabilia. So there that. I have two pizza boxes (new), that were a box of 20 my husband got for his board games. One for mom, one for dad. Much of what I have from them are items that aren't really scannable. Plus there's a part of me that like the feel of the old photos, letters etc. But at least I only have a small container. Nice of your father to scan them.👍

    My father is scanning all his old family photos and my mother's old family photos and the photos they took from when they got together until photos became digital.

    He's doing that for them ... they play on a monitor as the desktop wallpaper.

    But it benefits me because digital copies drift my way from time to time.

    Mine are still up to me whenever I get around to it.

    But similar to what they do, I use the photos I've taken this month as this month's desktop wallpaper.

    I also want to scan documents so I can get rid of as much paper as possible.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,470 Member
    Heather - so pleased the wrist has recovered well. My husband likes the ancient grains packets, too, partly because they're easy. Hope the test results are good.

    Still not sleeping much, though I did get a couple hours. For the moment, at least, it doesn't seem to be having much of an effect on my days, so I'm not going to worry about it. Just finished all the paper sort, and have a large garbage bag full of paper going to the burn pit to use as fire starter for the brush piling up. I realized after I had shredded Corey's old paychecks that it made no sense to both shred them AND burn them. Even I'm not that safety-minded. In future, I'll be keeping them only long enough to make sure the bank acknowledges the deposits. Yes, his company still issues weekly paper checks.

    On the minimalism aspect:
    It's oddly helpful that this is my second life... My first being my child and young adulthood and then marriage to my first husband for 28 years--basically, through the age of 50. Only my siblings are still alive to remember those years, as my now-husband, in which I gained two children and three grandchildren weren't part of that first life. And only two of my nine siblings and I are in touch in any way.

    Makes it easier, when you think about it. Bluntly, my brother and sister couldn't care less about pictures and photographs and souvenirs of my military and Air Force years. The ones I have of our shared childhoods were sorted out when my mother died, so that we each took some of ourselves and each other.

    But - I have dragged a scrapbook around with me for more than 40 years that my mother created for me (and created one for each of us) that had my childhood things, fingerpainting from kindergarten, report cards, attendance awards, and so many other things like that. It takes a boot box to hold it, and I've had to replace the box three times from all the moving. I took three things from it that mattered to me, and pitched the rest. It wasn't a loss, it was a relief. No one cares whether I had perfect attendance in third grade, or A honor roll in high school. Not even me. And certainly not my children, who are, I think, pretty sure I was magicked into being 15 years ago when their dad and I met.

    One of the things the Swedish Death Cleaning movement advice basically says is ""Will someone be happier if I keep this?" It makes the decisions soooo much easier. I kept some of the greeting cards that my daughter's sent over the years, as well as my son. I know that my daughter will cry when she sees hers, and I plan to keep a note with them that says how much those cards meant. My son's abiding penchant for nostalgia tends to extend only to his own life, so I just don't know. But I'll keep a few cards for each, and let them decide how to feel. I've already told Kels I'm getting out of sending greeting cards anymore.

    Okay, now that I've pontificated on that for long enough, time to go find the spray cleaner and unplug and give the shredder a final cleaning. It's a good shredder, but no longer necessary. Donation box it is! One more thing done...

    Later y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    On Minimalism ...

    My husband and I have both downsized dramatically twice in the early 2000s.
    I got rid of about half my stuff in 2004, put the rest into storage, and then spent the next 3 months living out of panniers while cycling around Australia. Then I returned to Canada, lived in 2 rooms in my parent's basement and got my Bachelor of Education.

    In 2009, I got rid of about half my stuff. I got it all down to what would fit in a mid-sized bathroom and had that shipped to Australia.

    Meanwhile, my husband got rid of more than half his stuff in 2005 and travelled to Victoria to follow the Harvest Trail by bicycle.

    Then in 2009, he set up a very small house in preparation for my arrival ... and lost almost all of it in the 2009 Victorian bushfires.

    When I arrived in Australia, we lived in a small shack at the back of the property where he worked for a year, with practically nothing. Electricity came from a generator and later solar panels. Heat came from a fireplace. We cooked food in the fireplace or on a Coleman stove. Water came from the rain. We were 2 kilometres from "the grid". It was a very interesting first year together!

    After all that, we decided we wanted stuff. So we've filled a small 1140 sq ft house. :)

    I don't have any desire at all to get rid of stuff.

    However, I do want to organise the office ... eventually. That is a BIG job.

    (I've been hoping for a miserable weekend this winter where we have to stay inside and do inside stuff, but that hasn't happened yet. :) When it's nice out, I want to work in the garden, not inside.)

    A couple years ago, I managed to find time to organise the dressing room, bathroom and bedroom. I'm reasonably happy with them, although I could tweak a few things. It would probably take me a day or so.
    The lounge room isn't bad. Once the office is done, it will be better because some of the things out here actually belong in there, but there's no point putting them into the office now.
    And my husband surprised me yesterday by doing some fairly significant tidying in the kitchen, although it still needs ... something. I'm just not sure what it needs. I don't go in there much.

    And then there's downstairs, which is basically a garage we use as a basement ... as a workout room. It's less than half the size of the main floor. One day I'll have a look at what all is down there.

    As for Time Minimalism ...

    Sometimes I wish I didn't have deadlines and things I need to do, attend, follow-up with, etc..

    Sometimes I feel it's all too much.

    Sometimes I wish I could come home in an evening and do nothing. I enjoyed taking a few days and retreating to a cabin in the middle of nowhere last month where I slept, read, and coloured. I needed a break like that.

    But right now, Opportunity has dropped into my lap and since I've got at least 11 years of work left till my "official" retirement date ... and maybe longer, I want to make the most of Opportunity. Something has happened I began to believe would never happen ... and I'm enjoying it. I don't know how long it will last, but I'm planning to make the most of it while it's here. :)

    Meanwhile, I am making choices of what can stay and what can go. The chiropractic thing I mentioned a few posts up, for example, can go.

    Machka in Oz

    Having that first year off the grid, well I am awed by that. I would have been a wailing woman in the corner. I appreciate nature, but I need to be separate from it. When we would go Renaissance historical camping I put MANY layers in the tent. We had an inner flap of the canvas bell tent, and first layer was plastic holding down the flap. Then came a blanket that I sewed together a BUNCH of Gerber cloth diapers together. I had dyed them different colors but a great moisture wicking layer. Then came many blankets of various sizes, the finally the top layers, heavy Korean mink blankets (not real mink, like a heavy fleece blanket. No bugs in my tent! The inside of the tent was large enough to fit 4 sleeping bags. Nightly my husband would light incense in the tent, so no bugs would wanna venture in.
    I will state that you have an admirable work ethic. In everything you do, you plan what needs to be done, and do it.👍. I know those facts can weigh on you, but you have tools set in place to help you thru. You inspire me to be more.💖🤗👍

    Thank you. :)

    I don't mind most insects. I'm a little less fond of arachnids, but it would be hard to have a house in Australia without insects and arachnids ... even in winter. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Machka - I enjoyed your rundown about minimizing. I've noticed a lot of new storage buildings going up. I know monthly fees can be high, I always wonder what people are storing.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We've used a commercial storage twice ...

    In 2012, we packed up the little house we were renting then, and put it in storage for almost a year. For the first 8 months, we cycled and travelled in various places around the world. Then we lived with a friend for a bit before we were able to rent a place again.

    Then we got our stuff out of storage ... and put it all back into a slightly larger storage unit 5 months later.

    Then we moved to Tasmania and it was another year before we were able to get our stuff and move it to Tasmania.

    Some people decorate their houses seasonally. I used to watch a lot of ... I think it was HGTV ... when I was in Canada and there were people who furnished their houses in a neutral palette, and kept all sorts of coloured/seasonal stuff in a storage unit. They'd pull out the rust coloured cushions and brown rug and autumn leaves wreath for autumn. Then they'd put that away and out would come the red rug, red and green cushions etc. for Christmas. And so on. They practically had a housewares bed and bath store in their storage unit.

    So that's one possibly use for a storage unit.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Machka, my garden is really doing well this year. Will be picking my peas in probably another week and a half. DS and family are here next week so will be spending time with them for a few days. They are flying in from Ontario and have been a bit busy getting ready for their visit. Usually do a lot of baking but decided not to this year as I usually end up with a lot left over that I don't need to be eating and neither does DH. Will be making cinnamon buns with my granddaughter as that is something we started doing a few years ago. I think she was 6 when we first started....she is now 12 and loves baking and cooking. My DDIL is not a bread maker so I am quite pleased that I have been able to show my granddaughter how to make the sweet bread dough and form the buns. We usually freeze some and they take them along for the flight home. A nice memory of Alberta.

    Yum and yum!

    Peas and cinnamon buns. :)

    M in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
    Good Wednesday!
    I remember as a child enjoying looking through photo albums. I always found them interesting. Now as a senior, those albums take up space especially since we acquired pictures from DH's mom upon her death. I rarely pull them out now. Maybe digitizing is the way to go for most......a project for another day.

    Barbara I would love to travel more now but between work and DH it just hasn't been easily done. I know just how quickly things can change.

    Cleaned the front porch peak of mold last night. 30 second cleaner did wonders. No scrubbing, but really does take longer than 30 seconds-lol! Looks much better white than green and black. After that DH helped one of our friends move some rocks. Needless to say, not much else got done. Oh well. Did get returns sent back too.

    Paid balance on our vacation cabin! The mountain's call is getting stronger every day! Hoping to see my sister this year. We will see if that happens.

    Need to get a couple things done before work.

    Kylia in Ohio

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Wednesday!
    I remember as a child enjoying looking through photo albums. I always found them interesting. Now as a senior, those albums take up space especially since we acquired pictures from DH's mom upon her death. I rarely pull them out now. Maybe digitizing is the way to go for most......a project for another day.

    Kylia in Ohio

    Having them appear one after another on a computer does mean you get to see them. :)

    I was using pictures I acquired from wallpaper background sites, when I realised I could just use my own pictures or pictures of friends and family that get sent to me.

    Machka in Oz

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,085 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Today is Teddy's surgery. He is trying to get me to feed him breakfast but I can't. Poor little boo.

    I have all my furniture in storage since I moved in with my parents. This includes two looms and a treadmill. If I had known I would be here so long, I might have sold more of it. But at this point, I would have to go down to central Virginia, get a hotel room, and figure out how to sell it. Since I can't leave my parents, it's not gonna happen anytime soon.

    Annie in Delaware
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    edited August 2023
    Lisa Yeah!!!<img src="https://clipartix.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Confetti-clipart-free-clipart-images.png&quot; alt="Confetti clipart free clipart images"/>tc9dcns3n2lp.png

    Barbara Yes they are phlox the scent reminds me of honeysuckle. When I was little I would pick off a blossom and suck on the back of it. It had a sweet taste. The pink flowers are soapwort and their scent reminds me of lilacs. The hummingbirds really enjoy the phlox.

    The questions I am asking myself as I sort through forty years of stuff. Is this a project from a different time in my life? How do I spend my time now? I have tried to take up the guitar a couple times in my life and never stuck to it. Time to admit I have too many other interests, and it is time to sell it and create some space. Another question is am I holding too many pieces from another person's life? For example, I have many papers from my dad. These papers were important to him but have little relevance to what is important in my life. Time to go. The parts I want to keep about my dad is how hard he worked, that family was the most important thing to him, to continue to learn, and keep your core warm!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Rather than focus on what is not done I try to focus on how far I have come.

    For several years now, when I complete something on my To Do list, I move it to the Done section of the list. Then, when I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels and not getting anything done, I look over the Done section and see that I have accomplished quite a bit.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member