Stone off by Christmas!



  • shelli1982
    Sign me up girlie :)
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Yay! Glad to see you Shelli.

    So how did everyone get on today? I went a bit over but I've only eaten healthy food so I'm not too worried. I've been ravenous today as well! Think I need more protein tomorrow. I drank enough water to sink a ship so I don't think I was thirsty lol.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I'm probably going to go over too and I won't get to exercise this evening as we'll be in the car for over three hours *sigh*

    Never mind, my ticker is in place and tomorrow's another day :wink:
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I have had cravings all day for everything! Though I somehow seemed to be under my goal which is a nice surprise.
    I think I need to lose a stone by 10th Dec as I am going away to Germany to see the Christmas markets for a week so I an enjoy myself. But I will be back on track from the day I'm back!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Being under goal is a great feeling :-D Somedays you just can't win but you can plan for tomorrow to make staying on tracl a litt;e easier.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I did ok today. I had a light workout day - just the 30DS and a brief walk - but I stayed under my calorie goal. I also sat through the pub quiz without an alcoholic drink:) The weekend is going to be tough as we're visiting family all weekend so there will be takeaways and wine and lots of yummy and not very healthy food, plus I'll have to miss my workouts. My aim is just to.avoid binging really!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Glad to hear you did OK yesterday despite all the temptations! Life will always throw up a curve ball every now and agin. Just do what you can and if your family are the walking type, suggest a walk after dinner!
  • cazyll
    cazyll Posts: 184
    Can i join? I need to loose 20 lbs but I'd be over the moon if I lost a stone by xmas and I think it's really good to have a date to work towards. Christmas this year will be a little less guilty : )
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Of course! Welcome to the group.

    So ladies it's the weekend! How is everyone doing?

    Weekends are always a danger point for me because I usually end up gaining what I lost during the week in takeaways and sweets. I have a massive sugar addiction and at the weekend I usually just want to curl up on the sofa with a huge bag of sweets (or three). Also, this weekend the BF is on night shifts so I'll be on my own and boredom is another binge trigger for me so it could be tough.

    I'm going to do my weekly shop first thing tomorrow morning and do what I did last week, buy loads of fruit and veg, bread, yogurt and enough meals to last the week. Thats it. No biscuits, sweets, cakes or dessets. IF I survive that as planned lol, I'm usually able to resist going to the shop for sweets. If I get hungry I can then snack on the fruit and yogurt I've bought.

    I'm also going to spend some time tidying up the garden, cleaning and doing some exercise (run or walk probably) to help stop me getting bored. The wather is going to be too good, to be sitting indoors!
  • evendeadlier
    If you are likely to snack on sweet stuff over the weekend, why not chop up some fruit and make some yummmy fruit platters, they always look so nice and if its presented like that to me I am more likely to want that over cakes/fruits/biscuits!

    At the moment my focus is in excactly the right place and I am on track most days, weekends are not to much of an obstical for me at the moment!

    Have a good weekend everyone! x
  • rebeccalippett
    rebeccalippett Posts: 21 Member
    Why not make a massive bowl of sugar free jelly and get stuck into that when you want something sweet. Also the low fat instant hot chocs are good for when you fancy a bit of choc or something!

    I'm dreading this Saturday. It's my SIL's birthday and we've been invited over for dinner. Trouble is it's likely to be a very boozy affair with lots of food to eat. The food doesn't worry me so much as they cooking soup to start, and then stew and mashed potatoes so I can have the stew and not the mashed potatoes. And then just not eat dessert. But it's the boozey element I won't be able to handle! I keep trying to tell myself that I just won't drink but when everyone else will be knocking back the wine I know I'll struggle to not join in! And they've invited us to stay the night so I can't even use the excuse of not being able to drive.

    I already know what the answers are of "what not to do", but it's having the willpower to not do them that is my problem!!!!!

    I've lost 6lbs since Sunday doing the Dukan diet but it's very rigid and one small slip can upset your progress significantly. I don't normally advocate "faddy" diets but I have a black tie work thing coming up in a week and a half and I have to wear an evening dress. I can't afford to buy a new one and the one that I have is lovely and it was expensive and I've only worn it once - but I was nearly a stone lighter when I last wore it!!! So now I'm "Dukan"ing and running like mad in an attempt to crash diet my way back into the dress into the next week and a half!! Still have 7lbs to go!

  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    My weekend plans:

    Tonight we're going to my parents' house tonight to see them, my cousins and their families. Dinner should be ok - chicken and salad - but all my family are big drinkers so I know I'll have a few glasses of wine! I'll try to get my 30DS done before we go over.

    Tomorrow we have a long drive up to Carlisle to see my husband's family. I already know we'll be having an Indian takeaway on Saturday night, and they'll be more alcohol. I don't think I'll be able to get any exercise in at all.

    Sunday is my nephew's christening, followed by a long drive home in the evening. Again, I probbly won't be able to fit in any exercise.

    Although I'm looking forward to seeing family, I get agitated when I am not in control of what I can eat and drink, and this weekend is going to be AWFUL for that. I'm pretty nervous.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I do a lot better on the weekends. Kids go to thier dads, so I have exercise time and don't tend to eat so much as I am only cooking for me.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I'd settle for 1st but I'm aiming for more!

    I'd really like to lose 11.1kg by Xmas, which will take me to my goal weight. That's 1st 10.5lb.

    Good luck with your 7lb rebeccalippett! I'm sure you'll look fab in that dress!
  • cazyll
    cazyll Posts: 184
    The weather has turned miserable here. I'm going to try and get out for a walk later on but i've already been for a run in the garage so alls not lost. This weekend should be ok for me, we have nothing special planned, so onwards and upwards!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Welcome MrsMiggins1

    Eeek! Lots of things going on for everybody.

    I love the ideas of making a fruit platter and sugar free jelly. I have some kebab squewers that have never been used so i think Fruit kebabs might be on the munu this weekend.

    For the food and drink problems, just do the best you can. If theres alchol, I'd take a low cal drink with me like vodka and diet coke so I wouldn't be tempted to get stuck into the vino. Avoiding table sauces and trying to eat a normal portion help. If you families serve massive portions, try to eat slowely and listen to when your tummy is telling you it's full. Also, make sure you drink your water! have a glass before each meal and one with you throughout.

    I think as lonmg as you record it properly, a few days of extra exercise or slightly lower cals will put you back on track again :-D
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Been away for a couple of days and slipped off the wagon a bit - I logged everything though, so I know how much damage limitation is required! Unlikely to lose anything this week but there's nothing out of the ordinary planned for next week so will put in a concerted effort to make up some ground :wink:
  • rebeccalippett
    rebeccalippett Posts: 21 Member
  • rebeccalippett
    rebeccalippett Posts: 21 Member
    Ooops! Sorry.... It won't let me delete the last post that just says, cryptically, "T". Hmmm.... what can it mean? Perhaps I am subconciously crying out for Tea Time!!! :-D

    Anyway, some good tips on here! Will probably give myself permission to drink this weekend otherwise I'm just kidding myself - and take Diet Coke and Vodka with me. Good plan. And will give myself very small vodkas. And skip the potato and get stuck into the stew. Can't do much about the fat element of the stew but I'm sure I'll live!!!! :-D

    Thanks for the encouragement Mrs M1ggins! And good luck with your 1 stone 10.5lbs!

  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I've already decided to take some bottles of slimline tonic water with me so I can alternate with the alcohol. On Saturday I'm going to go for a portion of plain chicken tikka or tandoori instead of a curry, and avoid the rice and naan. I don't think that should be *too* bad! I'm not going to be crazy strict though as we hardly ever get to see my husband's family so I want to be able to enjoy myself and not be a diet bore all weekend :)