
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom I do not mind at all! That's a good point. I can always cancel it later if my knee feels better. I used to have Voltaren for some reason before I really had problems. I guess I need to order some new stuff. I'll have to check with a pharmacist to make sure I can use it at the same time as the heavy-duty anti-inflammatories I'm on, I don't want any interactions! I'm glad you enjoyed dinner. I love fajitas. They would be good with flank steak.

    @cbabie I thought you had a bridge put in? What's this surgery? I'm sorry you had to have surgery, I hope you are on the mend. I've heard to get dressed for the day regardless of what you are doing, do I do it? No. But I should lol. I think you do need to resend the link. I didn't get anything yet. Yes, it is leg hurt so badly in the middle of the night. I will check to make sure there will be no interactions between all my meds and Voltaren and then I'll get some.

    Hi all. I worked all day yesterday and by the end of the day, my leg and knee hurt. The pain continued through most of the night, I slept poorly. They did say the strong anti-inflammatories would take a few days to get in my system. On your advice, I looked up orthopedic doctors in my plan and found some. I will call this morning and try to make an appointment with one. Work is going to get stressful: I am tasked with something from another department that I have no choice about doing and it's stressing me out. I already have enough to do. I did voice this to my manager so at least if the house of cards falls down, she knows where I stood.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld It does take a while for anti inflammatory meds to work. Good idea to check with pharmacy on the gel. Too bad about work stress. I don’t think there is a job or career without stress. Hi, all. Dinner was good last night. Today we are going swimming, eating lunch and then going to our cottage. We’re eating dinner at a seafood restaurant. We’re coming home tomorrow after DH mows the grass and does a few chores. I think it’s too hot to walk the track.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, I did so so on food, we had steak and rice last night for dinner. It's still too hot here to go out for a walk...will get back on my treadmill soon. that's a start.

    @trooworld I will send you a DM in a few. I am so sorry about your pain in your leg. It's horrible to be kept up/awake by it. glad you are calling the Dr and yes you should check about the gel. Sorry I thought I had said something, but probably didn't. Yes I had a bridge redone and then a week later had 2 Basel cells skin areas removed. Not supposed to lift anything or exercise for 2 weeks..that has been fun NOT. I get the stitches out on Friday. I only went to the Dr because my PCP said I should..I never would have. LOL.

    @fabgeekmom Just enjoy going to the cottage! You are active every day and you should just relax and say AHHHHH this is NICE. LOL. You are right about job stress, but then you retire and there is life that's why God gave us good books, and when needed zone out to a mindless TV series. LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @cbabie I’m glad you are recovering. I agree about life stress. DH and I watch something that’s not too stressful after dinner. Then we read. I have lots of books on Libby.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. Yeah, my job used to not really be stressful but it's building up to be. And I don't even get manager pay so the stress is ugh lol. I hope you enjoy the swim and the trip to the cottage. Yum, seafood! I use Libby, too. I have 4-5 library cards! :D

    @cbabie That's great, did you go on the treadmill? Thanks for the DM, I sent you a response. Oh maybe you did and I forgot: I'm glad you are healing okay and will get the stitches out on Friday. Just one more day!

    Hi all. Well, the meds have started working: I was only in pain a bit in the car on the ride to and from work. Other than that, I was pain-free! So, that's good. I called about an appt with the orthopedic doctor but it turns out they are all surgeons and I need a referral from my primary care doctor. So, that wasn't the right avenue to go down. I do have an appt with my primary doctor on the 23rd so we'll see what she says. Last night, the dogs got in a bad fight and my husband broke them up and got bit by one of them while he was breaking them up. His hand was dripping blood and everything. It was bad. He's okay though, we put some alcohol on the cut and a bandage and he's fine.

    Water yesterday: 100.1 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld That’s good to have so many Libby accounts. I have 2 and have plenty of books to read. I’m glad you have less pain. Good idea to ask your PCP. Too bad about dogs fighting and your DH getting bitten. Hi, all. We had a good time at the cottage. Last night DH and I both ordered salmon. It was really good and had rice and fresh vegetables. Our son grilled shrimp tonight plus made rice and a beet salad with goat cheese dressing. We have salad for tomorrow night, too.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah I mostly use the audiobooks and they are very popular, so I need to have a lot of accounts lol. I listen to audiobooks on my commute and sometimes while cooking dinner, so I use it a lot. Thank you. Yeah my poor DH! I love salmon. I also love beet salad with goat cheese. I usually make an orange dressing for my beet salad and put the goat cheese on top with walnuts.

    Hi all. I work from home today, it's been a long week. We took the week off from cooking, we got a bunch of pre-made stuff from Sam's Club. Last night was chicken tacos. They were pretty good except the tortillas. Being so close to Mexico, we are spoiled with good tortillas so I can't eat stuff like Mission tortillas, I need the "real" thing! LOL

    Water yesterday: 82.7 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Listening to audiobooks on the way to work is a good idea. I never thought of not liking the tortillas but it makes sense since you’ve had the real thing. I guess it’s like the difference between a deli bagel and a supermarket one. Hi, all. Today was a swim day and steak night. All good!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah it keeps my mind occupied! Yes, there is a big difference between the standard grocery store tortillas and the ones that are made locally. Exactly like the bagel thing! :) Good job with the swim and I'm glad you enjoyed the steak.

    @cbabie @theslightedgeforever Where are you two at???

    Hi all. It was really hot here yesterday, it got up to 95 or hotter. In the condo, it was about 90. It was uncomfortable since we only have the portable AC unit and it was in the bedroom and I was working in the living room. I'm going to brew some iced coffee to enjoy later today or tomorrow. Yesterday, I looked up all the water aerobics classes at the city pools and made a Google calendar for them. The times that will work for me are on the weekends unless I have the occasional day off during the week. It only costs $4 to attend a class. I am trying to get up the guts to go by myself. My friend was supposed to go with me but she had a scheduling conflict. I get a lot of anxiety when I go someplace new like a pool or a gym. It's almost crippling. I'm supposed to go at 11 am. I hope I go. After that, we are going to a free art festival.

    Water yesterday: 53.2 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld It’s hot, here, on the East Coast, too. I think the high yesterday was 98. I hope you were able to go to the pool. You can do so much more in the water without hurting your joints. But if you didn’t do, no judgment. Hi, all. I’m doing indoor exercises today. It’s too hot to walk outside. Also the humidity is awful. Lunch today is leftover steak on a salad with beets. Tonight is family dinner and we are having grilled burgers, baked frozen French fries and coleslaw. Easy and simple and what everyone likes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah it got really hot here too, maybe that high. Ugh. Thanks. Sorry about the heat and humidity. I hope you enjoyed family dinner.

    Hi all. I did NOT make it to water aerobics yesterday, I talked myself out of it. I don't think I will go today, either: I committed to making a complicated Italian dinner (Timballo di Anelletti | Sicilian Baked Pasta - ) and it will take a few hours to make. I plan on prepping it in the morning after my Spanish lesson, which is when I would go to the pool. I probably could prep it after that, but I have a blood donation appt at 1:20. If I don't go to the pool today, I hope to go next weekend with a friend. That should make it easier.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, Sorry I have been MIA, I have been moving my daughter for the last few days. I am exhausted. LOL. She is getting settled in and I wanted to jump on and get caught up. I got my stitches out and now I have to put a antibiotic cream on them for a week, but all is good. At least I can take a shower with out wrapping myself up in plastic. LOL. Haven't been eating great, just whatever I can grab and go....

    @trooworld I just sent you a DM about the challenge, no worries. I am glad you are pain free. I am so sorry about your DH. I never thought about having more than 1 library card. How do you do that?

    @fabgeekmom We are consistently in the triple digits now and the humidity has started, so I feel you with the heat. I will stay inside as much as possible LOL. I am not sure I have ever had a beet salad. I LOVE beets.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Enjoy your Italian meal. It’s good that you can donate blood. @cbabie Moving is exhausting. It’s good that you could help your daughter. I know it was a good feeling to shower without wrapping yourself in plastic. If you like beets you would like beet salad. We ate ours on arugula with a goat cheese dressing and walnuts. There are lots of recipes online. Hi, all. It cooled off some because we had some rain last night. DH and I went for a walk after breakfast. DH has been picking figs from our trees. Eventually I plan to make preserves. Tonight we go to our daughter’s house for dinner.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    I got back late last night from Canada. I'm happy I lost 0.4 lbs while I was there.

    @cbabie Are you still doing that journal challenge? Beets were gross coming from a can. Are you able to exercise now?

    @trooworld Sorry about your knee at Comic Con. Such cool costumes

    @fabgeekmom Agree with you on the Voltaren. I fell while hiking up the mountain and hurt my shoulder a bit and I was using it on that. Luckily my friend uses it for her knee and brought it with her.

    @gemwolf110 I think you had an extraction planned before I left. Hope that went well.

    Today is just a rest day before I resume my regularly scheduled program.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @theslightedgeforever It was good to hear from you. Glad you had fun in Canada and the Voltaren helped with your pain. I agree about beets in the can. Yuck!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    Here's some of my pics. I had a good video of some other wildlife but couldn't post them. I did see another form of wildlife Friday night. I got to see Billy Idol in concert in Calgary. OMG! What a great show.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @cbabie Moving is always exhausting! But you got good exercise, I bet! :) I'm glad you got your stitches out. And yes, that's good you don't have to wrap up when showering. Library cards: I have a San Diego City library card, a San Diego county library card, I got one from Broward County in Florida (no, you do not have to be a resident:|||1|||0|||true&dt=list ), I have a Harris County library card (Texas, no you do not need to be a resident...I think you choose TEMPORARY visitor card?: ), and a San Jose Public library card (only available to CA residents). There are probably more in AZ. Good luck!

    @fabgeekmom Oh it was really good! Thanks! Yes, I donate as often as I can. That's good it cooled down. It was so hot here yesterday. Ugh. A walk after breakfast sounds nice. I love figs! And fig preserves yum.

    @theslightedgeforever Wow, great job! Where in Canada did you go? Thanks, it feels better now thanks to the medicine. Wow, beautiful pictures! Billy Idol...I went to a Billy Idol concert in the 80s and I got one of my earrings ripped out lol (it was not one on the lobe but up higher). It was a good concert though.

    Hi all. I chose one of the hottest days of the year to make a complicated recipe in the oven lol. But the pasta came out really well, it was a lot of work but worth it. Delicious! I sweated like mad while cooking. I'm done cooking until Thursday (DH cooks Mon-Weds). Here's a pic of the pasta, it's encased in fried eggplant. Not the most healthy dish but delicious!

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,479 Member
    I got back late last night from Canada. I'm happy I lost 0.4 lbs while I was there.

    @cbabie Are you still doing that journal challenge? Beets were gross coming from a can. Are you able to exercise now?

    @trooworld Sorry about your knee at Comic Con. Such cool costumes

    @fabgeekmom Agree with you on the Voltaren. I fell while hiking up the mountain and hurt my shoulder a bit and I was using it on that. Luckily my friend uses it for her knee and brought it with her.

    @gemwolf110 I think you had an extraction planned before I left. Hope that went well.

    Today is just a rest day before I resume my regularly scheduled program.

    I did! It went well. Getting back into routine this week. One positive thing about this extraction is that I lost weight during the recovery. I found those premier protein drinks really good. I got to try making ice cream with it in my ninja creami.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @trooworld We started in Vancouver and then drove to Whistler for two nights and then Banff for 3 nights then onto Calgary for one night. I swear it was the longest roadtrip. Your pasta looks good. At first I thought it was a blueberry pastry. :D

    @gemwolf110 Any time you lose weight is a good thing. LOL I keep hearing about those protein drinks but never tried them.

    My body is SO tired. Plus my shoulder hurts worse now than after my fall. So I'm trying to stretch it out. I think I'm going to take some Aleve. I did not make it to the gym. I just kept thinking about my shoulder. But I did a 40 min walk on a trail. Hubby was saying "you are dragging today". Yes I am. I don't want to be here but I am forcing myself to get out and not be lazy. Then later came home and took a nap. I feel much better. Tomorrow I'm going to have to force myself to the gym. Just take painkillers before I go and keep stretching it out.