
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked then soup kitchen. Home to make an apple crumble for Sunday (I’ll just keep it in the fridge.

    Will go into work late tomorrow. They say that the delivery is usually around 11, so I figure starting 11:30 I’ll keep texting the manager to see if it came yet. I do have to lector so I would need to leave by 3:30 so I can change. One time before they didn’t order enough and the manager asked me if I could come at 11. That time I said “the soup kitchen starts serving at 11:30” which is true. But also a part of me felt “failure to prepare on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part”. But this time the truck is coming later because of the holiday. They don’t have control over that. Well...they could have ordered extra knowing that there wouldn’t be enough for me for Sat. Next year I’ll remind them to order extra.

    M - Where I work, it's about teamwork ... not about winners and losers. We all play an important part. I’m talking children, not adults
    We're all vital little pieces of the puzzle. That’s how it is in every company

    In many places of employment, if you're someone who shows up regularly and participates, you're an ideal employee! But the boss still expects the work done.

    One of the things that really appealed to me about randonneuring/audax (the type of cycling I've been involved in since 2001) is that everyone who finishes the event within the time limit is a winner ... not just the fastest. The challenge is within yourself and with things like your own equipment, the environment, the terrain, etc. ... not against other people. It means that other people can be supportive and encouraging.  I’m talking work not leisure

    Tracey – I agree with you in that children should learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them. Unfortunately, not all children learn this. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly appreciate the fact that Colby gave me something he thought I’d like. I just don’t know when I’d ever use it. I also think your grandmother would approve of your decision about her dress. It IS lovely, but your proposed use of it sounds like the best way to go. It’s unfortunate no one can fit into it, but these things happen

    Barbara – fosamax is also a biphosonate drug with the possibility of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Hmmmmm….. I agree that we all need to do for ourselves what we are comfortable with. Tooth YEAR….lol

    Flea – believe it or not, I’ve never heard of xgeva. My injection is once every 6 months. I know reclast is an infusion once/year

    Annie – thinking of you

    Hey, just thought of something...going into BK later means that I’ll be able to exercise and take my walk. YEEEAAAAA

    Rosemarie – funny, we were just talking about hybrids (I don’t own one) and the fact that when we drive to FL, we wouldn’t have to wait hours and hours while the car recharges. It seems a lot of people are finding hybrids a good alternative to an all electric vehicle

    Allie – proof that God made puddles for one reason – to be jumped in.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Yeah, I much prefer working for the government down here rather than having my own business and/or working in North America. :)

    I'm on 18 days leave for Christmas:
    4 days of annual leave
    3 weekends (6 days)
    3 statutory holidays (Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day)
    3 extra days of leave because they agreed to that in the most recent salary package ... that's for Dec 27, 28, and 29)
    and 2 of my usual Fridays off.

    Now, my annual leave days are 3 days next week and the 8th. If I am still sick on those days (and possibly even if I'm not), I may be able to trade my annual leave days for sick leave days. I'd like that and will ask about it because I have something in the neighbourhood of 50+ sick leave days available. I'd prefer to use the sick leave days rather than annual leave if possible.

    Meanwhile today, I managed to put my laundry away so I am temporarily caught up with my clothing laundry.

    I've also been working my way through emails. Since I got back from Canada, I was struggling to get my emails below 100 in my Inbox. Normally, there's about 25 in my Inbox that I need to address. By the time my Christmas break started, I'd given up the battle and there were close to 200 in my Inbox. I'm back down to 25 now. :) And I've stopped the delivery of quite a few.

    I'd be fine of companies wanted to send me the occasional email, but they seem to want to spam a person all the time.

    I signed up for a Carer's magazine delivered by email. I thought it would come once a month. Gradually the emails started coming in more and more and more until, during this break, I tracked how frequently they were coming. Every other day I was getting an email announcing that there was a new article in the Carer's magazine. I shut it down.

    Same with Amazon ... they've got to send 152 emails each time you look at the site!! Shut that one down too.

    My Inbox has been a ghost town! It's wonderful! I had started losing important emails in the onslaught of unimportant rubbish.

    Machka in Oz