30 Day Shred for October



  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member
    Can i Join?! Hope its not too late, starting my shred today!
    I'll get my measurements in here tomorrow but start weight is 135.
  • Day 3, Level 1 done this morning. I am VERY sore. Terrified of stairs and sitting down.. Haha. But, I have noticed it will get a lot easier with time. It is a great burn. I am not doing so hot at the pushups.. And, I have minor asthma, so I get winded.. But, I stick with it, and if my body is hurting this much all over, I have to be doing something right!!
  • minigirl2
    minigirl2 Posts: 61 Member
    Day 3 and somehow I am not as sore as I was yesterday. I thought doing a workout on top of sore muscles would kill me, but it seems like the pain has gone away. Weird - not sure if that's good! I also hate the front raises with the squats, like some of you have said. So is everybody doing 10 days for each level? Or one week for each and then an extra week of level 3? Just curious how everybody approaches this.
  • deedeefelldown
    deedeefelldown Posts: 57 Member
    Day 3 down! I'm finally getting a hang of this.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Three down... 27 to go....
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm in I can't find my tape measure so I'll just do my weight. 254lb starting goal on the 31st 239
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    Pushed through the soreness and completed day two! I'm really proud of myself. I think I'm going to be able to stick it through this time!
  • I'm jumping on this bandwagon a bit late, I'm starting tomorrow! Wish me luck!
  • krkoch1983
    krkoch1983 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm starting a few days late, I just saw the post, but I went and bought the DVD tonight and I am starting tomorrow morning. This is the first time I've ever been excited to exercise!
    I am going to take my weight and measurements each week and track the progress!!
  • Yes finished D3L1...my butt and arms are sore but iam okay with that. Hope everyone is doing great...27 more days peeps. WE GO THIS!!!
  • Chelsea_Marinos
    Chelsea_Marinos Posts: 62 Member
    So I woke up this morning my legs were hurting so so bad! Sitting down and going down stairs was the most painful thing everrr! all day long I was in pain but I did day 3 anyways and after I noticed that my legs felt a million times better!
  • Completed Day 5 of Level 1 today - man, was I tired! I almost didn't have the energy to do it, and I fear I might have slacked a bit. I did an hour of weight training at the gym, walked the 30 minutes home, did Day 1 Week 1 of the C25k, and finally, at 8:30ish, did the 30DS.

    Things are going well. (:
  • isletri
    isletri Posts: 18
    Day 3 having my breakfast now, I'll exercise at 9 :)
    Yesterday I also added some zuba in the PM
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Pushed through the soreness and completed day two! I'm really proud of myself. I think I'm going to be able to stick it through this time!

    You CAN do it. you just have to make yourself. Good job!!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    GREAT JOB so far everyone!!! I know we all hurt and people probably laugh at us when we try to sit down or take a step up onto something. But it is worth it. I'm not too bad sore. My legs and butt mostly. My arms not too bad. I am really really really horrible at the last weight training circuit part though. when she makes you do the side lunges with weights. I look forward to mastering that. Ha!! You will not conquer me! I have however found that Level 1 is much easier than it was when I did it the first time around where I was burning 500 calories in 20 minutes. I'm in better shape now, I burned 350 last night. Bummer on the lower burn but YAY on the better fitness. Keep it up everyone! Day 4 tonight.
  • lilbeesie
    lilbeesie Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in too. Today is day 3. I had no idea it burned so many calories - total added bonus.

    Great job everyone!
  • Count me in for this one, YAY! Ordering it today!
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    I am probably underestimating my burned calories when I log because I read somewhere on MFP that you can just use 9min strength, 6 min cardio, and 3min abs. That only puts me at around 158 or 9 burned. Somewhere else I read that you can also use circuit training but the total seems high. I don't want to over estimate too much but I also want to not under estimate too much too. Suggestions????

    GREAT JOB so far everyone!!! I know we all hurt and people probably laugh at us when we try to sit down or take a step up onto something. But it is worth it. I'm not too bad sore. My legs and butt mostly. My arms not too bad. I am really really really horrible at the last weight training circuit part though. when she makes you do the side lunges with weights. I look forward to mastering that. Ha!! You will not conquer me! I have however found that Level 1 is much easier than it was when I did it the first time around where I was burning 500 calories in 20 minutes. I'm in better shape now, I burned 350 last night. Bummer on the lower burn but YAY on the better fitness. Keep it up everyone! Day 4 tonight.
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    Okay, I will watch what I say from now on. lol Yesterday I posted that I wasn't too sore, which I wasn't. However ...when I got home from work I began to feel it. I did the workout last night and this morning...ouch! :) I had to go downstairs twice at work today and the first time I was like, "Oh, man, stairs aren't my friend today." lol Let's not even talk about sitting on the toilet... haha!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    GREAT JOB so far everyone!!! I know we all hurt and people probably laugh at us when we try to sit down or take a step up onto something. But it is worth it. I'm not too bad sore. My legs and butt mostly. My arms not too bad. I am really really really horrible at the last weight training circuit part though. when she makes you do the side lunges with weights. I look forward to mastering that. Ha!! You will not conquer me! I have however found that Level 1 is much easier than it was when I did it the first time around where I was burning 500 calories in 20 minutes. I'm in better shape now, I burned 350 last night. Bummer on the lower burn but YAY on the better fitness. Keep it up everyone! Day 4 tonight.

    This may seem like a silly question, but how do you know how many calories you burned doing the 30DS?