Black Team Challenge-- lucky 13!



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Screw Skinny Cow, Andrew! I think you need some Ben & Jerry's! :laugh:

    Jeannie - It's all good, lady. you know what you're doing & you aren't going to backslide.

    I logged breakfast really well & then came lunch & it was leftovers. I forgot to do ANYTHING for it, although it was a bed of spinach, ground beef, homemade salsa & fat free sour cream. *eye roll* I've said it before, I'll say it again, I am NOT a good calorie counter! Unless it is already in the database, I hate logging it. I need to get better.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I'm with you Sara.. I hate logging new stuff - just wading through all the choices - OYY...

    So I just eat the same stuff most of the time - pretty lazy, huh??

    I was doing OK tonight until just about an hour ago - then I got the munchies and inhaled a bunch of lifesavers (7 wrappers in front of me) and a glass of chocolate soy milk. I only had 5 calories left after dinner - so I am clearly over.

    I did opt for the nap rather than the workout this afternoon, and just never got one in, but I do feel less like road kill right now.. I was just so freakishly tired this afternoon - weird..

    Oh well, tomorrow is another day..

    Good night my friends - I am heading to bed early to read and get some good sleep for my achy breaky body..

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    It's all good my brothers and sisters--

    What I was actually referring to is the mindless, absentminded food popping-- the grazing here, lone chip there, lick of a spoon-- that stuff that we do so habitually. Take captive those morsels.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Hope everyone had a great night I have had some fun in chit chat tonight and now I'm off to watch the tube!

    Night all!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Okay I am a stinky logger.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    That's okay-- just stay away from the mindless nibbling-- come on, people-- you can do this-- these plateaus are going bye-bye if you do this-- I promise!!!!!!

    I avoided all the goodies at tonight's "Duke/Villanova" March madness party my kids are throwing for themselves-- no potato chips and onion dip, no licks of ice cream or snitches of Reese's Pieces from Joshy's leftover ice cream-- no finishing the beans from the chili dip Abby left on her plate. I love these challenges, people-- they are sooooooooo helpful to me. You people rock.

    This plateau is leaving this week people-- I'm feeling it!!!!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    Okay, I know I'm not invited to this party, but Marla cracked me up with this:
    I had to get married before I was to learn that white meat turkey wasn't supposed to leave splinters in your tongue.

    I can sniff out a great laugh even when not invited...:bigsmile: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Okay, I know I'm not invited to this party, but Marla cracked me up with this:
    I had to get married before I was to learn that white meat turkey wasn't supposed to leave splinters in your tongue.

    I can sniff out a great laugh even when not invited...:bigsmile: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Sadly enough, I didn't think that was a joke b/c my mom does the same thing to turkey! :laugh: Hey, CM!

    BUSY morning so I'll bbl this afteroon!...hey, that's spelled wrong...but it's funny so I'm leaving it. LOL AFTEROON! HA! :huh: I think I may need a nap later. :yawn:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I want to fess up. I DID log every stinking calorie (actually thought of another food to add right now) BUT I went over my calories by double today. I had a migraine and loaded up on home made foods that were high in fats and cals.

    this is the 1st time since June I have gone over like this.

    I am not saying I feel bad, or guilty or whatever...............Just keeping honest with my buds.

    Migraine is gone so tomorrow will be another day. Better get my butt to the gym!

    No sweat Jeannie!

    Food is pretty damn tasty. I'm pretty sure we still love you. One day of comfort food surrounded by days of great choices is a wonderful thing. If you told me I had to go the rest of my life without having a day here and there where I don't sweat the cals I would probably have to turn in my letter of resignation. It's funny because I am having the opposite problem today. I feel like I ate well today. Egg and cheese on an english muffin for breakfast with my coffee. Left over chicken from last night in a wrap with spinach and laughing cow cheese with a yogurt for lunch. Wheat thins with laughing cow cheese for an afternoon snack and TWO servings of turkey meatloaf, a cup of steamed green beans and 2/3 a cup of brown rice for supper. I plan to have a skinny cow ice cream treat later this evening so I already logged that. As for excersice I did my c25k at the gym but had to stop into work so that is all I did at the gym for 430cals....then when I got home my wife suggested that we take the boys to the bike path so aiden could ride his bike so off we went. 460 cals for that walk. So now I am stuffed full with supper thinking that I have just enough room for my icecream later and this is what I have LEFT in the budget for the day....
    Fiber- Over 12

    I am always worried about the starvation mode thing but there is no way I am gonna stuff my face full of 1200 calories tonight.
    Hopefully this wont freeze up the scale.

    Cheers friends:drinker:

    if only we could barter.......:laugh:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member

    My Marla is goneeeeeee. Almost 4 weeks of no movement whatsoever and it finally happened! Ahhh how sweet it is. Now to maintain it til the next weigh in. Oh I'm putting it on my ticker though cause I am tired of seeing the same number for a month!

    I would have never stuck with this if it wasn't for you guys. I would have just figured that is as low as I am going to go and went right back to lattes and donuts. I :heart: youse all.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Lori, I dont think homemade chicken noodle soups will kill ya in calories.You wil be fine using one of the homemade recipes in here. Just count your ounces or cups.

    AND ENJOY!! I LOVE homemade chix noodle soup!

    :drinker: Jeannie

    It drives Dave crazy because his mom is a great cook but he said she stunk while he was growing up. (Meat was always dry kinda thing.) He's like "Why couldn't she cook like this all those years?" :laugh:

    My mom STILL dries all the meat out! I ws shocked when I moved out that a boneless, skinless chicken breast could be GOOD...check that...that I could actually chew & swallow a boneless, skinless, chix breast. :laugh: She loves to cook & is REALLY good when she takes her time, but she rushes everything & it doesn't turn out that great. :tongue:

    The first time I suggested pork chops, Dave was like "I don't know," Now we eat them at least every 2 weeks. Everytime we do, he says "I didn't know pork chops could be not dry." Everytime. LOL

    my moms mantra was 'five more minutes~!" when cooking.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member

    My Marla is goneeeeeee. Almost 4 weeks of no movement whatsoever and it finally happened! Ahhh how sweet it is. Now to maintain it til the next weigh in. Oh I'm putting it on my ticker though cause I am tired of seeing the same number for a month!

    I would have never stuck with this if it wasn't for you guys. I would have just figured that is as low as I am going to go and went right back to lattes and donuts. I :heart: youse all.

    :D Yay!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Way to go Lynnie-- wooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

    Heading to work all-- beautiful here in New Jersey--

    No absentminded food popping today, people-- take captive every morsel!!!!!!!!

    Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    OKAY LADIES. This is goodbye from me for a few days. The move is ON starting Sunday, and I'm going to be too busy to log on again until then.

    Anyway, not sure when I'll have the net back at home and won't be at work again until Weds so I may not see you again until the 1st.

    Hopefully the scale doesn't play an Aprils Fools joke on me that day and read like 230 again or something! HAHAHAHA.

    You know what would be AWESOME. An offline MFP food diary. But since I don't have that I will just manually write down my calorie intake.

    Take care ladies! See you on the up side!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hope the move goes well Nicky.. keep eating healthy - I know you will be active enough..

    Way to go Lynnie..

    My MIL cooks fish for about 45 minutes in a 400 degree oven - wants to make sure it is cooked all the way through.. We love her spaghetti though...

    My scale moved a bit this week also - yay to getting rid of coffee..

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow-- so okay, I had too much stone ground wheat bread for lunch-- I had one sandwich, then two extra slices-- I was hungry and it was soft and yummy.

    I have 43 calories left for the day-- run, baby, run-- but-- it wasn't random, mindless-- it was considered and logged. And no sweets-- so, still happy about the challenge.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Lynnie, Way to go on the ticker moving. It makes my day when it happens.

    Nicky, Good luck with the move. See you on the 1st.

    Janie, Now will you back to coffee or is it off the menu? Good for you on the loss.

    Marla, This challenge has definitely made me stop and think before anything goes in my mouth. Thank you!

    Well I finished week 4 of C5K. I guess I am in better shape then I thought. Gotta learn not to look ahead though cause I am already freaking about next week.:ohwell:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Welcome to the weekend!

    Andrew- Didn't get a chance to mention it yesterday, but congrats on your loss! That is a huge accomplishment :bigsmile:

    Lynnie- Congrats on the ticker moving! I hope mine decides to act right one of these days.

    Janie- Congrats on the loss!

    Bobbi- WTG on finishing up Week 4! I started Week 3 this week, but will probably repeat it. Just now getting back on my groove from being sick earlier in the week and not sure I'm ready to move on yet. We'll see how it goes. I can't believe how much I am enjoying it...was never athletic and definitely not a runner.

    Marla- Thank you so much for this challenge. I know my mindless snacks have not helped my cause over the last few weeks, so this couldn't have come at a better time. The p-word turned into a gain one week that put me outside of my happy 5 pounds, and now I am back down in the range. Whoo hoo!

    Nicky- Good luck on the move!

    Been an interesting couple of days. Yesterday, I saw my dad for the first time in 6 years. Aside from the obvious differences, I felt like I was looking into what my future would have been like if I hadn't begun my journey to better health. Not that he wasn't fairly overweight before, but I definitely noticed a considerable gain. He just looked old, tired, and uncomfortable. Of course I am going to get old (better than the alternative), but it really made me value and appreciate this so much more -my health, future, the journey- all of it.

    When I was heavier, I really didn't realize how much weight I had put on, probably from spending so much time with my two best friends who were also heavy. It didn't really hit home until I stumbled across some old pictures and didn't recognize myself. That was the kicker for me.

    Didn't mean for this to be a book, just felt like I had to share that.

    :heart: y'all!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome to the weekend!

    Bobbi- WTG on finishing up Week 4! I started Week 3 this week, but will probably repeat it. Just now getting back on my groove from being sick earlier in the week and not sure I'm ready to move on yet. We'll see how it goes. I can't believe how much I am enjoying it...was never athletic and definitely not a runner.

    Been an interesting couple of days. Yesterday, I saw my dad for the first time in 6 years. Aside from the obvious differences, I felt like I was looking into what my future would have been like if I hadn't begun my journey to better health. Not that he wasn't fairly overweight before, but I definitely noticed a considerable gain. He just looked old, tired, and uncomfortable. Of course I am going to get old (better than the alternative), but it really made me value and appreciate this so much more -my health, future, the journey- all of it.

    When I was heavier, I really didn't realize how much weight I had put on, probably from spending so much time with my two best friends who were also heavy. It didn't really hit home until I stumbled across some old pictures and didn't recognize myself. That was the kicker for me.

    Didn't mean for this to be a book, just felt like I had to share that.

    :heart: y'all!

    Shuntae..thank you:flowerforyou: The song that goes thru my mind when I want to stop is an oldie that Jim, my hubby said was his theme song in college when he ran, Feet Don't Fail Me Now by Little Feat. Its an oldie but a goodie...:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Shuntae, you could have been describing my father and me-- I haven't seen my dad since-- ummmm-- 2003, I think-- and I'm in no hurry. Next time I see him, no doubt, will be at his funeral-- morbid, but that's the way it is. He's extremely overweight, type 2 diabetic and does nothing all day but sit and watch TV and eat-- blech.

    Glad you got it together, woman-- you broke the cycle-- awesome!!!!!

    Glad the challenge is helping-- I haven't weighed, but I'm seeing a difference this week in my body. This was very timely for all of us-- I just may get on the scale next week.

    :heart: right back at you all--