October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    My friend pointed out this article to me tonight from Paleo Diet News ...

    http://paleodietnews.com/2814/ paleo-diet-carb-lovers-unite/

    Also, has anyone seen the documentary "Ingredients"? It's from 2009 and I totally missed it.

  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    News to report

    Paleo/leptin reset victory- today I got down 62 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking, had no sugar in my coffee so far and mondo levels of fat.. this is good right? ;)

    Also my husband found a herd-share opportunity of grass fed, hormone free cows and sheep that we can buy into very cheaply.. meaning we will own part of the animal. I am so excited about this.. that means we can ,legally, in our state have healthy milk, cream and butter from our very own cow. I am hoping that I can tolerate unprocessed cream and butter.. it will be so wonderful to have dairy back in my life again and possbily be able to eat cheese we make ourselves.. I can almost taste alfredo sauce lol drool :flowerforyou: but even if it doesn't work out for me, my family will still reap the benefits.

    Congrats on leptin reset victory. I have begun to think that if I posted how many days I ate of leptin reset, e.g. x days of 42 on plan or how many days since my last mistake, I might have a better chance of succeeding. LOL

    Herdshare? Anecdotal plus personal experience with gluten/dairy intolerance leads me to believe that an entirely pastured/grass fed cow produces milk that I thrive on while a cow fed grain produces milk that I get very ill on. Herdshares fed according to your needs would rock! (Color me green with envy!)
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    hello! I need to talk about this with someone that understands. I have been primal for 3 weeks now.. and I have lost a total of 4 lbs . I tried many ways to lose the last 10 lbs and haven't been successful with counting calories. So I started PRIMAL BLUEPRINT 3 weeks ago and I finally broke the plateau. I have been feeling great about it even though I have cheated....

    The thing is... this weekend has been a total disaster. I had LOTS of carbs, and I discovered something.. I don't know if you guys agree with me? But when I have carbs or anything sweet... I CRAVE even MORE CARBS afterwards. So it really sucks. You fall off the wagon completely and then you start carb binging all day long. When I stay "on track" everything goes fine.. but whenever I have a piece of cake.. or some sweet stuff I want more and more. I guess it will take me the whole week to go back to the weight I saw on the scale last friday! :( 136.5 lbs. My goal weight is so close! I want to get down to 130 lbs... but most of all lose the belly and lose body fat. (currently at 27% body fat and want to get down to 20%). I have noticed huge difference in my body! Cutting out wheat has been a bit hard because I was a muffin, cake, cookie addict. Now I feel so free! It's great when you don't "depend" on those anymore ( that doesn't mean I don't like them anymore though) LOL

    I live with my parents... and it is hard for them to understand why I want to cut wheat and grains from my life! Mom just thinks I am getting all paranoid and she looks at me as if I were a complete freak, she says that I have already lost a lot of weight.. and that I should "calm down" with this "diet" she calls it. Today they all wanted to order hamburgers! And I was more like wanting some broiled chicken, or some ribeye steaks..but nobody wanted to! It's hard when you disagree with the rest. Saying NO all the time.. specially when you spend weekends with your family ( weekends are always about eating out, or just hanging around together) so .. this is making a boundary between us and I don't like it . :( I mean, I don't want to be the family's neurotic girl. And there's no way to convince them to go PRIMAL.... Weekends really make me fall off the wagon.

    Then Monday's cruel reality... BLOATED STOMACH... and feeling swollen all around! I don't know if its something more like psychological, or if it's real, but I do feel a big difference. I feel heavier, low energy, and when I look myself at the mirror I can see my thighs bigger, and most of all my stomach looks horribly bloated, my arms seem like they've been blown up. Then I just regret all the food I ate during the weekend! Even if it's been a fun time together with them... It all makes me feel bad, as if I threw out the window all the work done during the week.

  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome to the group! And congrats on the new lifestyle.

    Depending on how you went about your transition to primal, you may still be in a transition which is making dealing with carbs difficult. Just think of how many years of eating the "conventional wisdom diet" that you have to undo. So you may need a little more time for the carb cravings to go away if you do end up having some.

    Living with the folks can be hard when you're going primal, especially if they don't understand why you have made the decisions you have. Trying to convince them may not be the easiest thing to do. I know my parents don't "get it" but the results that I have demonstrated certainly can't be denied. My mom is much more understanding, accommodating, and supportive than my dad.....but at least my dad doesn't say anything about it anymore. He just knows not to pass me the rolls or the rice when I'm over for sunday dinner. lol

    So my suggestion to you with dealing with your family is to try and partake in as much of the meals as you can. If they're having burgers.....have one too. just skip the bun.

    If they're having tacos, have one too.......just skip the taco shell or tortilla and use a big leaf off lettuce.

    If there is nothing that fits in with your eating plan.....perhaps see it as an opportunity to Intermittent Fast and then start planning your next meal.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    One more thing on the parents....

    Perhaps getting them to understand may not be easy....or even possible. Maybe just asking them to accept it would be the best solution for now.
  • Hi Everyone! I am so glad I found this thread!! I have read Primal Blueprint and check out Mark's Daily Apple website often. I know it just makes sense to eat this way! It is just hard finding "support" and "encouragement" when you want to cut out most of your carbs!! I am excited and hopeful of getting that from all of you here!! I am pretty new to MFP and most of my friends don't believe you should cut out or down on carbs much. I have read from Gary Taubes, Dr. Eades, etc. and there is so much science to back up eating paleo/primal. Anyone want to be friends? I will support you 100%. :)
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    The thing is... this weekend has been a total disaster. I had LOTS of carbs, and I discovered something.. I don't know if you guys agree with me? But when I have carbs or anything sweet... I CRAVE even MORE CARBS afterwards. So it really sucks. You fall off the wagon completely and then you start carb binging all day long. When I stay "on track" everything goes fine.. but whenever I have a piece of cake.. or some sweet stuff I want more and more. I guess it will take me the whole week to go back to the weight I saw on the scale last friday! :( 136.5 lbs. My goal weight is so close! I want to get down to 130 lbs... but most of all lose the belly and lose body fat. (currently at 27% body fat and want to get down to 20%). I have noticed huge difference in my body! Cutting out wheat has been a bit hard because I was a muffin, cake, cookie addict. Now I feel so free! It's great when you don't "depend" on those anymore ( that doesn't mean I don't like them anymore though) LOL

    Oh my goodness can I ever relate to that!
    I tried to add "wholesome" ryvita crispbreads back in to my diet and I couldn't stop bingeing. I haven't felt so much stomach trouble in months.
    A few months ago during a stressful time concerning my mom & her hubby, I gained 22 lbs! It started off with a meal from McDs and then exploded from there. I was eating entire large size pizzas, bags of cookies, tubs of ice cream and on and on.
    This body of mine CANNOT handle grain carbs whatsoever.

    If muffins, cakes and cookies were healthy, believe me, I'd be eating them, too! :happy:
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    So I decided to try intermittent fasting. I had dinner Friday night. I had my next meal Saturday afternoon around 2:00 p.m. Next time I ate was this afternoon around 2:30 p.m. Now I have a raging case of the runs. What gives?

    Both meals I ate this weekend were totally primal -- a BAS with chicken drizzled with walnut oil and the second was eggs scrambled in butter with veggies and bacon. I eat these 2 meals all the time and have never had problems before.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member

    My biggest vice right now is Crystal Light. I can't stand my water plain. I did reduce my consumption today from 4 singles to 2 so I guess that's progress. I'm not sure I want to give it up at the moment so I guess that's in my 20%.

    I like to have unsweetened herbal teas when I want something besides plain water. There are so many choices, I prefer fruity flavored teas like peach, cinnamon apple, blueberry. I drink them iced.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    So I decided to try intermittent fasting. I had dinner Friday night. I had my next meal Saturday afternoon around 2:00 p.m. Next time I ate was this afternoon around 2:30 p.m. Now I have a raging case of the runs. What gives?

    Both meals I ate this weekend were totally primal -- a BAS with chicken drizzled with walnut oil and the second was eggs scrambled in butter with veggies and bacon. I eat these 2 meals all the time and have never had problems before.

    I don't have a lot of experience with IF but maybe this wasn't directly related to your food choices? Maybe a very mild bug or something? I would wait to see what happens after you do it a couple of times to determine if you might need different food choices before/after a fasting period.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    The thing is... this weekend has been a total disaster. I had LOTS of carbs, and I discovered something.. I don't know if you guys agree with me? But when I have carbs or anything sweet... I CRAVE even MORE CARBS afterwards. So it really sucks. You fall off the wagon completely and then you start carb binging all day long. When I stay "on track" everything goes fine.. but whenever I have a piece of cake.. or some sweet stuff I want more and more. I guess it will take me the whole week to go back to the weight I saw on the scale last friday! :( 136.5 lbs. My goal weight is so close! I want to get down to 130 lbs... but most of all lose the belly and lose body fat. (currently at 27% body fat and want to get down to 20%). I have noticed huge difference in my body! Cutting out wheat has been a bit hard because I was a muffin, cake, cookie addict. Now I feel so free! It's great when you don't "depend" on those anymore ( that doesn't mean I don't like them anymore though) LOL

    I live with my parents... and it is hard for them to understand why I want to cut wheat and grains from my life! Mom just thinks I am getting all paranoid and she looks at me as if I were a complete freak, she says that I have already lost a lot of weight.. and that I should "calm down" with this "diet" she calls it. Today they all wanted to order hamburgers! And I was more like wanting some broiled chicken, or some ribeye steaks..but nobody wanted to! It's hard when you disagree with the rest. Saying NO all the time.. specially when you spend weekends with your family ( weekends are always about eating out, or just hanging around together) so .. this is making a boundary between us and I don't like it . :( I mean, I don't want to be the family's neurotic girl. And there's no way to convince them to go PRIMAL.... Weekends really make me fall off the wagon.


    Eating something with too much sugar causes me to have cravings for more like a couple of days, not just one. If I'm going to indulge I have to be prepared to fight off the munchies for a while.

    It is really hard for some to imagine a life without grains. I would remind your family that you are still eating good foods, anything you could get from grain- fiber, vitamins- can be gotten just as easily from veggies and fruit. If your parents harp on you about obsessing over your food choices, instead of talking about losing weight (a vanity to their eyes, you're already perfect to them) I would let them know how much better eating this way makes you feel. They may be more inclined to support you in this effort if they know it is positively affecting your health and mood.

    Part of the problem is also that food is so wrapped up with emotional attachments, by rejecting their food, it can feel like you are rejecting them. Especially if it makes you reluctant to join them in going out to eat or other social events, they feel that loss of you. You need to find ways to reassure them that your food choices don't mean you don't still want to be together. Suggest other family activities that don't revolve around food- family game night? Also, start making/ bringing your own food selections to family meals. You can still share their company but eat the foods you want to fuel your body.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Great participation in this thread. Thanks everyone!

    I'm struggling with getting my first meal in quickly enough and in keeping enough food ready before I need it. I need more play, more rest and more laughing. Overall, I'm doing great on reducing stress, increasing efficiency and going with the flow.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I was so excited to have a weekend with nothing to do but work out, catch up on house work and cook for the week... The boyfriend had other ideas. So much for posting recipes this weekend... Have lots of delicious food planned for the week though!

    Tonight: Sauteed Zucchini, bell pepper, onions and mushrooms and a top sirloin steak (they were on sale!!)
    and I have a chicken carcass boiling down to make stock for veggie soup!

    Tomorrow: I'm using the left-over veggies in the morning for a frittata (2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, left over veggies and spinach).
    I have about 2 cups of chicken I stripped off the carcass before I threw it in the pot so I'm using that for curry chicken salad w/olive oil mayo and I'll be stuffing that into a beautiful bell pepper for lunch (also on sale at Winco!) For dinner tomorrow I'm stuffing Acorn Squash!! I'll post the recipe with pictures- promise, if it's as good as it sounds it's going to be EPIC.

    Tuesday: Left over fritatta in the AM, Steak salad and veggie soup for lunch and roasted chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner.

    Wednesday: MOAR frittatas!!! Stuffed Squash and MOAR SOUP!! Stuffed Chicken Breasts (will post recipe and pics for this one too) for dinner

    Thursday and Friday will be more leftovers. :) I love cooking and I'm excited about these 2 new recipes and having a solid game plan for the week.

    Here's to a great week guys!! :drinker:
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member

    My biggest vice right now is Crystal Light. I can't stand my water plain. I did reduce my consumption today from 4 singles to 2 so I guess that's progress. I'm not sure I want to give it up at the moment so I guess that's in my 20%.

    I like to have unsweetened herbal teas when I want something besides plain water. There are so many choices, I prefer fruity flavored teas like peach, cinnamon apple, blueberry. I drink them iced.

    Thank you for the suggestions. :smile:
    I tried mulled apple herbal tea yesterday and I really enjoyed it.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Great participation in this thread. Thanks everyone!

    I'm struggling with getting my first meal in quickly enough and in keeping enough food ready before I need it. I need more play, more rest and more laughing. Overall, I'm doing great on reducing stress, increasing efficiency and going with the flow.

    It's a great thread and thanks for starting it!

    I'm not struggling with the timing of the first meal but with the amount of protein suggested. I feel a bit Too full afterwards and uncomfortable. I may dial it down myself and up the fat instead to provide satiety.

    I need more play and laughing and especially rest. I do not get enough sleep especially at the moment with being hyperthyroid.

    It sounds like you're doing well and I love your positive attitude.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    If anyone is having trouble with getting their play time in, I have an almost 4 year son who would love to play dinosaur wars or wrestling or basketball or race cars with you. He wears me out!
  • thinnerjenn
    thinnerjenn Posts: 18 Member
    @iluv2travel: Been doing Paleo for a while now, but was never super committed (read: frequently slipped up). Recently, I started doing the whole 30 and it has been great for energy (hoping weight loss will follow soon :) ) but my favorite part is that I have had only 2 headaches in the past 2 months which is amazing for me as I struggle with headaches and migraines as well. Good luck to you! I hope you get the same relief that I have! :)
  • alexaransome
    alexaransome Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a big fan of the breakfast omelette/ frittata - its flexible so just add whatever veggies and meat you like. I tend to make a really big one in a non-stick pan or oven dish, then eat it all week for breakfast. Excellent with some extra cottage cheese, or fruit etc. Helps only having to cook breakfast once during the working week, and so filling I don't need a morning snack!
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    Morning all! I am definitely feeling better 14 days into this "challenge". The quality of my sleep is sooooo much better. Yay! However, even though I immediately lost 2 lbs., I haven't lost anymore. Could my body be re-setting itself?
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    good morning everyone,

    welcome to the new group members, and a quick reminder that we don't post FAILS here, but we don't mind helping if you are having a problem. Carbs = sugar high = crash. Being addicted to the sugar high is a tough one to break, but once you get past the withdrawls you will find that you will be better for it.

    Repeat: Carbs = poison! at least 10 times every morning, and before every meal. Please reprogram yourself, lol.

    Jmeeej; glad you have provided some nice links about Mg and the 4 mother minerals we need to live. Potassium, Sodium, Calcium. Magnesium are minerals I was deficent in for so long, crazy that Doctors are so ignorant about the essential minerals we need to be Healthy for Life! Sounds like the salt you posted about is something I need to get. :)

    I also appreciate how much you've educated me about D3 Resilantwoman. Thank you all for the great info. sharing.

    I had a fun skate weekend with friends at some beautiful parks, and will be doing some cooking and house cleaning chores today. This should be the last day of the year in the 90s, and tomorrow will be in the 70s. Ah, finally getting out of the summer weather! :) Have a great day everyone. Carbs = poison. lol.