DECEMBER 2023 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,119 Member
    Oh no @kgirlhart . I hope your DH has a mild case and you don't get it. Great Goldilocks run yesterday and excellent run today too! Sounds like you have figured out the layering/clothing.

    You're doing great @tarun_yadavA . How's your mom doing?

    @polskagirl01 I'm glad you talked some friends into joining you in the immersion. If I were there.....I would watch from the warmth of the car. :lol:

    You are doing great @yirara . I hope all goes well with the procedure tomorrow.

    I hope you feel better soon @Laurz9191 ! Great job on the 10K when you aren't feeling well.

    Very speedy run @Scott6255 ! Congratulations.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,450 Member
    This came up on my Facebook @polskagirl01 have you been there?
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    I introduced some Pennsylvania friends to cold water immersion and they got hooked. So it's gonna be a daily thing until I leave 🙃

    In California we have that too, except we use hot water. We call it sitting in the Hot Tub. :)

    Hahaha. That sounds nice, too 😁
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,119 Member
    You are amazing getting out for a run with a headache @daria0919 . I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Nice running @martaindale .

    I'm glad that your mom is doing well @tarun_yadavA ! Enjoy your time back in London.

    @Mari33a Great job on riding the bike when the weather is bad out. I hope it does clear up for you to have an outdoor run soon.

    That is an interesting forest @Scott6255 . I've never seen that before.

    @kgirlhart . I'm glad that your DH is feeling better and, hopefully, you won't get sick.

    @polskagirl01 I hope you wound up enjoying driving the truck. Glad you didn't get a lot of snow - unless you wanted a lot, then I'm sorry. :wink: They said we might get some yesterday/last night, but only in the higher elevations. Nothing here.

  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,363 Member
    175 lbs - light heavyweight
    200 lbs - cruiserweight
    200 lbs+ Heavyweight

    My lifetime goal is Welterweight (147 lbs.)