
  • Clicked a unrelated post to me , walked away with 2 inspiring quotes. Well played ladies.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Today is compassion day! fits the conversations lately! Have some French toast with that compassion. LOL

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,694 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    This could be said of minimalism. I might not have a lot of stuff, but what is left is important. It shines and when I look around at my sparsely decoration place, it fills me with memories, peace and calms me.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    So sorry, Annie. I am thankful your sister is there to help you think through options. I also advocate for hospice. They serve the patient and the family.

    Much love.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Prayers and Good Wishes for All of You Going Through Tough Times!

    I have read and read but can't respond because I have been so busy trying to get my computer problems figured out for the last few days. I have had to reset my computer and fight with my internet provider to get my wifi settings corrected. Think I finally got it done today.

    Annie ~ I laid awake last night thinking about your dad dealing with the possible loss of his beloved wife. I pray that he will be given the help he needs when that time comes.

    Pip ~ Your decorations are beautiful! Everything looks so neat and orderly!

    Barbie ~ Love your OWL.

    Rosemarie ~ Your efforts to clean out your storage rooms are great! You would be aghast at all the things in our home that need to be dealt with. A basement full of old things from an antique shop and estate sales that never got rid of, 3 generations of family furniture, nick knacks, and clutter. I cringe to think what my son and his wife will have to deal with at some point. I and my husband have clothes from ourselves and parents that are probably 25 yrs old.

    Tried to roast a 6 lb hen tonight and it was as tough as could be. Will put it in the pressure cooker tomorrow to try to get some of the meal. Won't buy any more hens! LOL

    Carol in GA


    Regarding those clothes ... I know your husband doesn't like you to throw anything away of his, but can you go through your stuff and toss, give away or sell it?

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked then stopped at the church for my lector book since I’m supposed to lector Sat. and the book only goes up to Nov. 26. Anyway, the gal wasn’t there so I went to Sam’s. Needed gifts for the ceramic Christmas party, got some hors duerves (or however it’s spelled) cookie dough to make for Jess to take to the party (I just don’t feel like making it from scratch). Used our Sam’s bucks so only paid $33 for 3 party gifts, 4 boxes of hors duerves, container of cookie dough, and these cocoa bomb things that Jess might like. Went for my boob squeeze today. Then stopped at the Salvation Army (natch)

    Tracey – we’re having our Christmas Eve on the 23rd, too, because Jess and Colby are flying out to Idaho on the 24th

    Barbara – I don’t mind cleaning, but for some reason, and this I can’t explain, I just procrastinate making beds. But I do it and afterwards feel good about doing it So why do I procrastinate? I don’t know. It’s not like it’s a big deal

    Ginny – I can’t help thinking that Denise has an “entitled” feeling. Also, I admit that there may not be anything to worry about, but I worry anyway (that’s a mother’s job, huh?). We know that Pete abused her cat, even tho neither of them admitted it. The SPCA told us when they seized the cat, he threw the cat to them. I do worry because someone who will abuse an animal is very likely to abuse a person. I also know that there’s nothing I can do about it. One of the signs of an abuser is that they separate their victim from their family. Is this what’s going on? I don’t know.

    Annie – my car won’t start if I don’t have the key. Would your father get very upset if only YOU had the key? Regarding your daughter, remember “you only hurt the ones you love”

    Well, we have all of the trees up (all nine). Vince has most of the lights on them. We started decorating outside this year early (like I’ve been suggesting we do for years). Now Vince is saying that he is going to try not having any commitments (MD appt. dentist appt) during Nov. and Dec. Guess he sees the wisdom in getting things done early. Also have most of the Christmas gift shopping done. Or at least I do, which is like 90% of the shopping.

    Heather – how sad for that pigeon

    Rita – a piece of cardboard works to keep the frost off? I think we have a cardboard sunshield that we don’t use (not sure why Vince insisted on keeping it) that I could probably use. I’m so not used to this frost on the windshield stuff. Really wish Hyundai would get their act together

    Tina – I’m so sorry to read about your friend. Absolutely, go to the game. He would have wanted you to. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he was at that game, too

    Lisa – that pic of Egg and the fire looks like something out of Norman Rockwell

    Oh Annie – how I wish I could be there to give you a real big hug. But since I can’t, just take the virtual one that I’m sending. My neighbor just had in-home hospice and it seemed to work out quite well for them. Of course, everyone is different

    Joy – does your husband take uloric for his gout? Vince takes that

    Rebecca – could there be a silver lining in your gum issue – you don’t want to eat????

    They’re celebrating the birthdays at ceramics. To be honest, I really don’t care to. But I got some pigs in the blanket to take with me tonight. Vince will eat whatever is left over.

    Michele NC