
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    Whelp we should all be very familiar with minor setbacks! Catie requested KFC last night, so this morning my weight was up 2 lbs which I know is mostly sodium bloat - 2 pieces of fried chicken & 1 biscuit wasn’t that big of an indulgence! I was so happy to see 189, but I should get back there by Friday. Today will be a long hard day since Dr M is down at MD Anderson this week for her husband’s tests & scans. (again, more details in blog, but he’s a long-term cancer patient).
    Nothing to do but get on with it!

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    Yesterday my farrier came out to tack shoes on Mr. Silas for my New Mexico ride. I am leaving July 10 - I am not fit, I am far from ready but I am going anyway!
    I am tired & out of sorts, not sleeping well since I’m having to cohabitate with my snoring husband again (Catie is occupying the guest BR this week). She just asked if she can stay through Sunday - of course I said yes! We have not gotten to the museum or the waterpark yet; I woke up yesterday morning with a weird unsettled feeling until it dawned on me that it was my husband‘s birthday! At least it didn’t completely slip my mind - I took him out to dinner last night.
    I better finish my coffee and get on with my day. I need to go shuffle some paperwork for my accountant - I’m so far behind on tax stuff it ain’t even funny! Financial struggles are demoralizing, and this has been dragging on for a long damn time with moving and remodeling of the clinic - still a long way from done!

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member

    My meals have been consistent since Monday. With all this rain my knee not so much, so exercise has not been happening.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member

    My weight has come down some too.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member


    Today had more carbs in it than the whole week but it was still a good day.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    edited June 30
    Where do you live?? Things are drying out/heating up here in N Texas after a very soggy May & early June!
    Unfortunately I spent most of yesterday in the car - had to take Catie home since her mother is hospitalized - a long story which I’ll moan about in my blog. What is counterproductive is consoling myself with fast food; I’m bloated and miserable this morning but should be back on track with fasting today.

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    Maybe I made the same mistake I made with my other group - lost my comment when I accidentally navigated away from the page?? Anyway, tired, headachy, out of sorts after a long hard day of traveling yesterday - I had to drive Catie back to Paris (TX) when her mother was hospitalized. I had hoped to accomplish a few more things, including a few fun things with Catie, but them’s the breaks! Very worried about my friend 😔😰
    Still should know better than to console myself with crappy fast food, but one of these days I’ll force those cold hard facts through my thick skull also… (Bloated & miserable from yesterday’s indulgences)
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member

    I live in Southwestern Ontario Canada. We just finished an extreme heat wave. Today people were wearing coats. Not jackets coats. We went from being in the high 90’s with high humidity to the mid 50’s with a cold wind out of the NW. Oh I forgot the day of rain too.

    I don’t what the weather will be tomorrow. Tomorrow is a national holiday for us Canada Day. I had company twice today I really hope no one bugs me tomorrow. I just want to relax and read.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    Huh - this is too weird!!! I swear, my first comment w/the BB meme disappeared & has now reappeared? Is it some dark subversive plot, or just a glitch in the matrix??!!??
    Nothing but unrelenting heat here in N Texas for the foreseeable future - we all just pray that the AC holds strong! Starting my countdown for next week’s brief getaway to NM, where we shall have hot days (but low humidity) and cool desert nights…

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member

    Sunday’s Steps
  • chelbeth1689
    chelbeth1689 Posts: 3 Member
    This was a fun read! You are both doing great!
  • chelbeth1689
    chelbeth1689 Posts: 3 Member
    My commitment was 100 days of tracking. I’m on day 36. I’m down five pounds and five inches. Started at 170, goal of 150, maybe 145? I weigh every morning, and measure weekly. This week I'm going to try to get closer to those protein goals!
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    I need to recommit myself to “dirty keto” and doing my best to meeting those protein goals. But last night I was so damn tired, I made do with toaster waffles 🤦‍♀️
    At least I have started packing my trailer in teeny tiny baby steps for next week’s long-awaited pilgrimage to NM!

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    The only good thing to come out of moving my mom to (assisted living facility) Arabella** has been the rekindling of my friendship with Toni - we grew up together & she now lives right around the corner from Arabella. She has retired & is finding her home to be too much to keep up (she was widowed about 10 yrs ago) - so she’ll probably sell & move further out in the sticks. We had dinner last night since P had his fire dept mtg - I shouldn’t have had those margaritas on a worknight but here we are 😉. A little slow & foggy-headed, but counting on my coffee to work its magic.
    I’d better slug it down & get in motion. Already behind on my packing & loading timeline!
    ** my mom hates it, it’s the best place for her but then again she didn’t like the last place either - there’s a common theme here, I just can’t quite put my finger on it??? All she talks about is wanting to rejoin my dad (he died 5 yrs ago)
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member
    edited July 8

    This past week I have had some ups and downs. On Monday and Thursday I succumbed to ice cream. Which instantly caused my weight to climb. So I had to be a little strict on my eating afterwards. Today I was pleasantly surprised that my weight had gotten lower. Starting the week with a new total is exciting. I am 1 pound from my first goal of 225. This has been the most progress I have made in years.

    Tomorrow is the first anniversary of this plan. I started on my bday, June 9th. If o wake up tomorrow and I happen to be 225 I’ll be doing the happiest of dances.

    I am trying to figure out a reward that does not involve food for when I get there.

    If anyone has suggestions please comment.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member
    edited July 9

    I tried to find a better pic to celebrate my 13 pound loss in my first month of my plan. One pound away from my first goal. If I could just get some decent sleep, I think the number would be better but the insomnia since Friday has sucked. My sleep last night was so bad even my Fitbit couldn’t give me hours slept.

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member
    edited July 10



    I am so excited today. I have accomplished my first goal in my weight loss journey. I woke up this morning and was 225 pounds. I’ve lost 25 pound total since my highest weight.

    New goal 215
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 356 Member
    Fantastic - congratulations!!!
    Meanwhile, I left my Fitbit plugged into its charger when I left for NM Tues… But rode 16 mi in about 4 hrs today, held myself to 18:6 on my intermittent fasting schedule - hopefully I’ll sleep well & be able to repeat this routine mañana (I’m here for 3 blessed days)
    Now I need to go rub more aloe vera on my sunburnt neck 🤦‍♀️

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 130 Member

    Thank you. Its so nice to have your encouragement. i am posting stuff for this journey on 4 different social media platforms and you are to first and only to say those kind words. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. Especially today when my brain has been trying to encourage me to go for something sweet.

    16 miles that is impressive. My IF is 20:4. I have been eating just one meal a day. I think it could be the heat. I'm not as hot as the states but the heat makes me sleepy. On occasion if I take a vitamin that doesn't like the empty stomach too much I'll have a slice of mozzarella cheese.

    I read a lot and last week I took a reading break and spent too much time on my phone screen so I went back to reading on Monday. Its healthier and my screen time dropped considerably.