
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,162 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Never been a big fan of jersey, Kirby likes it, told him to make enough for him only if he makes them. Apples were done yesterday, now he’s doing bananas. Not much time, just peel and slice.[/quote]

    Two things that are amazing, in my opinion and super easy, in the dehydrator are pineapple and mango. Just peel, and slice. A mandolin is a must when doing a lot of fruit to get it same thickness.
    Apples I love, bananas, not the way I have had them turned out.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,587 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Barbie’s, “wait quietly for the universe,” in this case Joe, to guide.
    Yesterday’s appointment mixed bag. Total cholesterol and LDL both down to almost normal range, yay. PA thinks leg pain is shin splints, she read from the Mayo Clinic site: Rest, Ice, Compress. Elevate. Not sure that shin splints ache down the front of the leg bone then TWINGE when straightening/extending leg. BUT both the PA and Joe say rest, back off from leg exercises. Will take a break from dancing for the holiday, do modified PT exercises in the hot tub, and only walk if no pain. Lisa would you remind me of your underdesk cycle exerciser? Can anyone suggest slip on walking shoes with good support? Hokas? Oofos? If you’d ever told me I’d be fighting abstaining from exercise I’d have :laugh: my butt off. :noway:
    Tracey my heart goes out to you. Men can be so stubborn and grieve so hard. ((hugs))
    Rebecca IMHO you know your eldest son better than your sister does. Bet he gets a big kick out of the ramen plushie. Sounds like some boundaries with your eldest sister are in order. No need to argue defend or counter your eldest sister’s trash talk, wardrobe and makeup and hair orders. Just say “No thank you!” or simply state your position and gracefully sail above and away… Might need to set the ground rules before you’re exhausted from weeding ;}
    Lisa yours to Tracey. Beautifully said.
    Kim likewise yours to Tracey and Rebecca. And Lisa yours to Rebecca, Annie and Allie.
    Lanette, Ginny, Michele, Machka likewise yours to Tracey. Tracey would Rodger be receptive to a full spectrum lamp and D2?
    Machka Good bone scan results, well done! Weight bearing activity is so crucial.
    11/22: Move: sets 2 PT w/dx2, line dance class, Jeopardy waling. Steps:8141
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=32 CI<CO net=223 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, library, Post Office, recycling. Wt:132.1
    Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving is safe, warm and happy.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    November: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, start meditating. Open heart and mind
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    Machka... love your taste in dresses. You look lovely. I also feel like this month and year has taken off and can't believe we are coming to the end of November soon and then not long til 2024. Crazy.

    Rori, <3 sorry about your good friend and loved reading about your time with your gentleman friend.


    Betsy in NW WA

    Thank you! :)

    bwcetc wrote: »
    Machka and Ginny ... I saw that Lipo Flavonoid had a lot of B vitamins as well as some C and other things. It's pricey and the dosing recommendations (2 caplets 3x a day?) are administering extremely high levels of the vitamins. My PA said I could try it if I wanted to but that there's not enough scientific data at this point to indicate that it is high successful in treating tinnitus. So I think I'll start with a regular B-complex and go from there. There is some evidence that those who suffer from tinnitus often have low B-12. Thanks for your input.

    Beth near Buffalo

    I take a B-complex and B-12 and have for years. I haven't noticed that it makes a difference but maybe it is ... maybe my tinnitus would be worse if I didn't take them.

    One thing that does help, and which was recommended by my audiologist was to listen to "white noise" and similar to help retrain the brain.

    I use a free app on my phone called Relief which has a number of choices like the sound of water running, a storm, waves on a beach etc.

    I have also purchased a number of CDs of nature sounds etc. which I play when I am at work.

    Another thing that might help is keeping my blood pressure down.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    Langer did an experiment where she took older men and put them in an environment exactly like when they were young, which was during the 1950's. The same music, same magazines, same movies, etc. They got a chance to "relive" that period in their lives. And guess what - after a week or so, the aging clock began to turn back a little bit. There's a part of them that thought they were young again.

    In the control group, these other older men had access to everything from the 1950's but it was more of a "reminisce" scenario. In the present looking back, not the same as "reliving".

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We listen to music from all over multiple decades ... maybe it helps!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    edited November 2023
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Beth-I think you are choosing very sensible approach. I always look at ingredients and see if there may be alternatives.

    Rebecca-I gave YS (who is 32) a DragonBall Z t-shirt for Christmas last year and he was over the moon. He still thinks the show is cool. ES will still go for Batman. Stepson loves legos. You know what works for your kids. My DIL I would not think of such things for her.

    Tracey-I have never liked the idea of antidepressants for me, I prefer to find other ways to help me through down times (exercise, meditation, etc.). May instead of pushing a medical treatment for your husband, ask him/help him develop a non-medication plan. Please don't get me wrong-I know they are helpful to many people but they are not everyone's cup of tea.

    Lanette-you come up with such interesting research and studies. I wonder if I would be younger if I went back into 1960's mode?

    Tina-that dinner sounds wonderful! I hop DH feels better (or they figure it out).

    Allie-hope you feel better. Do you have an urgent care center near you? I have used them and the minute clinics at CVS when not able to get into doctor. They are much cheaper than the emergency room (and much faster).

    Foot doctor seemed surprised that therapy company had not gotten in touch with me. She is resending things this afternoon. She said there were a couple of choices and it depends upon what insurance approves. She said I will most like have a co-pay. I told her I don't care about that-I need some relief. She thinks the problem is increasingly that the arthritis is pinching the nerve (in addition to the inflammation). I would like to try the treatment for the injections before going down the road of further testing.

    Off to make myna dish for Thanksgiving-it is just a jello, whole cranberry, nuts, apple, and orange rind that we love for some reason. It is what DYS wants me to bring so I will.

    Good luck to all starting the Thanksgiving prep-don't over do it! And for those who have never experienced the insanity of an American Thanksgiving, it is hard to describe. But I think every culture has some day (or more) devoted to eating traditional dishes, being lazy, and arguing politics (or other similar topic).

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    No Thanksgiving in Australia. It is not celebrated here.

    Christmas is a fairly big thing.

    Machka in Oz

    These are our public holidays. In the second table there are 2 additional days off for the Hobart area. 12 stats in total.

    Australia Day is similar to Canada Day.
    Eight Hours Day is Labour Day.
    ANZAC Day is similar to Remembrance Day, which we also celebrate, but we don't get a day off then.

    So the day for arguing politics is Australia Day. It's very controversial.
    Traditional dishes come out at Christmas.
    Being lazy? :lol::smiley::grin: ... whenever we can!!


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Ginny - Luna is adorable, thanks for posting that photo. Good luck at the podiatrist today. Sounds like you've firmed up where your retirement residence will be. ;)

    Michele - you are the energizer bunny doing all of that cooking in one day. :p It's been hard for me to get used to calling anyone a "partner" unless it's in the business sense such as investors in legal partnership. That's what I think of first when someone uses the term. And yes, "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" when the couple is older seems awkward. "Significant other" sums it up in a way I can understand. That's what I'd probably say if I had a special guy in my life at this stage. Or maybe just "good buddy." Fascinating how language has evolved in the past 50 years, but then it probably has always been that way. I'm sure our parents and grandparents noticed the same thing.

    Heather - gosh that was a beautiful dress, you looked stunning. But I understand, why keep it around. I went through the stage of giving way all my dresses and skirts several years ago. They were cute but no longer fit and just weren't comfortable because I'd have to wear panty hose. :s Good riddance. And gals were wearing pants everywhere, even church and weddings. I have some nice dressy tops and call it good.

    Now I'm curious about reverse lunges. I looked them up. I'd have to hang on to something because of my dicey feet but I can see how they'd be helpful.

    - a bench overlooking the ocean sounds wonderful. Good for Joe! Like many of our husbands, my DH also begged off going to places with me as he got older. He was perfectly fine staying home and watching TV with the dogs while I went to parties or dinners out with couple friends. The other husbands there probably were jealous and wondered how he pulled it off. :p Glad to hear you'll be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with your friend.

    Rebecca - your sister's place is beautiful. It's good she can handle the equipment to keep it up. I'd probably just blow the leaves off the driveway once they have all fallen and call it good, lol. I still have leaves strewn all over the front yard where I blew them last week. My neighbor 2 doors down was mowing over his leaves for about half an hour yesterday, really mulching them down. It was 45F here with a stiff breeze coming out of the north so with the wind chill, it was probably around 40F. I thought - have at it, buddy. If it gets into the mid-50's again I might take the big mower out and mulch them if the soil isn't too soft, but then maybe not.

    Barbie - glad Jake is OK. Yesterday after throwing Rosie's toys down the hallway for the 50th time, I thought I bet there'd be interest if I set up a small greyhound type track with a mechanical rabbit that dogs could chase to wear them out. Maybe $2 a minute, $10 minimum. Plus a little illegal betting on the side to help boost my retirement income, lol. I'd let Annie chase it for free. ;)

    Cleaner coming this morning at 9, and hour later than normal. I think she has PT for her plantar fasciitis or something. I'm slightly put out because it throws me off schedule. Then I remind myself I don't have to be anywhere so what's the big deal? And I enjoy her company so much, any time she wants to come by really is perfect. :D

    So will close for now. Make it a good day!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I have chatted to my sister about the commitment she's taken on, living in that 1875 home. Her son put a video camera up by the door so he can be notified of any movement. The other morning she wrote GOOD MORNING on a piece of cardboard and showed it to the camera. 😁 I think it will give her some peace of mind knowing her family is keeping track of her a bit. I talked to her about really listening at what she's capable of doing as she gets older. She's 68 presently. I told her that I realize weeding puts her into a Zen mode, but she weeds until the day is over and she can barely walk the next day. Also does she really want the responsibility of caring for everything, and not traveling or feel like she doesn't have the freedom to do that if she wants to?

    She's only 68 ... lots of life left!

    Perhaps she really enjoys living in and taking care of the place where she lives. It is gorgeous from the photos you've posted. I can see the attraction.

    And they say that being outdoors and gardening is good for the body and the brain.

    She's got time to enjoy it for several more years, at least.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    kevrit wrote: »

    1. Make a list of new things you want to do this month.
    I have a massive list of things to do. Always. I'm never bored.
    In November, however, we're organising a cycling event mid-month, and then there's another one right at the beginning of December.
    My garden needs mid-spring work.
    I need more mid-spring exercise.
    Lots of things!!

    2. Respond to a difficult situation in a different way.
    I try things ... and then I go to Google to find different things to try.

    3. Get outside and observe the changes in nature around you.
    I am outside whenever I can. Love nature! And one really nice thing about returning to Tasmania is that we're going into summer. :)

    4. Sign up to join a new course, activity, or online community.
    How about I just finish the course I started some time ago.

    5. Change your normal routine today and notice how you feel.
    My November 5th didn't exist. How's that for a changed routine!

    6. Try out a new way of being physically active.
    Today, my physical activity was standing in line and walking.

    7. Be creative. Cook, draw, write, paint, make or inspire.
    Yesterday wasn't a particularly creative day although, in the evening, I did resume work on a colouring that I had nearly finished before we left. :)

    8. Plan a new idea or activity you want to try out this year.
    I have a list!! :)
    But today, I might unpack.

    9. When you feel you can’t do something, add the word ‘yet’.
    That's why I take courses ... to learn new things and learn how to do new things. :)

    10. Be curious, learn about a new topic or an inspiring idea.

    11. Choose a different route and see what you notice on the way.
    I've been exploring the shops in Hobart CBD. I haven't seen them for about 6 weeks! They haven't changed much.

    12. Find out something new about someone you care about.
    I did find out something new about my husband while we were away. He told me a little bit about his childhood.

    13. Do something playful outdoors - walk, run, explore, relax.
    Whenever I can!! I'll be heading outside shortly.

    14. Find a new way to help or support a cause you care about.
    I've been busy organise cycling events.
    Human powered transportation is a cause I care about. That and exercise in general.

    15. Build on new ideas by thinking “yes, and what if…”
    I do this a lot at work, especially when I'm working on programs and making tasks easier.

    16. Look at life at someone else’s eyes and see their perspective.
    I have done this a lot more since my husband's brain injury.
    There are a lot of people in the world who have mental health issues and/or physical issues.
    A few points above mentioned causes I care about.
    Related to human powered transportation is ease of getting around. Since my husband's accident, I've become aware of how appalling the footpaths and various things around here are. They have been left to deteriorate or worse, have been designed in such a way that people with physical issues have a lot of difficulty getting around.

    17. Try a new way to practice self-care and be kind to yourself.
    Last night I slept long and deeply!!
    I needed it! This first week back at work has been stressful.
    Shortly, I am thinking of going out into the garden.

    18. Connect with someone from a different generation.

    We were hosting a cycling event on the 18th ... there were cyclists of a range of ages. :)

    19. Broaden your perspective: read a different paper, magazine, or site.

    I read many different sites ... at home to some extent, but especially at work.

    20. Make a meal using a recipe or ingredient you haven’t used before.

    Make a meal??????
    But I did add walnuts to my lunch this week for a bit of variety.

    21. Learn a new skill from a friend or share one of yours with them.

    I'm busy!

    22. Find a new way to tell someone you appreciate them.

    I tell people "thank you" almost all the time.

    23. Set aside a time to pursue an activity your love.

    I've been colouring a bit this evening.

    24. Share with a friend something useful you learned recently.

    25. Use one of your strengths in a new and creative way.

    26. Try out a different radio station or new TV show.

    27. Join a friend doing a hobby and find out why they love it.

    28. Discover your creative side. Design a friendly greeting card.

    29. Enjoy new music today. Play, sing, dance or listen.

    30. Look for new reasons to be hopeful, even in tough times.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate...
    Annie- if your a member of AARP they are having a caregiver of dementia on there website with question and answer afterwards. Thought of you immediately.
    Slept well ,and I'll hop in the shower and get dressed and watch the parade..
    Im thankful for each and every one of you!!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Allie thanks, I will look it up. Glad you are feeling better!

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Did Cardio Metabolic Interval DVD then took my walk. Tomorrow and Sat. I’ll probably just walk. I’m thinking that I’ll take the one dog out for an hour and then the other one for an hour

    pip – if you freeze the dog biscuits, don’t they get a “smell”? I think I’ll try freezing the ones I make for Jess’ dog and see if he’ll eat them defrosted. Interesting….

    Carol – glad you like the food at BK. It really doesn’t appeal to me. I’m sure that’s because when I was in high school I worked at a fast food place. I had my fill of hamburgers, fries, shakes. Back in those days all the food was free!

    Allie – glad you went to the ER. To save your sweater with the blood, remember the hydrogen peroxide! Glad you are feeling better

    Tracey – I’m with you. I can vent all I want about Vince, and there’s no judgment. Sometimes I just need to get something off my chest and this is such a great place to do it.

    Hope all’s OK with KJ.

    M – great on the bone density. You were able to get the results the same day? I usually have to wait for the radiologist to read them then send the report to the MD who then tells me. Last time i had one, my bone density got better. Still in the osteoporosis range, tho

    Kylia – your dinner sounds scrumptious. What time should I be over? We won’t have ours until tomorrow so I can make it today…..lol

    Veebskale – welcome! I never heard of the ketovore diet. Tell me more about it

    Rebecca – agree with Annie. Beautiful smile and the look of happiness….that's all you need

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!

    When we put down grass seed, I pulled the hose out to water it. Don’t think I’ll have to do it any more since we seem to be getting a frost almost everyday. So I wound up the hose and wanted to drain it and disconnect it from the house (since they’re calling for almost-freezing temps the next few days. Anyway, when I went to drain the hose nothing came out. The water in the hose was frozen! When I disconnected the hose from the house, only a TINY trickle of water came out.

    Michele NC
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,803 Member
    Allie - So glad you're feeling better.

    Hope all those who celebrate are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Dinner for us is chicken fajitas on the grill, because... well... because we can.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR