

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    2023 Optimistic October

    Word of the Year: appreciate—Today I appreciate the privilege of living at the State Park.
    Meditation: daily. 24/31 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%,100%)

    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 20/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) /8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min /20

    Foods to avoid:
    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%,100%). 69 days SOBER!
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 7819, 7203, 7906,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%—6458,92%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 (800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 216/208—(733%) should be 189 by November 1) My mom called me for a change.
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)74/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4, 172.2 (600%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 19/23 (681%,100,100)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 44/12
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 10/12—(1000%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (1000%) I put the money in, but end up taking it out.
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,0,0,0
    500%) This has stopped. Spending too much.

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met——99%
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    Write down three things you can look forward to this month. 1. Another month of sobriety 2. Cooler weather 3. Decorating for Halloween
    2. Find something to be optimistic about (even if it’s a difficult time). I am optimistic about cooler weather.
    3. Take a small step to a goal that really matters to you. I need to call my uncle.
    4. Start the day with the most important thing on your to-do-list. Updating this list and My Fitness Pal.
    5. Be a realistic optimist. See life as it is but focus on what’s good. I usually hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I think this counts!
    6. Remind yourself that things can change for the better. No matter how bad you think it is, it can always get worse. So enjoy life no matter where you are, or what you are doing, or your circumstances.
    7. Look for the good in people around you today. I can do this if I try. This was not difficult to do with visitors. Employees were a different matter!
    8. Make some progress on a project or task you’ve been avoiding. I need to clean the cabinets out. I am planning to start today. Didn’t happen.
    9. Share an important goal with someone you trust. did not do this.
    10. Take time to reflect on what you have accomplished recently. I have accomplished coloring pages, making doctor appointments, calming my nerves by taking some actions I never tried before, and more.
    11. Avoid blaming yourself or others. Find a helpful way forward. This is hard for me.
    12. Look out for positive news and reasons to be cheerful today. With everything going on around me and in me this will be hard, but I will pay attention to good news.
    13. Ask for help to overcome an obstacle you are facing. The obstacles I have cannot be solved by me, but by family members.
    14. Do something constructive to improve a difficult situation. I will have to think on this. I posted pictures of the eclipse that happened here on the Friends Group FB page, and sent some pics to my son and grandson.
    15. Thank yourself for achieving the things you often take for granted. I got up in a thankful mood today so I should be able to do this. The eclipse yesterday couldn’t have gone better.
    16. Put down your to-list and do something fun or uplifting. I will color, walk, and meditate-all things that are fun and uplifting to me.
    17. Take a small step toward a positive change you want to see in society. Teaching adults computer use provides a positive change in my community.
    18. Set hopeful, but realistic goals for the days ahead. My biggest hope for the near future is a holiday without depression and ‘drama’ caused by my family.
    19. Identify one of your positive qualities that will be helpful in the future. I think my tenacity will always be helpful to me and others.
    20. Find joy in tackling a task you’ve put off for some time. This will have to wait as I am not feeling too good today. Fall cold.
    21. Let go of the expectations of others and focus on what matters to you. I have been working on this, so this will be in progress for a while. Because I did this, my mother finally called me to see what was up after 3 weeks of missed calls from me.
    22. Share a hopeful quote, picture, or video with a friend or colleague. Will do here.
    23. Recognize that you have a choice of what to prioritize. I will put myself first for care so I can take care of others and my normal tasks.
    24. Write down three specific things that have gone well recently. Some of my close family contacted me instead of the other way around, 2. Getting appointments with a cardiologist, and a nephrologist. 3. I am over 2 months sober!
    25. You can’t do everything! What are three priorities right now?
    26. Find a new prospective on a problem you face.
    27. Be kind to yourself today. Remember progress takes time.
    28. Ask yourself ‘will this still matter a year from now?’
    29. Plan a fun or exciting activity to look forward to.
    30. Identify three things that give you hope for the future.
    31. Set a goal that brings a sense of purpose for the coming month.

    RVRita , Roswell, NM

    “There is no need for me to accept blame for another person’s irrational actions. I will deal with my own shortcomings.” ALANON’s One Day at a Time.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    edited October 2023
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    I know I'm behind, but am trying to catch up again. So, if I answer or comment on something old, that's why.

    Lanette-We've had a "smart" meter for many years. We don't notice a difference in our bill or anything from that. Our bill is crazy high because they keep raising the rates.

    Also, what a great idea with the non-slip mats.

    Machka-I had to giggle a little when you suggested to Margaret that she take public transport. Other than a few bigger cities in this country, public transport is generally terrible and not available at all in rural areas. We live in a big city and it is terrible here. What takes us 15 minutes to drive, takes 45-60 on the bus. Our trolley is only good for specific places and our train only works for commuters. It stops running around 8pm. Any of these options requires a longish (a mile) walk to the nearest stop, a drive to a parking lot (for the trolley or train) or a ride share to the stop. They are not reasonable options for many/most who could really benefit from public transport. What's even worse now is they are removing the parking at the trolley stops (to build yet more condos), so we cannot even drive to the stop and take it to places we otherwise would (stadiums/concerts/festivals, etc.).

    Heather-Glad you're on the mend!

    Annie-You are doing a great job with your parents. Hang in there.

    Lisa-I'm envious of your sunroom. I am at the point where I really need a space that is 100% mine. My space now is also the guest room, so I give it up a lot. That's a big reason I am considering ditching the guest room.

    Allie-There is no such thing as service anymore. I took my car in for the dealer to look at something and they let it sit in the lot for a week and didn't even get to it. It was going to take yet another week for them to look at it, so I reclaimed it. Fortunately, what I wanted them to look at became a non-issue.

    Guess I better get back to work and house cleaning. More guests arrive tomorrow. *sigh*

    Tina in CA

    You are correct about no service! Remember when I had the ‘haunted/possessed/abducted radio? It took them 2 months to fix it. I am glad they gave me a good loaner in the meantime!

    Allie, I hope you don’t min, but I ‘stole’ the picture you posted of dementia. I love it. Some of that I already do with my DH! Glad to see I am on the right track with him.

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    Rita- no worries got it off Facebook of all places..
    Tom still stuck down there forgot that GM is on strike and its a GM part that is needed ,but it has been shipped..
    I say he could have flown home and flown back to pick his car up cheaper than staying 2 weeks in a hotel for goodness sakes but who am I to say.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,403 Member
    UK ladies - what is a council tax? I have a hunch it's like property tax in the US that landowners have to pay whether the land has a residence or not. This tax pays for public safety and road/bridge construction/upkeep and schools. Ours have risen sharply in the past couple years as they are based on property value which has increased.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    Machka and Allie, what you posted on dementia and traumatic brain injury really hit home. My sister with the radiation to the brain tumors is dealing with cognitive issues. It's so frustrating for her because her husband and kids want her to be "normal", like she used to be. She is so smart and so capable but the radiation left scars and the processing of daily life things is a chore. Some things are impossible now. She feels the anger and frustration that radiates from her husband and kids. They think she isn't trying hard enough. She used to be able to put 10lbs of sh** in a 5lb bag and never will be able to do that again. I've never connected TBI with what Cheri is dealing with.... it's like a light bulb turned on for me. I'll have to do more reading.

    Betsy in NW WA

    The brain tumors themselves would cause TBI symptoms and the radiation would just add to it.

    Sounds like her family is very uninformed and insensitive.

    M in Oz

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Budgeting is something I do sporadically. The last time I did a detailed budget was when I was still with my ex-husband. But I've done up general overview budgets a few times since. I know what things we pay regularly.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Update on Swiffer: Evidently the top has to be REAL secure and this one is slightly loose. A tiny drop comes out. Looks like I’ll need to buy a new bottle. But in the meantime I’ll get a sprayer at the dollar store. No sense letting all this solution go to waste.

    Debbie – I’d like to go shopping with you!

    Sent Bryan an email asking how they all were doing. Now we shall see how long it takes him to respond to me, if at all.

    Lisa – Sam’s dishwashing detergent was rated one of the highest by Consumers Reports. Love your plans for the new room

    Allie – the “Living with Dementia” post is so appropriate and very true.

    Loving all the pictures, colors, grands, all of them

    Miracles of miracles – Bryan responded. Now was it to my email? I don’t know. But I do have a few more pictures. Doubt this will continue.

    We spoke to our financial advisor and he suggested we set up a testamentary trust. To be honest, I’d never heard of this type of trust before. He said that it’s recommended you update your will every 5 years, and so it’s about time for us. At that time we’ll probably include the trust for PJ. We’re thinking that Denise and he will be the trustees. Honestly, we don’t trust Denise to be the sole trustee. I think she’ll need guidance regarding taxes etc. and the other legal things that need to be done.

    Kylia – I do hope you find those keys. I was never able to touch my toes

    Lisa – your house looks so inviting

    Vince has his crib (I told you about it). The historical society is interested and I’d like to donate it. I think he’s a bit hesitant but Jess and Denise (especially) won’t use it. I’d like someone who will appreciate it have it. He said that his left hand is hurting now, he must have hurt it (pulled a ligament maybe?) when he was working on the Swiffer so I’m going to try getting the parts up the stairs to at least put into the Outlook. Maybe if I’m real real lucky, we can donate it today. Update: I got lucky, even tho he found every excuse in the book to put it off.

    I called Replacemtns to see if they were interested in purchasing any of the silverplate that I have. I didn’t realize that they sell it also until I went there. We shall see. If they don’t take it, I’ll probably donate it to the Humane Society. We certainly don’t need 3 silverware sets! Now one set is a good set, I think it’s solid gold. The other set has our initial on it, Jess might want it. But we don’t need more than that.

    Walked down to the dollar store and got that spray bottle. Also, a birthday and Christmas card for the lady who took care of my father. Need to get that in the mail.

    Ceramics tonight. They’re having a “party” to celebrate all the birthdays this month. From what I saw people signed up to bring, looked pretty bad to me. I’m taking mixed nuts. Actually, I brought them there last night since we wouldn’t be getting there until late tonight.

    Michele NC
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 330 Member
    Tracey, good to hear that your cousin's son got his needed surgery. Looks like he has a long road to recovery. I'm sure your cousin appreciates your help during this stressful time.

    Betsy, sad that your sister is going through this and also sad that her husband and kids are not supportive. I know when I was going through cancer diagnosis and treatment, my husband was so supportive going with me to every single treatment and meeting....and there were many. It is extremely important that people around her are supportive.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    One of my favourite activities.

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    Tracey ~ Glad your cousin's son is getting the health repairs he needs but sad that he and his family will be suffering due to wage loss during the recovery.

    Michelle ~ Wonderful that you heard back from Bryan!

    Lisa ~ Looks like your crafting is coming along. Like the colors surrounding the leaf on your easel.

    Budgeting: We lived hand-to-mouth for so many years. I'll never forget having to charge groceries a few times because we had no money. Now, I am so happy now that we have everything paid for and are able to save for future needs. We do not use credit cards and pay cash for everything. Must say though, that I still watch every penny I spend and so does DH for the most part.

    Carol in GA