
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,788 Member
    Allie: Hope they get it sorted in ER.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    What a complete boob your husband. I would've thrown his ramen in his lap. I have no tolerance for that kind of nonsense.

    As far as I know, he still hasn't eaten any food. I offered to make him lunch but he said he wasn't hungry. He wasn't feeling good(sugar too low-he is diabetic) so he ate candy.
    He eats so much junk food and is totally stressed over things that aren't really a big deal but to him they are- Says he is doing everything all on his own. No one helps him with anything.(when he is in a pissy mood, no I don't want to help but I do help with a lot of things that he doesn't even acknowledge)

    Lynette- He said more than once that he hopes his actions will "take him out" as you put it.
    Just to be over it. No thought about son or I. Says we will be better off because he has life insurance.

    Thankfully I have class tonight. No class Wed. but I think I will see if I can find someone to walk during our class time.

    Flea baths for the kittens yesterday.
    They are cute but boy do they like to get into things when they are out of their playpen.

    All you can do is you. You know we are all in the drivers seat of our own lives. He chooses this kind of life, like you choose to make food for him and settle for how he treats you. If it was me, I would have bags packed up to live with your dear mother. You know that's your happy place. We just care about you. You deserve more.💖🤗

    Well said!

    I'd be right there with you packing my bags.

    If not that, then I would stop cooking and start doing more away from the house. Actually I did exactly that with my first husband. I never did cook for him, and when I grew weary of life at home, I started cycling longer distances so I didn't have to be there.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Well, I made it through the last couple of weeks. The last minute prep for the historical event and the event itself all went without any major glitches. A couple of minor hiccups, but easily fixed. We had a record turn out for the event and made enough $$ to keep the event going another year AND bring in a few more demonstrators/artisans. Now, what remains to be seen is if we can get enough new board members to spread out the work; because I will not be involved if I am doing as much as I did this year. Being in charge of marketing, volunteers, and the food tent is too much for one person. Especially, one person with a full time job. ANYWAY...it is done. It was fun; but I am so glad it is over! lol
    NOW...on to the next summer goals. Getting all of my childcare summer "centers" up and going. I still need to put together our art center, garden tipi, mud kitchen, and a second water/science table (for the older kids). The other projects can wait until fall or next spring. (There is always something...)
    My last, but certainly not least, project is me. I HAVE to make myself a priority. It has been about a month since I have taken a walk (just for myself), and my yoga/stretching have gone "poof". My food choices have been HORRIBLE as I try to comfort myself and de-stress by soothing myself with all things creamy, starchy, vacation-y. SO...off to the store I go, to do my weekly shop. My list laden with fruits and veg and a meal plan with less creamy/cheesy and more whole foods and flavors. I can do this. I have done it before, I can do it again.
    Love and hugs to all I have not mentioned. Welcome to the new girls and welcome back to Meg ! Off I go to make myself and my corner of the world a little better! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I don't know how you have the energy!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Allie - Hope you're OK, kid. Sounds like a call to your primary doc might be in order.

    Busy day for us, Corey's headed for his Saturday night soak in the tub with a book (that he's looking for online at the moment - he reads about four or five a week). I'm going to finish putting the pasta salad together for tomorrow and then head for bed, already have the cooked garden rotini in the fridge chilling. Even with an hour's nap while Corey was out playing with fire this afternoon, I'm still wiped out. Visitors in tomorrow, but all family, and no one staying overnight, so pretty relaxed, the food will be simple. Looking forward to seeing my son and his DSO.

    If you're on my Facebook, decided to load my photos of quilts, other creations, art and photography up there first, and then Instagram. Instagram's too blinking SLOW, one at a time. I can do mass uploads to Facebook, just need to go back and tag them with dates and captions. Then Insta, if I choose. So much easier.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I use Flickr for my photos and I like how I can load numerous photos at once. There are a few bulk features with Flickr.

    I have thought of going to Instagram ... but is loading photos really a one-at-a-time thing? That's not impressive.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Crazy life....garage being built, one kitten not gaining weight, one kitten thriving well, work crazy, at home sleep study done, just crazy....

    No I am by no means caught up...I pop in catch a couple of pages,then have someone that needs my attention. So HUGS, ENCOURAGMENT, HEALING THOUGHTS, CONGRATULATIONS, and HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!!!!

    At home sleep study was good but not good. I go to doctor on Tuesday to go over results. Apparently I have way too many hypopneas along with 19 apneas. Not sure what the next step is but will find out Tuesday.
    Took Cali to the vet yesterday. She got dewormed even though the poop tests won't be back until Monday. The concern is failure to thrive. Switch of food to bland diet. She ate really well yesterday in small amounts, yet today on the scale she lost 1/2 oz. That is alot when you only weigh 14 oz. I am worried. I did force feed her 1/2 a syringe of kmr this morning. Will repeat in a couple of hours. DH put together a kitten limbing tree for the girls yesterday. He even modified it so that it works better for the littles.
    Got new tire on my Miata as it had a puncture in the sidewall. Got stung by a bee at work- healed well. Got bit by Cali trying to dry her bottom. Broke skin so keeping close eye on that.
    Finally got the pile of papers cleared off the pool table and dealt with appropriately. Bills paid. Checks deposited. Laundry done. Sheets changed.
    Have to help DH move boxes from an attic today. Doing that this morning. Still behind on work paperwork.There are only so many hours in the day though.

    So that is the long and short of my past week. I have had kitties on scale but not me. May have to do that in the morning.

    I love you all and want you to know you are all important to me!

    Much love,
    Kylia still hanging on in Ohio

    I hope Cali will be OK.

    And hand sanitiser is great for bites and scratches. :) It's been fantastic having it available everywhere since 2020.

    Machka in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,226 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Allie, hoping you are okay at the ER. Either that or sleeping after a long night. Take care of yourself!

    Cutie pie kittens everywhere!

    Barbie glad you made it through the dentist visit.

    Beth glad your mother enjoyed the visit.

    More of the same here. Groceries today. And Dad has his senior center program.

    Have a wonderful day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,787 Member
    edited June 18
    Annie - You're seeming pretty chipper these days, I hope so, dear. You deserve some happiness, too.

    Allie - Woke up thinking about you. Hope all is well.

    Kylia and Debbie - Loving the kitten pics!

    Machka - I'm really unimpressed with Instagram, in all honesty, and may yet delete what I put up there. FB has more ability to let me embed the notation, set the date, and edit anything I need to. Instagram also crops without your permission for a number of photos, and that's a big "no," from me. Your comment on your first marriage was much like mine - I just got a job as a flight attendant and started leaving home three days at a time and flying all over the U.S. so I wouldn't have to be at home.

    Beth -
    So glad your mom enjoyed her visitor, and that you did, too. I'm moving further and further away from making a big cleaning fuss for anyone. I wore myself OUT before my best friend's visit, and it genuinely wasn't necessary. Still not sure why I got myself in such a swivet about it all. Not regretting it, it's a lot easier to keep most of the house very clean now, but I think that was my last "cleaning before visitors" binge.

    Barbie - I'm glad the new young dentist and technician were kind and gentle, but no matter what, an hour in a dentist's chair is just exhausting.

    Flea - Always good to see you, and hope your youngest has a safe and wonderful trip to Germany. Both of mine ended up living in Germany for a couple years, but because one was with the Army and one the Air Force, it helped be less worrisome. Somewhat. Still a worry.

    Tracey - I'm sorry you think all the training won't get you a job that pays enough for your financial situation. Hope you're wrong - maybe you can get a part-time job paying well to supplement your classroom work? You might look into being a virtual admin - consulting work like that can pay very well with few hours, just enough to do what a company needs to get through without hiring a full-time person for a small company. My best friend made good money for years working for four or five companies as a bookkeeper.

    Has anyone in the U.S. tried renewing their passport online, or even by mail? Any advice? The option is there for renewing online for a limited number of people. Neither Corey nor I actually plan to NEED a passport anytime soon, but who knows what ten years will bring? Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have current ones.

    Nothing really going on this morning, did all the heavy lifting yesterday, moving furniture to get bug spraying and vacuuming behind done. Still need to finish the bug spray in the kitchen, but need to get a couple things off the floor... Plus some windows to cover with UV-blocking tint in there. Will hopefully keep me from having to put back up the light-blocking curtains to keep the heat in check. Fingers crossed!

    Hope it's a grand day.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    I am so sad for my son's family! Going to the beach for a week is the high light of their year. They got to Crescent Beach near St Augustine on Saturday and son just called to say that our granddaughter had broken her leg riding a boogie board. They will have to come home so she can get it set after the swelling goes down. This is so bad for her because she will not be able to go to church camp, cheer, and play soccer. Prayers for them would be appreciated. qbltbp4im5uj.png

    So sorry for your granddaughter!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Carol – sending good thoughts! Hopefully it will heal quickly and well!

    Heather – sorry to hear about your TV schedule issues, but I must admit I had to laugh about the General Election – as yours is just 6 weeks, we get campaigning from someone about something every day of every year – or at least it feels like that. I so wish we had some controls over the amount of time campaigning could happen.

    Rebecca – happy belated birthday!

    Yes, I'm glad that in Australia and Canada our elections are short. It can be just a few weeks from announcement to election. The idea is that most of us know who we're going to vote for anyway, but there might be a few who are sitting on the fence or new to the whole thing.

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    I have Olallieberry vines in my back yard, I have them trained on a chain-link fence they are really quite easy to care for, and I LOVE olallieberries, they are a hybrid of a blackberry and a raspberry, the size and color of a blackberry but a sweet tart flavor. I have picked most of them, made a pie, a batch of jam, will freeze some and think I will try to make some “fruit leather”. This is the 4th year and I have never shared any before, but finally am getting a big enough crop, so shared some with a few friends, I may have converted some folks to olallieberries! They don’t have a long shelf life, so you only see them in farmers markets. If you have ever tried Marion berries, they are a hybrid of Olallieberry and another specific blackberry – so that is the closest in flavor.

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    There was a boat load of drama about Fathers Day celebration (this year it landed on my nephew’s birthday) between my Mom, brother, nephew and his girlfriend. I was so happy that I hung back on committing to what I would do. As I was able to see that between lies my mother was telling and other lies my brother was telling, that I was being set up to be caught in the middle. So I just sent my RSVP NO and missed it all! That was a win! I worked in my yard for 3 hours this morning to celebrate.

    Thinking of you all,
    Kim in N. California

    Excellent plan!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Good afternoon - the day is whizzing by!

    Machka - love what you've done with that room, neat colors. Do you have a "move in" date set? Maybe you said and I skipped over.

    Need to get busy, sorry I didn't get to everyone. Sending HUGS! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We don't have a specific date. It'll happen over the next couple months.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    edited June 18
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Talked to my mom. There is a big fire just north of town. It looks to be close to where my sister lives. I am trying to check in with her but she isn't responding on FB(even though it shows she is online/active on FB) Three hours and still she hasn't responded- Not new for her- unless she wants something- then she is bugging me.
    Praying they get it under control soon.
    My aunt and a good friend live a little ways away but aren't in the evacuation ordered area right now(sister is close to the recommended evacuation area)

    Napa Valley,CA

    I hope they'll be all right!

    And your friends too, Kim.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member

    I am not counting calories so much.

    1. The quality of the food Non GMO, Organic if possible. grassfeed milk, cheese, meat is the most important to me
    2. Avoiding gluten products and grains like corn, rice, barley as much as possible
    3. Eating sitting down and calm a environment if possible
    4. Fresh Herbs from my garden
    5. 12-16 hours between dinner and breakfast
    6. Watching for added sugar and fruit juice in the few processed foods I do eat
    7. Learning more about where the food comes from wild fish versus farm raised
    8. Wheat, corn, sugar, salt are in many commercially prepared foods in this country. Animals like cows are fed a grain based diet to fatten them up rather than than grassfed which is the food that is best for their health.
    9. Most meals have at least 5 different fruits or veggies in them. Yes herbs count as part of this.
    10. Healthy food =healthy me

    I have lost quite a bit of my belly fat. I thought it was mostly due to weight loss. I recently learned that stress is just as big a contributor to belly fat. I live in the world so I still have stress, but nothing like the stress I had in recent years.

    I made another batch of yogurt using grassfed organic whole milk. I let it ferment for 14 hours rather than 12. It turned out much thicker and creamier. I am very pleased.

    Margaret -

    You are doing so well and I appreciate you sharing these tips. I tend to eat dinner early, perhaps too early and even with eating a lot of protein and not many carbs, I still seem to get hungry before bed.

    Can I ask what your meal plan is - do you eat three meals per day? And do you have an evening snack - if so, what do you choose?

    I'm hoping the diabetes prevention class addresses the snack/hunger before bed issue. I intend to bring it up. :p


    I know you didn't ask me, but I like eating later in the day.

    I'm not hungry in the morning, so I wait till about 11:30 am before I start eating. 2 pm is lunch (although it was 3 pm today!). Dinner is usually somewhere between 6:30 and 7:30 pm.

    Much of the time, I get busy in the evening and forget to have an evening snack ... a few times, I do have one, but usually on days when I've exercised more than usual.

    M in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,519 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    This is my last week at the school. I think next week I’ll update my resume and start applying for admin jobs. I don’t think there is any possible way, financially, I’ll be able to do this. It makes me so sad and also mad at myself.

    I know there was more to comment on, but I think I’m going to head to bed. I’m very tired

    Tracey in Edmonton

    You never know where training like that will lead.

    I got my B-Ed, and did a mentorship program, and volunteered in schools, but I have never held a position as a teacher.

    However, I don't regret getting that degree ... I think it has helped me in many ways in the career path I've ended up on. One of the things it helped me with is project management. Another is public speaking.

    And who knows ... maybe there are other areas to get into like perhaps social work.

    Machka in Oz