September Challenge, burn 5,000 calories a week!



  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Week 4:
    Weigh in: 277.4
    Monday 9.26.11: 1049 calories swimming for an hour!
    Tuesday 9.27.11: 616 calories walking. Was supposed to be a rest day, but eh!
    Wednesday 9.28.11 503 calories jogging. Did core stuff too, but don't know how many calories it was.
    Total: 2168/5000
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Week 1 - 29/8/2011 - 4/9/2011 - 7,319 Kcal :happy:
    29/8/2011 - 1624 Kcal - 15.16 miles bike
    31/8/2011 - 1193 Kcal - 11.16 miles bike
    1/9/2011 - 1645 Kcal - 15.16 miles bike
    2/9/2011 - 1607 Kcal - 15.16 miles bike
    4/9/2011 - 1250 Kccal - 11.16 miles bike

    Week 2 - 5/9/2011 - 11/9/2011 - 8,424 Kcal :happy::happy:
    5/9/2011 - 1625 Kcal - 15.17 miles bike
    6/9/2011 - 2343 Kcal - 15.19 miles stationery bike stress test @ my knee specialist
    7/9/2011 - day off to allow cortisone jab to stabilise
    8/9/2011 - 1630 Kcal - 15.17 miles bike
    9/9/2011 - 1229 Kcal - 11.16 miles bike
    10/9/2011 - 1597 Kcal - 15.15 miles bike

    Week 3 - 12/9/2011 - 18/9/2011 - 2,491 Kcal :sick:
    16/9/2011 - 1143 Kcal - 10.97 miles MTB loop
    18/9/2011 - 1348 Kcal - 13.13 miles road bike - failed dismally this week :cry:

    Week 4 - 19/9/2011 - 25/9/2011 - 6,857 kcal :smile:
    19/9/2011 - 1113 kcal - 11.19 miles road bike
    21/9/2011 - 576 kcal - walking next doors dogs
    22/9/2011 - 1193 kcal - 11.11 miles road bike
    23/9/2011 - 1699 kcal - 17.15 miles road bike
    24/9/2011 - 1120 kcal - 11.14 miles road bike
    25/9/2011 - 1156 kcal - 11.14 miles road bike

    Week 5 - 26/9/2011 - 2/10/2011 - 5,636 kcal :smile:
    26/9/2011 - 1841 kcal - 17.60 miles road bike
    27/9/2011 - 432kcal - walking next door neighbours dog for him :smile:
    28/9/2011 - 1564 kcal - 15.14 miles road bike
    29/9/2011 - 1799 kcal - 17.82 miles road bike
    30/9/2011 -
    1/10/2011 - not september !
    2/10/2011 - not september !
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Week 1: 4240
    Week 2: 4416
    Week 3: 5014...lost 4 lbs
    week 4: 5320...lost 2 more pounds

    week 5 (partial??):
    mon- 369 calories burned (5 mile outdoor walk)
    tue- 887 calories burned (5 mile jog/walk intervals, + 5 mile eliptical + 35 minute misc gym weights)
    wed- 669 calories burned ( 4 miles eliptical, 2.5 treadmill walk, 2.5 slow indoor track walk, 6 mile slow exercise bike)
    thurs 780 calories burned (5 mile treadmill walk (am) + 5 mile outdoor walk (pm))
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Week 1 - 29/8/2011 - 4/9/2011 - 7,319 Kcal :happy:
    29/8/2011 - 1624 Kcal - 15.16 miles bike
    31/8/2011 - 1193 Kcal - 11.16 miles bike
    1/9/2011 - 1645 Kcal - 15.16 miles bike
    2/9/2011 - 1607 Kcal - 15.16 miles bike
    4/9/2011 - 1250 Kccal - 11.16 miles bike

    Week 2 - 5/9/2011 - 11/9/2011 - 8,424 Kcal :happy::happy:
    5/9/2011 - 1625 Kcal - 15.17 miles bike
    6/9/2011 - 2343 Kcal - 15.19 miles stationery bike stress test @ my knee specialist
    7/9/2011 - day off to allow cortisone jab to stabilise
    8/9/2011 - 1630 Kcal - 15.17 miles bike
    9/9/2011 - 1229 Kcal - 11.16 miles bike
    10/9/2011 - 1597 Kcal - 15.15 miles bike

    Week 3 - 12/9/2011 - 18/9/2011 - 2,491 Kcal :sick:
    16/9/2011 - 1143 Kcal - 10.97 miles MTB loop
    18/9/2011 - 1348 Kcal - 13.13 miles road bike - failed dismally this week :cry:

    Week 4 - 19/9/2011 - 25/9/2011 - 6,857 kcal :smile:
    19/9/2011 - 1113 kcal - 11.19 miles road bike
    21/9/2011 - 576 kcal - walking next doors dogs
    22/9/2011 - 1193 kcal - 11.11 miles road bike
    23/9/2011 - 1699 kcal - 17.15 miles road bike
    24/9/2011 - 1120 kcal - 11.14 miles road bike
    25/9/2011 - 1156 kcal - 11.14 miles road bike

    Week 5 - 26/9/2011 - 2/10/2011 - 7,082 kcal :smile:
    26/9/2011 - 1841 kcal - 17.60 miles road bike
    27/9/2011 - 432kcal - walking next door neighbours dog for him :smile:
    28/9/2011 - 1564 kcal - 15.14 miles road bike
    29/9/2011 - 1799 kcal - 17.82 miles road bike
    30/9/2011 - 1446 kcal - 15.14 miles road bike
    1/10/2011 - not september !
    2/10/2011 - not september !

    so - total burn for september - 32,173 kcals - let's call it 9.19lb of lard - or a healty proportion of my total 14.4lb loss this month.

  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Thu 09/29/11 06:59 PM

    Week 1: 4240
    Week 2: 4416
    Week 3: 5014...lost 4 lbs
    week 4: 5320...lost 2 more pounds

    week 5 (partial??):
    mon- 369 calories burned (5 mile outdoor walk)
    tue- 887 calories burned (5 mile jog/walk intervals, + 5 mile eliptical + 35 minute misc gym weights)
    wed- 669 calories burned ( 4 miles eliptical, 2.5 treadmill walk, 2.5 slow indoor track walk, 6 mile slow exercise bike)
    thurs 780 calories burned (5 mile treadmill walk (am) + 5 mile outdoor walk (pm))
    fri...451 calories burned ( 6 mile outdoor walk)

    Total partial week 5 = 3116...lost about 2 more ponds

    total sept challenge = 22,106...or 6.31 pounds of lard as the BigYin calculates. I lost 8 pounds. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    thanks, it was great fun:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Week 4:
    Weigh in: 277.4
    Monday 9.26.11: 1049 calories swimming for an hour!
    Tuesday 9.27.11: 616 calories walking. Was supposed to be a rest day, but eh!
    Wednesday 9.28.11 503 calories jogging. Did core stuff too, but don't know how many calories it was.
    Thursday 9.29.11: Rest
    Friday 9.30.11: 965 calories jogging

    I guess that's it for September!

    Week in Total: 3133/5000

    Despite making calorie burn every week, I didn't have the weight success some have had. I'm down one pound for the month. But hey--better a pound than nothing!
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    Nor down so much in the pound department---got two for the month. Inch wise
    CRAZY SICK Results!

    Final Total

    5263 / 2660 this week

    For the month of September 25050!

    So proud of myself! Next on the 30 day shred!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    week 1 - 10337
    week 2 - 8811
    week 3 - 8941 cal
    week 4 - 10265cal
    week 5 - burned 4272cal Mon-Fri

    42626 burned through the month (I'm not completely sure about this - this is what my diary tells me this morning, but I haven't checked it against the totals I recorded in this thread!)

    In September, I lost 11.9 lb. 1.2 inches from my neck, 3 inches from my waist, 2.2 inches from my hips, 1.2 from my breasts.

    A reasonable month's work.
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Week 1:
    Starting weight: 171.8

    Monday: 768 calories - (Seated elliptical 50 min - 360 calories) (Standing elliptical 40 min = 408 calories)
    Tuesday: 951 calories - (Hiking, 45 min = 411 calories) (Walking 4mph, 51 min = 540 calories)
    Wednesday: 771 calories (kayaking, 2 hours)
    Thursday: 784 calories (Seated elliptical 45 min - 324 calories) (Standing elliptical 45 min = 460 calories)
    Friday: 864 calories (seated elliptical 35 min - 252 cal) (standing elliptical 60 min = 612 cal)
    Sat: 720 calories (kayaking 100 min = 720 cal)
    Sun: 306 calories (Elliptical 30 min)

    Weekly total: 5164

    Week 2:
    Starting weight: 171.8

    Monday: 867 calories - (Hiking, climbing hills (carrying <10 lb load) 90 min)
    Tuesday: 904 calories - (bicycling, 45 min = 578 calories) (elliptical, 32 min = 326 calories)
    Wednesday: 810 calories (Hiking, climbing hills (carrying <10 lb load 100 min)
    Thursday: 765 calories (rowing 30 min - 315 calories) (kayaking 70 min = 450 calories)
    Friday: 918 calories (bicycling 90 min)
    Sat: 860 calories (kayaking 165 min)
    Sun: 918 calories (bicycling 90 min)

    Weekly total: 6042

    Week 3:
    Starting weight: 170.0

    Monday: 1632 calories - Bicycling 160 minutes - did 24 miles!
    Tuesday: 716 calories - (bicycling, 33 min = 377 calories) (jogging, 33 min = 339 calories)
    Wednesday: 725 calories (Hiking, climbing hills (carrying <10 lb load) 33 min) (38 minutes intense bicycling)
    Thursday: 772 calories (elliptical 50 min - 510 calories) (stationary bike 32 min - 262 cal)
    Friday: 420 calories (elliptical, 35 min INTENSE)
    Sat: 649 calories (bicycling 60 min)
    Sun: 420 calories (elliptical, 35 min INTENSE) <--- Was supposed to go on a 26-mile bike ride - got rained out!

    Weekly total: 5334

    Week 4:
    Starting weight: 166.6

    Monday: 745 calories - Bicycling 80 minutes
    Tuesday: 1962 calories - (mountain biking, 62 min = 664 calories) (kayaking, 67 min = 482 calories) (hiking, 80 min = 816 calories)
    Wednesday: 567 calories (70 minutes bicycling)
    Thursday: 967 calories (bicycling 20 min - 202 calories) (jogging 75 min - 765 cal)
    Friday: 671 calories (hiking, 75 min)
    Sat: 857 calories (bicycling 85 min)
    Sun: 1080 calories (jogging 108 min)

    Weekly total: 6849

    Week 5 (Partial)
    Starting Weight: 165.8

    Monday: 663 calories - 65 min Elliptical
    Tuesday: 790 cal - 70 min elliptical
    Wednesday: 0 - lazy!
    Thursday: 1208 calories: 60 min. stability ball full-body workout, 15 min elliptical, 49 min jogging (treadmill)
    Friday: 251 calories - 20 min bicycling - trip cut short by family emergency
    Mon-Fri total: 2912
    Can I count today, since I had that emergency? I did a 17-mile bike ride - 1191 calories! That would be 4103 total...

    Total calories burned in September: 26301

    Ending weight: 166.2 - lost 5.6 pounds. Body fat % from 34.9 to 33.9. Lost 1 inch in my waist, hips, & thighs, 1/2 inch in my upper arm.
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    Week 1: Total calories burned 5,968 from 7 hours of Cardio (start weight 209.4) & (weigh-in 205.8) - 3.6 pounds
    Week 2: Total calories burned 12,903 from approx. 12 hours of Cardio (start weight 205.8) & (weigh-in 199.5) - 6.3 pounds
    Week 3: Total calories burned 7,740 from approx. 8.5 hours of Cardio (start weight 199.5) & (weigh-in 198.8) - 0.7 pounds
    Week 4: Total calories burned 8,391 from 9.5 hours of Cardio (start weight 198.8) & (weigh-in 198.4) - 0.4 pounds
    Week 5: Total calories burned 6,149 from 6.5 hours of Cardio (start weight 198.4) & (weigh-in 193.9) - 4.5 pounds

    Month total 41,151 calories, 15.5 pounds lost, 9.7% body fat - I accomplished this from biking 489.46 miles, ran 54.41 miles, and other gym/body rocker workouts for 44 hours of cardio over the course of the month. Participation in a charity bike ride (185 miles) on Sep 10-11 accounted for over 15% of my calories this month.

    Congratulations to everyone who participated in this challenge!
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    For anyone interested, I thought we could keep this challenge going through October...I lost 10 pounds and 12 inches in September!! I definitely look forward to similar results in October. Let's keep that support going!! Good luck! :smile:

    Here's the link for the October challenge:
  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    Sun- 1087 burned (808 w/ turbo jam and 279 cleaning)
    Mon- 837 burned- cleaning 3 hours
    Tues- 61 burned walking dog
    Wed- 982 leslie sansone vid
    Thurs- 220 situps
    Fri- 153 walking dog
    Sat- 107 burned (61 walking dog and 46 cleaning)

    3447 burned...not bad but didnt make the 5000 mark....o well this is a new week :)

    Sun - 514 - 1 mile walking dog and 30 min on bike
    Mon - 626 -1/2 mile w/ dog and 3 mile walk
    Tues - 1783 - 20 min dance, 20 min turbo jam, 1 mile walk leslie sansone. and 30 min bike ride
    Wed - 131 - 1/2 mile w/ dog; 15 min cleaning
    Thurs - 3425 - 1/2 mile w/ dog; 10 min cleaning; 5 mile walk leslie sansone; 3 hr bike ride
    Fri - 122 - 1 mile w/ dog
    Sat - 2737 - 1 mile w/ dog' 3 hr bike ride; 60 min cleaning

    9338 burned this week; and it paid off on the scales too :D
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Week of 918/2011 - 9/24/2011

    Sunday - Bouldering: 1197 calories, 80 minutes
    Monday - Walking, 2.0 mph: 1021 calories, 300 minutes; Bouldering: 1197 calories, 90 minutes
    Tuesday - Sea Kayaking: 1890 calories, 360 minutes; Running: 6.0 mph, 680 calories, 50 minutes
    Wednesday - Hiking: 1224 calories, 150 minutes; Bouldering: 355 calories, 40 minutes
    Thursday - Walking, 2.0 mph: 1020 calories, 300 minutes
    Friday - Running, 6.0 mph: 816 calories, 60 minutes
    Saturday - Sailing, 1280 calories, 420 minutes

    Totals - 10,680 calories, 1850 minutes
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Week of 9/25/2011 - 10/1/2011

    Sunday - Sailing: 1462 calories, 480 minutes
    Monday - Running, 6.0 mph: 816 calories, 60 minutes
    Tuesday - Running, 6.0 mph: 816 calories, 60 minutes
    Wednesday - Running, 6.0 mph: 816 calories, 60 minutes
    Thursday - Rest Day: 0 calories, 0 minutes
    Friday - Rest Day: 0 calories, 0 minutes
    Saturday - Hiking/Running on Incline Trainer: 499 calories, 30 minutes; Walking, 2.0 mph: 816 calories, 240 minutes

    Totals - 5,225 calories, 930 minutes
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    Super stoked about this final report for the week. Calories burned for the week 7687. Oh yeah.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    awesome week kjenelle!

    my final week number is 5303!

    this was fun...anyone want to do it again?
  • nataliarunes
    I don't see why we can't just keep it going every single month!!! :bigsmile:
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    cantjustcant I am down for the cause! Do we start counting calories today or from the 1st of October?
  • aWildFlowere
    aWildFlowere Posts: 76 Member
    Love this machine. I do intervals for 50-60 min and it says I burn 1000-1200 calories spanning 11-13mi +/- depending on my settings and energy for that day. I weigh 217 right now vs 214 (grrr) and I am 6'2" so don't freak about my lofty female stats;) I usually do an avg speed of 77-90...I should slow down during rest interval level 7 but need to talk to my personal trainer and finally splurge for a iwatch or the fit bit that can go in the pool for those cross training workouts & PT as I need to get a handle on maximizing my aerobic & evaluating my anerobic HR etc.

    I was pre-360 spinal fusion and TKR and used it per above for two years. Post surgery (both within 6mo & 1yr recovery each) I hopped on this asap as the most comfortable.

    I constantly adjust the seat, never use the handles (I hard lift days btwn cardio so my arms need rest). I also adjust resistance if my intervals are off a bit per energy plus I don't look down and move my feet everywhere like dancing to work my neuro coordination and work the little muscles vs just the big/primary.

    Friend me!!! I will let u know what my trainer, new watch and sports nutritionist say!