
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    My doctor appointment last Friday was interesting. I told him about my heart rate going up and he asked if I had an apple watch. I said yes and he showed me an app on my phone that recordes differnt heatlh things and stores them. So he went back to Oct 22 and saw where and how often it goes way up. So Thursday afternoon I go back to had a patch put on I wear for 2 weeks. Then I go next month to get the results and see what the next step it.
    Rebecca--I mailed a package of last years calendars. The note I wrote I found on the floor later. So when you get the package from Nebraska with no note that is me. Hope you can use them.
    Allie--So happy Carmine and Seth came to the party.
    Carol--Hugs you have been missed. Take care of yourself.
    Machka--Glad you are feeling better. On the death of your ex. I do not think there is any right or wrong way to feel. I know when my ex passed I had mixed feelings and we shared a son so I felt I had to be nice for his sake.
    They were talking about a winter storm last evening in to today. When I got up and came to work it was 33 and cloudy. But since then it has gotten cold and windy. Started with rain and now snow. Have several inches so far and no sign of stopping. I am glad my night help is on site. A lot of staff is staying in empty patient rooms. Good old fashion snow storm. Gald DH has big truck with 4 wheel drive so I know I will get home.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE where you can not see 10 feet outside the door. <3

    Heehee, no worries! I appreciate them. You sent a military one right? I have decided to use that one as my weight and measurement chart, thanks! I also received some parks calendars from one of you fine ladies so those are my "gift envelopes" that I put stickers into.💖. I appreciate them all!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    This applies to all sorts of brain injury, including dementia, UTI memory issues, stroke memory issues, and all sorts of memory issues.

    How to manage memory problems after brain injury
    Top tips to help make it easier to live with memory problems
    • Adapt the environment
    • Use external memory aids
    • Follow a set routine
    • Combine several strategies to make a substitute memory system
    • Improve general well-being

    Read details here:

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Barbara - I did recommend “Only Murder’s in the Building”, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
    No storm damage is always a good thing.

    Lanette - Is it Windows 10 they are stopping support on this year? I remember the IT guy at work saying the computers would need to be updated because they weren’t compatible with the new operating systems and I’m sure it was Windows 10 that we were running. The first Windows I used was 3.1 when I took my computer course in 1994-1995 a month before I graduated Windows 95 was released. Or at least updated at the school.

    Allie - happy birthday to Miles. Love his little jacket.
    I hear you about the mess! I am overwhelmed with it myself right now and can’t do a thing about it until my wall gets done. We’ve got this!
    My MIL said her heart attacks changed her a lot. Even her tastes in food changed. She used to drink probably 7 or 8 coffees a day and went down to none for a few years. When she had her second heart attack she craved and wanted it again. She also called herself lazy afterwards. I don’t think it’s lazy, I think it’s different priorities and one of those is rest when we need it.

    Barbie - How old is Annie? Will the chewing stop soon for you?

    Machka - in my experience Covid hits everyone completely differently. Sorry you’re having such a struggle with it.
    Sorry to read about your ex’s passing.

    Rebecca - I can’t wait for you to share a picture of your sister’s painting. It sounds so beautiful and touching.

    Those 4 months have flown!

    Debbie - Ahh Bluey, yes a big favourite of my granddaughter’s I have only seen an episode or two as we don’t watch much tv when she is here, but her Mother actually watches it with her. She says it is one of the best shows she’s seen and she likes how it is done. She also said she doesn’t want to strangle herself after watching more than one episode at a time. She liked Handy Manny like that too.

    Barbie - one of the things we did at the nursing home was “Armchair Travel” once a month the Rec department put “airplane windows” on the walls, had a cart done up like an airline, they watched videos of their destination and had a meal that the area is known for. They had trivia and a craft usually as well. It was well attended by our residents.

    Margaret - interesting story. My DH watches the history of… series there is food, toys, technology. They are pretty fascinating.

    Kylia - Lunch room slobs seem to be an issue in every business. The worse I have ever seen though was the home. It was just “expected” that housekeeping would do it. They even had a dishwasher.
    I see the resemblance in you and your sister. It sure is funny how life works out?
    I have been on Wellbutrin for the third time now since 2020 when things started going really south at work. I was debating last night if I need them anymore or not. I have been slowly cutting back, I just need to decide whether to fill the next prescription or not. My doctor and I talked about it and she suggested I not go off them in the Winter. So I probably will keep them for a while.

    Terri - I agree winter is too busy for the Grim Reaper.
    Sorry for the loss in your family.

    Annie - your Dad probably needs some help remembering his meds now. It’s a lot on you.

    Lisa - I tried to watch that Elvis movie and didn’t like the format at all. All of the cartoonish things turned me off.
    Glad you had a great visit. That’s so nerve wracking when our babies are in the air or on the road.

    Rita - the States has a lot that’s not available in Canada. A lot just stopped being available here during Covid. My biggest disappointment was Ragu Spaghetti Sauce and Bugles (the snack).

    Cooper and Cayennes mom - I went back to school this year at age 55. I don’t know how you’re doing it at 70! Good for you.

    Heather - when I’m logging I’m quite honest with it because I figure the only one I’m hurting is me if I don’t.
    “But I wish we had known how to practice love better.” That spoke to me.
    I think DH and I are content with one another right now and love each other dearly as friends. We need to work on practicing love more, that’s a good way to put it.

    Lanette - I actually tracked my weight all week last week and was going to send you a report for today and then my homework overtook my evening yesterday. I’ll do it next week for sure

    Vicki - I’m glad your doctor is looking into your heart quickly.
    I remember nights my Dad stayed at neighbours “in the road” so that he could get to work the next day. We lived on a rural road that didn’t receive attention if school was going to be cancelled. We also took a couple people that were stuck “down the road” a couple of times I remember.

    As I typed that I don’t know why when the road that runs the same direction is in or down, and not “in and out” or “up and down.” Things that make you go 🤔

    Rebecca - Congratulations to your son.

    I’ve had a teary day today. First I am planning a surprise party for our eldest who is turning 35 this year. I don’t know how that happened, since I was just 35 myself! Then as I was planning that with her sister and her best friend. Kaitlyn’s best friend sent the GoFundMe for Kaitlyn and Brodey.
    She had the most beautiful words about these precious kids of mine. I just had to cry.
    This is it if you’re interested in looking.
    I’m ready for bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,586 Member
    Anoter gratitude today: oatmeal ;) and TUMS
    Sue I never knew tears released cortisol. That explains a lot. Thanks and ((hugs))
    What brand is your dryer?
    Pip still think you burned more calories with Chispa in the sling… ;}
    Vicki hope all are safe at yours.
    Welcome @Jennifer6695 !
    Lisa thankful for safe landings ((hugs)).
    Michele congrats for breaking 100! Not something I ever did. The one time I bowled at a work party I won a trophy for “most atrociouss bowler” :laugh:
    Machka thanks for the “do something today that your future self will thank you for” reminder. This and Heather’s “. . .it doesn’t have to be perfect . . .” sometimes get me over my procrastination humps.
    Rebecca Great achievement, especially training all those others. Well done, eldest!
    Tracey and Heather “practicing love” Yes this!
    1/8: Move ZERO sets PT, line dance class. Steps:5238 so far
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=18 CI<CO net=349 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, library, Post Office. Wt:132.3
    Big casserole-a-thon tomorrow so better get to sleep.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    January: Move more: dailyish PT, play with dogs, more steps than yesterday.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins. more AF days than not.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings, Hebrew, meditation.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am a return visitor to MFP. Need to focus on my own success and I know my health will be better should now be a priority. I am 70 years old and currently in term 2 of Nursing School. Any support will be appreciated!!

    Well done going back to school. I've been an on and off perpetual student most of my life and I think I would like to return to school again when I retire.

    What made you choose nursing?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    An idea ...


    Although, Ohio is 116,096 km² while Tasmania is 68,401 km².
    South Carolina at 82,933 km² and West Virginia 62,756 km² are closer to the area of Tasmania.

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    Rebecca: 👏🏻 Congrats 👏🏻 to eldest.
    Heather: Watched Michael Mosley. An excellent reminder that too much of any food, no matter how ‘healthy’ isn’t good for us.

    Dry spell is continuing. I have Craft this morning. Then doing some decluttering after lunch.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,587 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I was up super early - the internet was down. Not surprising, it's been windy. Power is out right now in several areas surrounding me. Crossing fingers mine stays on. I had forgotten to draw a pail of water for flushing or even a pitcher of drinking water last night so got that taken care of. Have a battery operated radio ready to go. Wind is supposed to pick up here as the morning goes on but I think everything is tethered down. We'll see what it looks like when the sun comes up.

    The internet just came back on so I'm catching up.

    I found a package of chicken thighs in the freezer I need to stew this morning. Not sure what I'll make with them, maybe just some chicken soup. And it's always good to have diced cooked chicken onhand.

    Vicki - hoping you made it home OK. Good that your Apple watch had been recording your heart activity and that your heart doc is getting on top of it quickly.

    Back later-

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Morning ladies,im up and dressed.
    Its 20 degrees and we will be getting the monsoon later this afternoon. Getting ready to go get Doris..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,074 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Anoter gratitude today: oatmeal ;) and TUMS
    Sue I never knew tears released cortisol. That explains a lot. Thanks and ((hugs))
    What brand is your dryer?
    Pip still think you burned more calories with Chispa in the sling… ;}
    Vicki hope all are safe at yours.
    Welcome @Jennifer6695 !
    Lisa thankful for safe landings ((hugs)).
    Michele congrats for breaking 100! Not something I ever did. The one time I bowled at a work party I won a trophy for “most atrociouss bowler” :laugh:
    Machka thanks for the “do something today that your future self will thank you for” reminder. This and Heather’s “. . .it doesn’t have to be perfect . . .” sometimes get me over my procrastination humps.
    Rebecca Great achievement, especially training all those others. Well done, eldest!
    Tracey and Heather “practicing love” Yes this!
    1/8: Move ZERO sets PT, line dance class. Steps:5238 so far
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=18 CI<CO net=349 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, library, Post Office. Wt:132.3
    Big casserole-a-thon tomorrow so better get to sleep.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    January: Move more: dailyish PT, play with dogs, more steps than yesterday.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins. more AF days than not.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings, Hebrew, meditation.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

    Yeah, I would have thought so too. Unfortunately, that’s what my Apple Watch says. I guess the good way to look at it is the more fit you are the less energy it takes / calories you burn to do stuff. I only burn 90-100 calories when running a mile. My resting heart rate is 49-50 beats per minute