TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • Tarafaith13
    I have been really MIA this last little bit. I am so sorry!! It has been crazy around my house and I have totally fallen off the routine that I got myself into with eatting and exercising. I had cut alot of thing out of my diet and in the last week ( especially since Thanksgiving ) I started eating not so good. That is all going to change tomorrow!!! My husband is going to be out of town for a couple of weeks on business and I am going to pound out the dvds. I am going to go strong on the Shakeology and eat better than I have been in the last week.

    I am seriously thinking about starting Turbo Fire over because I haven't done it in almost a week and a half. I thought that if I start fresh, then I can get back to where I was a week and a half a go. I don't know, just a thought.

    I am also going to try to post more on here to give my support to all of you. It is sometimes hard to get onto the computer when you have 3 kids pulling you in 3 different directions, but you are all in my thoughts and I am sending out the positive vibes for us all to succed in our mission to look freaking fantastic by Christmas!!

    Talk to you soon!! :bigsmile:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Don't worry if life gets in the way a little! We'll all have times when that happens :smile:

    How far had you got into TF? It seems a shame to start from scratch, would you be able to do a modified version of a week just to get yourself back into the swing of it?

    Started week 6 today- wow! I even picked up on C25k beforehand, man, it felt good!! Might substitute Fire 45 EZ for Fire 39 tomorrow- really kill it!!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks KimWins!!! I ordered a new HRM last night with a chest strap so I dont have to keep updating the wrist one and that way I can get a more accurate amount of calories burned =)

    I'm 5'3 too!!! lol But at 166lbs =/ Im trying to get down to around 130 though.

    Me too Minnie...I'm 5'2 163 when I started TF on 10/7, trying to get to 135...wanna keep some hips and AZZ...LOL...thats just me...LOL anyways...I'm glad we are in this battle of the bulge together!!! I know our goals are realistic!!!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Good Monday Morn to all my fellow Turbo Fire bunnies....So I had my 2nd week rest day yesterday, much needed and I didnt do a freaking thing...so today starts the rest of my week 2. I am enjoying my TF workouts and even with working nites I am finding the time and energy to get my workout in befor going to work....I am dedicated to sticking with my schedule and finishing this program...I have already done this longer than any other DVD I have ever had, so Kudo's to me....today is HIIT 15, Sculpt 30. I will let you guys know how its goes as this is my first scuplt of the schedule....Eating has been great, although I need to increase my cals in a healthy manner. Thats how come I dont incorporate any other excercises, cause the more you burn, the more you have to eat back. The interesting thing about my rest day is staying with cal range without the help of excercise cals, which I did great on yesterday...actually I had a few left over!!!
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks KimWins!!! I ordered a new HRM last night with a chest strap so I dont have to keep updating the wrist one and that way I can get a more accurate amount of calories burned =)

    I'm 5'3 too!!! lol But at 166lbs =/ Im trying to get down to around 130 though.

    Me too Minnie...I'm 5'2 163 when I started TF on 10/7, trying to get to 135...wanna keep some hips and AZZ...LOL...thats just me...LOL anyways...I'm glad we are in this battle of the bulge together!!! I know our goals are realistic!!!

    lol same here! I would like to keep some curves, my husband likes them ;-) lol just want to tone up and lost some weight!

    I am starting week 3 today and and I am finally starting to see some weight come off! its very slowly, but hey, its still coming off!! lol I think i will make mondays my official weigh in day.
  • Tarafaith13
    Don't worry if life gets in the way a little! We'll all have times when that happens :smile:

    How far had you got into TF? It seems a shame to start from scratch, would you be able to do a modified version of a week just to get yourself back into the swing of it?

    Started week 6 today- wow! I even picked up on C25k beforehand, man, it felt good!! Might substitute Fire 45 EZ for Fire 39 tomorrow- really kill it!!

    Becka - I was going to be starting week 5 with TF and then I got a cold. Once that was gone, so was my motivation. Today I did a Lesley Sansone dvd, it was a little hokey but it got me moving. I think I am going to start week 5 with TF today when my daughter goes down for her nap. I am pretty sure it is going to kick my butt, but it will feel good to get back into it.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello Turbo Fire Bunnies! I LOVE THAT! :D

    Soooo, I just finished Tfire HIIT 30 (upped from Tfire 15) and also Sculpt 30! Man, I can't believe this is already week 9! WOW Time goes fast and I am super happy about the results!

    Now before I comment to everyone I want to take a note to say that WE ARE KILLING IT! No matter if life gets in the way, you overate, you missed workouts, you feel lazy... WE ARE DOING IT! :D

    I gotta admit, this last week, week 8, was by far my worst. I did the workouts, but not at a very high intensity and I just wasn't "feeling it." I mean I did it, but I knew I could have done better... The thing is though, LIFE GETS IN THE WAY! We had travels, some sad feelings to deal with due to the funerals, suicides and death news and well- I ate some crap! Not a lot of crap, but enough to feel "bad about it."

    I felt like "starting over" but NO WAY! That is just my guilty mind talking! I have killed it for 8 weeks and to start over is silly. We have all had those moments where we wanted to start over or thought, "I could have done better," BUT this is a mental thing too. Life IS going to get in the way, health issues ARE going to arise, bad news DOES take its toll and we WILL overeat or eat badly on some days. That is life and the reason these programs are so effective is because it also teaches you to "stick to it."

    I have a friend who has EVERY Beachbody workout among other ones. She works harder than anyone I know. But she also beats herself up ALL the time, puts UNREALISTIC goals on herself (like losing 50 pounds in 2-3 months or something like that) and expects to go from eating fast food every day to eating clean without a hitch. Moral of this story? She starts over ALL THE TIME! I would say the longest she has ever made it is a month and then starts over.

    If we keep allowing our minds to "win" and start over when we/our minds THINK they are not doing well... well we are giving up on ourselves. This is the first time the majority of us have EVER attempted 20 weeks! Exercise is a life long goal and habit we must make. If we only do 18 weeks out of the 20 because we had life in the way, well that is great! It's 18 weeks out of 20! If we take 2 rest days a week as opposed to one, that is still working out 5 times a week! I mean it's awesome to try and do EVERYTHING to a T, which I know about as I'm very type A and a perfectionist , but you gotta learn to give yourselves a break too!

    SOOOO with that in mind! Let's rock out wherever we are in this program and keep posting! WE ARE DOING GREAT AND CHRISTMAS IS ONLY 68 days away! :)

    Tara- you got this! I have faith in you! Life comes up and well just keep pushing ! I think we have all been there! I was and have been for the last two weeks, and that is why I haven't been online or commenting as much as I usually do on people's walls. But we are here and doing it!

    Minnie- GREAT JOB! The weight does come off fast! It's all the cardio man! :) Good for yo!

    Ehunt- you have a very good point about calories and doing extra workouts. I think whatever works for you, do it! :) I seem to just try to eat healthy and fresh whole foods. Although this last week wasn't my best, I am back on track today! :)

    Becka- so did you get a new HRM? I need a new battery too! But so far so good! :) The good news is that once you do the routines enough, you have a good idea of how many calories you are burning based off of your exertion level! :) I killed it today! :) LOL

  • Tarafaith13
    I did it!! I got back into the workouts and I feel great. I did a Lesley Sansone walking dvd (which pales in comparison to Turbo Fire) just to get my body moving, but when I didn't even break a sweat I thought "this sucks"! So, this afternoon I dove back into the Turbo Fire. I started where I left off at the beginning of week 5 and did TF55ez. Holy Crap!! It kicked my butt, but I finished it and wow! I can't wait to do it tomorrow.

    Thank you so much Kim for encouraging me to keep going with the program and not starting over. There is no do overs in life and I am going to keep on with the program and look amazing by the time Christmas rolls around and even better when my husband and I go to Mexico in January!!

    Let's keep going girls and we will look and feel the best we ever have!! :happy:
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!

    I've been crazy busy these past few weekends! I didn't get to workout saturday or sunday. But I started week 11 today and killed HIIT 25 and Sculpt 40! I used to beat myself up and start over at week one when I missed a workout. But now I try to remember the positives, like I did work out four times this week, which is sooo far from where I was 11 weeks ago. I also remind myself that this is for a lifetime, and with my whole lofe ahead of me, one missed day isn't the end of the world. My goal is too keep moving forward no matter what.

    I snuck a peek at the hybrid schedule and realized I'll be starting this really soon- Janurary is not that far away. My labs were today, and I find out the results next Monday. I'm believing for the best.

    I am so inspired reading and posting in this thread. It's been a big part as to why I've made it this far. Let's keep pushing! Every day we press play we are another day closer to our goals.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Petty witty, I agree, this thread is soooooo inspiring!! What hybrid are you doing? I fancy doing the CLX/TF hybrid, but I'm unsure as to whether to do the straight CLX first....any suggestions from anyone? Obviously not until I finish TF....I WANT to complete my 20 weeks, as I'll feel so damn proud of myself at the end, no matter what my final results are!

    Kim- nothing on the HRM yet, I'm using my previous stats, as you suggest to give me an idea of calories burned, it's working really well like that, as I'm aware that I'm probably liable to burn less as I become fitter and also if I don't focus on my workouts and just start coasting a bit, so I'm giving it my all every time so I can justify my estimated figure! I think I'll only need it when I start the last 8 weeks....I might have a bit of spare cash then!

    Tara, really glad you got back into week 5, I bet you felt amazing!

    I think my B12 is kicking in now, I'm buzzing with energy, going to do my C25K in a bit, followed by my TF, gonna up my fire 30 to fire 45 EZ just to mix it up a bit and then sculpt 30 :-) good times!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    It's Tueaday!!

    I did Fire 45 this morning!! Now I'm at work feeling a bit energetic.

    Beka I'm thinking that I will probably follow the hybrid shcedule that in the Turbo fire manual. It's 20 weeks also. It's in the very back. I want to finish my 20 weeks of TF also!! It will be so awesome to finish that first goal.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello hello! what is this I hear about the hybrid schedule?!?!? Are we doing that come Jan?!?!? LOL I for one, woujld love to! :)

    Anyway, just stopping in! Doing Tfire60 today instead of Tfire45. Have picked up much fresh produce and washed it all! :) Well, have a great day! :) How is everyone else doing?
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I did Fire 55EZ today and I have to say it: my high jumps ROCKED (!!!) during the fire drills. I watched myself in the mirror and was a little shocked at how high I could go! And I'm 40!!!

    I could never give up exercise! It really is the best "high" ever!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Well I reached my limit today!!

    Did my c25k run and then in a moment of madness, decided to do the next day (which was also a new week, so more running). Kept telling myself that I could stop anytime as I'd done one run today, but felt fine so kept going....got home and started my TF, stupidly decided to do fire 45 EZ Iinstead of fire 30....flaked out after 25 min!!! If I'd just stuck to fire 30 I could have got through it, but my legs were dead and I kept stopping to rest, usually I only stop for a quick drink or towel break :smile:

    So now I'm a bit behind, but I might do Saturday instead of resting - I'm away next week so will need to get in as many as I can until then!!

    If I hadn't had so many jobs around the house to do, I may have just rested for an hour, eaten and then tried again, but I had loads of things to do....wasn't to be today...well done everyone, I'm glad I got 25 min done though!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Hey all. Today I did HIIT 15 and sculpt 30. Great workout. The HIIT was actually a lot easier today. I'm soooo loving this program. I look forward to it everyday!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    @Spoiledwife- CONGRATS ON THE HIGH JUMPS! That is great! Oh man, isn't it a great feeling to workout? I mean it really is! :) Good for you and keep up the good work! :)

    Becka- OH MAN! I know what you mean! I upped my workout today and in the last part (the double finales) I was just spent. I don't know why but I had no energy. SOOOO- I just got through it the best I could! LOL And I did! Other days though I need to remember to just "do the schedule." LOL NOt that I am saying you should not change it or up it. I just know me and that doing it for one week is fine (trying to up the cardio since last week wasn't my strongest) and usually I change it ALL around or make EVERYTHING longer! LOL It's silly to think that I know better than a program that has been working well for me for 8 weeks! LOL Well good for you, 25 minutes, you go there lady! YOU GO THERE! House chores- tell me about it! LOL *roll eyes* I can't ever seem to finish! :D

    Jataijah- Good for you! I love those workouts too! And yes HIIT is so fun and it gets easier and easier! :D Good for you !

    Alright well, i'm going off to dry brush my skin, do a face mask and take a shower! :D Have a great night! :D
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Fire 55 in the books. Had a big breakfast afterwards. Feeling great! Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    Rest day in week 3....however I think I might go for a 3 mile run/walk. I want to do the Wicked 10k here in Virginia Beach at the end of the month so I need to get some miles in before hand to get me ready =)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member

    Oh man, feeling SOOOOO good! Every day this week is getting better and better! It's my TFire calendar rest day and I had so much energy that I decided to do an old Jillian Michael's favorite: Boost Fat Blast Metabolism! I LOVE IT! It's 55 minutes and I've tweaked some moves to make it more low impact! I burned about 450 calories and I gotta tell you, the last time I did this was PRE starting Tfire and wow- I'm in pretty good shape! LOL I still have al ong way to go, but happy that i wasn't DYING during it! So NSV! HOORAY!

    Also, stocked the fridge with many fruits and veggies! And random things I don't normally get! They say (whoever they is) that when you see a fruit or veggie you want, to ALWAYS get it as your body is more than likely trying to signal to you what you need nutrient wise or flavor wise. Giving into these types of cravings are good and will prevent breaking down into a pile of chocolates! LOL And yes, I did mean PILE!

    Soooo, I got a pineapple (the one the CATS LOVE!) some fresh raspberries, kiwi, Brussel sprouts (my husband usually buys these, I love them, but never buy them) and potatoes! LOL

    Now here's the thinking... I normally don't potatoes. They are very starchy, "low on nutrition" compared to my beloved greens, but man, it sounded good, they were cheap and a baked potato with earth Balance "butter" and some "sour cream" and a few soy baco bits?!?!? Well, it's super satisfying, filling and tastes like it's bad for you, but is actually low on calories!!!! SOOOOO

    I guess I write all this because I'm just reminding you to eat what you want! Within reason!

    Okay, well off to one more store! I am feeling sooooooo good! I will be coming home after the store to meditate for 10 minutes. Looking forward to it!

    Have a great night!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello! So I woke up and was just soooo hungry! I did a meditation and then a breakfast... followed immediately by lunch! Well, practically! Anyway, then i did my workouts and well realized why I was so hungry! TOM! LOL Anyway, still under my calories for the day, so not too worried! It was just more shocking than anything!

    So I did and made it through my HIIT workout and will do Tone30 tonight with my husband when he comes home! :D

    How are you guys doing? I love Chalene and just find her so fun :D

    Let's push through our workouts, cramps and all! LOL