October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    going to miss day 6 :( i'll double time it tomorrow after my walk. I hate when i'm too busy to do it in the mornings...life just interferes and i get so exhausted at the end of the day!...i just finished eating and theres no way i can jump around right before bed...i have to be up at 6am tomorrow!.....so thats the plan (double up) tomorrow! wish me luck!!!

    for anyone in pain still....i used a foam roller on my calves (my most sore area) and i can finally move w/o pain!! we have one at work, but i'm thinking of investing in one! they are amazing! :)

    LOVE my foam roller!! If I don't get time to do my whole body I at least get in my calves and back! Feels great!

    L1D4 done
  • theburnetts1
    theburnetts1 Posts: 130 Member
    Okay so I finished day 5 today. Man was I tired!!! Double up tomorrow to finish level one with everyone else:)
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I have had a blah day today; I've felt lethargic and no energy all day. However, I knew that I needed to do the workout so I did. I did day 3 today. Glad I did and I think it helped my mood.

    By the Way, great job everyone!
  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    scratch that last post!!! i decided to kick jillians *kitten* tonight! my wonderful husband reminded me how mad i'd be if i didnt do it!! :) love that i have him to motivate me!!!!! <3

    GOOD night!!! now i can sleep with no regret!!
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Well done lloydmel and tlaker for doing it anyway! :smile:

    Well the old saying 'No pain no gain' certainly applies here, as I'm still 1lb up and not happy. I was losing steadily before :sad: Just realised yesterday I've lost 23lbs and my clothes all fit the same, I look pretty much the same... Just want to see some progress by now. No one's even noticed I've lost weight (Mind you I work with men, so even if they did notice I doubt they'd say anything - they're the first to notice when I gain weight though!)

    Anyway, enough moaning... I'm going to drop my daughter off at school then I've got 2 hours to fit in a warm up, the shred, a shower and get ready for work.
  • slainnz
    slainnz Posts: 75
    Day 7 done, made such a change doing it in daylight, however i had 2 little helpers laughing at me!!
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Day 7 down - a week done! I felt really dizzy this morning which made 30DS interesting but I managed it, carefully :)
    Going to have to do it twice tomorrow as away Sun-Tue. Figure I can get it in before heading off on Sun morning and then when we get back Tue night but will miss Mon.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Day 6 down; due to yesterday's miss i am a day behind..contemplating doubling up today...we shall see!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I did day 6 at lunch yesterday, day 7 will be tonight, hubby leaves today for a 7 day hunting trip so I will have no excuses not to get my exercise in , may even try doubles this week. Would love to have a tight bod when he returns!!!!!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Ya'll are doing so amazing! I am so proud of you and your hard work!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member

    Day 7 - Haven't done yet. Will do on break time from work!

    You all are awesometastic ladies!


  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    I took my measurements & weighed this morning. I still haven't lost weight, but I haven't gained weight either. I'm going to post my measurements to the spreadsheet. But here's the results:
    Bust +1 in
    Waist -1 in
    L Arm -1 in
    R Arm - 1/4 in
    L Thigh Same
    R Thigh Same
    Neck Same
    Hips -1/2 in
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Are we suppose to measure weigh today or tomorrow?

    I'll do it tomorrow probably because my brain is kind of froggy right now. I'm not sure I could measure correctly today.
  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    just finished day 7! I have a question, during the warm up, my shoulders pop doing the windmills, and my knees pop doing the knee circles... do any of you know if there's anything I can do about that? thanks!!
  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    Are we suppose to measure weigh today or tomorrow?

    I'll do it tomorrow probably because my brain is kind of froggy right now. I'm not sure I could measure correctly today.

    I do everything on Friday. That way I can have it posted by Saturday morning - it's just easier for me.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Wow, apertuis, that is a great loss in inches!!! Supposedly we will lose weight during level 2. I hope so.

    catrojas, mine pop too. I think it is normal. Does it hurt when they pop?
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Wow, apertuis, that is a great loss in inches!!! Supposedly we will lose weight during level 2. I hope so.

    catrojas, mine pop too. I think it is normal. Does it hurt when they pop?

    Yeah well done apertuis - fab!
    I was wondering about my shoulders too actually and glad to hear it might be normal! Mine make kind of crunching noises and my knees do that sometimes when I extend them too - it's pretty gross. I'm using flaxseed pills as they've helped with dodgy joints in the past.
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Finished Day 7. I'm doing my weight and measurements on Saturday since that will be one week since I took my last measurements.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I just now finished day 4. I know I'm behind a few days, I took a few days off at the beginning (I know... why?) but it's just life.

    My calfs are so sore!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Well team - I'm going out of town this weekend. I will be staying at a hotel with my boyfriend and some of his siblings/cousins etc. SO I am not going to be able to do the shred tomorrow -- but I am bringing my workout clothes and hoping to hit the hotel gym Saturday morning before the wedding and maybe I can do a little treadmill and hopefully they have weights and I can do some of the moves!!!! Then back to the grind when I get home Sunday!!

    Have a good weekend all! :)