πŸŽ‰β„οΈ January Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge❄️πŸ₯³



  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    @Melwillbehealthy funny you mentioned your height. I was 5'6" tall for most of my adult life. Now I'm only 5' 4" tall. I shrunk! My claim is I'm not too fat, I'm too short now. Ha! I seem to be going the other way with my weight lately so you may pass me. Not that we're in a race??? We're in this together buddy. See you in the 160s.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,266 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Dec 31st): 183.8
    Goal: 179.8 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    01/01-181.6-(Trend Weight 180.3)-

    01/02-181.4-(Trend Weight 180.4)-

    01/03-181.4-(Trend Weight 180.5)-

    01/04-182.0-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    01/05-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    01/06-183.0-(Trend Weight 181.2)-

    01/07-183.0-(Trend Weight 181.3)-

    01/08-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- I woke up to a big disappointment. I got on my scales and they kept flipping from 174.8 to 175.4 which I know is impossible at this time. I haven’t even had TMI so they should be the same or even up slightly from yesterday’s weight. Also, it did not change over and show me the fat %, Water %, and all the other data it usually gives. It just went black after the weight every time I tried it. All the functions worked perfectly yesterday. I didn’t have another set of AAA batteries so I borrowed some from my TV remote and it still would not work properly. I’m afraid it’s time for a new scale. This one only lasted two years at most. Strange that it stays nicely lit but won’t perform. Anyway, I’ll be scouring Amazon for a new one today so I won’t be able to weigh until it comes in. I must stay diligent and not let my brain go into free-for-all mode just because I don’t have to weigh for a few days. Yes, I have common sense, but that could very easily happen anyway so I am going to pre-log all my food as soon as I am done posting on my challenges to help me stay in line. I will also force myself to exercise today as I could possibly get lax on that too, thinking I’m getting away with murder with no scale. It kind of feels like the teacher is absent today and I have a brand new very young substitute. As far as I think I have come in this weight loss journey, boy am I ever weak and boy oh boy, do I EVER have such a long way to go. Sometimes the physical part is easier than the mental part! Have a good day my friends. I am buckled down for our 6 – 10 inches expected snow storm. I went out yesterday for all the fresh stuff – eggs-bread-milk so my son & I are prepared.

    01/09-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- I had to cancel my endocrinologist appt for today. It’s about 2 hours each way (I live nearly an hour from the freeway). We all knew the snow storm was coming so I cancelled the appt on Monday. Schools are closed today. We got about 9” of the expected 11. Lots of shoveling to do today, luckily my son can help. Snow plow man for the steep hill of a driveway has already been here so I can get out if I need to. My appt is rescheduled for Feb. Probably better if it’s not too close to these food holidays anyway! I ordered my new scale last night. Hopefully it won’t take too long to get here. I dread starting over with new numbers on a new scale but I have no choice. Yesterday was binge day. No diabetes appt afterall and no scale so I would expect no less from my weak self. I should not have even mentioned the possibility of cheating yesterday. I mean, I put it out there in the Universe, didn't I? Hopefully I got it out of my system and today will be better. Good, now THAT is in the Universe!

    01/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,266 Member


  • jimmydr5
    jimmydr5 Posts: 254 Member
    Hello, I’m Jimmy.
    I’m 40, 5’10”

    My goals for January :
    βš–οΈWeigh- in daily
    βœ…Workout 5-6 times /week
    βœ…Deficit diet

    Jan 1: 86.1 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 5 km run
    Jan 2: 85.8 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 5 km run
    Jan 3: 84.9 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 15 km run
    Jan 4: 84.4 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 8 km walk
    Jan 5: 85.5 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 10 km run
    Jan 6: 85.2 kgβœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…2.5 km run.2.5 km walk.
    Jan 7: 85.2 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…21.39 km run
    Half marathon completed πŸ₯°
    Jan 8: 86 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 4 km run
    Jan 9: 85.4 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ… 5.62+0.73 km walk
    Jan 10: 86.2 kg βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…6 km walk
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Hello, I’m Steph I am 5,4” and I live in Canada

    My goals for January : to loose 5 lbs
    βš–οΈWeigh- in daily
    πŸ“Log daily- drink 8 glasses of water
    πŸ™†β€β™€οΈStretch daily/ Exercise 3x per week- starting at 10 minutes (for busy days, anything for the habit) - 60 min. Additionally walking at least 5,000 steps a day to start,

    Ultimate goal- have a healthier life style which will bring my weight down.
    This is the highest weight I have ever been.

    Starting weight January 1st:
    Jan 1-- too nervous to weigh
    Jan 2- 242
    Jan 3- 241.5
    Jan 4- 241.2
    Jan 5- 238.8
    Jan 6- 239.2
    Jan 7- 240.8 I don't know why. I have been working. I'm just assuming it's normal up and down fluctuations

    Jan 8- didnt weigh, woke up late
    Jan 9- 242.8 I don't know why, I am not concerned. It just seems like a woosh is coming soon.
    Jan 10- 240.6
    Jan 11
    Jan 12
    Jan 13
    Jan 14
    Jan 15
    Jan 16
    Jan 17
    Jan 18
    Jan 19
    Jan 20
    Jan 21
    Jan 22
    Jan 23
    Jan 24
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27
    Jan 28
    Jan 29
    Jan 30

    Jan 31


  • BillyAZ
    BillyAZ Posts: 76 Member
    Afternoon All,

    Late to log in…bizarrely ate more and exercised less but dropped the pound I gained from the day prior so I’m guessing the efforts just took a day to land! 3 hours of tennis this evening should see a significant calorie deficit in the day.

    1/1 217.3 😱
    1/2 212.7 (-4.6)
    1/3 208.5 (-4.2) (-8.8)
    1/4 206.7 (-1.8) (-10.6)
    1/5 207.0 (+0.3) (-10.3)
    1/6 205.9 (-1.1) (-11.4)
    1/7 205.9 (+/-0) (-11.4)
    1/8 205.6 (-0.3) (-11.7)
    1/9 206.8 (+1.2) (-10.5)
    1/10 205.9 (-0.9) (-11.4)

    Hope everyone has a great day!


  • HeidiKnipping
    HeidiKnipping Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I’m Heidi. I’m 55, 5’5” and I live in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area.

    My goals for January:
    1 - Weigh in daily
    2 - Begin light cardio/stretch/weight exercises
    3 - Maintain current weight or lose a little

    01.01.24 - 165.9 (.1 over my post surgical low)
    01.02.24 - 166.5 (swelling is going back up)
    01.03.24 - 167 (swelling is continuing to go back up)
    01.04.24 - 167.5 (calling surgeon to see why I am blowing up like a balloon)
    01.05.24 - 167.2 (surgeon says I am okay - here's to hoping it was just water retention!)
    01.06.24 - 166 (much better)
    01.07.24 - 165.1 (almost back to my post surgical weight)
    01.08.24 - 164.2 (swelling weight gain GONE plus .7 more!!)
    01.09.24 - 163.6
    01.10.24 - 163

    1 - Started small stretches (arms above head, side twists) which are going well. The pulling on my
    incisions was horrible at first but are less so after a week. I also started doing some modified
    bridges in the hopes that my healing abdominal muscles would start strengthening up. I am
    walking much better and even walked the entire trip to Costco and pushed the cart. The hubby
    still won't let me lift much except the small laundry basket!

    Highest weight Sep 2004: 315
    Gastric Bypass weight Jan 2005: 281
    Lowest weight Nov 2005: 142 (told to gain weight)
    Highest recent weight Jun 2023: 228.8 (lost and gained throughout the years - oops)
    Skin removal surgery weight Nov 2023: 175
    Goal weight: ??? (I'm okay where I am but wouldn't mind losing a little more)

  • sammcc7907
    sammcc7907 Posts: 34 Member
    @ Buckeyebabe7l7
    Wow, you certainly clock up the steps.
    I try to get in what I can before work. Unfortunately my job is very sedentary
    Still, anything is better than nothing :D
    Keep up the great work
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 287 Member
    Lose weight already! Must exercise more.
    Maybe I should reduce calories? I don’t want to feel too hungry though - if I lower my calories too much it often results in me binging later .

    Start 111.7kg
    Monthly Goal 110kg

    Mon 1: 111.7kg
    Tues 2: 111.8kg
    Wed 3: 111.9kg
    Thur 4: 112.2kg
    Friday 5: 112.8kg
    Saturday 6:111.8kg
    Sunday 7: 112.5kg 😞
    Monday 8: 111.8kg πŸ€”
    Tuesday 9: 114kg 🀬
    Wed 10: 111.2kg ⭐️
    Thursday 11: 111.6kg 🫀
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friends! My name is B - I live with my husband and two kids and work in community mental health. I've never not struggled with my weight, so I'm focusing on long term habits so I can live a longer and more active life with my family.

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food πŸ₯™
    Work out 3x/week πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ
    8 glasses of waterπŸ’§
    Self Care Activity 🧢

    Sept weightloss: 6.7 lbs
    Oct weightloss: 3.1 lbs
    Nov weightloss: 2.3 lbs
    Dec weightloss: 2 lbs

    ⛄️❄️ JANUARY ❄️⛄️
    1: πŸ₯™πŸ§Ά
    2: πŸ₯™πŸ§Ά My husband was sworn into town council tonight and we went out with the family to dinner to celebrate! I'm guestimating the calories but we had a great night ❀️
    3: πŸ₯™
    4: πŸ₯™ Weatherman is calling for snow this weekend! Grabbing some groceries and looking forward to a weekend at home.
    5: πŸ₯™πŸ§Ά
    6: πŸ₯™πŸ§ΆπŸ’§πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ First work out since getting over covid and feeling so much better!
    7: πŸ₯™πŸ§ΆπŸ’§πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ
    9: πŸ₯™πŸ§ΆπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ
    10: πŸ₯™πŸ§Ά This day was rough. Calling it a night and starting over tomorrow.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 489 Member
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | First Goal Weight: 165 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    SW Aug 2023: 212.7 | Sep 2023: 207.1 | Oct 2023: 205.5 | Nov 2023: 208.3 | Dec 2023: 205.3

    January 2024 Goals:
    Log Food Daily | 1Hr Aerobic Dance Daily w/Extra Exercise as Possible | 7 hours Sleep/Day | Consistency

    Jan 1: 205.9
    Jan 2: 205.9
    Jan 3: 205.7
    Jan 4: 205.3
    Jan 5: 205.4
    Jan 6: 206.5
    Jan 7: 206.9
    Jan 8: 206.9
    Jan 9: 206.4
    Jan 10: 206.4
    Jan 11: 204.7
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    @ Buckeyebabe7l7
    Wow, you certainly clock up the steps.
    I try to get in what I can before work. Unfortunately my job is very sedentary
    Still, anything is better than nothing :D
    Keep up the great work

    Thanks! I love to walk as my main exercise. It helps me not be so hungry throughout the day too! 😜
  • WhiskeyDeltaKilo
    WhiskeyDeltaKilo Posts: 58 Member
    Finally making some progress. I guess it takes a week to catch up.