October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    Day 6 done diddley done!
    I had been using you-tube to do it but I used my brand new shiny DVD today. I was a bit nervous that maybe I had been doing it wrong but didn't notice any difference in the pain levels - it still hurts!!! lol Only difference now is that now I have to put up with Jillian ordering me around!

    BTW, I am happy to do the daily challenges but I need a gentle reminder from you all as to when it is my turn to set them... Being in the UK and a day ahead has already caused a bit of confusion.... my first one is Day 8. I think I need to set an alarm clock... lol.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I will send you a message on the morning (my morning at least, lol) of the days you are supposed to put up a challenge. Does this work?
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    COOLIO! That will definitely work..

    Thanks :)
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Day 6 done! Glad (sort of) to see it's not just me putting on weight!

    BTW I'm sure it's probably on the thread somewhere, but what is the website to the banner, it's cutoff on it :)
  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    Woo hoo!! Day 5 done last night ;-) I feel it's getting easier & I'm not taking as many breaks. I'm still not doing regular push-ups, but at least I'm doing them. lol
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Day 5 for me tonight - can't wait to get it done after work! Maybe I will do it twice in a row to "catch up"? that sounds horrible haha :)
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Day 6 done and finished, yay!

    Now onto the mountain of laundry.. Boo.

  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I'm feeling about 50% better today (thank you mucinex dm)! I will attempt my day 4 later tonight. FINGERS CROSSED I DONT COUGH UP A LUNG!

    Everyone seems to be doing so well! I hate being so behind because of a bad cold.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    I'm not checking in or reading other posts anymore until I start seeing some results! Hopefully that will be soon, but it is possible I won't be in here for the rest of the challenge. I'm throwing myself an extended pity party and no one else is invited! Not that you want to come anyway because there won't be any fun junk food and there will be lots of exercise!
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Wooo!! I can feel something in my abs!! Not as in I can feel my abs, I'm still too fat for that lol, but I can feel that I've been working them out (I posted the other day that I couldn't feel any difference so I must be doing it wrong) it might not be down to the 30ds though, as I've just started doing the toning section on the other workout DVD that I do. But it's progress all the same!:happy:

    Happy day 6 everyone, keep up the good work!
  • katharos3
    katharos3 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm sorry to drop out within the first week, but "life" is so overwhelming for me right now. And it doesn't look like it's getting easier anytime soon. So for my own sanity, I'm getting rid of all non-neccessary responsibilities in my life. I wish you all the best!!
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    mute makes SUCH a difference!!! D6 down
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I tried on a long lost outfit this morning...just for kicks and giggles. My expectations were low but I'm all about testing the limits. It was a size 18 suit. Not an 18W. BTW, the "W" is supposed to stand for "WOMENS" but I really think it stands for WIDE:grumble:

    Anyway, I looked at the waistband and thought, "Yeah, alright....if I can just get this skirt over my butt I'll be surprised."


    I thought about zipping it and sitting down but it's a fantastic suit and I just didn't feel ready for all that:ohwell:

    But I haven't been able to wear this skirt in over 3 years. It's still too snug for my taste but 2 months ago it wouldn't even button. More motivation for butt kicks and lunges.

    Oh, and Natalie is a fraud. A fit fraud who happens to be built like a brick house....but a fraud nonetheless!

  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! missing day 6 today for impromptu dinner plans with the hubs..ugh!!! will definitely double up some how some way and get back on track...ok day 6 in the am! good job shredders lets keep up the good work!
  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    Woo hoo!! Day 6 is done. I almost crapped out of it, but after the torture of the mini challenge I decided to do it. lol JK kinda ;-) I'm hoping I can get it in tomorrow. I have a wedding after work, but I'm going to try to do it when I get home. The LSU game is a 2:30 game, so I should have plenty of time to get it in that night too. Yay me!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Day 6 done! My thighs hurt. UGH
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    It's almost 9pm, I just took my mucinex and I'm going to go push it! Take that, Jillian! Me and my clogged nose are going to kick YOUR butt!
  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    going to miss day 6 :( i'll double time it tomorrow after my walk. I hate when i'm too busy to do it in the mornings...life just interferes and i get so exhausted at the end of the day!...i just finished eating and theres no way i can jump around right before bed...i have to be up at 6am tomorrow!.....so thats the plan (double up) tomorrow! wish me luck!!!

    for anyone in pain still....i used a foam roller on my calves (my most sore area) and i can finally move w/o pain!! we have one at work, but i'm thinking of investing in one! they are amazing! :)
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    D1L2 is in the books. I almost died. It's a killer. I was yelling at Jillian the whole time.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Tried level 2 today!!!!!! WALKING PUSHUPS!!!!!!

    craziness I tell you! For sure worked up a sweat!

    I just wanted to change I'll go back to level one for 5 more days now haha