🎉❄️ January Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge❄️🥳



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @iLive2Walk I wrote a long note here, but lost it. Thanks for the encouragement. I know you’ve been doing this for about a year and lost about 65 lbs. At least I think so. I started in March and have lost about 50 lbs. I’m trying to use your goal of 4 lbs. a month. It’s doable. You’re inspiring me.

    @stormywxs288 We’re neck and neck. I think though since I’m female and fairly short, you may pull ahead in time. You play a lot of wonderful sports, like pickleball. I’m watching you closely 😳, and trying to keep up. I’m sure we’ll both be successful in reaching our goals.
  • sammcc7907
    sammcc7907 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi , I’m Sam (Samantha) 53yrs, 5ft 4 and from Adelaide in South Australia
    I am really hoping to stick at this, this time around and lose the weight that should never have gone on in the first place

    I aim to weigh and log in daily for accountability and it looks like this is the place to do it

    Starting weight - 85kg (eek) - 187lbs
    Goal weight - 65kg - 143lbs

    8 - 85kg (187lbs) - 7km incline walk and food logged
    9 - 84.6kg - 7km incline walk - got side tracked reading a book last night and did not log my dinner or post here so am posting this morning after I smacked my hand
    10 - 84.4kg - 7km incline walk - food logged
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,023 Member
    Hello I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while now. Retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty). I have been on this weight loss journey since January 2023. 💖I wouldn't be where I am today without this group (along with a couple other challenges I am in); I am so thankful for their support and accountability. 💖

    My Goals for January

    ⚖️ Lose 4 pounds (always my goal)
    👣17k Steps Daily with one day of rest
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Tai Chi or Yoga 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    👣 📝 🥗 💪 🧘‍♀️ 💦

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164

    December Ending Weight 164

    Jan 1: 163.8 👣 📝 🥗 💦 Happy New Year!
    Jan 2: 163.8 👣 📝 🥗 💦 Met my New Year's goal - did a 10K walk yesterday AM. Was ravenous all day, but managed to stay under my calorie limit by 5 calories. I would say a successful day. I'm still .2 pounds away from my lowwest weight (just before Christmas).
    Jan 3: 162.8 😁 👣 📝 🥗 💦 Funny thing happened to yesterday. Greg, Monty and I started the Airline Trail today (I am feeling nostalgic so want to do it again, and we started off with a big one day 6.2 miles. When we got back to the car, Greg noticed he didn't have his wallet. Thought he left it on the counter at home. Got home, no wallet, now we think he must have dropped it on the trail as we were walking, so we drove back to the trail at the half way point. Greg went one way - I went the other looking for the wallet, another 3.7 miles and didn't find it. When we got home - Greg remembered he took the truck out yesterday - left it in the center console. LOL! So, my 6.2 walked turned into 9.9, silver linings I guess! Here are some pictures from the walk (the first time).
    Jan 4: 162.8 👣 📝 🥗 💦
    Jan 5 : 163.4 👣 📝 💪 💦 Couldn't sleep, got up, raided the pantry. When I posted last night it triggered me to stop, but a little too late. Today is my rest day. Off to visit my husband's cousin, celebrate Christmas. Will try to get a small walk in this afternoon. Won't be able to weigh everything, but we are bringing lunch with us, so should be able to estimate and log everything.
    Jan 6: 162.8 📝 🥗 Spent yesterday at my husband's eldery cousins house -5 hours in a car, and sitting all day with her - so not much movement yesterday. I did log everything, and used estimates for measuring. I jumped on the treadmill when I got home - got 2 miles in - counting it as my rest day.
    Jan 7: 162.8 👣 📝 🥗 💦 Just a quiet day at home - hubby was out all day. Finished the book I was reading, waiting for the winter storm to arrive - it came - not as much as expected. Just enough to make it pretty, and for me to get a little strength exercise today shoveling the driveway, but not enough to kill me. Actually looking forward to it. Probably won't get an outside walk today.
    Jan 8: 163.6 ☹️👣 📝 🥗 💪 Doesn't make sense, but that is what the scale says today - so that's what I am posting.
    Jan 9: 163.6 👣 📝 🥗 💪 💦 Had some salty soup (was delicious), so expected the scale to stay the same or go up and it did. Went to Bingo with mom last night - won the door prize ($10). Yahoo. Mom seemed a little down yesterday, hoping all is ok. The arthritis in her hip has been bothering her for years, they give her injections - but the last one didn't really help much. She has her annual appointment with her doctor today - hoping they can figure something out so that she isn't in so much pain everyday.
    Jan 10: 163.4 👣 📝 🥗 🧘‍♀️ 💦
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,023 Member
    @Melwillbehealthy Yes you are right, I have been doing this a year, it's getting harder to lose that 4 pounds a month - but it still is my goal! We will get there, never giving up! 💖
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Welcome to your year of refocusing on becoming a healthier you. We’re all in this together.

    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for January :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Stretch daily/ Exercise 3x per week- starting at 15-20 minutes of beginner dance workouts
    Get back down to under 200 pounds
    Hang out in the 190’s for awhile.
    My ultimate and hopefully sustainable goal is 185.

    Starting weight January 1st:
    Jan 1: 205.6
    marks the start of 2024
    Let the fun begin!

    Jan 2: 204.5
    I love January! New Year reset has begun. I moved my daughter back to college today and got to spend all day with her. I’ll miss having her home for the holidays, but she’ll be home for the weekend in less than 10 days.

    Jan 3: 203.4
    It’s amazing what logging everything and exercise can do! Feeling fabulous. 🥰 Time to do some quick exercise with Up to the BEat fit with Gina B on YouTube then it’s time to take down the Christmas tree and decorations before heading back to work tomorrow.

    Jan 4: 203.3 Happy Thursday friends! Today is my Monday. Time to get back to work and keep up with the good habits.

    Jan 5: 202.8 😁😄😃
    Jan 6: 202.7 😁😁
    Jan 7: 201.7 I love waking up and getting on the scale again. Happy Sunday!❄️
    Jan 8: 202.8 not gonna stress… part of the process. Happy Monday. 🥰
    Jan 9: 203.2 over indulged in salty wings while watching U of M play in the National Championship last night. Great game and tasty food. Gotta eat more veggies today to compensate.
    Jan 10: 204.6 It’s amazing how quickly the scale reacts to a day of mindless grazing. Need to stop the slip back into bad habits now.

  • bizzylizzybeth
    bizzylizzybeth Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone being on here is keeping me focused !!
    Keep going everyone ! The picture I have for my profile is my inspiration and my lightest before I had children !

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food 😋
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    Drink more water💧
    No alcohol Mon-thurs 🥂
    Self Care Activity 🧶

    Missed the first week !

    Day (7) 68kg ✅✅✅✅👎
    Day (8) 67.5kg ✅✅✅👎👎 did have 2 small glasses of Perry but within my calories so not bad
    Day (9) 67kg (did not go swimming starting with a cold and just couldn’t face it 😂🤦‍♀️)
  • WhiskeyDeltaKilo
    WhiskeyDeltaKilo Posts: 58 Member
    Good morning! After a full week of logging and exercising I have finally lost a pound. I'll take it!
    I've been doing a 10 minute yoga work-out in the morning and 20 at night and haven't missed a day yet.
    I guess it just took a week to kick in.
  • Rh1aB1a
    Rh1aB1a Posts: 294 Member
    Happy New Year!

    January SW- 162.4
    January GW- 158.0
    UGW- 148

    1. 162.4 <3
    2. 162.0 <3
    3. 162.0 <3
    4. 161.6 <3
    5. 161.0 <3
    6. 160.8 <3
    7. 161.0 <3
    8. 162.6 <3 Not sure what's up with that, but we are gonna keep rolling! B)
    9. DNW <3 It's my 38th birthday!
    10. 162.4 <3
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 787 Member
    Jude, 66YO, 5'2"
    SW: 147
    GW: 142

    Hi, this is my first time in this challenge and I'm very happy to be here! I'm 66 YO, 5' 2" and officially overweight (again). I've dieted since I was 11 YO and my mom had a chart on the broom closet wall. I've been through the yo-yo weight gain and loss too many times and it's not healthy. Been as high as 165 (2007), as low as 115 (2008). I gained and lost 15-20 lbs at least 3 times in the last 15 years and that's self-defeating- and not healthy. My main goal now is to lose the weight (yes!) AND change my habits to a sustainable lifestyle that allows me to eat well and maintain my fitness.

    Wk 2: 1/8/24:
    My goals for this week:
    continue my exercise plan
    tea after dinner- no food after
    weigh every day- and be aware it won't always make me "happy"
    log in here every day

    1/8: 142.6
    1/9: 142.2

    Week 1
    1/8: First week of my first challenge down! Weighed every day, which is a huge step for me! Learning to use that number as a signal, not a moral judgment. Also, making Monday morning my end of week was a good change- I checked my portions all weekend, made new and interesting recipes that changed things up. Learning to make this a sustainable way of life, not a diet! Only took me 66 years!

    Wk1: 1/1/24:
    My goals for this week:
    * to the gym 4-5 times a week (keeping consistent)
    * tea after dinner- no food after.
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every day

    1/1: 146.6
    1/2: 145.8
    1/3: 144.2
    1/4: 144.2
    1/5: 143.2
    1/6: 143.4
    1/7: 142.6

    1/7: Met my goals for the first time in a year and a half. Yay! On to week 2!

    1/5: I know that this is mostly adjustment of bloat from the holidays, but it's encouraging to see the number drop. A good boost, but the real work will start when the number stabilizes or goes up.

    1/3 Yay! Holiday bloat is going, better habits starting. It's as important for me to learn to eat correctly as to lose this weight. I always eat "healthfully" right through dinner and then pound the snacks after dinner, usually more calories in junk than in my daily meals. So my goal this time is to change this self-defeating- and self-deluding- habit.

  • HappyHiker24
    HappyHiker24 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! I've gained quite a bit of weight over the past few years, and I'd like to turn that trend around. At a minimum, I'd like to get out of the obese zone, so my first goal weight is 185.

    My goals for January:
    - Daily physical therapy for chronic injury
    - Lose 4-8 pounds

    Jan 1: 216.7 (PT & calorie deficit)
    Jan 2: 215.0 (calorie deficit)
    Jan 3: 214.4 (PT & calorie deficit)
    Jan 4: 213.9 (calorie deficit)
    Jan 5: 214.2 (PT & calorie deficit)
    Jan 6: 213.5 (calorie deficit)
    Jan 7: 212.3 (PT & calorie deficit)
    Jan 8: 212.3 (PT & calorie deficit)
    Jan 9: 211.4 (calorie deficit)
    Jan 10: 211.7
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    edited January 10
    Oops, going the wrong way and dangerously close to slipping back into the 180s. Today my daughter is taking me out to dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate my birthday early. So, that means today will be One Meal A Day (OMAD) for me. I usually only eat twice a day and use Intermittent Fasting (IF) with a 6-hour eating window (10 am -4 pm) and an 18-hour fasting period.

    Oh well, life gets in the way sometimes but I'm not passing up the opportunity to celebrate an occasion with family or friends. Let’s hope my OMAD compensates for late-night food (5 pm is late for me, Ha!) and altering My IF routine. Cheers!

    Start weight: 180.0 pounds
    Goal weight: 160.0 pounds

    Jan 1-jan7: 180.0 - 178.8 (-1.2)
    Jan 8: 178.4
    Jan 9: 179.0
    Jan 10: 179.6
  • sands4
    sands4 Posts: 183 Member
    sands4 Posts: 100 Member
    January 9
    Happy new year everyone ❤️
    came down with a virus RSV over the holidays and does seem to want to say goodbye😡 been away from the scale but I’m determined to feel better and get back to life.

    Jan 03 159.8
    Jan 09 161.4
    Jan 10 161.4
    Jan 11
    Jan 12
    Jan 13
    Jan 14
    Jan 15
    Jan 16
    Jan 17
    Jan 18
    Jan 19
    Jan 20
    Jan 21
    Jan 22
    Jan 23
    Jan 24
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27
    Jan 28
    Jan 29
    Jan 30
    Jan 31
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 704 Member
    Hello, I’m Kira. I'm 52, 5'1" and live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with my husband. We are now officially empty nesters with chicks that still come home often!!

    My goals for January :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Get 8000 steps at least 3 time a week, go for a walk at least 2 times a week

    Starting weight January 1st:
    Jan 1 - 185.4
    Jan 2 - 188.6
    Jan 3 - 187.4
    Jan 4 - 187.8
    Jan 5 - 187.0
    Jan 6 - 186.8
    Jan 7 - 187.2
    Jan 8 - 187.0
    Jan 9 - 186.6
    Jan 10 - 186.8

  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 490 Member
    edited January 10
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    SW Aug 2023: 212.7 | Sep 2023: 207.1 | Oct 2023: 205.5 | Nov 2023: 208.3 | Dec 2023: 205.3

    January 2024 Goals:
    Log Food Daily | 1Hr Aerobic Dance Daily w/Extra Exercise as Possible | 7 hours Sleep/Day | Consistency

    Jan 1: 205.9
    Jan 2: 205.9
    Jan 3: 205.7
    Jan 4: 205.3
    Jan 5: 205.4
    Jan 6: 206.5
    Jan 7: 206.9
    Jan 8: 206.9
    Jan 9: 206.4
    Jan 10: 206.4 - I am liquid diet and fasting for medical procedures tomorrow. Said this in another group, but hopefully the number will drop and stay there as a reward. I've been on limited foods this week and keeping up with my exercise, trying to stay with my healthy habits. And I'm trying to manage my anxiety about these procedures, but my worries spike at unexpected moments. And I have to say it: Chicken broth and Jello is the most uninteresting meal ever. But when you're starving, you'll gladly eat it.
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Hi All! I'm a 46-year-old married mom of five. I started this group in September at 141 pounds (overweight for me at my height) and have lost about 11-12 pounds overall since then. I always gain some weight around Christmas; I love the cookies, truffles, and eggnog etc. I allowed myself to just enjoy those things and slack off some; however, it's time to get back to the routine! My goal for January is to log and weigh every day, and to lose 3 1/2 pounds. I'm setting my goal a tad on the aggressive side because I suspect that some of my gain from the end of December is not only fat but water and such.

    Ultimate starting weight 160.0 pounds
    January goal: 126.0 pounds

    January 1: 129.6 I logged ❄️
    January 2: 128.6
    January 3: 128.2 I logged ❄️
    January 4: 127.4 The scale was acting wonky today... it did this last month but settled out and started acting normal again.
    January 5: 128.6 I logged ❄️
    January 6: 126.6 I logged ❄️
    January 7: 127.2
    January 8: 128.8 I logged ❄️
    January 9: 126.6 I logged ❄️ My weight sure is flopping around a lot, but that's pretty normal when I've been eating a lot and am finding my way back to the routine.
    January 10: 126.8
    January 11:
    January 12:
    January 13:
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 490 Member
    Happy belated birthday, @Rh1aB1a !

    @sands4 and everyone dealing with viruses over the holidays, I hope you're all back to full health, or getting there! <3

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @sand4 so sorry you have RSV. I had only recently heard of that virus. It scares me. I got a vaccine for it as I’ve always had lung issues. I hope you recover soon.