
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Barbara - I keep suggesting he do when he’s having a flare up.
    Mooch is doing a great job!

    Lisa - the nursing home my mom is in has a quilting club, it might help you with some scraps if you called some of your local ones to see if they could use them.
    I remember the Desidereta.
    Mmmm now I want lasagna.

    Heather - I bet the rucksack will be a huge hit.
    Sorry the skirt didn’t make the cut.

    Lanette - I hope the crud leaves very soon. It does seem to be going around again.

    Rebecca - I hope you and the dog become fast friends.

    Michele - Do you grill in the Winter? We do here occasionally on a mild day. Not -30 though.

    Allie - sorry to hear your brother’s troubles. I hope Kyle doesn’t start treating Miles differently now.

    I had a nice day with Lauryn and Michaela. We went shopping. I set a budget for myself and managed to only go $7 over. That was spent on the kids.
    I bought two light sweaters and a pair of pants for work and a new mat for in front of my kitchen sink. Lauryn bought me valances for my birthday.
    I’m so happy with the look, I may shorten them a little. I’m giving it a couple days before deciding.

    Tomorrow is the crafters garage sale at the local scrapbook store. I am going to see if I can find a couple of stamps for sympathy cards.

    Kaitlyn’s friend gave an update and posted on their GoFundMe again yesterday. They got a nice little boost. I hope that when I see her next week she will give me an idea on their plan.

    Well I should head to bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    I like the curtain length
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Lanette – we usually close the pool when it gets cold. We don’t have any trees around the pool yet you should see how many leaves get in there during the winter! I don’t know where they come from

    Cut the grass then put down more seed where there is only shade. This seed is for shady areas. I’m so proud that some of what I put down earlier came up so I put down more

    Carol – sometimes I think it’s harder on us when our pets get older. It just hurts that they can’t communicate exactly what it is that’s hurting them. Take care of your knee. Also, have you ever heard from Lenora?

    Allie – oh, trust me, I’ve mentioned to Vince about rolling the frozen water bottle. But remember, I’m not Dr. Google. I’ve mentioned about the sling. Then again, who am I???? Not a MD, that’s for sure. I’m just someone who believes that stretching really helps. UTube says to stretch his calve (which I said to do a few days ago), so now he’s stretching. Oh well. He’s like his father in that respect. I told his father that he needs to walk some, even if it’s just around the living room. “I don’t want to talk to you about exercise”. So a month later his MD told him to walk so he started walking around the block. Only too little too late. Muscle atropied. Oh well….. How can you keep from just squeezing sMiles to death???? What’s on his forehead?

    Feeling a bit tired so may lay down

    Michele NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    edited September 23
    Heather - sorry to hear about your Ex - these viruses are all over the place. My cold is feeling more like an allergy right now, I just took a Zyrtec which I hope will curtail the sneezing. I'm still planning on running in to town tomorrow morning and grabbing a few things. Will probably wear a mask if my nose is still dripping so people don't see the wads of tissue I have jammed up my nostrils. :p

    Annie - I applaud your dedication to not sharing information online, and I recall Margaret feels the same way. I don't have my birthday on FB, and don't think I've ever shared the date in this group. ;) I follow a little gal on FB named Dannah Eve who gives security tips for gals driving, shopping, social media, on the phone and at home. She says "ALWAYS LIE". We don't owe where we live, who we live with or any other information to strangers. We are not obligated to answer the phone or open the door if we don't know who it is. Be safe.

    Mo - I have a confession. When you first starting posting on this thread, you mentioned your husband was in the Chicago area. I was intrigued by the spelling of your last name -I had never seen it before - so did a search, and found a Horace McMillon who was a pastor and had a daily vlog "Sixty Seconds of Hope." I really liked it and have been getting it delivered into my email box every morning for a while. It really makes my day. <3 I was happily surprised when you mentioned he was your husband. :p I watch him on FB too.

    Carol - so sorry your knee is still acting up. Sounds like you are doing the right thing with your compression knee-high and ice.

    Beth - is your mom on any medication for her Alzheimers? I've heard mixed reviews on some of the stuff, maybe it depends on the person.

    Michele - glad your foot is finally feeling better. I see my ortho/podiatrist doc next Tuesday and I want to keep him on track as to what to do about my right foot that doesn't involve surgery. Maybe those toe spacers? I saw a "Toe Yoga (Toega)" handout on a podiatrist's webpage. I don't know that I'm limber enough to do many of these but they look interesting. They were for hammertoes. I'll ask him.


    Allie - love the photos of sMiles with the pumpkins and his new PJ's too. It won't be long little Delia will be posing along side him. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Tracey - I love the boots on Michaela! Bea, also, is shooting up. I can't help being a bit sad that their childhood will be behind them in a few years. Edie is 11 today. The teenage years are beckoning. We haven't been invited to any kind of birthday thing, but I'm sure they have been more than busy with peer arrangements. We will see them tomorrow as usual and I expect there will be some cake left over.

    I'm wondering whether to take the family out for my birthday. Seven people is an expensive treat though! On the other hand, I have something to celebrate and I'm not going to live forever. Seize the day!

    Physio this morning. I've walked my mile and a half, as agreed, but I haven't been on the stationary bike yet. My main problem is using my bad leg/knee to go upstairs. I've been practising a bit on John's shower, which is a lower step, but I still need to hold on to the windowsill for support. It's my knee that is stopping me, I think. Ditto coming down, but that is a bit easier. I guess it's just practise and strengthening. Walking is improving all the time.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    it's Monday, rainy, dark and gloomy on the island. No inspiration to exercise but I do want to read my book on the treadmill. So there's that. I listen to nice Windham Hill artists and read vampire romance. What a combo eh?
    Need to choke down coffee! Hugs all!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Today is pot pie day. Think I’ll ask DH to make one for today……

    RVRita in Roswell
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Dinner yesterday was lamb roast with pan fried seasoned potatoes, cream corn, and a big salad. Great Sunday Dinner!

    RVRita in Roswell
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Hidee Ho all..
    Michelle - he got a couple bug bites on his head and he scratched them in his sleep and woke up a bloody mess,Kyle had to wash him up and pour peroxide on the boo boos
    I read the paperwork and they said to give them at least a week.
    So hopefully I will hear from them later this week.
    Got the laundry washed ,dried and folded..worked on the suitcase,but think im going to go through it again..
    And maybe run the diahwasher..
    Dropped Alfie at Tom and Elena's, they got a new car a new EV Chevy Equinox ,nifty car.. good for them I say..
    Alfie will get spoiled for the next couple days for sure..
    And yes Miles gives super duper hugs 😁
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) good morning, all from slightly damp NW WA. There was enough rain last night to require folding up the patio chairs and putting them in the breezeway to stay. The morning was dry and beautiful. We got up about 5:30 and I walked the dogs while Jake fixed their breakfast. They like me to get down on the floor with them while they eat. Then I can fix my breakfast and prepare for my day. I have a few supplements that I take each morning along with a chocolate Isagenix shake. Before eating I have a selection of spiritual readings that help start my day right. While I eat, I add yesterday's step counts where they take me on a virtual walk. One walk is through Africa with a group and the other is the Continental Divide Trail. Then I had for Women Ages 50+ to find out what's going on with all of you. After breakfast I head outside with both dogs. I have my blue tooth headphones so I can listen to a podcast or an audio book while we walk. Bessie walks for less than 15 minutes so after I bring her back and give treats to both dogs, Annie and I go out again. I never know where she'll want to walk or for how long . When she's had enough, I bring her back to the yard to run off leash for awhile then put her in the house with Jake and go out by myself for awhile. Today our walk lasted for two hours and Annie got to see her people and dog friends who come out around 8:00; At 9:00 on weekdays I go to a meeting online with a group of friends from all over who share similar spiritual beliefs and spiritual practices. On Sundays we pick up groceries from curbside delivery and then I walk with a friend. After the meeting, I shower, empty the dishwasher and fix lunch. My afternoons are filled with yardwork, riding my exercise bike, watching TV, knitting, and walking the dogs or playing in the yard with them. We eat supper about 3:30 and are in bed by 7:30. A few days a week, I walk with a friend at 5:00 and take the dogs with us. It's a simple life and we love it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA