🎉❄️ January Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge❄️🥳



  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 286 Member
    Hello and welcome to the new year.

    Start 111.7kg
    Monthly Goal 110kg

    Mon 1: 111.7kg
  • AmygdalaMarie
    AmygdalaMarie Posts: 14 Member
    iLive2Walk wrote: »
    Hello I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while now. Retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty). I have been on this weight loss journey since January 2023. 💖I wouldn't be where I am today without this group (along with a couple other challenges I am in); I am so thankful for their support and accountability. 💖

    My Goals for January

    ⚖️ Lose 4 pounds (always my goal)
    👣17K steps daily with one day of rest
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Tai Chi or Yoga 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    👣 📝 🥗 💪 🧘‍♀️ 💦

    Highest Weight 228
    December Ending Weight 164

    Since March I have been writing a montly reflection - this month - reflected on the year. Thought I would share as my introduction.

    2023 Reflection

    What a year it has been. In January my husband went back to work on a temporary assignment for six months. It was the first time in my life that I was alone most of the day. I thought it was the perfect time for me to focus on me for a change and vowed to lose weight, get healthy, give up some bad habits, and exercise. I started walking every day and found a tracker to record my yearly miles. I started with a goal of 1,960 miles in 2023. My weight loss goal was to get out of the obese category – which would mean about 60 pounds. When Greg’s assignment was over, I was worried that I would fall back into the old routine – but happily he not only supported my quest to get healthy, he joined me every day for my AM walk (weather permitting)!

    Since moving to East Hampton 20 years ago, I have had this thought about walking the entirety of the Airline trail from East Hampton to Willimantic. I also thought this was the perfect opportunity for me to accomplish that. I started the trek on January 23. I posted my intention on Facebook to keep me accountable and blogged about my daily adventures. I completed the 62-mile journey on February 22, averaging a little over 2.5 miles per day and lost 14 pounds in the process. I thought, “what now”?

    I found My Fitness Pal and started tracking my daily calories. This wasn’t motivating enough, so found the challenges forum on the site and thought let’s give it a try. I was addicted. I joined many challenges on the site – too many. I have my favorites – two that are competition based, The Biggest Loser Challenge and the Hogwarts Challenge. They make losing weight and exercising fun. I liked them so much that I became a co-captain of the BLC challenge. I chose this one because Hogwarts is too creative for my mathematical brain to be a leader - LOL. I also am fond of a couple others (Fat to Fit and the 5% challenges) which are a lot less intense. The last two tend to overlap with my favorites, so aren’t too hard to manage. I am also in a support group, for friendship and encouragement. I know it seems like a lot – but I love it, it keeps me motivated, and most importantly they are working for me!

    In October I met my 60-pound loss goal, and I added a new goal, another 28 pounds to get in the ideal range. I have lost 64 pounds so far, another 24 to go to meet my goal. I met my 1,960 miles in 2023 goal in October, upped the goal to 2,023 and met that in November. I ended the year with a little over 2,500 miles.

    What are my plans for 2024?
    • Starting the year with a 10K walk in January 1
    • I will reach my goal weight – hoping by my birthday in August; then the maintenance period – which I’m thinking will be just as hard, if not harder.
    • I am continuing with my groups on My Fitness Pal.
    • I am also feeling very nostalgic and decided to do the Airline Trail again – this time Greg is joining me. Can’t wait – he is a little under the weather at the moment – will start when he is healthy.
    • I signed up for the 2,024 miles in 2024. I was going to change to intentional walking only, but the 2,023 routine worked for me so I’m going to do the same for 2024.
    • I am going to focus a little more on nutrition this year, not just calories-in, calories-out. I think in the beginning of the year I will just monitor it – see how close I am to getting my recommended macronutrients goals, then adjust as I become more familiar with it.
    • Try to get at least 6 glasses of water in.
    • Strength train 3 days/week, flex 1 day.
    • Read a little more.
    • Have some fun.

    iLive2Walk wrote: »
    Hello I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while now. Retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty). I have been on this weight loss journey since January 2023. 💖I wouldn't be where I am today without this group (along with a couple other challenges I am in); I am so thankful for their support and accountability. 💖

    My Goals for January

    ⚖️ Lose 4 pounds (always my goal)
    👣17K steps daily with one day of rest
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Tai Chi or Yoga 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    👣 📝 🥗 💪 🧘‍♀️ 💦

    Highest Weight 228
    December Ending Weight 164

    Since March I have been writing a montly reflection - this month - reflected on the year. Thought I would share as my introduction.

    2023 Reflection

    What a year it has been. In January my husband went back to work on a temporary assignment for six months. It was the first time in my life that I was alone most of the day. I thought it was the perfect time for me to focus on me for a change and vowed to lose weight, get healthy, give up some bad habits, and exercise. I started walking every day and found a tracker to record my yearly miles. I started with a goal of 1,960 miles in 2023. My weight loss goal was to get out of the obese category – which would mean about 60 pounds. When Greg’s assignment was over, I was worried that I would fall back into the old routine – but happily he not only supported my quest to get healthy, he joined me every day for my AM walk (weather permitting)!

    Since moving to East Hampton 20 years ago, I have had this thought about walking the entirety of the Airline trail from East Hampton to Willimantic. I also thought this was the perfect opportunity for me to accomplish that. I started the trek on January 23. I posted my intention on Facebook to keep me accountable and blogged about my daily adventures. I completed the 62-mile journey on February 22, averaging a little over 2.5 miles per day and lost 14 pounds in the process. I thought, “what now”?

    I found My Fitness Pal and started tracking my daily calories. This wasn’t motivating enough, so found the challenges forum on the site and thought let’s give it a try. I was addicted. I joined many challenges on the site – too many. I have my favorites – two that are competition based, The Biggest Loser Challenge and the Hogwarts Challenge. They make losing weight and exercising fun. I liked them so much that I became a co-captain of the BLC challenge. I chose this one because Hogwarts is too creative for my mathematical brain to be a leader - LOL. I also am fond of a couple others (Fat to Fit and the 5% challenges) which are a lot less intense. The last two tend to overlap with my favorites, so aren’t too hard to manage. I am also in a support group, for friendship and encouragement. I know it seems like a lot – but I love it, it keeps me motivated, and most importantly they are working for me!

    In October I met my 60-pound loss goal, and I added a new goal, another 28 pounds to get in the ideal range. I have lost 64 pounds so far, another 24 to go to meet my goal. I met my 1,960 miles in 2023 goal in October, upped the goal to 2,023 and met that in November. I ended the year with a little over 2,500 miles.

    What are my plans for 2024?
    • Starting the year with a 10K walk in January 1
    • I will reach my goal weight – hoping by my birthday in August; then the maintenance period – which I’m thinking will be just as hard, if not harder.
    • I am continuing with my groups on My Fitness Pal.
    • I am also feeling very nostalgic and decided to do the Airline Trail again – this time Greg is joining me. Can’t wait – he is a little under the weather at the moment – will start when he is healthy.
    • I signed up for the 2,024 miles in 2024. I was going to change to intentional walking only, but the 2,023 routine worked for me so I’m going to do the same for 2024.
    • I am going to focus a little more on nutrition this year, not just calories-in, calories-out. I think in the beginning of the year I will just monitor it – see how close I am to getting my recommended macronutrients goals, then adjust as I become more familiar with it.
    • Try to get at least 6 glasses of water in.
    • Strength train 3 days/week, flex 1 day.
    • Read a little more.
    • Have some fun.

  • AmygdalaMarie
    AmygdalaMarie Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for sharing!!! You just motivated me and gave me lots of ideas! What app did you use to track yearly steps?
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,953 Member
    Thanks for sharing!!! You just motivated me and gave me lots of ideas! What app did you use to track yearly steps?

    I used the Run the Edge website - it does cost $25 for the basic registration (you don't need to RUN). This year I am using the Conqueror website (Conquer 2024) - basic package is $38, but like the fact that it is for a good cause - they plant trees as you progress - and you get the medal.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 1
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    SW Aug 2023: 212.7 | Sep 2023: 207.1 | Oct 2023: 205.5 | Nov 2023: 208.3 | Dec 2023: 205.3

    January 2024 Goals:
    Log Food Daily | 1Hr Aerobic Dance Daily w/Extra Exercise as Possible | 7 hours Sleep/Day | Consistency

    Jan 1: 205.9
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 774 Member
    edited January 1
    Hi, this is my first time in this challenge and I'm very happy to be here! I'm 66 YO, 5' 2" and officially overweight (again). I've been through the yo-yo weight gain and loss too many times and it's not healthy. I gained 15 lbs in the last year and a half, and if I don't change my habits I'm headed for worse.

    My goal for 2024: to gradually lose the weight by changing the habits that hurt me and to learn how to integrate and maintain healthy eating habits for good.

    My goals for this week:
    • to the gym 4-5 times a week (keeping consistent)
    • tea after dinner- no food after.
    • weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    • log in here every day

      Starting weight: 146.5
      Goal weight for the week: around/under 145

      1/1: 146.6
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 701 Member
    Hello, I’m Kira. I'm 52, 5'1" and live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with my husband. We are now officially empty nesters with chicks that still come home often!!

    My goals for January :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Get 8000 steps at least 3 time a week, go for a walk at least 2 times a week

    Starting weight January 1st:
    Jan 1 - 185.4
    Jan 2
    Jan 3
    Jan 4
    Jan 5
    Jan 6
    Jan 7
    Jan 8
    Jan 9
    Jan 10
    Jan 11
    Jan 12
    Jan 13
    Jan 14
    Jan 15
    Jan 16
    Jan 17
    Jan 18
    Jan 19
    Jan 20
    Jan 21
    Jan 22
    Jan 23
    Jan 24
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27
    Jan 28
    Jan 29
    Jan 30
    Jan 31
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Hi All! I'm a 46-year-old married mom of five. I started this group in September at 141 pounds (overweight for me at my height) and have lost about 11-12 pounds overall since then. I always gain some weight around Christmas; I love the cookies, truffles, and eggnog etc. I allowed myself to just enjoy those things and slack off some; however, it's time to get back to the routine! My goal for January is to log and weigh every day, and to lose 3 1/2 pounds. I'm setting my goal a tad on the aggressive side because I suspect that some of my gain from the end of December is not only fat but water and such.

    Ultimate starting weight 160.0 pounds
    January goal: 126.0 pounds

    January 1: 129.6
    January 2:
    January 3:
    January 4:
    January 5:
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Hello, I’m Steph I am 5,4” and I live in Canada

    My goals for January : to loose 5 lbs
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily
    📝Log daily- drink 8 glasses of water
    🙆‍♀️Stretch daily/ Exercise 3x per week- starting at 10 minutes (for busy days, anything for the habit) - 60 min. Additionally walking at least 5,000 steps a day to start,

    Ultimate goal- have a healthier life style which will bring my weight down.
    This is the highest weight I have ever been.

    Starting weight January 1st:
    Jan 1
    Jan 2
    Jan 3
    Jan 4
    Jan 5
    Jan 6
    Jan 7
    Jan 8
    Jan 9
    Jan 10
    Jan 11
    Jan 12
    Jan 13
    Jan 14
    Jan 15
    Jan 16
    Jan 17
    Jan 18
    Jan 19
    Jan 20
    Jan 21
    Jan 22
    Jan 23
    Jan 24
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27
    Jan 28
    Jan 29
    Jan 30
    Jan 31