October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    Just finished L1D1 & feel great!! I don't think I'll be sore. I made it to L2D10 in August and have been walking every since during the week. I'm not terribly out of shape. I also have an almost 3 year old that I get to chase around :) I agree about stretching. I think that's why I had such a hard time in August. I was always sore. We got this girls!!!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am so so proud of all of you! I finished about 30 minutes ago and OMG, dripping sweat. I am sorry for being MIA today, I took the baby to Busch Gardens. But I did walk over 12000 in 4 hours. Go me!

    I do have to say that i said eff you to Jillian a few times. And I agree Danielle, the music is totally low budget porn music. lmao
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    I checked out ripped in 30 by JM - preview and the music is much better. LOL!

    If I survive the shred that'll probably be my next one.
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 569 Member
    Doing the 30 day shred after spending an hour in the bathroom throwing up (sorry TMI) was probably NOT my best idea. I wanted to get it in though!! I only did half. I am really looking forward to the next 30 days. This on top of my walks should really help me get going.

    I am making friends with the lady doing the "easy" version. :)
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Ok, I have finished my D1L1 - thank you peeps, but no need to send 911 !! Yet....

    Here are some of my (smarty@ss) comments :

    1) I definitely need 2 sports bras !
    2) I wish there was such a thing as a "belly sports bra" for the jumping parts...... Crazy jiggling going on here !!! As I kid I used to do a million of Jumping Jacks a day VOLUNTARILY..... WTF happened ?!?!?!
    3) The music is insanely annoying - is there a lady moaning somewhere in there ?? It startled me the first time, as I have surrond sound and thought it was someone coming up behind me - but I was home alone ! The second time I finally realized - nah, just some cheesy sound track.
    4) I was able to complete 10 MODIFIED KNEES ON THE FLOOR pushups the first set WooHoo !! And maybe 5 the second time around....
    5) I want to jump in that TV screen and rip Anita and her perfect abs to pieces !! Seriously ?!? Flaunting like that in my face, while I am carrying a bowling ball around in place of a belly ?? And NO that does not incentive me to push harder..... Because murder is all that's on my mind at that point !
    6) It wasnt AS hard as I thought it would be for me.... Let's see if I can wake up tomorrow morning ! Breathing.
    7) Have I mentioned that JM annoys me at times ?? LOVE her and wish I was her - but there are times when I feel silly.....
    8) I HATE any type of lunges..... with a passion.
    9) HAHAHAHAHA she really wanted me to touch my toes at the end ?!?! WHAT TOES !?!?! She was lucky I could grab and hold on to my ankles !
    10) I better come out looking like Anita at the end of 30 days.... IJS.
    11) Now, it would have been awesome if she had gotten someone like me to be in that video, as in a REAL person... Ok, have Natalie (I believe she is the real SkinnyB&^tch) (and no I am NOT bitter) - but have someone who struggles with it like me. Then, they could have done 30 Days straight of taping and we could watch their progress, as if we were doing it together.... for 30 days. Yea, just a delusional thought as my blood is trying to leave my head and go back to where it belongs.
    12) we definitely need WAY MORE stretching than she gives us.... I stretched before too, hopefully it will be less painful on my poor, poor muscles.

    Day 1 - GONE ! Bring on the next 29 !!!

    I changed my profile picture so you can see what I looked like at the end of the workout.

    So glad I have you lovely ladies as a support system - I was ready to break that DVD in 2 for the music, alone......

    :heart: and :smooched: to all !

    See ya tomorrow !

    You had me tears, Thank you

    Day 1 Level 1 done, then must have been the lack of oxygen to my brain I thought what the hell and pulled out my "Ripped in 30 days" also by our favorite person Jillian and did Level 1 day 1. Think I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Hope I did the quote thing right I've never done that before.
  • hecallsmeroses
    OMG!! SO sorry I missed out on this one!

    Just saw the group is closed but I want to wish all of you success during the journey.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Join us anyway!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    OMG I have a knot in my back near my shoulder blade. I think it was from the push ups. OW!
  • hecallsmeroses
    oh how I would love to join the fun!!
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    OMG I have a knot in my back near my shoulder blade. I think it was from the push ups. OW!

    Or maybe its's punishment for going to Busch Gardens today and NOT taking us with you !! Yea, I went there. LOL

    My daughter wanted me to carry her up the stairs to bed, and not only is she 38 Lbs - but I believe my arms and legs have turned into Jello. Every step was a jiggly TORTURE !

    I think I might go grab every single ice pack I own from the feezer and duct tape them all to myself before going to bed. Hoping this will keep me from stiffing up during the night, and turning into a log tomorrow morning....

    With this, I bid everyone a GOOD NIGHT ! :yawn:
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    oh how I would love to join the fun!!

    Then JOIN !! It's still 9:52 in my time zone, which means you still have another 2 1/2 hours to add your name to the spreadsheet (link on first post of thie thread) and squeeze in a delightful 27 mins of JM's torturing you to the sound track of cheesy 70's porn.....

    Feel free to add your before pics to Photobucket at a later time !

    Good luck !
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    You had me tears, Thank you

    Day 1 Level 1 done, then must have been the lack of oxygen to my brain I thought what the hell and pulled out my "Ripped in 30 days" also by our favorite person Jillian and did Level 1 day 1. Think I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Hope I did the quote thing right I've never done that before.

    JellyBean, I usually charge for tears - but will waive any fees this time, since you are a fellow Lovely October Shredder. :laugh:

    JK, I am glad I can make at least 1 person laugh... I mean, this journey is tough as it is, we need to take it with as much humor as we can !

    Good job on day 1, and pushing yourself with Ripped in 30 as well ! WOW, I am impressed !

    Cheers ! :drinker:
  • katharos3
    katharos3 Posts: 154 Member
    D1L1 done!! I really really didn't want to workout today. I'm PMSing and feeling so lazy, but I did it just for you girls! I even got my husband to attempt it with me tonight. He did maybe half before giving up, and then he just sat there and watched me. lol I'm so proud of all of you for getting it done today! You're definitely motivating me off my couch. :)
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    Well after a long day (10-7) of coaching JFL Cheerleading I made it home and did Day 1 of 30 DS. WhoooHoo!! And am now finally getting dinner at 9:00! I'm really proud of myself for getting this workout in after a day of freezing my bum off and being gone all day. I stuck my dinner in the microwave to keep it warm and broke out the dvd. My two youngest boys had quite a good giggle watching me nearly die! lol 1 day down and only 29 to go!!
  • ML1020
    ML1020 Posts: 39
    What pound weights is everyone using? I go between 2, 5, and 10 depending on the exercise, but should I just stick with one? Also, how are you recording this? I don't want to over or underestimate. I did light/moderate calesthenics but only got 107 (or something like that) calories. The vigorous effort put me over 300. I just want to be as accurate as possible.

    I use 5 lb weights.
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    uggh. didnt do so well for day 1. thank God my insurance policy started today. gotta get on some asthma control medicine. THese attacks with exercise sure leave me shaking badly adn terrible headache. hellllllp!!
  • ML1020
    ML1020 Posts: 39
    This morning I did a 1 hr Zumba master class and tonight I did day 1, lvl 1 of the shred and day 1, lvl 1 of 6 week abs. I'm exhausted. The 2 exercises I hated the most were the leg lunges and push ups.
  • Jennilvmp
    Well after a long day (10-7) of coaching JFL Cheerleading I made it home and did Day 1 of 30 DS. WhoooHoo!! And am now finally getting dinner at 9:00! I'm really proud of myself for getting this workout in after a day of freezing my bum off and being gone all day. I stuck my dinner in the microwave to keep it warm and broke out the dvd. My two youngest boys had quite a good giggle watching me nearly die! lol 1 day down and only 29 to go!!

    Mine were giggling at me too! If only they new!! LOL
    Well good for you!
  • slainnz
    slainnz Posts: 75
    Well, Day 2 level 1 down, i struggled getting to and from the floor today! Also managed to upload photos (which isnt nice!) Going to have long soak in bath now and then bed, hopefully tomorrow i can get down stairs without moaning!
  • gorgeousgunner
    I've just done Day 2 Level 1 and already my arms are feeling it, is sore to lift them or carry anything!

    Oh well will all be worth it when I'm shredded :D