

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,914 Member
    I have a question for you ladies but will put it in a spoiler: TMI
    I have a rash under my boob. Do any of you get this? And what are your recommendations to treat it? Burns and itches a lot!

    Thanks ahead of time for any help you all can give me!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    I got a little behind reading the pages. I hope everyone is well.

    Tina: Your get away sounds wonderful!

    Tracey: I love the fire station stocking.

    Lanette: Great you got the deck pressure washed! I enjoy staining my deck!

    Rebecca: Enjoy the nice heating blanket for the bed! My sleep cycle isn't great either. It is 1:44 while I am reading this blog.

    Debi/Flowerhouse: Welcome

    Lisa: I hope the basil seeds work out and congrats on purchasing the shelving!

    Joy: Good luck with the flooring reno project

    Heather: Happy Birthday!

    Betsy: Great that you heard from your stepson.

    Lehr64: Welcome

    I am still helping at the cat rescue and this does tire me. On Tuesdays and Wed I am very tired in the afternoon. Surprisingly so. I hope the cooler weather will help with this.

    My son and DIL are coming this week end so I am starting to prepare for this.

    Today, I sat for an hour outside and listened to an audio book. I watered my Mums in front of my scarecrows, but alas I forgot to spray them with deer repellent and the blossoms have all been chewed.

    Tomorrow I am going to hear an author speak about his new architecture book.

    Well it is now 2 am. I better try and get some sleep!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    I have noticed that when husband and I have our sides on (just a 1) it is fine, but if I only have mine on it seems warmer? I don't know, maybe I am just dreaming. It hasn't been that cold during the night, but its nice to not have the weight of our other blanket. Plus we aren't tearing up the bed, or taking each others covers like we used to.👍🏼
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,006 Member
    Night 3 of insomnia and I am DRAGGING- Supposed to be 93 today so not sure I want to be walking in that while I wait for Ezie to get out of school.
    Need to go out and water the garden and also get more laundry started. Load of pee pads to wash from that one darn cat.
    Need to go out and see if I see the newest kitten that showed up. DH is all worried about it because it wasn't out when he put the food out this morning. He wants to catch it and bring it inside before something happens to it- it is all by itself- it is about 3-4months old so not really little. Did pet it for the first time yesterday while it was so focused on the tuna juice that it didn't even realize I was touching it.

    Think I better go make some coffee- even the energy tea isn't doing anything.

    Maybe tonight I will get to sleep before 2AM, hopefully.

    Napa Valley, CA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,868 Member
    Rita - I use Micro-Guard powder.

    Vicki - I think you will love water therapy. You lose approximately 70% of your weight to bouyancy when you are in chest deep water and it makes it so much easier to move. I was in the pool 2 days postop on both my knee replacements and rehab was great. Also be prepared to pee a lot afterwards. Moving through the water will help to move fluids out of your tissues and the graduated pressure of the water from bottom to top will do the same so it should really help with the swelling in your feet and legs. The worst part of water therapy is getting dressed after. I found standing in front of a hair or hand dryer helps so you are not so sticky. Have fun!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,474 Member
    Sue - Many, many hugs on the sarcoidosis. I hope you can find something that gives you the relief you need. I want so much to have advice, but have none. :( Take care of yourself, my dear. I think of you often, and whooshing all the good thoughts in the world your way.

    Barbara AHMOD - I keep forgetting to say it, but I miss JanetR too. Those ornaments she made were just beautiful, they still stay in my mind's eye.

    Much as I've dreaded it all day, I'm off to pottery. I'm just a big, dreader, I tell ya! :smiley: I know I'll enjoy it once I get there.

    Lisa in AR
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    My husband has FOMO, I have JOMO!

    We are the opposite. I get FOMO. Dave has JOMO.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 5min 53sec, 123elev, 2.98ap, 84ahr, 97mhr, 6.25mi= 540c
    Strava app = 766c
    Walk home to gym- 11.35min, .52mi= 53c
    Strava app = 65c
    *SLOW* treadmill jog- 35.30min, 11.36min mi, 130ahr, 169mhr, 5.0sp for 1st 1-1/2mi, 5.2sp for .85mi, 6.2sp for last .75mi, 5k= 343c
    Walk gym to home- 12.44min, .56mi= 68c
    Strava app = 69c

    Legs a bit tender so took it slow on the jog

    Washed, trimmed and brushed cheerio, took 40 minutes, not bad
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,279 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just popping in. Deck staining has commenced. I got all the uprights, deck rails, trim, banisters done. All brush work. It's in the mi-70's here, stiff breeze, beautiful day for drying stain. I hope, lol.

    Taking a break, ate a bite. Next job is to get the stiff push-broom and clean off the little bits of dirt and sawdust-like debris as the result of the power washing. Then tomorrow, hopefully, I'll get the flat part of the deck and stairs done. It will have 2 days to dry before the rain returns on Monday.

    Whew. OK back at it.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude:doTERRA OnGuard throat drops, Thrivent 10 yr annuity.
    Kate glad to see your smiling face!
    Rita good start on healthy boundaries. Yay you!
    Welcome @genesis0414 Julie in Nebraska!
    Lisa that chicken house made me think of Rita as well as Lanette ;}
    Michele “one CaraCara orange has more sugar in it than 2 pieces of fudge” Wow. :noway:
    Ginny :love: the expressions on your cats’ faces. “meow to wake the dead” :laugh:
    Joy, Tracey and Beth I am in awe of your home improvement projects. Neither Joe nor I have the energy or patience. :devil:
    Heather Bravissima for the “belt and braces.” ;)
    Time to snooze before chair yoga, stroll/chat with D and modest anniversary gift exchange. 36 years married, 39 together. Doesn’t seem possible, but then neither can I imagine life without him. :heart:
    10/2: Move: 1 set PT w/d, line dance class. Steps:6851
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=17 CI<CO net=176 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, ptT, ptS, Post Office, vet for rx, Grocery Outlet, Freddie’s, WCO. Wt:132.5

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    October: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    Happy Anniversary!

    My first marriage occurred in 1987, but only lasted 12 years ... so you're doing really well!

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka wrote “There's even a trend encouraging women to let their hair go natural and show their greys. I've thought about it, but I'm just not ready. Some ladies I know have done it and they look all right. One in particular looks really good, but her natural grey is quite silvery and she's pretty much completely silver grey so it's quite striking.

    Machka in Oz”

    I turned grey/white very early, around 30 years old I had about 25% white so started coloring my here then. At 45% I had a haircut and the hair dresser said I was about 75% white/grey. At 50 Years old, I figured I was old enough to be a grandmother (always told my kids they couldn’t make me a grandmother (‘memere’) until I was 50), so at that birthday, I had my hair colored to blond to begin letting the grey go in. They burnt my hair so got it cut short (used to be shoulder length). Since then have gone ‘au naturale’! With my white hair and natural waves, every hairdresser takes all the time in the world complimenting my hair and playing with it! LOL. I enjoy the pampering. 😊 Which leads me to today’s project, i think I will go get my haircut today.

    RVRita in cooler but humid Roswell, NM

    Just guessing from what I can see if I wait a while to touch up my roots ... I am probably about 30% grey. But my natural hair colour is a dark ash brown ... mousy. So with the grey now it looks like light and dark grey.

    I prefer my adopted hair colour of reddish brown. :smile:

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    Heather - I’m glad you were able to get it all booked and sorted. It is a bit nerve wracking when you’re doing online stuff.
    What a great painting from Edie. She has talent.

    I have always done all of the planning and such in our marriage. When we were first married it was more of a partnership. Over the years of him driving truck I had to take it over and ever since it’s been me. We discuss things but I “push the buttons”, probably in more ways than one. 😂
    I am thinking of getting a flu and Covid jab, but waiting a bit. I’m not really going anywhere or doing anything and want it to be effective when my practicum starts in May. I figure by that time my immune system will need a boost before going to work with children.

    Barbara - happy anniversary, we were married in 87 as well.
    We don’t have a choice but to do the home projects, there are a few more things to go before we are done. We just need the money and time to do it.
    Happy to read your nephew came through the surgery successfully and that Joe got his new vehicle.

    Betsy - I hope your son keeps it touch.

    Lisa - I can’t wait to see the finished projects you are working on.
    I am working on a stocking right now and came up with an idea for Rodger’s Mom for Christmas. I may work on that today.
    Sorry to John and Kelsey.

    Rebecca - I’m so glad your youngest is keeping in contact again. What a relief for you.

    Rita - Those snobby people are the worst to deal with.
    I hope your bloodwork got figured out and congrats on the 51 days!

    Carol - I enjoyed the witticisms.

    Machka - That grey hair trend is here too, I’m not ready for it either. I just feel old when mine is past due for a colour.
    I think I would go talk to the neighbours, do you have bylaws regarding dogs barking for extended times?

    Kylia - it’s a shame you have to do work at home to stay caught up. I think I would enjoy a hot tub. We would need to upgrade our electrical or use a propane one.

    Rori - Your decoration is beautiful. I struggle with those types of designs.
    Have fun with your friend and your job.

    Heather - my friend and I were talking last night about this generation of mothers and fathers. They seem to be much more involved with the children and the housework comes second. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. As we all know those years go so much faster than we think when we’re in the thick of it.

    Ginny - I hope you have a calmer day today and are able to regroup.

    Kim - Levi is such a huge part of your life of course you’re going to help him. I bet you’ll figure out the perfect plan for you come Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Rebecca - I hope the pills help you. I know someone that has been on a low dosage for 40 years. She is high functioning and intelligent. She said over the years she tried to wean off of them and her brain chemistry would go wonky again. She told me when I was worrying about taking them for a long time, “you would take BP meds to keep you healthy, your mental health is as important”. “Don’t feel guilty or rush to get off them”.

    Lanette - I haven’t heard of the blessing boxes, but what a wonderful idea. You are wonderful for doing this, some people will be grateful to have this I’m sure.
    You are handling being on your own with grace. I hope if I’m ever in your shoes I do as well.

    Tina - - breathtaking photos. I have been to Banff a few times, I prefer Jasper. The next time you come you should do the Icefields Parkway Route. We took our time travelling through there a few years ago and I’ve always wanted to do it again.

    Pip - I have been on this thread since April of 2018, is this the second pair of monkey shoes you’ve worn out in that time? I seem to remember you getting this pair, or I’m dreaming.

    Michele - I can’t imagine losing my mother at 9 years of age. Hugs to you.

    Allie - I agree with Lisa, keep moving. I was in pain for much longer than I had to be due to poor directions to rest my hips. It actually made everything worse. I try to move every 20 minutes at minimum for a period of at least 5 minutes. I don’t always succeed but I notice if I don’t.
    I hope Carmine settles back into her old school easily. At least she is going to school.

    Sue - I hope you find some relief soon.

    I have been debating getting a small freezer, the thing that is stopping me is where to actually put one. Every room in our place is full. There is nothing I can think to get rid of and if I try to squeeze more in it will be crowded and that will set my mind on fire I’m sure. I’ve been noodling on it for a while now. I’ll reach a decision at some point.

    Well I’m caught up from yesterday and so far today. My daughter and her friend came to craft. Her other friend with the 18 month old was sick and couldn’t come. I told her she is welcome anytime.
    Kaitlyn was one of the photographers at my friends wedding she worked on going through the pictures and choosing the best ones, she edited a few but not all of them.
    She made herself a coffee mug and her friend made two.
    They have other projects in mind so we’ll be doing this again soon.

    Today I think I am going to work on a Christmas present for Rodger’s Mom. Since Kaitlyn and Brodey are heading to NB they will take the gifts which saves us a lot of money.

    My Mom’s nursing home has one case of Covid I’m hoping it stays that way and it doesn’t go on lockdown since Kaitlyn and Brodey would like to see her.

    Finished the design part of one stocking.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    First marriage in 1987 too.

    Second marriage in 2008, in Jasper, on the dock at Lake Annette. ❤️

    So Jasper holds a very special place in our hearts.

    I've been the planner and booker in our marriage too ... before my husband's accident but especially after.

    I've been on a fairly high dose of antidepressants for 5 years (since husband's accident). I could see maybe going to a low dose one day but I don't see going off them.

    And Rebecca, have a talk with your doctor about them. It's not good to go on and off medication like that on a whim. There's a recommended structure to follow. Not following that structure can mess with your head.

    Barbie, I find that a combination of natural methods and medication keeps me going.
    Getting sunlight.
    Moving outdoors.
    Moving in general.
    Eating reasonably healthy foods.
    Getting sleep.
    Doing activities I enjoy.
    Taking steps to have some control over my environment
    And so on.

    Plus medication.

    Allie, it's great that you aren't in bed all the time. But as the others have said, be sure to get up and move regularly. Walk around your unit. Take your dog for a walk.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I have a question for you ladies but will put it in a spoiler: TMI
    I have a rash under my boob. Do any of you get this? And what are your recommendations to treat it? Burns and itches a lot!

    Thanks ahead of time for any help you all can give me!


    Start with an antifungal cream of some sort to help heal.
    Wipe with alcohol once a day.
    When it eases, use antiperspirant under there and continue to wipe with alcohol.

    Or have a chat with doctor.

    M in Oz
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Lanette and Rita, can I join the flying saucer party? Sounds like fun.

    Betsy in NW WA