
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,994 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,464 Member
    Kylia - I can see why you love them, but your soft toy collection freaked out my minimal/decluttering soul! But ..... whatever brings you happiness. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    You wouldn't like my place then. :) I'm surrounded by all sorts of animals, mostly Australian.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,464 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    R is getting next week off to recover from pneumonia. He is in poor health anyway. Dr told him yesterday if he didn't get better in the next week he would get hospitalized again. He has missed 5 weeks this year in addition to a week vacation. He has been with us about 2 years. So I presented him with the option of taking off until next Friday and giving up his Christmas bonus in exchange for getting the paycheck. He accepted.
    Kylia in Ohio where winter is rearing her head

    Tough work environment!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,464 Member
    edited November 2023
    kymarai wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    kymarai wrote: »
    R is getting next week off to recover from pneumonia. He is in poor health anyway. Dr told him yesterday if he didn't get better in the next week he would get hospitalized again. He has missed 5 weeks this year in addition to a week vacation. He has been with us about 2 years. So I presented him with the option of taking off until next Friday and giving up his Christmas bonus in exchange for getting the paycheck. He accepted.
    Kylia in Ohio where winter is rearing her head

    Tough work environment!

    It can be! As a small business though it is hard to pay when they aren't working. A lot of hourly pay positions come with very few benefits. If a person is lucky, it might come with a paid vacation. This is especially true in the service industry. After 25 years and salary I do get a little more leniency, but I average around 300 extra hours a year in spite of vacation time. PS......at 60 yo he has made lots of poor life choices and continues to live above his means. He is a very caring person, but often times to his detriment. I was trying to find a way to help him recover and not get deeper in debt.

    It sounds like you had a GRAND time on the ride. I am so happy that your DH is improved enough to join you.


    I'm used to a "if you're sick, stay home and get well, take all the time you need" environment. That's what I've had for most of the past 25 years or so years.

    I've also worked in a "please do not work overtime" environment for the past decade. If I'm still at work at 5:15 pm, people (on their way home) will tell me to go home!

    M in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    [/b]Rebecca[/b] I hope you are feeling better today.

    Deoderant/antiperspirants- My DH was told by a friend that they were bad for you. Needless to say, he took that to heart. I won't leave home without it as I stress too much and then sweat and smell-YUCK! DH said he doesn't wear it because it balls up his underarm hair. He showers every morning so that helps, but.......when I roll over to cuddle and get pit odor, I am done. So I picked him up some aluminum free deodorant last night and requested that he wear it. We will see. I refused to ride in his friend's car because it always smells.

    Better get out of hot tub and walking. KY grands will be here after work. Oh! Oldest DGS (the athletic one) just got accepted at Northern Kentucky University for his Junior and Senior year of high school! He will recieve both HS and college credits. 3k a year! When he graduates HS he will already be a Junior in college! I am proud of him!!!! His sister will also apply next year, but she is college bound driven. He is not.

    Annie We are in your pocket! Hugs!

    Much love,
    High fives!

    Today is a new day!
    Kylia in Ohio
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,803 Member
    Annie - Will be thinking about you today, I hope the homecoming is easy and that you can settle into a routine quickly with your mom.

    Machka - Thank you for helping me feel not-quite-so-weird about being weird about my hands getting dirty. I struggle with handling raw meat, too, and the smell of it compounds the dislike. I always feel so persnickety when I wear nitrile gloves to do things like making hamburgers, but I wear them anyway.

    Welcome to those new to the thread, we're glad you're here!

    Home renovation adventures--kinda boring:
    When the roofer came yesterday, he said that Corey had pitched the roof joists for the sunroom at too shallow an angle, and he would need to change the joists to fit the minimum pitch and rattled on about birdsmouth cuts and various other things, all of which I parroted to Corey when I talked to him at lunch. The point was that the guy wouldn't give us a bid or guarantee the work unless we made the changes he wanted. He wanted the joists to rise three inches at the top end for every foot of length in the joist. So for a 12-foot joist, the end of the roof joist furthest from the house would need to be 36 inches lower than the end where the joist fastens to the house. Corey built it to rise one inch for every foot of length, so the top end is only one foot higher than the bottom.

    After a discussion at lunch, Corey's boss (whose name is Cory, which can get quite confusing) got hold of a roofer who works for him putting up new developments. They don't have an issue with the pitch, and can probably get a crew here next week and get it done in a couple of hours. My Corey's willing to pay for it so he doesn't have to do it. I was already fine with the money side of things because it meant my husband wouldn't be crawling around ten feet off the ground for hours on end. So, he will make the phone call early on Monday morning, because he has to be at the courthouse at 9 am for jury duty again.

    I understood what the first roofer was saying because I listened when Corey made the decisions he made about the pitch of the roof, and agreed with the shallow pitch. Like me, Corey doesn't do anything without a really good reason. The steeper pitch the first roofer wants would mean that my six-foot-tall husband is banging his head every time he stands up in that room. Heck, I would be bumping my head in some parts of it with that pitch.

    However, I've learned when men like the first roofer are in full-blown "let's teach this little woman why things have to be the way I want them," to just let them rattle. I don't even mind it, it's easy to nod and smile a slightly confused smile, and then go do what needs doing. I love getting older. Experience has taught me which battles are worth fighting. Please note--if we lived in snow country, the change request would be valid. But we get snow once or twice a year at most, and it seldom stays for more than a day or two. Ice dams and other issues with snow just aren't a problem here.

    Didn't mean to write a book!

    Barbie - I loved your list of all the Christmas-oriented things you've done and that you just no longer need to do them. My experience has been pretty much the same. I've wrapped entire full-grown trees in my yard with lights in years past, and the overall memory is just watching my electric bill skyrocket before I took them down again. I don't even own a light string anymore, and I'm happier without all the decor. I appreciate the others who go all out, and happily go driving in early December to see others' decorations. I just don't need to do them myself anymore.

    Rebecca, Allie, hope y'all are feeling better.

    Kylia - Your bears have more personality than some people I've met! :smiley:

    Later, y'all,
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,082 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    We had a load of topsoil delivered and today we put down grass seed and straw. Soup kitchen today.

    Pip – how I wish you lived closer so that I can give you some of our camping stuff

    Allie – good savings

    Tracey – as far as taking a casserole and not going in the house, I think Ken would have a very hard time with that. As it is, he gets on Lynette’s case because she’s not a good housekeeper and so they don’t have company. So if I were to give him something and not go in the house, I think he’d get on Lynette’s case again. Guess I’ll just do nothing. Your story of your tongue on the railing reminded me of the scene from the movie “Christmas Story” where the kid gets his tongue stuck to a pole.

    Question: does anyone brine their turkey? If so, do you put it in the refrigerator to brine? Or somewhere else---where?

    Lanette – we’re going to Jess’ and having dinner on Friday, too. Travel on the day before thanksgiving is a nightmare! We’ll come home the Sat. BK asked me to work on sunday. I usually don’t work Sunday but since I’d been away, I decided to be a nice guy and ask them if they’d like me to work

    Had to pick up a Mary Kay order for Jess yesterday then went to the MD for a “you’re alive” visit. All’s fine. Then spread topsoil

    Jerry smelled again today. I have this deodorant that I’m not crazy about. I’ll tell him that I was going to donate it, but thought he might like it.

    They’re having a Christmas party at the ceramics studio on the 9th, so I’ll get a gift at Sam’s. It’ll be free since we have Sam’s cash (or whatever it’s called). Then on that Monday we have a bowling party. I’m thinking that for both I’ll make a chicken bacon ranch casserole

    Rita – I don’t like getting more than one shot at a time in case I have a reaction. This way I know to which shot I had the reaction.

    Will make a pumpkin pie, a kafli (casserole – pasta), sweet potato casserole, and a chocolate dessert that Jess would like

    Allie – feel better fast. Thanks for the day brightener

    Lisa – lovely pottery

    Went to Kohl’s tonight and got stocking stuffers for Jess and Colby. Went mainly because I had $5 Kohl’s cash, a coupon for $5, plus another coupon for another 30% off. So in the end, my $30 purchase was only $5.

    Debbie – we had a Sears grill, was having problems with it and since the Sears near us is gone, after 15 years we got a new one.

    Need to take a shower and then get to bed.

    Michele NC

    Me 2
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,146 Member
    :)Machka, Your bike riding adventure sounds wonderful. I, too, would get up extra early to get to something that brought me that much joy.

    <3 Barbie
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Morning ya'll
    Its a spitty rainy day here today
    But hey its not snow...
    Doris usually online and she wasn't last night ,so I called to make sure she was ok.
    She was busy doing laundry ,watching a few shows..
    Today,I'll get laundry and dishes done ..and maybe do online grocery shopping.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,702 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    [/b]Rebecca[/b] I hope you are feeling better today.

    Deoderant/antiperspirants- My DH was told by a friend that they were bad for you. Needless to say, he took that to heart. I won't leave home without it as I stress too much and then sweat and smell-YUCK! DH said he doesn't wear it because it balls up his underarm hair. He showers every morning so that helps, but.......when I roll over to cuddle and get pit odor, I am done. So I picked him up some aluminum free deodorant last night and requested that he wear it. We will see. I refused to ride in his friend's car because it always smells.

    Better get out of hot tub and walking. KY grands will be here after work. Oh! Oldest DGS (the athletic one) just got accepted at Northern Kentucky University for his Junior and Senior year of high school! He will recieve both HS and college credits. 3k a year! When he graduates HS he will already be a Junior in college! I am proud of him!!!! His sister will also apply next year, but she is college bound driven. He is not.

    Annie We are in your pocket! Hugs!

    Much love,
    High fives!

    Today is a new day!
    Kylia in Ohio

    I am thank you! It usually only affects me for a couple days, and I kind of walk around really careful, sleep in a position that doesn't promote any swirls, then it gets better. This morning I laid on my swirl side and though there were some slow shuffles of my vision, not anything that I had earlier in the week. I didn't sleep though, and was up at 5:20 am. Husband was surprised!