October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • aqua_zumba_fan
    How many of you guys are jsut doing the shred?? And no other activiy? Im thinking about adding walking for 1/2 hour

    I do aqua zumba Mondays (and sometimes deep water workout straight after) plus water workout on Wednesdays. I also walk to and from work which is 20mins away every day and usually walk a fair bit at weekends - no car which I think helps with exercise!
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Oy. My 2 1/2 yo woke up this morning going COCKA-DOODDLE-DOOOOOOO - WAKE UP MOMMY !

    So THAT made me laugh first thing when I opened my eyes, but by laughing I realized that MY ABS ARE KILLING ME !! Pain, oh the pain...

    Then I rolled out of bed (literally cuz my abs hurt so much I couldnt sit up - and wobbled myself to the bathroom - where I ALMOST had to call my husband to come and help me get up off the toilet after I peepeed..... My legs were NOT working properly ! And there was NO way I could even pull myself up with the help of my arms grabbing the walls - as my arms and chest too are about to fall off my body.....

    So - I come to the conclusion that JM's BROKE me !!!

    And there is still 29 more days to go......... Oy. Again. But - BRING IT ON ! Cuz the pain is a reminder that I am on my way to looking like Anita ! Ok, maybe that's me being delusional again, as even my BRAIN hurts.....

  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member

    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! :flowerforyou:

    Well, it looks beautiful anyhow but at 39 degrees I'm sporting the flannel jammie pants and big pullover sweater with thermal socks. Is that sad? Yeah I'm sure. It might get on up to the 50s-60s today. Woo! Heat wave. :laugh:

    So I've just finished my oatmeal and I'm waiting for Daniel to drag himself off onto the job thing. I know I know I could do it while he's home but he's not the most supportive or at least he tries but he doesn't really know how per se.

    In the bravery of the cold weather here in a bit I'll go check on mama cat and her kittens outside. They are a feral little group that's living in the yard by the deck. I've given them food, water, and last night a towel for an extra bit of warmth. We'll see how they are doing!

    Ok Ladies You all have a great day today and I'll update once Day 2 is done! :smooched:

  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Oy. My 2 1/2 yo woke up this morning going COCKA-DOODDLE-DOOOOOOO - WAKE UP MOMMY !

    And there is still 29 more days to go......... Oy. Again. But - BRING IT ON ! Cuz the pain is a reminder that I am on my way to looking like Anita ! Ok, maybe that's me being delusional again, as even my BRAIN hurts.....

    Told ya I was already LOL at that. Oh it hurts still. Ouch. I have abs under there somewhere!

    We got this! We're strong and sexy ladies. Okay, well, working our way towards it! :laugh:

    And Anita can just kiss my grits.. :tongue:

  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    LMAO Danielle. I wobbled to the potty too and just sat there going ow ow ow ow. From the bed I hear Donovan, what's wrong mama. lol The more I move the more I am saying ow ow ow ow. My abs feel okay but omg my back and legs.

    Can't wait to try Day 2 Level 1. I might cry. lol
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Fellow lovely October Shredders - I have decided to make myself even more accountable, and have committed to myself to writing a daily blog about these 30 days ! Need your support, so pls check it out ! Thanks ! :flowerforyou:

    daniellesb1 posted a blog post: One Chunky's October 2011 30DS journey ;)
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Day 2 is done. I feel glazed over like a dougnut. That includes both body and brain cells.

    It wasn't easier today by any means. In fact it was a heck of a lot harder. I'm not going to give up though. I will make it through the 30 days. Besides what doesn't kill me just makes me stronger, right? Right!

    Not sure what else to say right now. Told ya glazed dougnut mentality.

    I'm going to hobble myself into the bath and take a nice warm shower and face the rest of today.

    Check in with ya all later to see how you're doing/feeling!

  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 569 Member
    Well Day 2 Level 1 down... OUCH!!!! Then I went for a walk for 30 min.. not a fast one. As the teen said "my legs feel like Jello."

    A few thoughts on this.

    I had to sit in the shower and let the warm water run over me to see if I could start to move again.

    Anita is my evil new best buddy. The teens would like her abs. :)

    I did today WITH the teens. We all had nice thoughts for Jillian. LOL

    I didn't make it through the whole thing moving the whole time. I had a few minutes of feeling like I was going to pass out, jumping jacks weren't happening. I figure it this way, I am not going to get down on myself. I am learning. These aren't things I am used to. These aren't moves I know so I am going to have to learn them. I am excited about it. I am always so sore!!

    Bring on day three.. Heaven help me.
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    I just cant do all the jumping jacks, pump ropes and butt kicks. Broke my rt foot years ago and my ankle too..... part of it is a pain thing and part of it i as afraid its gonna rebreak!! No insurance policy at the moment.... was supposed to start yesterday but the company doesnt have it started yet. I dont need an emergency that isnt covered! And GOSH my insides!! So I do a few jumping jacks, jump ropes, but kicks with the skinny ladies and then switch to some of my own moves. But I KEEP MOVING! IMO, THAT is what COUNTS! DONT STOP MOVING!!
  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    today was a lot harder... my muscles are still sore from yesterday. the bicycle crunches and jump rope are my personal enemies. they need to go away. as soon as I was done I took my 4 dogs on their independent walks. took about 45 minutes. so that's a plus. DH is asleep, so it looks like I get to make him tasty breakfast and pour myself a protein shake. I hope that tomorrow is easier. gonna try and log in some bike time today to help stretch these thighs back out.

    Surprisingly I haven't cursed at JM yet, but maybe level 2 will get the swear words rolling.
  • alim10
    alim10 Posts: 67 Member
    Oy. My 2 1/2 yo woke up this morning going COCKA-DOODDLE-DOOOOOOO - WAKE UP MOMMY !

    My 2 1/2 yo put stickers on me while I was on the floor doing the abs part. Gotta love kids!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Stickers are a good motivational tool!

    Well, at least they are for me. :laugh:

    In fact I'm going to now make myself a chart and give myself a sticker for each day I do my 30 DS and at the end of the 30 DS if I've done all 30 days I'm going to get me a new pair of tennis shoes! :smile:

    Okay so in reality I printed off a pretty calendar page.

  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Just finished day 5 (I think?). Finally bought some actual weights so I bumped up to 3 lbs for shoulder presses (oh god those still slay me) and anterior lunges. 5 lbs for everything else.

    I bought a set of dumbbells that are Jillian Michaels brand. I could care less that they're JM, but it's a 3, 5, and 8 lb set for $30 which is way cheaper than buying each individually. Also comes with a DVD and a packet with pics of some exercises, plus a rack to hold them all on, so it's a pretty good buy!
  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    Day 2 COMPLETE! feel so good to know its out of the way!!...now i can enjoy my day! I didnt think i was going to be able to do it because when i woke up i could barely walk! But i just keep imagining what the end results will be and i'm then motivated!!! :)

    Good luck to everyone on their workout today!!!!
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Put my measurements and weight on there; I have some weight looming from the weekend; I drank too much and ate some not so great stuff, but I know it will come right back off when I drink enough water.... just gotta give it a few mornings.

    Looking forward to being HAWT by Halloween :happy:
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    If I could reach through the screen and slap Jillian, I think I might. Day 2 Level 1 done. I got my camera working and took my scary pics, I'll add them in a bit, and yes they are scary.
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    If I could reach through the screen and slap Jillian, I think I might.

    Agree ! I want to slap JM - but I REALLY want to rip off Anita's face with that smile of hers throughout the entire time.... Maybe if I cover half my TV screen, her half, I will be less annoyed..... :laugh:
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    D7L1 done
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I will be taking the dredded pictures tonight.... ahhhhh..... had to find my camera and charge up the batteries.... think I can take it with my eyes closed? Hehehehe..... wouldn't that actually be the best way if you think about it? Have someone else take the pic, post it for you and don't look at it for a month... that way when you take the after picture and you look at the before picture, you can go, "wow, I look better than I did before!", instead of going "wow, I look like that now? :frown: "

    Oh well.... I'll suck it up, take the picture, post it up and tell myself that this picture will show me at the worst I will EVER be and it will only get better from there..... :bigsmile:
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, don't forget to stretch.