🎉❄️ January Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge❄️🥳



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,814 Member
    Hi all I'm Linda from Northen Ontario Canada. An old gal of 75 but that's just a number your only as old as you want to be. Seen a few here from Canada. Starting this morning at 200. My goal is to get under 200 for tops this week. Before you ask tops stands for take off pounds sensibly. My thing this year is eat less move more. I'll be back tomorrow if I can find this.

    @icharpentier2 Just slide up to the top of this posting page, to the right of the challenge title you will see a little flag symbol. Just click that to turn it blue and it will bookmark the challenge for you. I hope this helps.
  • sadie_baby79
    sadie_baby79 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! Call me Bee - Im a married 43yo, 5'6" from Canada. 13y ago went from 190 to low 130s then steadily climbed 100lbs higher than my highest weight. This time around I'd like to adjust better mentally as well to KEEP the health improvements.

    My January goals:
    Daily AM weighin ⚖️
    Log all food 🍽
    5 water bottles daily (to start) 🌊
    6.5k steps daily (to start) 👣
    Daily 30m walk 🦶
    10m 3x/week elliptical 🤸‍♀️POSTPONED

    Jan 2 - 287.5⚖️🍽🌊👣🦶🤸‍♀️
    Jan 3 - 284⚖️🍽🌊👣
    Jan 4 - 284.5⚖️🌊👣🦶 (so far)

    I had to play around with my 10+yo digital scale until I had 2 matching numbers.. think on my birthday next month I'm going to request a new one! 😂

    Your story sounds so similar to mine, and we’re a similar age and weight. Would love to be my fitness pal friends and cheer each other on!
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Walela617 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    Forgive my weakness, but I just can't weigh myself every day - the fluctuations are making me crazy! Basically it's been like this:

    DEC 31: 146.2
    JAN 01: 146.2
    JAN 01: 147.2
    JAN 03: 147.4
    JAN 04: 148.2

    WHAAAT?! I definitely haven't eaten enough to gain any weight, let alone two whole pounds! It's too discouraging and I'm afraid I'll give up!

    I will just stick with my weekly weigh-ins every Sunday (on Jill's other board); so my next weigh-in will be Sunday, January 7th.

    Best wishes to all! 💗

    I don't weigh daily either! It's not great for my mental health. I check my weight once a week. I check in here daily with an update on which goals I worked on. And chatting with everyone is a great bonus 😁
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friends! My name is B - I live with my husband and two kids and work in community mental health. I've never not struggled with my weight, so I'm focusing on long term habits so I can live a longer and more active life with my family.

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food 🥙
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    8 glasses of water💧
    Self Care Activity 🧶

    Sept weightloss: 6.7 lbs
    Oct weightloss: 3.1 lbs
    Nov weightloss: 2.3 lbs
    Dec weightloss:

    ⛄️❄️ JANUARY ❄️⛄️
    1: 🥙🧶
    2: 🥙🧶 My husband was sworn into town council tonight and we went out with the family to dinner to celebrate! I'm guestimating the calories but we had a great night ❤️
    3: 🥙
    4: 🥙 Weatherman is calling for snow this weekend! Grabbing some groceries and looking forward to a weekend at home.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Happy New Year! I am a 46 y/o 2x cancer survivor and stressed out married mom of 4 who wants to feel strong and healthy and who is tired of wearing the uncomfortable belly apron.

    January Goal:
    ⬇️Lose 6 pounds.
    Plan: log everyday, hit calorie and fluid targets, daily stretch, movement, and core work, lift weights, and sing.

    01/01: 181.6 🪵🍽️🧘🚶‍♂️©️
    01/02: 181.7 🪵🧘🚶‍♂️©️
    01/03: 181.2 🪵🧘🚶‍♂️©️
    01/04: 183.2 - 🪵🚶‍♂️- Late and large dinners due to working extra hours in order to take off for my husband's surgery tomorrow.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    SW Aug 2023: 212.7 | Sep 2023: 207.1 | Oct 2023: 205.5 | Nov 2023: 208.3 | Dec 2023: 205.3

    January 2024 Goals:
    Log Food Daily | 1Hr Aerobic Dance Daily w/Extra Exercise as Possible | 7 hours Sleep/Day | Consistency

    Jan 1: 205.9
    Jan 2: 205.9
    Jan 3: 205.7
    Jan 4: 205.3
    Jan 5: 205.4

    Happy Friday, everyone! Quick week, but also a busy week. :D I hope you all have a great day.
  • Leanjean8
    Leanjean8 Posts: 29 Member
    Starting weight January 1st: 165.8
    Goal weight for Jan: 160.8
    Jan 2: 165.2
    Jan 3: 166
    Jan 4: 165.3
    Jan 5: 165.3
  • angiekou33
    angiekou33 Posts: 3 Member

    Jan 1 - N/A
    Jan 2 - 112.3kg (247.6lbs) + Strength training at the gym
    Jan 3 - 112.3kg (247.6lbs) + Short walk
    Jan 4 - N/A + Strength training at the gym
    Jan 5 - 111.5kg (245.8lbs)
  • brokenspoiled
    brokenspoiled Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 5
    I realize there's a weight logging tool here but I also use the "Monitor your weight" app because it has a fabulous weight graph. There's a few extra lines on it to monitor your progress. I took a screenshot of their explanation of how it works.. it could possibly be helpful to the recent few mentioning how much daily weighing doesn't work for them. As long as those weighins keep trending down it doesn't really matter the tiny fluctuations up and down daily. Don't forget first thing in the AM, naked after a bathroom break would be the most ideal time as you wouldn't be weighing the food, drink, clothing or waste in your body. 😉

    ETA let us know how it works out for you if you give it a go! I'm going to log losses here on mfp but log every day for this trend line information over there.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Hi again everyone. My name is Mel. I’m a grandma from Ontario. I’m back to continue this challenge for January as you all help keep me accountable.

    Starting weight in March 2023: 230 lbs. (diagnosed with diabetes)
    Goal weight: 120 lbs.
    Height: 5’2”
    Total loss: 48.8 lbs.
    End of Sept. weight: 187.8 lbs.
    End of October weight: 188
    End of Nov. weight: 186
    End of Dec. weight: 181.4 lbs.

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs. (2023)
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6
    August-7 lbs. joined a ‘challenge’
    September- 2.6 lbs. ( sick)
    October- (gained) .2 lbs.
    November- loss 1.2 lbs.
    December- 4.4 lbs.

    Jan. 1- 181.2 lbs. New Years Gala last night.🥳 Not really a Gala, just a fun dinner and dance. 💃 I danced the night away , and tired out my poor hubby. The Courage Brothers Polar Dip into the frigid waters of Lake Ontario is held near here. Going to walk over later to watch, not participate 🤣!
    Jan. 2- DNW
    Jan. 3-182.4 lbs. fitness class
    Jan. 4-181.2 lbs. morning swim
    Jan. 5-DNW bad night, Darlene, did what you did. Couldn’t stop myself.🤐