SEPTEMBER 2023 Monthly Running Challenge



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    September Goal: 130 Miles

    9/1: 3.30 miles
    9/2: 1.51 miles
    9/3: 11.12 miles
    9/4: 2.01 miles
    9/5: 7.02 miles
    9/6: 7.05 miles
    9/7: 6.26 miles
    9/8: 3.15 miles
    9/9: 2.12 miles
    9/10: 11.02 miles
    9/11: 1.26 miles
    9/12: 6.50 miles
    9/13: 7.02 miles
    9/14: 7.04 miles
    9/15: 3.52 miles
    9/16: 1.35 miles
    9/17: 14.03 miles

    95.28/130 miles completed for September
    I had a great run today. The weather was perfect, and I felt great the whole run. The only dogs I saw were on leashes except one and I could tell by the way he walked he was pretty old and not a threat. I also saw his owner sitting on his porch and he wVed. I think he went to school with my daughter.

    I saw this little old Cambodian man I sometimes see near the park. He lives across the street from one of the soccer fields. He looks like he is 100 years old and he walks around the block the soccer field is on with his walker. He stops when I pass and smiles really big and waves. I always say good morning, but he doesn't speak English. It always makes me happy to see him.

    The sun was shining but it was 66°F when I started out so it wasn't hot and it was really nice out. I felt like I could run forever. When I got home I had run 13.5 miles but I needed to use the restroom so I stopped. But then that half mile was really bugging me so I went back out and ran a half mile to bring my run to 14 miles. I guess I have a bit of runner's OCD. Or maybe I am just a little crazy. 🤪 🏃‍♀️

    So sorry about the cake and the pan @polskagirl01.

    Congratulations @laurz9191! I love the medal!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,024 Member
    @chris_in_cal I hope you feel like running tomorrow.

    @martaindale I need to look into them. All of mine are from Dona Jo.

    Great run @kgirlhart . I think we all have a little bit of "crazy" in us. :lol:

    Great run @tarun_yadavA ! I thought you had already celebrated your birthday. I hope you enjoyed celebrating with your friend.

    @Mari33a I hope your toe gets to feeling better soon. It is best to listen to your body when it is trying to tell you something.

    Welcome @jonperelstein ! I do a combination of fast walking and running. Feel free to jump into the conversation, ask questions, fill us in on your journey so far, etc. We love to hear those things. This group is great!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,095 Member
    @jonperelstein Welcome!!

    @Scott6255 Breaking your phone while dealing with GI issues is adding insult to injury. Hope both are remedied soon.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,276 Member
    I caught my kids' yucky cold.

    I'm on day 7. I don' know how you parents deal with snot-nosed darling little germ monsters running around.

    Get well soon.

    There was an interesting piece in the Washington Post yesterday about fatigue-based illnesses "She wrote to a scientist about her fatigue. It inspired a breakthrough." Take a look around, or send me a message and I'll dig up the link