
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Had these pictures from Vince’s family. Been waiting for months for Vince to go thru them so I finally did. Then he did. Finally talked him into sending a lot of them to his cousin in MO, she may know some of them. Went thru some that he kept. Contrary to his opinion, we really don’t need 4 pictures of the same people, so I’m going to throw some of them out without telling him.

    Michele NC

    I would never throw out my husband's photos. At the very least, scan them first.

    My husband and I respect each other's stuff ... we don't throw out anything that belongs to the other. We only declutter our own stuff. Or joint expired items in the fridge. :)

    Machka in Oz

    My feelings about other people’s ‘stuff’ exactly. There is a lot of things my DH has that I would dispose of, but I leave it up to him.
    RVRita in Roswell
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Monique - great job on the labs! Is your foot all healed up?

    Kylia - your vacation looks great! Thank you for sharing the photos. Nice bathroom!

    Rita - praying for the best outcome for your mom, and Brownie too. Your meal looked yummy - good job walking with weights! You mentioned a day or two ago about looking for a rent-to-buy place. Have you run across any areas that look appealing?

    Carol - good luck finding hearing aids that work for you!

    Allie - does SMiles know he's getting a little sister soon?

    Vicki - I also need constant reminders. Thankful for what Rita and others share in this group. I feel like I'm getting much, much more support here than I ever got from a WW meeting. ;)

    Ladies, I'm still enjoying your wedding photos and stories. Fun to see the fashions in those days, and the hair styles. Thank you so much for sharing everything and taking us down memory lane with you. <3

    Still awfully warm - there's smoke in the atmosphere which is blocking the sun a bit. I can't smell it, but see haze.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    edited September 6
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/suebert- 1hr 58min 29sec, 452elev, 3.03ap, 106ahr, 132mhr, 6mi= 586c
    Strava app = 452c

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    edited September 6
    Interesting research on UTIs.

    E coli from meat behind half a million UTIs in the US every year, study suggests

    I've not had one yet, although I imagine my time will eventually come. However, perhaps my meat avoidance helps avoid UTIs!

    M in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,918 Member
    Machka - The boss looks quite comfortable.

    Debbie - At least you’ll have the room for yourself for next visit after getting it cleaned this one.

    Terri - What beautiful dresses.

    Heather - I love your new flooring! It looks so fresh.

    So many beautiful weddings and brides. What fond memories it is bringing up.

    Rita - Hugs to you, it’s been a rough couple days.

    I am going a scrapbooking crop this weekend. I came home from work long enough to grab my stuff and leave. Tomorrow it’s from 10-9

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Tracey- I am looking forward to having the room back but it hasn't been too bad lately- I took mom's bed beings she has been sleeping in her recliner-says she sleeps better in there.
    Have fun scrapbooking. I haven't done any in years. Did really enjoy it when I did- so many cute pictures of son when he was little.

    Had a good day exercise wise. Walked MIL's dog longer than planned. Dh told me as we were pulling up to her house that she had PT coming out in a half hour. They prefer not to have the dog there during pt because he gets in the way, so, walked the long way, got back to the house and he had just gotten there so we walked some more. It was getting pretty warm so we went back and sat on the steps until they were done. Irritated that dh waited to say something until we got there(I may have just stayed home and not gone over if I had known but dog needs to get out and walk)- Walked the wetlands- again- beautiful but the last 15 min of that hour were rough. It was hot, very little breeze, none is some spots, no shade, and I don't take water with me while I walk. I had some in the car-no bathrooms so don't want to have to find a bush.
    Aqua zumba plus laps before and after-
    Just hit 20,000 steps for the day. Haven't done that in quite a while.

    Going to head for bed a bit early- up at 5:30, out the door by 6 to meet mom at the church to help with the food program. Even with the hour and a half drive, I still get an extra hour and a half sleep ;)
    She gets up at 4 to be there extra early to set up her spot(she gives out all the desserts)

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies.
    I will check back in when I get back home on Monday.

    Napa Valley,CA- heading to Alexander Valley,CA