
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited October 2023
    2023 Optimistic October


    1. Write down three things you can look forward to this month.

    Daylight Savings Time!! - which occurred early in the morning of October 1.
    Spring's developments

    2. Find something to be optimistic about (even if it’s a difficult time)

    There's lots to be optimistic about!
    Daylight in evenings so we can start exercising outdoors after work. :)
    Work going well. Finished that instruction manual and got myself in a good position to make improvements to the project I'm working on. :)
    Reading books. Colouring. Doing sudokus.
    Getting stuff done on my home computer.
    The garden!
    My family.

    3. Take a small step to a goal that really matters to you.

    Taking steps toward the "organise the house" project.

    4. Start the day with the most important thing on your to-do-list.

    I've actually done quite a few things already today. :)

    9. Be a realistic optimist. See life as it is but focus on what’s good.
    10. Remind yourself that things can change for the better.
    11. Look for the good in people around you today.
    12. Make some progress on a project or task you’ve been avoiding.
    13. Share an important goal with someone you trust.
    14. Take time to reflect on what you have accomplished recently.
    15. Avoid blaming yourself or others. Find a helpful way forward.
    16. Look out for positive news and reasons to be cheerful today.
    17. Ask for help to overcome an obstacle you are facing.
    18. Do something constructive to improve a difficult situation
    19. Thank yourself for achieving the things you often take for granted.
    20. Put down your to-list and do something fun or uplifting.
    21. Take a small step toward a positive change you want to see in society.
    22. Set hopeful, but realistic goals for the days ahead.
    23. Identify one of your positive qualities that will be helpful in the future.
    24. Find joy in tackling a task you’ve put off for some time.
    25. Let go of the expectations of others and focus on what matters to you.
    26. Share a hopeful quote, picture, or video with a friend or colleague
    27. Recognize that you have a choice of what to prioritize.
    28. Write down three specific things that have gone well recently.
    29. You can’t do everything! What are three priorities right now?
    30. Find a new prospective on a problem you face.
    31. Be kind to yourself today. Remember progress takes time.
    32. Ask yourself ‘will this still matter a year from now?’
    33. Plan a fun or exciting activity to look forward to.
    34. Identify three things that give you hope for the future.
    35. Set a goal that brings a sense of purpose for the coming month.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    A dog question ...

    Once again, we're in a situation where our neighbours have a barking dog.

    In the evenings, when we are in our patio area, the dog barks loudly and long. It can see us in our patio area, and it seems that as long as it can see us, it barks.

    I've tried talking to the dog, but it just keeps barking. I've tried yelling at the dog, but it just keeps barking.

    The people get home from work, and let it out on their back deck ... and don't seem at all bothered by the barking.

    At some point, we may have to talk to them and/or report it, but meanwhile, I'm wondering ...

    If we were to put something solid up between it and us, so it can't see us in our patio area, might it stop barking?

    Or would it still hear and smell us ... and bark??

    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Forgot to say earlier, very well done, Rita!

    Awake very early after a vivid, not very nice dream. Feeling very stiff. My mat work has been intermittent for the last few days, with too much wedding, and travel admin to get done. I did it on Monday, but not yesterday or Sunday. Feeling it.

    Rori - Glad life is still offering new opportunities. That's the secret, I think. <3

    Might try to get back to sleep now. Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    It has been a long day and I really should be in bed(10PM here)- insomnia bad last night. I got a whole
    4 1/2 hrs of sleep total last night.

    Spent most of the day shopping for mother in law. We did stop for taco Tuesday.
    Walked her dog before we went shopping- only 30 min but up and down some pretty steep hills so more of a workout than the hour at the wetlands.

    I will catch up on the posts tomorrow.

    Napa Valley, CA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited October 2023
    A couple of amusing Bea things..... :p

    On the way home from school, she went into a long explanation to DH about how she feels she is related to him, even though she isn't. How much she loves him, and how she doesn't feel the same about my ex's wife, because when they go to see them, 'she's always working'. But how much she feels close to him.
    Aaahhh! <3

    While my son was driving us home, after dropping Edie off at football, he was describing why Bea has given up football. Apparently, the last time she went, she spent all her time chatting, picking flowers and showing them to the others, and putting her hand through her shorts to be a three legged person. They kept explaining that they were meant to be playing football! The parents kindly suggested that she might not be that keen, and she decided to give it up. :p They have so many other activities.
    That girl is truly a law unto herself.

    In what used to be the playroom and is now 'the cozy room', they have now the most enormous sofa I have ever seen and a loveseat. You could sleep all of them on the sofa! My picture is in there and a perfect match for the decor, plaster pink and turquoise/jade.
    I just wish they could keep the kitchen tidy. To have spent all that money and it just to be messy, seems such a waste. I'm not sure the floor is the right colour, it's a bit cold looking. The hall and stairs are now painted, and Edie's bedroom has been tidied . Now Bea is in her own room it's easier. DDIL can't wait to get a cleaner in, but it's not worth it yet.

    Luch today at the fish restaurant. My friend B is bringing her friend she is staying with, and DH is coming as well. I will take the bus and he will walk. I want to look in M&S for trousers, as I still have my £25 token from Saga.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good morning!
    Finished up hot tub and planted my bum in it this morning. It always feels great, so can't understand why I just can't seem to get in....

    Have to rein in this eating thing. My breakfast was high fiber and protein, so let's see if that will keep me full longer. If I don't move though I only have 500 calories left for day. No winder scale going stupid. I have this!
    NSV- 10k steps yesterday!

    Much love and have a great day!

    Kylia in Ohio taking out TBird to work before putting away for winter
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    pg 7 <3
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hey, Kim. How's your pup?

    Willamette Valley OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited October 2023
    Ooooofffff! Knackered.
    Lovely lunch in a foursome. Pleasant chat.
    Before that I had managed to spend my gift voucher on a pair of black trousers. :)
    After lunch I went off to buy tiny pots for decanting stuff for the plane. We are only taking cabin bags. Also a tiny toothpaste.
    Then I looked for a dish drainer. No luck. Then I went to buy organic eggs, and couldn't resist a glossy magazine, and some vanilla slices for DH. <3
    I'm going to have two boiled eggs and soldiers for dinner. DH scrambled. Huge fish and chips for lunch. :o
    I had a long conversation after the eggs, because I had to sit down, everything was hurting so much. A lady chatted to me. Another long conversation on the bus as I sat in the priority seats, next to a handsome young man. Turns out he has every auto immune thing going and is on heavy painkillers. We swopped our tales of woe.

    So a long, but interesting day.

    Heather UK xxxxxx