

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    edited January 2
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Tuesday!
    Off to a good start. 16 oz water in, Bible read, 24 mins walking, am in hot tub!

    Machka most processed foods have added sugars. Most restaurants and fast foods have added sugar. Just like salt it is designed to make things taste better so we go back for more. Things we grew up on chefboyrdee, hamburger helper, etc all have lots of added sugars. It is those hidden ones that are harder to control. I buy little processed foods and read labels on those I do buy. A lot of "healthy" foods have sugar and salt added. Different note, I relate shopping with my DH along the same lines as hunting with a game warden. You aren't doing anything wrong, yet always feel judged.

    Flea Happy anniversary! I am happy that you had a good time.

    Simone Welcome! We were all newcomers at some point. Drop in often as this is not a static group!

    Michele I have all the important dates in my calendar. The problem is getting it from my head to the person. I am working on the execution of the actions.

    Time for work. Will have to make my own sunshine today!

    Healing thoughts!
    Lots of encouragement!

    Kylia in Grey again Ohio

    I grew up on similar foods to what I eat now ... fruit, vegetables, whole grains but also a lot of meat. My mother was a nurse and didn't go in for a lot of processed stuff because she didn't think it was healthy. I don't think I have ever had hamburger helper and don't recall eating chef boyardee until I was into my 20s, and not a lot then. I didn't like it ... too sweet.

    I don't like most canned food because it is too sweet. Although I will go for a few soups.

    My parents would get a side of beef from a farmer (often someone they knew) each year and that's what we would have with veggies as a side.

    Now I eat veggies as the main and a little pasta or small bit of meat or something as the side. I'm actually a fan of plain boiled pasta with a bit of butter and cheese, and veggies.

    (What is or was hamburger helper? Was it a seasoning packet for the hamburger?)

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :)Rosemarie, I love the suggestion that you shop with a woman friend and ignore what your kids are saying. My suggestion is that you be sure that you're not just buying something to make yourself feel better and thus avoid the decision fatigue of getting rid of things you don't need. Also don't make a big change to hybrid or electric until you've take the time to learn more and make sure it's the right decision. If you have a lot of furniture you don't like, get rid of it first and then buy the couch you want.

    :)Machka, Thank you for all the food for thought that you share.

    :)Flea Happy Anniversary

    :)Rebecca, great plan to celebrate your anniversary at at different season so you can have the adventure you want.

    :) My word for 2024 is "Enough". I already have everything I need. The plan is to use and enjoy it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    edited January 2
    Wow! It is WINDY here! Really WINDY!
    Waitrose has been delayed an hour. They actually rang me to tell me.

    It was chaotic this morning because Max turned up with the girls. At nearly 13, his main project in life is to wind them up, and vice versa! :p I managed to put a lid on it, but it does make the day less pleasurable.
    Bea and I did an idea from Instagram, using paint fingerprints, and then decorating them. It was harder than it sounds! Hers actually came out better than mine because I used a couple of darker paints, and you couldn't see the pen work on top. We made a horrible mess of Edie's paint box, so I now have to clean it up.

    Lunch went well and they all ate a lot. Edie insists on having a side salad, and she always makes a French dressing.
    I was exhausted when they left, but it was very satisfying.


    Waitrose have just been and all is put away. I'm going to see if I can catch up with G, or L , or both. I've had a short nap.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,462 Member
    So... talked to the Home Depot folks, and they of course, put me on to their vendor (which I fully expected). Vendor isn't answering phone, of course, "leave a message with email, phone number, first-born child's exact moment of birth, down to the second, your cat's psychiatric evaluation results, and what the problem is that you're calling about, if you can remember that by the time you've given us all the other information." Mildly exaggerated, but still...

    Anyway, called them three times, just to get the message each time, and went out to look at the boxes and see if there was another number. There I found, not only another number but a couple absolutely hilarious things. Start at the very bottom line in the image, and read the customer service hours. If you're on the Pacific Coast, customer service is between 6 p.m. and midnight - but by the time you get to the East Coast, you have only the three hours between 9 p.m. and midnight, so you better be quick! Then the phrasing at the top... "Having trouble assembling? Missing parts?" So... I'm thinking this has happened before. 👀🙄🙃

    I'll call them at 8 p.m. CST and see what happens, unless they call me first.

    Later, y'all,

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,908 Member
    I did everything I said I would celebrate yesterday except the bell. I couldn’t find one. Didn’t go to town so no access to bells! I think I will post my goals daily with updates as below, just to keep me accountable. Thanks for being here everyone! I count you all as my friends, cheer squad, sounding board, and support system. Love you ladies!!

    2024 Goals
    Words of the year: simplify, empowered, and authentic.

    1. Do 12 different crafts this year: color, draw, sew, crochet, knit, bead jewelry, candles, make cards, origami, scrapbook, macrame, loop looms 2/12
    2. Walk 7250 steps daily. 1/31
    3. 30 minutes activity 1/7 days a week
    4. Journal 1/5 days a week
    5. Meditate 1/7 days a week
    6. Family phone calls 11/12 monthly.
    7. Save $1000 for emergencies by depositing $50 a month into savings and not touching it. 0/1000
    8. Research and apply for senior independent living in Roswell, one a month. 0/12
    9. Drink 8 days a month or less. 0/8
    10. Read 1/24 books this year.

    “I’m learning to treat myself as if I am valuable. I find that when I practice long enough, I begin to believe it.” In All Our Affairs

    “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” —-Romans, The Bible.

    Keep it Simple
    But for the Grace of God
    Easy Does It
    First Things First
    Just for Today
    Let it Begin with Me
    How Important is it?
    One Day at a Time
    Keep an Open Mind
    Live and Let Live
    Let Go and Let God

    say the Serenity prayer.
    “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can, and
    The wisdom to know the difference.”

    I also say a step 7 prayer which is very simple and it goes like this: 'God, please help me deal with my character defects.’

    The results of your personality test are in. Here they are:
    Personality type: Logistician (ISTJ-T)
Traits: Introverted – 69%, Observant – 58%, Thinking – 75%, Judging – 56%, Turbulent – 54%
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Constant Improvement

    Joined MFP 5/26/2010




  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,509 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Rosemarie, I love the suggestion that you shop with a woman friend and ignore what your kids are saying. My suggestion is that you be sure that you're not just buying something to make yourself feel better and thus avoid the decision fatigue of getting rid of things you don't need. Also don't make a big change to hybrid or electric until you've take the time to learn more and make sure it's the right decision. If you have a lot of furniture you don't like, get rid of it first and then buy the couch you want.

    :)Machka, Thank you for all the food for thought that you share.

    :)Flea Happy Anniversary

    :)Rebecca, great plan to celebrate your anniversary at at different season so you can have the adventure you want.

    :) My word for 2024 is "Enough". I already have everything I need. The plan is to use and enjoy it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    We have never really celebrated our anniversary in any big way, just maybe going out to dinner. But its not everyone that gets to celebrate a 40th.💖👍🏼🤗
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    edited January 2
    I phoned both G and L. G was just leaving the hospital pharmacy with oral steroids etc. They have taken photos and bloods. Results next week. She is relieved to have arrived in the right place at last, but worried about what her problem is.

    L was OK. She is going on a yoga retreat in Morocco in three weeks time.

    I did cook the halloumi curry. It has turned out to be one of our favourite things.

    Hair trim tomorrow.

    My son's New Year resolution is to give up his nicotine tablets that he has been taking for years and years since he gave up smoking. He is finding it HARD. Says he is very tired. :*

    Will keep on keeping on. It will get done. Did I ever say, "I hate forms!" :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    Hubby and I are celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary today. We are at a beautiful place about 30 minutes from our house. Not far, but so nice and quiet. Just good to get away for a night. They still have the lights up from Christmas. We've walked the path twice tonight.

    Willamette Valley OR

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Just a pop in to say thank you Barbie!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I did everything I said I would celebrate yesterday except the bell. I couldn’t find one. Didn’t go to town so no access to bells! I think I will post my goals daily with updates as below, just to keep me accountable. Thanks for being here everyone! I count you all as my friends, cheer squad, sounding board, and support system. Love you ladies!!

    2024 Goals
    Words of the year: simplify, empowered, and authentic.

    1. Do 12 different crafts this year: color, draw, sew, crochet, knit, bead jewelry, candles, make cards, origami, scrapbook, macrame, loop looms 2/12
    2. Walk 7250 steps daily. 1/31
    3. 30 minutes activity 1/7 days a week
    4. Journal 1/5 days a week
    5. Meditate 1/7 days a week
    6. Family phone calls 11/12 monthly.
    7. Save $1000 for emergencies by depositing $50 a month into savings and not touching it. 0/1000
    8. Research and apply for senior independent living in Roswell, one a month. 0/12
    9. Drink 8 days a month or less. 0/8
    10. Read 1/24 books this year.

    That is a long list of crafts! I am still trying to find one hobby.

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member

    So... talked to the Home Depot folks, and they of course, put me on to their vendor (which I fully expected). Vendor isn't answering phone, of course, "leave a message with email, phone number, first-born child's exact moment of birth, down to the second, your cat's psychiatric evaluation results, and what the problem is that you're calling about, if you can remember that by the time you've given us all the other information." Mildly exaggerated, but still...

    I'll call them at 8 p.m. CST and see what happens, unless they call me first.

    Later, y'all,

    Obviously, they are trying to get everyone to email or text for help. I will be shocked if they call you back. People don't like talking on the phone these days, especially for customer service issues. I hope you get through and get your comfy cushions soon!

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    85 mph winds here. This is just down the road from us.


    It's dying down a bit now.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    That's close to the scene here. Someone really upset the ocean.

    Tina in CA