October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Well day 2 was slightly easier than day 1 as I knew what to expect, but still... ouch!! My knees hurt so badly after, after a bit of research I think I need to warm up better, I'm going to go for 20 minutes on the cross trainer and the 'pump it up' DVD warm up and see how that works out.

    I hate hate hate the jumping jacks with a passion!! I'm also terrible at push ups (and I'm doing the modified ones) and by the time we get to bicycle crunches I'm past knowing or caring if I'm doing it right anymore!! (If by day 30 I have abs in my neck, I guess I've been doing it wrong lol)

    Bring on day 3!
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Just finished day 3 and I thought I'd share this... I mentioned in my last post that I'd spend some time on the cross trainer and doing the warm up on my 'Pump it up' DVD because my knees hurt so much after doing the shred last night, well today was quite an improvement, they still ache, but I don't think I'll be quitting because of it! I also feel like I've recovered from the whole thing better for having a better warm up, so if anyone else is having knee or other joint problems, try a warm up from another DVD.

    Is it me, or does anyone wish Jillian would shut up a bit? I know you can mute her, but I'm not quite at the point where I know the DVD well enough to do that yet, but she just doesn't stop going on!! Be quiet woman!!! And I still hate jumping jacks, they make my knees hurt so when Jillian says everyone can do them I want to throw my weights at her :grumble:

    Well I need a shower and a nice hot cup of tea after this mornings workout (692 cals including 'warm ups'!)
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    Woke up at 4:45 this morning and did D8L1 and it felt so goooooooddddddd.
  • chocolattahottie
    i've learned that I tolerate Jillan better at night, so I'lll do the 30ds then..lol
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I was unable to do day 3 yesterday due to a bout of food poisoning :-( I'm still feel weak and a little sick today so may need to skip today too :-( I too hurt more after day 2, it's the boxing that burns the most!! And my calves were the muscles that hurt the most, jumping jacks with sore calves is no easy task! I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who curses Jillian! Keep up all the hard work everyone!
  • enigma2546
    I'm going to have to start tonight, i spent all weekend painting our new house, so jillian michaels would not of been my friend , as much as i could use it lol ! I havnt uploaded my pictures due to the fact that i babysit 8-5 every day and havnt brought my computer , but have been using the little girls dad's computer, and im not sure his wife would appreciate finding pictures of me on his computer (whether i delete them off or not, some people can find anything LOL ) I will take my measurements later today as well!

    I say better late then never !!!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Feeling pretty frustrated and need some support ladies. I just weighed (for another challenge) and I am up 2 lbs. from my last weigh in. WTH. I stayed with calorie goal and yes, did eat exercise calories, and I worked out a lot this weekend. Why am I up?? I was really expecting a loss. :(
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Feeling pretty frustrated and need some support ladies. I just weighed (for another challenge) and I am up 2 lbs. from my last weigh in. WTH. I stayed with calorie goal and yes, did eat exercise calories, and I worked out a lot this weekend. Why am I up?? I was really expecting a loss. :(

    Don't worry too much (easier said than done!) I read recently that when you start some new exercise and stress out your muscles they hold on to extra water while they heal, I don't know how true that is, but it sounds good lol! Also have you been eating lots of sodium? That would do it too.

    If you're doing everything right, ignore the scales for now and see what they say in a few days. Drink loads of water too!!
  • SimplyLiving21
    This is technically day 14 for me, and day 3 with the group. I can testify that after a while you will no longer be in pain :smile: I have started this dvd at least 4 times and this is the first time I've made it past day 1. Push past the pain ladies, we can do this together!

    I've also decided not to weigh in until the last day. I haven't been losing like I want, and its been discouraging to weigh in each week. I will add my measurements though :smile:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Just a question for everybody. Do you do the shred in the morning, afternoon, or evening and why? I normally wake up for work at 4:30 and don' t want to get up any earlier but after the first workout (that nearly killed me) I'm starting to think I should do it in the morning just to get it over with. I don't get home from work until 5:45-6:00pm then with dinner and waiting for awhile after I eat would put me at about 7:00-7:30. Ugh, decisions decisions. So let's hear what you do.

    mornings are the best! waking up is hard, but you will feel better knowing its done! with that said, i slept in this morning so i have to do it this evening, lol, once again, mornings are hard.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Just finished day 3 and I thought I'd share this... I mentioned in my last post that I'd spend some time on the cross trainer and doing the warm up on my 'Pump it up' DVD because my knees hurt so much after doing the shred last night, well today was quite an improvement, they still ache, but I don't think I'll be quitting because of it! I also feel like I've recovered from the whole thing better for having a better warm up, so if anyone else is having knee or other joint problems, try a warm up from another DVD.

    Is it me, or does anyone wish Jillian would shut up a bit? I know you can mute her, but I'm not quite at the point where I know the DVD well enough to do that yet, but she just doesn't stop going on!! Be quiet woman!!! And I still hate jumping jacks, they make my knees hurt so when Jillian says everyone can do them I want to throw my weights at her :grumble:

    Well I need a shower and a nice hot cup of tea after this mornings workout (692 cals including 'warm ups'!)

    yes i want her to stop talking at at least 2 points in the video!! its too much talking!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Feeling pretty frustrated and need some support ladies. I just weighed (for another challenge) and I am up 2 lbs. from my last weigh in. WTH. I stayed with calorie goal and yes, did eat exercise calories, and I worked out a lot this weekend. Why am I up?? I was really expecting a loss. :(

    hang in there meg!! lets give it another week, im sure your numbers will change!
  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    just finished day 3, and I too have gained, but I've been gaining almost a pound a day :sad: I'm sure it's muscle, but my plan was to get to my goal and then build on the muscle. I would love to loose the flabby arms and thighs before getting my 6 pack. things were a bit easier, but I'm getting really tire of her voice, and the way that she grits her teeth and tried to look all in pain at the end of the first set of boxing.... come on Jillian, I know that you're not even feeling that! I'm about at the point of muting her too. great work out though. is it crazy that at night I think about doing the workout again? I'm totally out of my mind
  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    Amber393 - What's your job? I couldn't help notice the headset in your pic. It looks like the same we have. I'm a dispatcher for a 911 Center.

    Day 2 went well. My booty & chest are a little sore. I guess I'm getting deeper into the moves now. I was able to do it yesterday morning, but htis week will only be at night. I may have to skip Friday because I work all day and then have a wedding that night. Unless I can force myself to start at 11 pm or later that night.
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I did the shred back in August and I really thought it would be no big deal , boy was I wrong, why does unconditioning happen so much faster than conditioning. My legs were killing me yesterday, I skipped Sunday and will do day 2 today. I am not giving up.
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Feeling pretty frustrated and need some support ladies. I just weighed (for another challenge) and I am up 2 lbs. from my last weigh in. WTH. I stayed with calorie goal and yes, did eat exercise calories, and I worked out a lot this weekend. Why am I up?? I was really expecting a loss. :(

    I too have gained 1LB from Friday till today ! And yes people, I DO weigh myself every day.... I am addicted, and obssessed ! So I have started upping my water, lets see if that helps ! I also ate a bigger breakfast today. I dont usually eat my excercise cals back, so I was hoping there would be some kind of loss going on.... for not being able to move ANYTHING that is the least I would expect, darnnit !!

    I LOVE the banner, and WANT IT !! How do I get it ?!?

    Will be posting later on in my blog about my early morning D3 experience - check it out and let me know how you guys are feeling !
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    For the banner. You have to put img in brackets, single space under, link, single space under, and then /img in brackets.

  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi just found you -started on the 1st & didn't realise there was a group. Can I still join?

    ps hating those jumping jacks!!
  • SneakyTam
    SneakyTam Posts: 11 Member
    Drats only just found this post... is it too late to join in. i did L1D1 today
  • partonsara
    partonsara Posts: 79 Member
    The boy and I did ours today and there was still much grunting and yelling. My shoulders and I are in a fight. I'm HORRIBLE at pushups and that anterior raise thing, but I think I had done enough work on my legs so that Jillian's stuff isn't killing them. Do you think it's ok if I do C25K at the same time as this? I started it last week and think I have to repeat the first week, but I want to keep both going. I don't think I'll die, but who knows?

    I combined both and had great results in March! Good luck :)