Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** June 5 ***

    Good morning everybody ☀️

    I'm up in NYC. Today is dentist day for me--the last appointment for the new crowns.
    I will get some walking in, and then more crap abatement in the apartment! Yay!

    I ordered a lot of Chinese food yesterday, but it's mostly vegetables; I don't touch the rice that comes with it to balance out how much oil there is!

    How is everyone else doing?


    268.8 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    its `103 out and I am inside where it is not so bad. Another dept had a gathering and a whole platter full of sandwiches. They left them with me. I took 2 vegetable ones and shared the rest. In this heat is is very nice and lots of spinach. The rest is rolling onto the floor and I will clean up when finally done.

    Lana -glad you are getting your crowns done and taken care of. Cleaning out stuff they say is good for you. I will do more this weekend and wait for the temps to come down. I tend to collect boxes from deliveries......

    Tomorrow is Thursday wow dragon less week goes by fast,

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Hi all. One day left with students. Whew.

    Sara, I hope you can stay cool. Hard to get in steps in extreme heat. I used to jog in my school during dangerous cold. Can you walk in your building?

    We have had a lot of heat recently—not spring any more. Today we have high winds and it’s not particularly cooling. And of course we’re under a severe storm threat, which is typical this time of day.

    I’ve done much better with my eating this week. Had a decent run, too, on Tuesday and not too severe pain since. Of course my frame of reference has shifted.

    Take care all.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** June 7 ***

    Well, Friday is here at last!

    Just getting us started.



    266.6 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** June 8 ***

    Hello All~~

    I'm feeling stressed because I've got too much "on my plate". My cousin is coming to visit on the 20th.
    Between now and then I have other stuff to manage.....Breathe.....

    Wishing everyone a good weekend 🦋


    267.3 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Hey, Lana, you’ve had a lot going on this winter/spring. Travel, dentist, visitors. It’s ok to stress a bit, haha. Just needs to be reined in eventually.

    Sara, how bad is the heat?

    I’m home alone for the first time in months. My sons went to celebrate their dad’s retirement. I’ll meet them at the beach in a few days when school is officially over.

    Anyway, I walked this am and then went to a little gem/mineral/jewelry/fossil fair. It was fun. Just did a second walk and got my 5 miles in today. It’s so much easier when I don’t have to work.

    I hope all of you are doing well.

  • jess2023mac
    jess2023mac Posts: 25 Member
    Serial starter. I certainly belong here. :/ I used to come here all the time and it kept me committed to the straight and narrow. Then I had some health issues, pulled back from everything and have been struggling eversince.
    I couldn't find my previous log-in info so am here in new form. I've missed the people here, their sage advice and tremendous support, sense of humor.
    I'm hoping today, Day 1 sequel, will get me back to feeling better physically and mentally. I only have maybe 15# to relose but it's more than just the weight. It's the lack of self-worth and confidence that has gone along with it. The loss of empowerment and strength, not to mention now I'm a few years older. :(
    So, anyways, hoping to get back to being engaged once again, in a supportive healthy living group.

    Just wondering what happened to Slimgirljo? Is she still around?
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Hi, Jess. Welcome back. I lost a lot and then gained half back. Sigh.

    How’s everyone doing?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited June 11
    Good evening,

    My biopsy is negative so now I need an ultrasound. Checkmark the boxes and move on.

    Cooler temps after tomorrow. I cleaned house so nicely that I took it all in my sinuses and woke up not a happy camper. A good amount of coffee helped, but I find that is pretty true for most of my Mondays.

    Opened one of my Girl Scout Cookie cartoon and it did not take long for those to be done. The other one will stay sealed for a bit longer.

    Jess - I was under the impression you could search for people here by their "name". I could also be wrong.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** June 11 ***

    Sara - Biopsy? What's going on? I remember you mentioned ultrasound/gyno recently....

    Waving hello to Jess 👋🏻

    Maureen - what beach are you going to? I'm looking for beach info for when my cousin comes next week!

    It's time for me to whip out the vacuum cleaner 👍🏻

    Waves to Missy and all who stop by later on~~

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited June 12
    *** June 12 ***

    Good morning all~~

    I told my cousin (coming from upstate New York) that I was having a hard time finding someplace to stay for our 2-night trip to the NC beaches, and she said she'd be interested in going to Asheville instead. Whew~ That will be a lot easier to plan, so I am very much relieved.

    Maureen, I would still appreciate any beach info that you'd like to share.

    I need to up my protein intake. I have not been getting enough. That means I need to shop and cook more chicken and fish and not be lazy about it.

    Wishing everyone a good day today 🌼


    268.4 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana my pap smear came back "normal". I am having symptoms that are abnormal. Ultrasound needs to get scheduled. Otherwise it is quiet in medical-land

    I have been busting my ascot to get production the last week or so. I caught the little vermin who has been going into my file and inflating her production with cases that have more than one procedure. A patient goes to hosp has 10 things done (think xrays and lab) but there is an issue with their insurance. I only have to check the patient's insurance once but get credit for taking 10 mistakes off the workfile.
    I was beginning to wonder and then this naughty chick coworker made a couple of mistakes - any claim over $10k is noticeable in a world of $50 charges and are ones that I must attend to immediately. Seems she got the whole 7 cases for this patient incorrect as well as another patients 2 cases. I am working a week behind dates she plucked from my workfile.
    Sent email to Sup and Sups boss asking if anyone was assigned to assist me and if not i had proof they were in my workfile. I was emailed by Sup this should not happen again by that little terd kitten.
    Its yearly eval soon, what a dumb dumb. I also for June have an alibi why my ##s may not be as high .

    Sorry for the rant, moral of the story, dont cut your coworker off at the knees and expect to get away with it. OR - dont get an over 50 old woman angry.

    Temps are coming down here. Went out for dinner with neighbor. Found out later the small macaroni and cheese had between 1200 and 2100 grams of sodium (website not cooperative). Reason why I dont like to eat out.

    Phew, thank you for still reading this.

    Wish everyone a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** June 13 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Whoa! Sara - that is some staggering story from work! What a little 💩 your co-worker is.
    Good for you for figuring out all of her thievery and then getting word of it to your bosses. Jeez.

    Bummer about that mac 'n cheese. Unfortunately any food that we don't make for ourselves will have way too much salt in it, which is how they get it to taste so good. Dang.

    Now I'm thinking about mac 'n cheese..... 😋

    * 🌴 waving at Javier for more coffee ⛱️ *


    268.0 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Hi all!
    Got back from my trip to the cape. Was a fun few days walking around, shopping, pool time, sunbathing (with sunscreen), and eating really good food. Back to work tomorrow but WFH and only doing a half day. Will need some rest from vacation and doggies need some time to decompress from not having me home.

    Sara- sucks about coworker. Hopefully they will learn from this experience.

    Lana- have fun in NC. I’m also thinking about Mac and cheese now too.

    Off to bed for me. Have a great night.



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Flying by on the way to sleeping.

    That little terd from work has nerve to ask me questions about how to do her job. I could not see all that she was looking at and sent her up another ladder ring for consultation.

    There are macaroni and cheese recipes that are lower in salt, so enjoy all you want.

    Tomorrow is Friday - and you know what that means!!!! --- Free drinks at the cabana club and dance lessons that will burn twice as many calories. Things with toothpicks and colored fringe on the toothpicks as well - going all out for Friday. I may take one of the classes, but I will probably sit on the couch Lana and Missy.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited June 14
    *** June 14 ***

    Happy Friday everyone 🎉

    Missy - lovely photos from your Cape vacation - good for you!

    🌴 Yes, indeed Sara, the Cabana Boys are busy setting up for the Friday Happy Hour Dance Party. 💃🏼 There will be fancy umbrella drinks and appetizers with the multicolor fringed toothpicks! Yay! ⛱️🌴


    266.4 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Yay Drinks and dancing 💃🏼 I’ll bust out some Zumba moves.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Returned from beach—great time. Lana, we were on Topsail beach. Lots of empty units and not at all crowded.

    I ate well til today. Oh well.

    Now I’m tired and cranky and in need of a good night’s sleep, but it’s only 4:23 pm.

    I fly to WI tomorrow for a short visit. Should be fun.

    Sara, I hope all smooths out for you. What a eeek.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited June 15
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    Returned from beach—great time. Lana, we were on Topsail beach. Lots of empty units and not at all crowded.

    I ate well til today. Oh well.

    Now I’m tired and cranky and in need of a good night’s sleep, but it’s only 4:23 pm.

    I fly to WI tomorrow for a short visit. Should be fun.

    Sara, I hope all smooths out for you. What a eeek.

    ‼️Maureen - Please tell me where you stayed! ‼️

    Were you there for less than a week? I am looking for someplace that would let me book only 2 nights.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Lana, we only stayed 3 nights. It was a place called the Drunken Parrot, 7400 9th street in North Topsail Beach. Not ocean front, but ocean view from one spot on the deck and a short walk up the road to the beach.

    I came to this site and wrote a self-pitying post bc might weight was the highest in 3 years this morning. But my son, the dogs, and I went to our secret forest and I got in 4 miles of walking and jogging and feel better, so I deleted the draft I had saved. Everything seems better after a jog and fresh air and time with family.

    Missy, did you have fun? Was it a party or a night on the town?

    Have a good day, all.