

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    It sounds like your husband is overwhelmed. He certainly has got a lot on his hands. My mother is only in this predicament because she keeps falling and breaking bones. When she gets close to being healed, she does something like take her walker on a hike down the stairs. I'm not saying she hurts herself on purpose, but if she wants to get better, she needs to stop doing things she's not supposed to.

    All the food drama your MIL causes should be easy to fix. (Should be, of course) Give her one thing to eat and be done with it. If she throws it away, it's gone. Try again tomorrow. The only thing she can do is try to starve herself. I know, she just might. Well, that's my two cents. No big help.

    Tell your husband I feel for him, and he's not the only one out there dealing with a hateful mother and dead siblings.

    Oh, I need to clean my craft room something awful. I make jewelry. I have wire, tools, and tens of thousands of beads. Hubby thinks my craft room is a storage shed, and every day there is something new to climb over.

    Michelle in NV
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,509 Member
    edited January 21
    Today’s gratitude: Power and internet stayed up after pineapple express switched to Nor’easter.
    Lanette the tooth procedure isn’t til March as have to be off the foxamax for 3 months. This week is Mohs surgery on my face, ;{ Ditto for being at ground zero, quick like a flash. ;}
    Michelle in NV sounds like you’re doing the best you can in a tough situation. ((hugs))
    Michele in NC Bahams, Caribbean, sure. Greece, Costa del Sol, Hawaii, Taz, anywhere the sun is shining and it’s over 70 F. ;)
    Tracey you’re right about it being a deep clean time of year. I overdid a bit too, and the ice pack hasn’t calmed the shoulder so I took an ibuprofen (and two glasses of red wine :naughty: ) Will sleep on the ice pack tonight and join you in cleaning the bathrooms tomorrow. Putting the declutter/DUSTing [shudder] off til Monday, the last possible minute ;} Con VERY gratulations on your high marks. Very well done!
    Machka WOW! What a white knuckle drive story. So glad you stuck to your slow and safe way.
    Think I’ll pass on church tomorrow, using rain and wind as an excuse, but real reasons are to skip the annual meeting and make progress on the bathrooms. BTW, tried Heather’s all purpose cleaner on a stain in the shower that has been there forever. Two treatments and a little scrubbing and the top half of the stain is G O N E. Thank you Heather!
    1/20: Move: ZERO sets PT , Jeopardy walking. Steps: 6900
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=23 CI<CO net=587 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, vacuum recliners and edges, scrub chopping block, prep vegs, make pasta e-fageoli, make Heather’s AP cleaner and try on shower. Wt:132.9
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    January: Move more: dailyish PT, play with dogs, more steps than yesterday.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins. more AF days than not.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings, Hebrew, meditation.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,340 Member
    Michelle in NV-snacks are tough to figure. The Luna and other bars often have a lot of sugar and calories so I try to avoid them. Nuts are good. I make sugar free jello in individual cup servings (can't stand the premade ones in the store). The no sugar added fruit cups are good too-not many calories, travel easily. For something crunchy and salty I typically go with pork rinds-gets me protein and they are low carb.

    Tracy-sometimes the fog in Maine was horrendous-especially close to the coast (and even inland). Very scary!

    Very productive day on work projects yesterday (not so much on the home front). Did get laundry done, a pot roast cooked, check book balanced and bills paid. Will finish ironing this afternoon. Have a load of dishes swooshing in the dishwasher. Will tackle litter box and bathroom when I get off here. Must get stretches in, go to drug store later. Need to run in grocery then and pick up coffee. I am going out in the sunshine even if just a 30 minute walk, In between, chunk away at work stuff.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,454 Member
    Betsy - Traveling grace, and many hopes for a wonderful time with family as you provide the kind of support that you are so good at. Bad time of year to go north, but baby's don't pay much attention to arrival times... :smiley:

    Tracey - Love you back, girlie. Those of us with a skewed sense of humor tend to be drawn together.

    I have been totally skiving off this weekend, just had to restart the dryer AGAIN (or as I call it, the big iron) so all the clothes won't be completely wrinkled. Or cold. It's still only 14 out there this morning (10C). That's OK, it's supposed to come up to the edge of freezing tomorrow, just in time for four inches of snow to mix with a bunch of rain... with the temperature sliding along at two to three degrees below freezing and two to three above. it's going to be a horrible slushy, icy mess. Blech.

    Been reading along since yesterday, didn't keep a whole lot in the forefront of my mind, but hope everyone's doing well. OK... there goes the dryer alarm, and Corey will be needing that second cup of coffee soon. Hope it is (or was) a lovely, peaceful Sunday.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Good Sunday!
    Those with good parents are truly blessed. I am thankful more of you have shared your experiences with not so good parents. Like Terry, I feel sorry for my mom as she has missed out on so much due to her behaviors. But, I too distance myself for my peace of mind.

    Michelle in NV Small changes are easier to maintain IMHO. Start with one, maybe two. Sodas are a great place to start. Keep proteins high. Go for full grain pastas and breads. Still limit, but better choices. I started with vegetable based spaghetti noodles as DH was reluctant to go wheat. Now I alternate between wheat and veggies noodles. DH is pre-diabetic. I only buy wheat bread, but we aren't big bread eaters. I too struggle with snacks especially when I need to take something with me. Nuts, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, fruit and cheese cubes, peanut butter on graham crackers or celery. We eat little processed foods though I admit to uncle Ben's 90 second rices. DH is not a rice fan, but will eat if I make it. I didn't make cookies for Christmas this year as neither of us needs them. Remember small changes and keep commenting here! NES.....I had to look up. Funny that for years I always ate something if I woke up in the middle of the night. Usually chocolate. I put grapes in an open container in fridge for easy access which helped. If I don't go to bed hungry it helps. I can see how that could be a problem though!

    DH was bored yesterday! He was a grump butt from the word go. We were slow. I did some online training walking in place at computer, then switched to my phone and walked the showroom for 90 mins. Got steps in and some training done! Listened to DH grump about me walking. SMH! I had already vacuumed and stocked. Whatever. The evening was better. We met with friends for dinner at Ford's Garage in Cincinnati. Yep again with the driving, but this time friend drove our truck. On way home, we stopped at an old fashioned ice cream parlor for dessert. I had hot tea since I had some key lime piecat restaurant. Was a pleasant evening. Came home, got comfy, cut nails really short (3 broke way low and kept catching even though they were already short), repainted. Just relaxed.

    Slept until 6. Caught up on Bible reading, read some book (3rd this January), journaled, and caught up with y'all. DH cleaned up some snow and fixed my bathroom door that wasn't latching.I "Should" do something productive with quiet day.

    Oh!Oh! My youngest granddaughter (14) is performing at the Musical Theater completion in CA in February. She has a singing solo and......she sent in an audition tape for a pull out (solo) in the big production of "All that Jazz" and won a spot! This was viewed by Broadway producers! So she will be doing that as well. She really is our triple threat. I wanted to share the videos of her practice singing and audition but her momma didn't make them sharable yet. I am happy for the opportunities she has been presented with.

    Anyways, off to do something productive I reckon.

    Margaret ((HUGS)) as you take the next path in your life's journey.

    Hugs to those who need.
    Healing thoughts to those with injury or illness.
    Congratulations to all the small steps being taken on the journey of being the best we can be!

    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio where it was 3°F this morning, but the snow is pretty.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
    Thank you Barbie! I copied the pattern onto a notepad and will try next. I do have circular needles and have done that type of knitting before so should be a breeze! (I think!)

    Thanks again,