Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    L1D6 done :) also did my W2D1 of my C25K. I felt like crap when I woke up today been a little ick this week and it was bad this morning but my exercise was just what I needed. I feel ah-mazing now whooo hooo! ;) keep it goin girls we WILL do this!
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D4L1 completed this morning and like everyone else is reporting it is getting easier, over 10% done just 26 days to go!!!!
  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
    I feel like I'm going to get in trouble for saying this but I skipped today. I had to work from 630p Friday night and got off at noon saturday day had to be back to work at 630p and have to be here til noon tomorrow. I also have an hour drive so I decided to take my free time to sleep.
    Although even though I skipped I went into the med room last night and locked my self in and did do some jumping jacks, butt kicks, and lunges for a little while and when I got home did some push ups and sit ups. I also went into the therapy room and used the bike for 20 minutes on my break. I also do a lot of walking so Im thinking I still burnt as much calories as I usually do.
    I also skipped out on the pizza that the others ordered, and the buckets of candy in the break room.

    Nikki, don't be daft...sometimes life gets in the way of things we have planned. You made healthy food choices and you made time for exercise. There's nothing to beat yourself up about and definitely no need to feel bad.

    I agree! Sounds like you did great Nikki, life gets in the way sometimes and you still stuck with making good choices! Good job!
    I was just more disappointed in myself since I was determined not to skip any days. Although I was pretty proud of my self this morning for skipping the carmel rolls that the kitchen put in the break room. That part was hard since I could smell them all morning and they smelled delicious. Although I was eyeing them but I decided I would have to do the shred at least three times to burn the calories off in them. It makes it a lot easier to turn down junk food when you realize what you have to do to burn it off. Alright well I'm off to go take a nap since I just finally got home.
  • L1 D5 and I lost 2lb this week :)
  • D6L1 - 11 days complete!

    uuuhhhh. today was harder than normal.. probably because i worked 14 hours yesterday and only slept for 3hrs and then worked an 8 hour shift.. good news is: i'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight. :)
  • L1D4 Done. (Technically I am supposed to be on D6 today.) Working late on Thursdays, Hubby wanted a date night Friday night, Saturday we took the 3 year old to the Pumpkin Patch, etc etc. So I haven't done this since Wednesday basically. Gameplan: Do 4 today to catch up. (I've already done 2) So if I can do two more this evening I'll be on day 6 with everybody else. I'm sure its not optimal to do so many in one day, but I want to keep up and this will help keep me going at least because I feel so guilty for skipping.
  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    L1 - D5 done!!!

    I'm will see how I feel later to cactch up to day 6. I don't want to be left behind:cry:
  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    Day 4 Lev 1 Done!!
    It WAS a bit easier but I can feel a twinge in the back of my left knee, hope it isn't going to develop into anything more because although I can't say I am 'enjoying' it yet, I do feel better afterwards and I want those results!!

    Can I ask though does it wind anyone else up that those two ladies with Jillian have that weird fixed smile on their faces throughout the workout. WHY ARE THEY SMILING?? I am definitely not smiling throughout it!! ;)

    I agree!! Jillian's ladies have big smiles like its' a piece of cake. Well maybe it's easy for them being at their level but for me it's a killer workout. It is getting easier each day so maybe we might all be smiling too when we get done with the whole workout!!
  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    Just finished Day 8 of Level 1...and dabbled in Level 2 to see what I have to look forward to! Those bicycle sit-ups have got much easier (while still being tough!) and I can really see the difference in my stamina.

    So I weighed and measured myself and these are the results so far, compared to last Saturday:

    Weight: -1kg (but am 200g heavier than yesterday despite doing 1100 calories of exercise yesterday!!!)

    Bust: -1cm
    Waist: -2cm
    Hips: -1cm
    Arm: - 1cm
    Thigh: -1cm

    Hope that's encouraging for the rest of you...I only have 10lbs to lose so it's not easy at this stage!

    That's awesome good for you! this is very encouraging to hear that you have seen changes in only 8 days. I can't wait for my 8th to see my progress too. Thanks for sharing!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    L1D5 - I think, I am losing track of the days already. Getting much better with the cardio and abs but it's still the push ups that are causing the trouble. Can't use my stairs as there is not quite enough room at the bottom.

    On top of 30DS I am starting C25K tomorrow (doing Mon, Wed & Fri). Can't decide whether to get up early and do it before everyone else is up, or wait til later after all the kids have gone to school... Will do 30DS after the 'run'.

    Lost another half pound and everything is looking promising for my big weigh in tomorrow. Will publish full stats then...
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Just finished Day 8 of Level 1...and dabbled in Level 2 to see what I have to look forward to! Those bicycle sit-ups have got much easier (while still being tough!) and I can really see the difference in my stamina.

    So I weighed and measured myself and these are the results so far, compared to last Saturday:

    Weight: -1kg (but am 200g heavier than yesterday despite doing 1100 calories of exercise yesterday!!!)

    Bust: -1cm
    Waist: -2cm
    Hips: -1cm
    Arm: - 1cm
    Thigh: -1cm

    Hope that's encouraging for the rest of you...I only have 10lbs to lose so it's not easy at this stage!

    Great results so far - will be posting my progress tomorrow :happy:
  • Day 5 level 1 finished! And now i get to go babysit haha this outta be fun XD
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 67 Member
    L1 D6 done. Im still stuck at the same weight :-( So I added a bunch of extra cardio in today. I'll do my level 1 measurements in a few days!!
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    L1 D5 done this morning!
    Had to keep my daughter and the dog out of the room - not easy but the last thing I need is those two witnessing me at my worst!
    I did punches and side stepping while doing the arm movements for the jumping jacks.
    It was easier but now I don't know whether that is because I didn;t do the butt kicks and jumping jacks and jump rope because of my knee, I didn't stop though and like I said I did the punches and side steps all the time.
    Feel a bit bad though like I've let myself down a bit (stupid knee!) Hope it doesn't affect my results!
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    Woohoo! Yesterday was a crazy busy day, but I got my workout in just before bed, AT 1:00 AM!!! Today, I'm done shredding D8-L1! I'm ready for level 2 tomorrow! SO PUMPED!!! (...and yes, after days 1 and 2 I could hardly walk, but I'm fine now.)
  • Hi guys yesterday i did day 8 level 2 its fab! Did not realise we were doing level one for 8 days i thought it would be for one week, so i had moved onto level 2, anyways i must say i love this level it is real hardcore my arms is dying right now !! Look out for those those walk out press ups its a killer!
  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    Yea, I did it!! L1 D6, I'm all caught up!

    It's true the workouts are getting easier but my right calf hurts after each work out!

    A thought just came to me, if I believe I can do it, I can but If I think I can't then I won't!!!

    Believe and Achieve!!!
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Hey all! I have some bad news, I have to bow out of the 30 day shred as I cannot do it. On Friday when i started I noticed that my left shin was aching, I thought maybe it was a fluke thing, I rested yesterday and was going to double up today, unfortunately today as soon as I started doing my jumping jacks my shin started throbbing. I cannot do the high impact cardio. So although I am not doing the "technical" 30 day shred I am going to continue in my own way. I adapted today by running on my elliptical for 5 minutes instead of doing the cardio and still did my strength training and abs. seemed to work good and my shin stopped throbbing. I hope no one else is suffereing from shin splints! Wish you all the absolute best!!!
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I will continue to check in here and cheer you all in and let you know how my adapted work outs are going!!