🎉❄️ January Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge❄️🥳



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,823 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Dec 31st): 183.8
    Goal: 179.8 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    01/01-181.6-(Trend Weight 180.3)-

    01/02-181.4-(Trend Weight 180.4)-

    01/03-181.4-(Trend Weight 180.5)-

    01/04-182.0-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    01/05-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    01/06-183.0-(Trend Weight 181.2)-

    01/07-183.0-(Trend Weight 181.3)-

    01/08-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    01/09-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    01/10-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    01/11-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- Still no scale and UPS has already delivered to the neighbors so it won’t be coming today. Oh well, I usually cannot weigh on Friday mornings anyway due to the bus schedule for DGS as weigh-in would be too early. I’ll get in what exercise I can today although I will be babysitting from now until Saturday. DGS does not make it easy! Have a great Thursday everyone!

    01/12-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- Still no scale delivery today but I usually don’t weigh in on Fridays anyway due to the school bus and the fosamax with water. We are expecting approx 24” of total snow today and tomorrow. Schools are closing early today as it will be getting started by 3:00. I’ll be getting lots of shoveling in along with my son’s help but I have to be careful since the ticker is not as healthy as it used to be. We are just getting over the last snow storm from a few days ago. I hope we do not lose power!

    01/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    01/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friends! My name is B - I live with my husband and two kids and work in community mental health. I've never not struggled with my weight, so I'm focusing on long term habits so I can live a longer and more active life with my family.

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food 🥙
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    8 glasses of water💧
    Self Care Activity 🧶

    Sept weightloss: 6.7 lbs
    Oct weightloss: 3.1 lbs
    Nov weightloss: 2.3 lbs
    Dec weightloss: 2 lbs

    ⛄️❄️ JANUARY ❄️⛄️
    1: 🥙🧶
    2: 🥙🧶 My husband was sworn into town council tonight and we went out with the family to dinner to celebrate! I'm guestimating the calories but we had a great night ❤️
    3: 🥙
    4: 🥙 Weatherman is calling for snow this weekend! Grabbing some groceries and looking forward to a weekend at home.
    5: 🥙🧶
    6: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️ First work out since getting over covid and feeling so much better!
    7: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️
    9: 🥙🧶🏃‍♀️
    10: 🥙🧶 This day was rough. Calling it a night and starting over tomorrow.
    11: 🥙🧶
    12: 🥙🧶
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 377 Member
    I want to give up. Maybe I should just accept being a revolting fat person. I can’t stand my body it’s gross 🤮 my stomach looks like I’m 9 months pregnant and it refuses to budge. I don’t know why it’s so darn hard to lose weight. I gained 20kg in a year so why can’t I lose it?

    Start 111.7kg
    Monthly Goal 110kg

    Mon 1: 111.7kg
    Tues 2: 111.8kg
    Wed 3: 111.9kg
    Thur 4: 112.2kg
    Friday 5: 112.8kg
    Saturday 6:111.8kg
    Sunday 7: 112.5kg 😞
    Monday 8: 111.8kg 🤔
    Tuesday 9: 114kg 🤬
    Wed 10: 111.2kg ⭐️
    Thursday 11: 111.6kg 🫤
    Friday 12: 111.9kg 😧
    Saturday 13: 112.6kg 😥
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    I'm currently 34 hours into a 41-hour fast. I plan to break my fast at 10 am this morning. I decided to do this fast because I've been stuck at about 179 pounds since Jan 1. Of course, it worked because I'm now pretty much void of any undigested food or waste in my body. I know that most of the weight loss is not permanent but at least I am moved off the 179 mark for the moment.

    Hopefully, when I return to my normal intermittent fasting routine of 18 hr fasting with a 6-hour eating window I will start trending in the right direction again.

    Start weight: 180.0 pounds
    Goal weight: 160.0 pounds

    Jan 1-Jan7: 180.0 - 178.8 (-1.2)
    Jan 8: 178.4
    Jan 9: 179.0
    Jan 10: 179.6
    Jan 11: 179.4
    Jan 12: 179.4
    Jan 13: 176.4
    Heaviest Weight: 210 BMI 36.0
    Heaviest Weight in 2023: 194.0 BMI 33.6
    Start Weight 2024: 180 BMI 30.9 Obese
    Goal Weight by Feb 2024: 170 BMI 29.2 Over Weight
    Goal weight 2024: 160 BMI 27.5 Over Weight
    Ultimate Goal : 145 BMI 24.9 Normal

    BMI Ranges
    Underweight = <18.5
    Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
    Overweight = 25–29.9
    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 953 Member
    Jude, 66YO, 5'2"
    SW: 147
    GW: 142

    Hi, this is my first time in this challenge and I'm very happy to be here! I'm 66 YO, 5' 2" and officially overweight (again). I've dieted since I was 11 YO and my mom had a chart on the broom closet wall. I've been through the yo-yo weight gain and loss too many times and it's not healthy. Been as high as 165 (2007), as low as 115 (2008). I gained and lost 15-20 lbs at least 3 times in the last 15 years and that's self-defeating- and not healthy. My main goal now is to lose the weight (yes!) AND change my habits to a sustainable lifestyle that allows me to eat well and maintain my fitness.

    Wk 2: 1/8/24:
    My goals for this week:
    continue my exercise plan
    tea after dinner- no food after
    weigh every day- and be aware it won't always make me "happy"
    log in here every day

    1/8: 142.6
    1/9: 142.2
    1/10: 141.4
    1/11: 141.4
    1/12: 141.4
    1/13: 142.2

    First week:
    1/8: First week of my first challenge down! Weighed every day, which is a huge step for me! Learning to use that number as a signal, not a moral judgment. Also, making Monday morning my end of week was a good change- I checked my portions all weekend, made new and interesting recipes that changed things up. Learning to make this a sustainable way of life, not a diet! Only took me 66 years!

    Wk1: 1/1/24:
    My goals for this week:
    * to the gym 4-5 times a week (keeping consistent)
    * tea after dinner- no food after.
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every day

    1/1: 146.6
    1/2: 145.8
    1/3: 144.2
    1/4: 144.2
    1/5: 143.2
    1/6: 143.4
    1/7: 142.6

    1/7: Met my goals for the first time in a year and a half. Yay! On to week 2!

    1/5: I know that this is mostly adjustment of bloat from the holidays, but it's encouraging to see the number drop. A good boost, but the real work will start when the number stabilizes or goes up.

    1/3 Yay! Holiday bloat is going, better habits starting. It's as important for me to learn to eat correctly as to lose this weight. I always eat "healthfully" right through dinner and then pound the snacks after dinner, usually more calories in junk than in my daily meals. So my goal this time is to change this self-defeating- and self-deluding- habit.
  • sands4
    sands4 Posts: 190 Member
    sands4 Posts: 100 Member
    January 9
    Happy new year everyone ❤️
    came down with a virus RSV over the holidays and does seem to want to say goodbye😡 been away from the scale but I’m determined to feel better and get back to life.

    Jan 03 159.8
    Jan 09 161.4
    Jan 10 161.4
    Jan 11 161
    Jan 12 160.8
    Jan 13 161
    Jan 14
    Jan 15
    Jan 16
    Jan 17
    Jan 18
    Jan 19
    Jan 20
    Jan 21
    Jan 22
    Jan 23
    Jan 24
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27
    Jan 28
    Jan 29
    Jan 30
    Jan 31