Motivated Mamma's Week 2 (Closed Goup)

Motivated Mamma's
Week 2

Cardio challenge - 1 point per day = 7 points
Created by Amy and Jennifer
Part 1
Total points-3 points
For a minimum of 3 days, do a different cardio exercise AND maintain a range of 60% - 70% of your maximum heart rate (optimal for fat loss) for 20 minutes minimum, not including a warm-up & cool down, (this can be a collective total, i.e. you can do intervals). Check out the link for a Reference Guide to Aerobic Exercise and a "Target Heart Rate" calculator.
( I didn't see the actual link so maybe we can just google it)
Part 2 - 4 points
Enter in your calorie burns everyday on the spreadsheet this can earn you an extra point on the days 4 days you aren't earning points from part 1.

Food challenge-1 point per day x5, 2 bonus points = 7 points
Created by Kristin and Stephanie
Part 1
Total points- 5
This week you will be working at getting in your recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Visit this website to find out your recommended amount and make a point of consuming this at least five days this week .
Part 2
Total points-2
We could all use some ideas on how to sneak in fruits and veg, so we're also asking you to post once this week your favorite fruit/veg meal or snack.

Strength Exercises = 13 points
Created by Tasha
:smile: Kegel Exercises: 10-15 x3 everyday this week Let's face it, we are all Mom's trying to get back into shape, but there is one exercise that gets widely ignored because it is taboo in conversations. (
:smile: Leg Curls 15 x 3 3 days this week (
:smile: Lateral Raises 15x3 3 days this week (

Emotional Challenge= 1 point
Created by Amy and Shawn
How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?

:smile: Hi Ladies!! We made it to Week 2, I hope you all have a great week and let's rock this Challenge!:happy:


  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I am totally losing the fight...+5lbs....Ugh talk about starting the day on the wrong foot. I would prefer to just crawl back in bed and just stay there. I guess we'll see what this new week brings.
  • you can do it!! we all have set backs. it's what we do after we recognize it that matters. I know you can do it!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Great challenge ladies! Looking forward to it!!

    Question: I was just adding my points for the last 2 days on the spreadsheet and I noticed a "bonus point" column. How do we gain a bonus point?
    Also, are we still supposed to post our weekly weigh in on the thread? Or only on the spreadsheet?
  • Motivated Mamma's
    Week 2

    Cardio challenge - 1 point per day = 7 points
    Created by Amy and Jennifer
    Part 1
    Total points-3 points
    For a minimum of 3 days, do a different cardio exercise AND maintain a range of 60% - 70% of your maximum heart rate (optimal for fat loss) for 20 minutes minimum, not including a warm-up & cool down, (this can be a collective total, i.e. you can do intervals). Check out the link for a Reference Guide to Aerobic Exercise and a "Target Heart Rate" calculator.
    ( I didn't see the actual link so maybe we can just google it)
    Part 2 - 4 points
    Enter in your calorie burns everyday on the spreadsheet this can earn you an extra point on the days 4 days you aren't earning points from part 1.

    Food challenge-1 point per day x5, 2 bonus points = 7 points
    Created by Kristin and Stephanie
    Part 1
    Total points- 5
    This week you will be working at getting in your recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Visit this website to find out your recommended amount and make a point of consuming this at least five days this week .
    Part 2
    Total points-2
    We could all use some ideas on how to sneak in fruits and veg, so we're also asking you to post once this week your favorite fruit/veg meal or snack.

    Strength Exercises = 13 points
    Created by Tasha
    :smile: Kegel Exercises: 10-15 x3 everyday this week Let's face it, we are all Mom's trying to get back into shape, but there is one exercise that gets widely ignored because it is taboo in conversations. (
    :smile: Leg Curls 15 x 3 3 days this week (
    :smile: Lateral Raises 15x3 3 days this week (

    Emotional Challenge= 1 point
    Created by Amy and Shawn
    How will life be different once you've reach your goal? What impact on your life will your weight loss have?

    :smile: Hi Ladies!! We made it to Week 2, I hope you all have a great week and let's rock this Challenge!:happy: a link to calculate heart rate
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi Ladies, I couldn't get signed in this morning. Was lost for over an hour , it was terrible!!
    SW: 130
    CW: 129
    GW 127 ??

    I need a new scale! the one I have only shows whole numbers, so I don't know if I'm at the heavier side of 129 or the low side of it. Would be nice to know if I lost a 1lb or 1.9lbs.
    Hope everyone else is having a good weighin.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Great challenge ladies! Looking forward to it!!

    Question: I was just adding my points for the last 2 days on the spreadsheet and I noticed a "bonus point" column. How do we gain a bonus point?
    Also, are we still supposed to post our weekly weigh in on the thread? Or only on the spreadsheet?

    Yes we are still posting our weigh in here along with the spreadsheet. The bonus point will be for the highest calorie burn for last week and for highest percentage of weight loss pair.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    M/M Starting weight - 215.2
    End of Week 1- 215.2
    Loss/Gain- 0

    I had no gain this week and that is what I am super happy about! With TOM here and having a rough week, I am thankful I didn't gain.

    Shawn- Congrats on your loss!

    Louie- Hang in there Girl, we all have weeks like this, you work hard and it will show.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just now measured myself and I just entered the same measurements for last week, since I never did it then. I'm not sure how accurate my chest and arm measurements are because it was hard to hold it straight with just one hand, but at least it's something.

    Here's my disappointing weigh in for the day:

    Starting Weight: 129
    Week 1 Weigh In: 130
    Gain of 1 lb. :(

    The plus side is that I did really well on exercising this morning and I'm not AS depressed about my weigh in as I used to be. However, I'm not going to change my ticker, though, because I'm hoping this is just a momentary gain and it will be gone in no time!
  • MMSW - 168
    MM End of week 1 - 167.5 (lost 0.5 lbs)
    lost 1.25 inches total

    Ways to eat fruits and veggies: I don't have to be that creative as I LOVE fruits and vegetables. I will just eat them to eat them. However, when I don't really want to (which, luckily, isn't that often) I eat yogurt, drink 100% juices (The Simply Apple and Simply Orange are my favs- very high in sugar though). I eat salads and add veggies to the main dish as well as the sides for meals.

    Emotional: Once I reach my goal weight, I will not only feel better about myself and how I look. I'll be healthier and more fit. I want to start my daughter off right, knowing to be active an eat healthy. Even as a child, going outside and playing was not a priority. Sports were not either. If we did them, there was no problem, but growing up in a military family where you move all the time and can move at any given time, it's hard to commit to something. While I have married into the same lifestyle, I dont want to set my daughter up to "hope" she stays active. Obesity and diabetes runs in my family and I don't want myself or her to be plagued by something we can prevent. I need to be a good example, not just to my daughter, but to my husband who has many risk factors for heart disease. I want to be preventative rather than reacitve...reaching my goal will be a good start to that
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Not the best week ever, but I will work super hard this week and pull through!!!!

    Starting MFP Weight: 286.6
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 267.4
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 269
    Week loss/gain: +1.6
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 171
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 162
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 161
    Week loss/gain: -1

    Emotional Challenge

    My life will be different because I will feel more confident about myself and like to get dressed every day. I will be healthier and have more energy!

    This weeks food challenge is gonna be a challenge for me! I checked out what I'm suppose to consume and it's more than I currently consume! But it's based off a 2000 calorie diet. I'm not consuming 2000 calories a day! :noway: I don't even have enough fruit on hand to hit my daily recommended amount and grocery day is Saturday! :sad: It seems I will have to go to the store before then! LOL!

    ETA~ I'm not complaining. I should be eating more fruits and veggies! I'm just wining. LOL! ;)

    Also .. for those who have HRMs ... is the heart rate challenge how long we are in our "zone"? I have a Polar FT4 and it tells me when I'm in my HR zone and when I go above it or below it. I'm doing workouts that seem to push my HR above my zone and it's a 6 week program. I just don't have the time to add to it. Anyone know?
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Kinda happy to put week 1 behind me, it wasnt the easiest week. But came out of it with some progress!

    MFP SW-258
    MM SW-241.3
    Total -/+ -1.9

    Emotional Challenge- When I reach my goal, im pretty sure I wont want to be done yet! LOL. But I will be one hot momma! HAHA. OK all kidding aside, It will be amazing to feel comfortable in my own skin, because I've never been there. I think it will make me a happier person to know that I look good and feel great. And I will know that im setting good healthy examples for my son.

    Food Challenge- Im veggie biased, I LOVE some veggies and others I hate...for example, I could live off of cherry tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers ,squash and any kind of salad you throw at me im happy but I'd rather starve then eat peas or spinach(unless the spinach is on pizza or lasagna). I kinda have a child mentality about some foods, but I have changed recipes around to put in the veggies im not so crazy about because I know they are good for me...peas however doesnt really change they are still gross to me. I also use alot of grated veg in meatloaf, hamburgers etc. pretty much anything with ground turkey because some nights my little one decides to be picky, this way he has no choice in the matter!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Not the best week ever, but I will work super hard this week and pull through!!!!

    Starting MFP Weight: 286.6
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 267.4
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 269
    Week loss/gain: +1.6

    You got this Girl!! We are here for ya!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Awesome challenges girls, I'm especially gonna struggle with getting my 5 a day but detirmined to do it. Will help with my whole snacking issue at the moment if I'm filling up on veggies and fruit, wont be hungry for choccie and sweeties!

    Started this week off with a trip to the gym and pilates, woo!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting weight: 261 (May 31, 2011)
    Starting MM weight: 226.5
    Week 1 weight: 224.7
    Weekly +/-: -1.8lbs
    Total loss: - 36.3lbs
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Oh and I stayed the same this week which I'm happy with as it has NOT been a very good week!!!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Last week:205
    Today: 203.4
    Change: -1.6 lbs
    Total loss: -11.6 lbs
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    So after reading this weeks challenge I'm wondering how I'm going to do this? I have no problem eating veggies I eat a lot of veggies, but I don't eat fruit. Most fruit is high in carbs, which I keep low. The only thng I eat are berries and it's not berry season.
    I guess I can add frozen berries to my diet??
    Maybe I could just eat veggies in place of fruit? Would anyone care if I did that, I'll try to add some fruit but I'm not going to be able to eat 2 cups of fruit a day, I'm pretty sure that would blow my carbs right out of the ballpark!!
    Well, I'm off to the database to see how much fruit I can add without upsetting the rest of my diet.