October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I've just added my name to the database, hope that's ok. Started the shred yesterday so measurements are from then: am now looking to tone up so this group will act as motivation to keep doing it...especially now I have somewhere to record my measurements! Happy shredding everyone! Xx
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    YAY to all the new members!!! I am making the group closed now if I can figure out how lol.

    @wendiekins That is so not a failure! You have not failed at all. You are still shredding. That is all that matters.
  • Leola2011
    Leola2011 Posts: 192
    Okay y'all! I'm fixin' to get my clothes on to work out. I'm gonna take my pics before the workout and attempt to post them after. OMG!
  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    well, I had to go update the spreadsheet, when I weighed in this morning i had lost several pounds. I'm getting so close to my goal weight. maybe Jillian can help me gain some muscle too =)
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    So I'll be doing my shred once Daniel heads on to work. It's just easier to do it without him home. Sounds awful I know but it's true! :laugh:

    Having a hard time trying to decide what to eat this morning. I'm hungry but nothing is sounding good. :sad:

    Okay well I'll check in later!

  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Hi all, I'll be turning my DVD on shortly once my 17month old decides to take a nap, if she doesn't in the next 10mins, I may try anyway...this is wher it could get interesting! I'm only a little sore from yesterday's session, so I'm hoping I'm ok to do it! Happy shredding peeps! Xx
  • bingaling5
    Hey, I would like to join please. I did the 30ds last month and got to L3D1 and gave up so now I'm determinded to keep going and do better this month. I'm hoping being accountable on here will give me the motivation to see it through. Good luck everyone xx
  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    just finished my first DVD workout ever.... i'm disgusting!!! the first circuit of carido was hard, but after that I think I did really well. time for a cold shower!
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    First day down... please tell me that I'm not the only one who struggled with the jumping jacks?? lol. Loved the cardio though - will have to work at the abs, it's definitely my weakness!! How did everyone else go?
  • bingaling5
    Yay just finished D1 there. It was tough. So happy I have started it again and I wouldn't have if I hadn't found this group. I still can't do those side lunge weight lift things though.
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    For those who are waiting for the DVD to come in the mail - I was able to download just part I for $2.99 on excercisetv.

    Finished the workout and now about to upload the pics I took just before I started.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'd like to join last minute! I already started but fell off the wagon a bit.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    First day down... please tell me that I'm not the only one who struggled with the jumping jacks?? lol. Loved the cardio though - will have to work at the abs, it's definitely my weakness!! How did everyone else go?

    so funny? were u wondering like me "when did jumping jacs become so hard!!!lol!" i actually stuggled out the gate with arm circles!!! my arms felt really heavy!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Good morning! Day 1 level 1 done!! We can do this! So, as expected, this is hard. simple moves but pushes you to the limit! arm circles, jacks, and side lunges killed me! it is best if possible to knock it out 1st thing in the morning, i feel great knowing that its done!
  • Leola2011
    Leola2011 Posts: 192
    Oh, the butt kicks! I ran track in high school and those were a part of our drills. Now I can barely get my heels off the ground. What a difference 21 years makes! But, it wasn't terrible. I was surprised at how strong I'd gotten doing other workouts over the past month.
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Ok, I have finished my D1L1 - thank you peeps, but no need to send 911 !! Yet....

    Here are some of my (smarty@ss) comments :

    1) I definitely need 2 sports bras !
    2) I wish there was such a thing as a "belly sports bra" for the jumping parts...... Crazy jiggling going on here !!! As I kid I used to do a million of Jumping Jacks a day VOLUNTARILY..... WTF happened ?!?!?!
    3) The music is insanely annoying - is there a lady moaning somewhere in there ?? It startled me the first time, as I have surrond sound and thought it was someone coming up behind me - but I was home alone ! The second time I finally realized - nah, just some cheesy sound track.
    4) I was able to complete 10 MODIFIED KNEES ON THE FLOOR pushups the first set WooHoo !! And maybe 5 the second time around....
    5) I want to jump in that TV screen and rip Anita and her perfect abs to pieces !! Seriously ?!? Flaunting like that in my face, while I am carrying a bowling ball around in place of a belly ?? And NO that does not incentive me to push harder..... Because murder is all that's on my mind at that point !
    6) It wasnt AS hard as I thought it would be for me.... Let's see if I can wake up tomorrow morning ! Breathing.
    7) Have I mentioned that JM annoys me at times ?? LOVE her and wish I was her - but there are times when I feel silly.....
    8) I HATE any type of lunges..... with a passion.
    9) HAHAHAHAHA she really wanted me to touch my toes at the end ?!?! WHAT TOES !?!?! She was lucky I could grab and hold on to my ankles !
    10) I better come out looking like Anita at the end of 30 days.... IJS.
    11) Now, it would have been awesome if she had gotten someone like me to be in that video, as in a REAL person... Ok, have Natalie (I believe she is the real SkinnyB&^tch) (and no I am NOT bitter) - but have someone who struggles with it like me. Then, they could have done 30 Days straight of taping and we could watch their progress, as if we were doing it together.... for 30 days. Yea, just a delusional thought as my blood is trying to leave my head and go back to where it belongs.
    12) we definitely need WAY MORE stretching than she gives us.... I stretched before too, hopefully it will be less painful on my poor, poor muscles.

    Day 1 - GONE ! Bring on the next 29 !!!

    I changed my profile picture so you can see what I looked like at the end of the workout.

    So glad I have you lovely ladies as a support system - I was ready to break that DVD in 2 for the music, alone......

    :heart: and :smooched: to all !

    See ya tomorrow !
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    Hi all,

    I've just joined up. Never done anything like this before.... hopefully it will give me the motivation and encouragement to stay on track. Never sure where to take the measurements... I took the widest part of my hips/thighs for the hip measurement. Any advise as to what others do?
    When I did my measurements, I went up 6 inch from my knee to do my thigh measurement. I also do that for my calf and upper arm measurement. Just pick a joint (elbow, knee etc) and a certain number of inches. The hardest for me are hips, chest, bust, cause I have a hard time remembering exactly where I took the measurement. I also do my waist right at my belly button.
  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 114 Member
    The boyfriend and I just finished level 1 just now. I really hope I can get better at push ups, I did HORRIBLY with those. We were both cursing at Jillian the entire time but now that I'm done I feel pretty good! I can't wait for my shredded body!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Ok, I have finished my D1L1 - thank you peeps, but no need to send 911 !! Yet....

    Here are some of my (smarty@ss) comments :

    1) I definitely need 2 sports bras !
    2) I wish there was such a thing as a "belly sports bra" for the jumping parts...... Crazy jiggling going on here !!! As I kid I used to do a million of Jumping Jacks a day VOLUNTARILY..... WTF happened ?!?!?!
    3) The music is insanely annoying - is there a lady moaning somewhere in there ?? It startled me the first time, as I have surrond sound and thought it was someone coming up behind me - but I was home alone ! The second time I finally realized - nah, just some cheesy sound track.
    4) I was able to complete 10 MODIFIED KNEES ON THE FLOOR pushups the first set WooHoo !! And maybe 5 the second time around....
    5) I want to jump in that TV screen and rip Anita and her perfect abs to pieces !! Seriously ?!? Flaunting like that in my face, while I am carrying a bowling ball around in place of a belly ?? And NO that does not incentive me to push harder..... Because murder is all that's on my mind at that point !
    6) It wasnt AS hard as I thought it would be for me.... Let's see if I can wake up tomorrow morning ! Breathing.
    7) Have I mentioned that JM annoys me at times ?? LOVE her and wish I was her - but there are times when I feel silly.....
    8) I HATE any type of lunges..... with a passion.
    9) HAHAHAHAHA she really wanted me to touch my toes at the end ?!?! WHAT TOES !?!?! She was lucky I could grab and hold on to my ankles !
    10) I better come out looking like Anita at the end of 30 days.... IJS.
    11) Now, it would have been awesome if she had gotten someone like me to be in that video, as in a REAL person... Ok, have Natalie (I believe she is the real SkinnyB&^tch) (and no I am NOT bitter) - but have someone who struggles with it like me. Then, they could have done 30 Days straight of taping and we could watch their progress, as if we were doing it together.... for 30 days. Yea, just a delusional thought as my blood is trying to leave my head and go back to where it belongs.
    12) we definitely need WAY MORE stretching than she gives us.... I stretched before too, hopefully it will be less painful on my poor, poor muscles.

    Day 1 - GONE ! Bring on the next 29 !!!

    I changed my profile picture so you can see what I looked like at the end of the workout.

    So glad I have you lovely ladies as a support system - I was ready to break that DVD in 2 for the music, alone......

    :heart: and :smooched: to all !

    See ya tomorrow !

    lol, ditto!
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    Would love to join. this will be my first time to join something like this. Just bought the dvd this morning. Starting tonight!!