
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Rebecca – isn't it amazing some of the things we did/had done to us as a child and we’re still living to talk about it. In a way, it’s a shame that kids today are in such a bubble.

    Heather – thanks so much for that link. How many times I think of Penny! Hope she’s doing well

    Lanette – I echo what you said about katla. Somehow we survived drinking water out of the hose, no car seats, going outside by ourselves, etc.

    Lisa – I wonder what would happen if a scammer called to verify your account number and you told him the number he had wasn’t your account number, but you gave him a bogus number? Boy, would he be in for a surprise!

    Right before we moved my wallet was stolen. So I had my credit frozen. Well, when we went to buy this house, I had to provide my SS number. Our realtor (who had been a realtor for quite some time) said she’d never heard of this. I know it was because my accounts were frozen and they wanted to verify that it was me who was making this large investment.

    Off to put more blocks in around the pool. I’m going to wear gloves just in case. My hand is still itching. I’ve been taking a blow dryer to work with me for the last few days and have been using it. I know this is going to go away. Our bodies are amazing at healing themselves. I also know that if I go to a doctor, all he’ll say is “yup, you’re having a reaction to a bug bite” I can’t help remembering one time a while ago I had this rash around my waist. It was summertime and I kept telling the MD that it was a heat rash from exercising. She insisted it was a food allergy. So she put me on prednisone. The next day we went on vacation further north where it was cooler. The rash went away. I stopped the prednisone, only I didn’t know that you had to wean yourself off it. But, fortunately, I hadn’t taken much. I tell you, I firmly believe that we know our bodies better than the MD.

    Deb – hot shower or blowdryer...same thing. A friend of ours runs his hand under hot water. Does the same thing, breaks up the histamines.

    Just got back from walking to the dollar store. Needed an anniversary card for Denise and paper plates for tomorrow. Found two more dishtowels that I’ll put the topper on

    Tracey – did your MIL and Mom live in the same town as you?

    Finished all the blocks we could do. Tomorrow a.m. we'll probably buy the last 20. Vince says we need 18, but I say get an extra two and you can always return one. It would be terrible to get to the end and need just one more.

    Jess may be down this weekend. I'd like for her (and Colby if he comes here) to help bring in the ceramics. Maybe it'll only be a one day thing rather than a 2 day affair.

    Vince is going shooting with the Newcomers and I’ll probably go to ceramics tonight.

    The plan is to do some HIIT tomorrow. Have my BDT tomorrow late morning.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Tracey--I agree there is good in the world. The man with the pizza was an example.
    Lanette--Thanks for sharing the chicken facts. I learned something. Your deck looks very nice.
    Barbie--When I read that about Jake telling his friends and love one lock your doors and be safe reminds me I say that to my kids all the time. It is my way of saying love you .
    KJ--Prayers and hugs.
    Michele--Maybe they want at their house as he would be more comfortable around his stuff with mom and dad gone. Just a thought. Like our house is not child proof so I would like it better as then I can relax and enjoy my time with the baby.
    Up to page 21, had meeting all afternoon.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Regarding getting calls from scammers ...

    I don't answer my phone.

    Occasionally, I will answer it if I know exactly who it is (like my husband), but 9.5 times out of 10, I'll let it go to voice mail even if I suspect I know who it might be.

    If it is something important, they'll leave a message.

    When it comes to calls from a bank ... a bank would never call you and then ask you to provide personal information.

    Fraud prevention: Eight things your bank would never ask you

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Machka - that honey is gorgeous. <3 How long will it take you and your DH to consume it?

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We've got 6 jars so far - 3 of the light, 3 of the dark, with more dark on the way.

    We're most of the way through one of the light ones.

    So the 6 jars might last 6 months or so. :)

    Jars about that size of raw honey here go for at least $12 ... so at least $72 worth of honey so far. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Well back from the sleep dr
    Don't have to go back for a year.
    I was joking around with the PA that im tired with going to Ists... Cardiologist, Rheumatologist ,Nephrologist, Endocrinologist
    You name it ,I have em all
    Had her in stitches
    Well i got ahold of everyone except the IRS.. and after that needed a nap.. now I have to wait for all the cards to come back in.
    Stopped to see Tracy and Miles ,poor Miles has a nasty cold but I sat and read him a few books and to keep him out of Tracys hair for a few.
    Now have to go and see what I can change for passwords
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Rebecca-mercurachrome and rubbing alcohol seemed to cure everything when I was young!

    Last night not an overly good sleep night. Of course, I knocked out early so probably did get 55-6 solid hours-just work up early and dozed off and on.

    Drive to Columbus for meeting today. Don't know if I will then go to physical office over there for a 2:30 or will be able to make it back home for virtual. Hoping for virtual because will avoid end of day traffic.

    Wonder how Penny is? And Karen?

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Lisa - wow, that Watchman looks neat! And what a good option. Like that it's a minimally invasive procedure to get it placed. Amazing what they can do these days. Crossing fingers it all gets set up fine for you to get it and it helps you. :)

    Machka - that honey is gorgeous. <3 How long will it take you and your DH to consume it?

    Barbara - thank you for checking on Katla. I wonder if they were able to sell their Oregon home, as I recall, they had someone lined up and it fell through. But that was a while ago. And last I heard, her husband was good enough that they were able to walk together. So grateful the kids got them moved where their daughter can keep a better eye on them. ;)

    Rebecca - I love hearing the updates on your Navy guys. As kids, it's amazing we survived mertholiate, then iodine painted on our skinned knees. Vicks rubbed on our chests to help with coughs and colds (I still do that!) We survived the flu and upset stomachs with a bottle of 7-up. We didn't drink pop at our house, it was used as medicine. :p

    Allie - well shoot. It's so hard to avoid these scammers, they seem so real. Glad you were able to get through to the credit card company, hope all your notification calls today go smoothly.

    Related to scammers - an acquaintance in CA is the executor of his girlfriend's estate after she passed from cancer several months ago. He said folks claiming to be creditors are coming out of the woodwork saying she owed them $$ and of course they don't have any paperwork or legitimate proof supporting their claims. But he still has to deal with it. :( Sign of the times I guess - the crooks are getting desperate.

    I had a good visit with Dr. Matt yesterday. He confirmed my idea about antibiotics and even emotions/stress playing a part in environmental allergies and food intolerances. And how cutting down or eliminating sugar & processed foods can help. It's one of the reasons I'm doing better these days. Keep eating that yogurt, ladies. Fresh sauerkraut too if you can stand it, lol. Heather's stinky cheese. :D The more critters in our gut, the better.

    Also, I should be getting around 80 grams of protein per day. But not to worry if I don't hit the mark all the time since our bodies have the amazing ability to pull in additional amino acids from all the foods we eat and make protein that doesn't register on the MFP diary.

    Looks like rain and a stiff breeze arriving here today. I'll have a LOT of leaves to rake up next time the sun shines, but I don't mind. It's that physical activity my body craves. I just need to remember not to overdo it and break the tasks down into smaller chunks. :)

    Have a great day.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We also used 7up as medicine! And it had to be flat soda! Even now, 7Up kind of gives me a stomachache!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Rebecca – isn't it amazing some of the things we did/had done to us as a child and we’re still living to talk about it. In a way, it’s a shame that kids today are in such a bubble.

    Heather – thanks so much for that link. How many times I think of Penny! Hope she’s doing well

    Lanette – I echo what you said about katla. Somehow we survived drinking water out of the hose, no car seats, going outside by ourselves, etc.

    Lisa – I wonder what would happen if a scammer called to verify your account number and you told him the number he had wasn’t your account number, but you gave him a bogus number? Boy, would he be in for a surprise!

    Right before we moved my wallet was stolen. So I had my credit frozen. Well, when we went to buy this house, I had to provide my SS number. Our realtor (who had been a realtor for quite some time) said she’d never heard of this. I know it was because my accounts were frozen and they wanted to verify that it was me who was making this large investment.

    Off to put more blocks in around the pool. I’m going to wear gloves just in case. My hand is still itching. I’ve been taking a blow dryer to work with me for the last few days and have been using it. I know this is going to go away. Our bodies are amazing at healing themselves. I also know that if I go to a doctor, all he’ll say is “yup, you’re having a reaction to a bug bite” I can’t help remembering one time a while ago I had this rash around my waist. It was summertime and I kept telling the MD that it was a heat rash from exercising. She insisted it was a food allergy. So she put me on prednisone. The next day we went on vacation further north where it was cooler. The rash went away. I stopped the prednisone, only I didn’t know that you had to wean yourself off it. But, fortunately, I hadn’t taken much. I tell you, I firmly believe that we know our bodies better than the MD.

    Deb – hot shower or blowdryer...same thing. A friend of ours runs his hand under hot water. Does the same thing, breaks up the histamines.

    Just got back from walking to the dollar store. Needed an anniversary card for Denise and paper plates for tomorrow. Found two more dishtowels that I’ll put the topper on

    Tracey – did your MIL and Mom live in the same town as you?

    Finished all the blocks we could do. Tomorrow a.m. we'll probably buy the last 20. Vince says we need 18, but I say get an extra two and you can always return one. It would be terrible to get to the end and need just one more.

    Jess may be down this weekend. I'd like for her (and Colby if he comes here) to help bring in the ceramics. Maybe it'll only be a one day thing rather than a 2 day affair.

    Vince is going shooting with the Newcomers and I’ll probably go to ceramics tonight.

    The plan is to do some HIIT tomorrow. Have my BDT tomorrow late morning.

    Michele NC

    I remember falling asleep in my parents laps in the front seat of our huge wagon with the artificial wood grain paneling. As we were going up our long gravel road, my dad had to brake quickly and my sleeping body slammed into one of the controls. I have a scar above my lip to prove it! But yeah we lived in a different time.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    My sailor in Guam is breaking for typhoon #2. His important things are on his tiled living room floor, and his garage is packed! His storm shutters are closed! Photo of some damage during last typhoon in May. 😥💖👍🏼🙏💪

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    OK ladies... I just saw this and couldn't resist!
    Michele - I laughed at your comment to Lisa about giving the scammers a fake number. I was thinking of that yesterday - I'd give them as much fake info as I could then tell them my phone number had changed and give them the one to the local sheriff's office. :D

    I'm like Machka - don't answer the phone or even turn on the answering machine or ringerunless I'm expecting a call. I do check it every day - 99.99% of all calls that come in are from numbers I've never heard of or "unknown caller", and I get 3 or 4 per day. :#

    People that have to get ahold of me have my cell number and usually text since I rarely answer that one either unless I'm expecting a call as well.

    Lanette B)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    That's so funny Lanette!😂😂😂😂
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Had a dental appointment this morning. Just a cleaning and checkup with no issues so happy about that. Did chicken drumsticks in the air fryer for supper today and they were so good. I don’t use my air fryer very often but think I’m going to start. Storing it in my kitchen pantry now so will be easy to get at.

    Allie so sorry to read about the scammer. So easy to fall for this stuff and very time consuming to get everything resolved. I don’t answer the phone unless I know the person calling. Have an answering machine and if someone leaves a message I’ll decide if I call back. We get a lot of nonsense phone calls.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    World mental health day:


    M in Oz