A one year commitment….



  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 26
    1/25/2024 - day 48 another over goal day as expected but think I am right around maintenance. Not too active on here today as the focus is on my younger guy for his 18th.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/26/2024 Day 49 - an uneventful day… ate a little over goal but under maintenance.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/27/2024 - Day 50.
    Not a great day as I was extremely hungry for some reason since last night and nothing has seemed to satiate the hunger. Over goal again today but should be at or under maintenance by the time I close out my diet.
    At least there has been some physical activity. Got a chance to put in some build time for my new workbench. Also put together a new entertainment center and bought a new TV. The old tv was a hand me down from a family member and the entertainment center was purchased in 1998 at the same time I purchased my last tv -a ‘tube’ one that wasn’t even high def. This new one is a littler bigger and a bit more current. It’s strange, I have worked in software my whole professional life (over 30 years now) but all my interests are ‘analog’ and I hold on to stuff for a long time. I was also the last of my friends and family to get a smart phone.. maybe I picked the wrong line of work 🤷‍♂️
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 30
    1/29 - day 52. Today has been difficult momentum wise. Currently 375 cals over goal (still under maintenance) and I don’t want to do jack shite to do anything. That being said, this is a year of *commitment* so I am going to the gym and walk off some of that surplus… I won’t get it all but at least some of it. Mentally I really need that little bump to get me under 200 lbs. Yesterday I was fine with my rate of loss, today the negative side of me feels like it just sucks that I’ve been at this for 52 days and I haven’t lost the 12 pounds yet - hell, on previous attempts the first 5-7 lbs were easy water weight lol. Not this time…… Rationally I know a 1 pound a week rate realistic… this is gonna take a LONG time and really will never be over. It also underscores to me how far I had let myself go…. On the bright side , I won’t mind going shirtless on my boat this summer if all proceeds as per plan.
    Ok - I’m off to the gym !
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 30
    Part 2…

    Got that chit done !!

    Now great music for the ride home

  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    The key is to take the actions we need and not wait around to feel motivated! Great work.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/30/2024 - day 53
    And on the 53rd day I crossed over into oneunder land !
    It was funny, when I got out of the shower I saw a little improvement when looking in the mirror, a faint outline of what might be a ‘sponge worthy’ physique in the distant future, so I got on the scale and … boom 199… what a nice way to start the day. I then did one of those boot camp classes tonight at the gym and my arms where shaking trying to do those planks where you gotta start with your arms straight and then fold them in 4 steps to have your forearms in the floor then reverse back … well it’s a good thing this old bod doesn’t look boinkable yet cause I don’t have the arm , and core strength to perform at a respectable level at the moment. 💀

    So… we need to add that strength goal ASAP.

    The rest of the day was good. No drama, diet was good calorie wise, but my lunch could have been healthier.

  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 683 Member
    Big congrats & Happy Dances! ♡
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Well done. Anyone on a health and well being journey understands the frustration which you've been going through. And then the " yaaaay" moment when the positive downward scale number appears.
    I applaud your consistent approach and not giving up.
    I'm 60 so I've been on a health and wellness mission for decades ..it's all about " future proofing for my future decades. :)
    I'm more patient now about having the frustrations and the " yaaays". ...I'm in this for the whole of my life so I'm prepared to just incorporate the tracking , exercise , clean eating etc so it's just a pile of good habits I've accumulated over many decades. It takes a lot of the angst out of the FOMO. :smile:
    Its ok that the process will take a long time...unless you're extremely elderly you probably have a lot more years ahead of you! Like I say... future proofing !
    It's really apparent to me that you are committed and consistent in your approach. Some days you feel you haven't met your goals but you own it and just keep going. You'll get to where you want to go because you're in charge.
    Good on you.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    Thank you all for your kindness and encouragement 😀
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/31/2024 - day 54- An uneventful day but a very positive one. Food goals were met. Physical activity was limited due to feeling sore from that boot camp class last night.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    2/1/2024 - day 55
    Well January of 2024 is in the books and I feel good about the consistency. Feeling the tv/song quote thing today.
    First the when saw my son off to school
    I was treated to a spectacular sunrise … and you know it fit perfectly with journeys song ‘wheel in the sky’ - the lyrics … “the morning sun is rising, it’s kissing the day”… it was a cool moment and a good reminder to embrace the good stuff when it comes with one’s full attention.

    The other quote that comes to mind as I reflect on the month and how I have treated myself comes from the Sopranos ..
    Tony says “Those who give respect, get respect” and I think this sums up my treatment of myself and health for the first month. I feel respected 👍
    So… my reminder to myself for the next 300 plus days is: when it’s hard and it sucks, keep pushing, there is good stuff just around the next bend’
    Lastly - today’s food is at goal. Quality was OK, and will be better tomorrow..

  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Great progress! Great perspective!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,318 Member
    1/30/2024 - day 53
    And on the 53rd day I crossed over into oneunder land !

    Sweet!! Congratulations!!!

  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    1/30/2024 - day 53
    And on the 53rd day I crossed over into oneunder land !

    Sweet!! Congratulations!!!


    Thank you !!
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    2/2/2024 - day 56. Calories with exercise were below goal - I feel that momentum.., the DRIVE ➡️➡️➡️ to get get me to my destination. That positive power feels great.
    Next test will be tomorrow night for a big long family party, but I have will power in reserve. Gonna crush that temptation. I know it as much as I know the sun will be rise tomorrow morning 💪💪💥
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    Was a good day - was over goal but under maintenance. I feel like I did great at the family party, what partially torpedoed the day was over eating at lunch. It was a little tough to avoid my dad’s rum drinks and large amount of wine, but I stuck to my guns. It’s been a month now in my booze break, I think I’m gonna continue that for another month and see how it goes as it makes it easier to stick to my goals for now.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    2/4/2024 day 58 - another relaxing day.
    Did done more work in the shop building my new workbench although I am questioning my choice in using rock maple for the top.
    The boards I am handling are about 50 Pounds each (2” x 10” x 8 feet) and awkward. Plus this stuff is much harder to work with. When complete I am hoping the bench will be Bomb proof.
    Calories were at goal when accounting for the workout I got handling those semi slab like timber’s…
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited February 6
    2/5/2024 day 59
    Another unremarkable day - cals under goal. Although I feel good about the progress I have made, the fact that I am 43 pounds away from a BMI under 25 hits me a little harder today…

    No matter, I’m gonna grind this sucker out…

    Just one more step down a very very long road to something better.