Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    HI everyone!! I missed all of you. :) I'm glad to be finally back and getting into the groove of things. Heather, thanks for thinking of me!!!!!!!!!!! Just to update everyone on my half last weekend at Nike, it was pretty TOUGH!!! Of course I'm a Texan and I heard of the hills but as I always do with everything, I didn't really know what I got myself into. HA! We had been there for two full days before the race and we stayed in the middle of Union Square so walking every where was our form of transportation. Lets just say that I was very, very tired by race day. I knew going into this that I wasn't going for a certain PR time because I am 6 months pregnant. That being said, I took as many pictures and the only goal was to FINISH and get that Tiffany's necklace. I have been having back issues now for some time and the hills completely did a number on my back that day. I was down for the rest of the day afterwards because I was pretty beat up. I can only compare it to running my first full marathon. I know its because I have added weight and of course I'm pregnant. There were times believe me at mile 10 that I was ready to just give up compleltey. So I did finish and all is now in the past! :)

    My job does not give us maternity leave and therefore I will be using FMLA and taking 3 months off, should I mention w/out pay. Ouch. With this being said our budget until the first week of X-mas is pretty tight. I mean we're working on one part time income but we'll be debt free by then. YAY!!!! So, I've been a little stressed about this because that leaves us with doing the nursery and all at the very last minute. I have been emotional lately because of this and becuase I've been dealing with some dysfuntion in my immediate family with my parents. I think that as things go further along, I will slowly get over this. So this is for me has been a bummer and I've been feeling a little sad this week.

    I am taking it easy this week so far and will walk tomorrow and Saturday and do some Fall cleaning this coming weekend. I have an appointment with the specialist on Friday, so keep my and Dallas in your prayers so all goes well. Monday, I go to my appointment and lets hope I haven't gained that much more. :O

    Babeed- congrats on your little boy!!!!! as far as diapers go I used Huggies for my son waaaay back then. LOL. That's been 12 years ago!! HA! I found them then to not leak, etc. Like I said, I'm sure that things have improved a lot since then. For wipes, this time I'll just be using wash cloths, since I'm doing cloth diapers. I used to use them also back then with my son and used disposable wipes when out and about.

    Nichole- great job on the nursery. I love it!! Can't wait to start mine.

    Rayna- if only I had a bit of talent. :( I love it all. The booties are super cute!!

    Belgianlady- CONGRATS!!!!! What a blessing for your family. Glad to hear babies are doing great.

    KT- as far as the bloating issue. This is very normal. You bloat like crazy because everything in your digestive tract is slowing down to give baby all the nutrients and therefore so you won't get rid of them, if you know what I mean. So this is when I also battled with constipation and most women do. Sodium, I am very sensitive too because I gave it up years and years ago so I knew for me it wasn't sodium intake. When in my first trimester there were times I even felt I was 6 months preggos, with being so bloated. :( It will pass though. FUN stuff!!!

    Someon asked about going to the doctor at 12 weeks. This is what I've found to be very normal. I went sooner only because I couldn't believe I was pregnant and wanted a confirmation. However, I was so early on that they only do a urine pregnancy test like you would at home. If you're further along like 12 weeks, they can even do a sono and make sure you are!!! Funner. So you're good.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member

    Kristy I have the cocodot bedding and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! The only problem is that the bedskirt as well as the bumper are specifically made for their cribs. I had to be creative with the bumper to get it to work in my crib and you can't even see the pattern on the bedskirt cause of the way the crib is made. So basically at the end of the day the fitted sheet is all that will be seen of the set (we will have to remove the bumper once she starts sleeping in her own bed and is able to move around). So make sure to pick out your crib prior to buying your bedding...or keep the receipt :) Also, glad your vision stuff has gone away and the docs don't think it is a big deal.

    Aw man, that's kind of disappointing that you can't see much of skirt and bumper. :( I love that set because you can mix so many other patterns with it, as far as decorating the room goes, and it still matches. I also like the Harlington set, but I think Coco Dot is my fave. Hopefully we pick a crib soon. Part of me wonders if we should even get the bumper. I want it because it's adorable, but if you're not really supposed to use them anyways then I don't know if I should spend the money. What do you think? Is there a time when you can even use it?
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Kristy - Glad your feeling better today! I've heard that your vision can get worse during pregnancy, and mine did the first time too. I guess it's common. So seeing the eye doctor is a good idea.

    Emrogers - Sorry your feeling stressed. I have a few people in my family that I'd rather just not deal with at all, so I don't. Makes me sad, but at the same time, I just want to be happy and healthy and not have dramatic bs drag me down. Hope things get better for you soon. Try not to stress, everything will come together and be great!

    Babeed - Yay, you got your lil' boy!!! Congrats, so happy for you!

    Lunarokra - Yay for your baby shower. How exciting! Hope it goes great for you!!!!!

    So I decided, Sunday I am painting the nursery!! Now that I ended up getting a different car seat, stroller, swing and playpen w/ changing table in a different color I am so glad I didn't start yet. Looks like the baby will surrounded in pink and green. Was more partial to the brown, but it's still super cute!!! I kinda feel like it really just hit me that I'm going to have a baby in a few months!! :) I feel a little overwhelmed with excitement all of a sudden.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    omg Ive gained 15lbs, Im only 13 weeks :sad: why? why? why? What am I doing wrong??? Ok Iknow Im eating too much but dammit I love food so much. Sad sad day. Should I step up my excercise? Actually log my food? Eat more fruits and vegetables, yes I probably should. Shoot, I am very dissapointed in :cry: myself.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Hi Ladies!!!!!
    Its been a long time since I checked in to this Board and to MFP altogether, and I've missed soo much!! Its good to see that overall everyone is still doing well. Congratulations to the ladies that have found out the sex of their babies!!! So exciting!!!!! And welcome to all the newbies!!! I haven't been able to catch up on all that I missed, and anticipate that I probably won't be able to, but I'm going to try to get back into the groove of things as quickly as I can. (In a good way) Life came rushing up around me, and I wasn't able to keep up with everything, and unfortunately MFP was the major sufferer (is that a word? haha).
    A quick update on what my life has been for the last 2 weeks:
    My mom and a couple of my siblings went to Italy to visit my grandparents for their 50th wedding anniversary. In their absence I helped my sister juggle some of the responsibilities around my mom's house.
    The week after my mom returned, it was mass rush to get our Baby registry done because my mom is hosting our baby shower on November 13, so invitations needed to go out almost immediately. I am so thankful to her. I never realized how time consuming putting together a baby shower registry could be. We did a registry for our bridal shower, but I am so familiar with household items that it was a breeze. Quite the contrary with baby stuff.
    My husband and I have been getting some necessary work done to our house. We had a leaky window in the room that will be turned into our nursery, so we had that repaired. When Abby was a puppy, she did some minor chewing of a couple of corners of walls in the house, so we had the drywall repaired. Now we are waiting for our painter to come by and touch everything up. The drywall repair started as a very minor project, but turned into the drywaller patching every minor hole he found, which left us with a much bigger painting touch-up project, hence why we are having a painter come in to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    We worked on our vegetable garden and prepped it for winter.
    WE FINALLY ORDERED OUR BABY FURNITURE!!!! What a weight off our shoulders! We really pushed it though. I had originally planned to have the nursery 100% completed by end of November, and we won't even be getting our furniture until mid-end of December. Having a due date of January 10, I'm really hoping I don't go into labor early. But I know at the end of the day, it will all be okay.
    My little dog Mia fractured her paw last week. Poor little thing. But she's such a trooper, and she is handling it so well. She still runs around in her cast, goes down stairs, even manages to get up on the couch (which I'm not happy about but am having the hardest time telling her no), with only three functional legs! Adorable.
    Lastly, we've been planning for the Halloween party we are hosting this weekend. Trying to get the house clean after the drywaller patched things hasn't been a ton of fun...
    But such is life.

    While on my MFP hiatus, I still managed to keep my diet in fairly good shape, but my exercise went way down. I've obviously been active, but in a very different way. And I can feel it. I actually haven't gained any weight these last two weeks, but I can feel that my muscles have turned to mush, which makes me very disappointed with myself. So I'm determined to get back on track and get myself feeling strong again.

    My exercise goals for the week:
    strength, 2x
    yoga, 3x
    walk, 5x

    My dietary goals for the week:
    start logging in MFP again
    dine-out, max 2x
    incorporate more veggies

    Wish me luck!!!
    Looking forward to reading posts from everyone daily again!!
    Have a great Tuesday!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hello gals! WOW...I cannot even begin to get caught up with everyone! So...just going to say HI! Hope you are all doing fabulous!

    AFM: Friday I failed again and got in no exercise but instead spent plenty of time playing outside with my little one! Saturday I did the Race for the Cure 5K (I walked it with my mom). Sunday I did my strength/cardio workout, and last night I did my yoga. So, doing pretty good. I maintained my weight this week, which is good since I was up quite a bit last week. So far I'm up 9 pounds. Hoping to keep it there this coming week also.

    Goals this week:
    Yoga-3 times (already did it yesterday!)
    Strength/cardio-2-3 times

    Have a great afternoon ladies!!
  • MissConfidence
    So I dropped a note here a few days ago and since then the forum has expanded by another few pages!! phew!! It's great to see everyone is so involved and tight here. I just got back from my first ultra sound. I'm 6 weeks 5 days today and the US tech said things look great and she showed me the little peanut's heart beat. SURREAL. Suffice it to say this is my first. Well, this is basically the final confirmation for my husband and I that this is really happening. We've been married for 10 years almost and this is obviously a big change for us!!

    Today over lunch I looked over at our dogs and jokingly threw a comment to them like "you better be nice to the new member when they get here" At which point my hubby said "or I will get rid of them" Now, before any animal lovers attack him-- he kinda threw that out there without thinking and then clarified that obviously we would have to figure out a way things are safe for everyone. Anyway have to deal with problematic dogs and new borns? Should I be worried? They are good dogs (about 2 years old) and don't have issues with people ever so there shouldn't be weirdness with babies, should there???

    Well, I am glad to say that my severe cramping seems to have chilled out a bit. I was getting those every night for 3 weeks straight and it was keeping me up. Now they are bearable, still wake me up, but I can usually just turn over and go back to sleep. I am just waiting for the "morning" sickness to begin, I hear from many that starts at about 8 weeks in...

    I have to say, everyone that has "bump" pictures, I am truly in awe because you all look so healthy. I'm really trying to take note of my eating habits and you all are great examples, even if there's a day or two of giving in to a wonderful treat.

    Exercise question: anyone feel strongly one way or another about doing the 30 day shred during the first trimester? I will ask my gyno but won't have my first appointment until Nov 14... I know it's basically individual and one should do as she feels best but I'm just wondering if someone here has any personal opinion over it.

    My goals for the rest of this week is stationary bike 3 times, hour walks 3 times, and light weights twice.

    Okay, I've rambled quite a bit, sorry! Happy Tuesday everyone :)
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Rayna ~ I ended up getting the furniture from JC Penny's. It was the set I kept going back to after searching & searching. It was on sale & I got an additional 20% off. Here's the set if you can open the link:|77448
    As for the bedding, I got it from Babies R Us (I've seen it several places, but it was the cheapest here). Also went w/ this one vs a blue set b/c it was cheaper than the blue ones I liked & I already have some decor that can go in the room:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Exercise question: anyone feel strongly one way or another about doing the 30 day shred during the first trimester? I will ask my gyno but won't have my first appointment until Nov 14... I know it's basically individual and one should do as she feels best but I'm just wondering if someone here has any personal opinion over it.

    I did 30DS before I got preggo and I don't think it would be good to do during pregnancy. First off you shouldn't begin a new program while pregnant and secondly some of the exercises are pretty intense and may get your heart rate too high. And some of the exercised are a little awkward I think. Of course I am not a dr. so you probably want to ask yours. Just my 2 cents. :smile:

    I've got to stop looking at furniture! But now I have to check out JC Penney. I didn't realize they had baby stuff. I am having issues with having to order off internet and not knowing if the quality is good.

    Work day is almos over! Woot Woot! I hear you all on the quickness of this board. If I didn't have a desk job, I'd be lost.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    H_82 - the stuff you picked is so cute! :o) - I think we are getting our nursery set from - I found a really cute crib there that I really like
    Here's the link (but in the espresso wood)
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    where are you huys finding wall decals for the babys room? We are not painting but will use decals...
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Better Balance ~ It was ridiculous how much searching I did for furniture! I just couldn't decide & didn't know what was the "right" amount to spend. The stuff I ordered from JCPenny's beat out all the other prices (for 2 dressers & a crib). Seemed to have good reviews - the backs are the veneer wood (but I don't think that's a big deal - that's what our bedroom furniture is & you can't even tell). If you do order from there, I'd wait ti lthey have a 20% off again. I know the one just expired yesterday (hence why I put in my order last night!) :)

    Rayna ~ Cute crib! Are you getting dressers to match?
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Rosanna- Great job, maintaining your workouts. Glad to hear you are doing ok.

    Elce-Glad to hear you're doing ok too.

    Taldie- regarding decals I found so many sites on them, it over whelms, but the one I really liked was, zdesigns, amazon.
    Hope these help.

    MissC-Yay for your upcoming appointment. Maybe you will be lucky like me and not get the Morning sicknesses. :bigsmile:

    KristinB-Awesome, working out & walking the 5K! WTG :flowerforyou:

    H82- Rayna-both your choices are cute!!

    Baby Depot at Burlington Coat also has good bedding sets (same to BRUS) and a lower price, I haven't bought any yet. We get to pay off & pick up our crib & dresser on 11-25-11 but first we need the room painted. November will be a busy month for us.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It's hard to keep up with you all! I read the posts, find several I want to reply to, and then lose track of user names and topics when I hit the Post Reply button! :tongue: So I'll just say - great following everyone's progress, questions, and exciting news - heartbeats, finding out it's a boy, or newly preggo! All exciting!

    I've had good news & bad news today. Got my test results from the weekend, they were looking for my hcg levels to have increased over 48 hours and they have, which is great! But last night I started bleeding (hope this isn't TMI, I sometimes forget this is an open forum focused on health & fitness, not just a pregnancy board!) - this is the second time this has happened. Last Friday morning about an hour before my 1st appt it started. Had an ultrasound, saw the heartbeat and the doc said baby was fine. Took it easy, bleeding all but stopped, but then last night started again. :frown: No cramps, and it has lessened again, but still scary.

    Doc said with the good hcg results from the weekend, and no cramping with the bleeding, to just take it easy and try to stay off my feet. My next appt is Nov. 3, so just over a week to wait. Meanwhile, I'm living on my sofa. It's so hard to have gone from working out & losing weight, to backing off to just walks when I found out I was pregnant, to being a couch potato! :sad: But of course, totally worth it if it means a full term pregnancy, right?
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Amy I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. I know that has to be so scary. Last Thursday I had light spotting and it had me so freaked put. Do what your doctor says and listen to your body.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi Ladies--I'm "in between" forums, I guess. Got my BFP a few days ago, but am waiting on HGC results (second test today) and the sono next Wed before I think I'll really settle into the idea that I'm pregnant. Plus, I haven't said goodbye to my TTC peeps. I'll miss them. But not enough to want to stay! It's been a long wait. Have been on the TTC forum for at least a year--have been trying for 19 months for #2, after getting pregnant with my little boy the first month off of BC. Along the way we've done Clomid, fertility testing, and a failed IUI, and this one happened naturally. Surprised much--YES!! Happy much? YES!! We have told a few friends, my online buddies here, and thats it. Parents will happen soon, I'm sure.

    Wanted to post on this forum before Heather has her little one! Yay!

    As far as being Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant--wahoo! I tend to work out moderately 4-5 times a week, and am looking to maintain that (with modifications). We'll see. Balance in everything is my motto. And, I want to stay on top of the healthy eating...last pregnancy, I gained about 40 lbs (finally got it all back off with MFP), and had trouble with my gallbladder, so a low-fat diet should help prevent that this time around. I'm not tracking food on this site right now--I am actually tracking on the WW site--I have a subscription that is prepaid and doesn't expire till January. So, instead of losing it, I'm using it. (Don't worry--I'm set to maintenance and my Dr has given me the OK to do it, even if WW says you can't do it while you are pregnant.) I'll flip back over to here in Jan, hopefully.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all...

  • millionsofpeaches
    Hello all!!! Just checking in for the last time till November... I am leaving for FL tomorrow morning and will be spending the day doing laundry and packing! Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hi Ladies--I'm "in between" forums, I guess. Got my BFP a few days ago, but am waiting on HGC results (second test today) and the sono next Wed before I think I'll really settle into the idea that I'm pregnant. Plus, I haven't said goodbye to my TTC peeps. I'll miss them. But not enough to want to stay! It's been a long wait. Have been on the TTC forum for at least a year--have been trying for 19 months for #2, after getting pregnant with my little boy the first month off of BC. Along the way we've done Clomid, fertility testing, and a failed IUI, and this one happened naturally. Surprised much--YES!! Happy much? YES!! We have told a few friends, my online buddies here, and thats it. Parents will happen soon, I'm sure.

    Wanted to post on this forum before Heather has her little one! Yay!

    As far as being Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant--wahoo! I tend to work out moderately 4-5 times a week, and am looking to maintain that (with modifications). We'll see. Balance in everything is my motto. And, I want to stay on top of the healthy eating...last pregnancy, I gained about 40 lbs (finally got it all back off with MFP), and had trouble with my gallbladder, so a low-fat diet should help prevent that this time around. I'm not tracking food on this site right now--I am actually tracking on the WW site--I have a subscription that is prepaid and doesn't expire till January. So, instead of losing it, I'm using it. (Don't worry--I'm set to maintenance and my Dr has given me the OK to do it, even if WW says you can't do it while you are pregnant.) I'll flip back over to here in Jan, hopefully.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all...


    Congrats again Karen!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day!

    Amy - I literally have to write down names and topics of what I want to respond to or I will forgot. This board moves fast! I hope everything works out for you.

    H-82 - Thanks for the advice. I found a crib I like on Amazon for about $200 on sale. It is Babycraft; haven't done much reserach. I just like the way it looks - dark wood and sleigh like.

    Welcome new peeps and congrats!

    We picked up the dresser from Craigslist last night and it is so pretty. The lady we bought it from is an interior designer and gets pieces and paints/restores them; this particular piece was her great aunt's. The photo looked like a light green glass bottle color but it actually looks more robin egg blue when you get it in natural light. It will work! It is super high quality and I about had a heart attach watching Eric and his friend carry it up the stairs. The thing apparently is a beast. I found a changing table I like on Craigslist too. I love Craigslist. We plan on finishing the painting on Saturday so I am feeling better about the nursery situation. Now to finish the registry! Our first shower is December 3. Gosh, time is flying.

    In addition to picking up the dresser I went and got costume stuff (and a newborn pink tutu! :smile: ) so didn't get a workout in. But I got lots accomplished which was my main goal this week. We;re going to yoga tonight and I'm going to try to get a walk/run in before going to see Paranormal Activity 3 tomorrow night. I was goign to go cancel my gym membership but I think I may hold onto it for one more month and try to get some more swimming in in November.

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Karen I couldn't be more happy for you! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers until you are out of the "scary part" and things look to be going as planned. Until then stay positive (as you tend to do)! I miss the ttc ladies as well...but only a few of the long time members are left to come on over this way so hopefully they will be joining us soon! :) Your goals are awesome and I know you will do great! Again congratulations and I'm so very very happy for you and that you are here with us!

    Ashley I just open the forum up in another window and go back and is easier than writing down names :)

    Amy any amount of bleeding during pregnancy is so very scary. I'm so sorry you are having to experience this but hopefully all is well and I've heard of women spotting off and on their entire pregnancy and having perfect, healthy, term babies. So I will pray this is the case for you! And nothing is tmi when it comes to our pregnancy and health. Take care of yourself and know that we are here for you.

    Brenda how exciting about getting the nursery ready to all come together! :)

    millionsofpeaches have and awesome time in FL! Where are you going? I can't wait until my next beach vacay! Have fun!

    taldie I ordered my decals from They have soooo many cute ones! I got a fabric decal which is better quality than the vinyl ones and looks more like paint than the vinyl. So just a suggestion. And about the weight gain. It is not all a bust at this point. I gained 12lbs in the first trimester and have managed to still be under my goal (as of this point) of 35lb gain for the pregnancy. Just get back on track and stop the unhealthy habits by not allowing junk food in your house. :) You can do it!

    Heather cute stuff! I can't wait to see pics of the nursery once it is all put together!

    Missconfidence you might want to start researching how to integrate a baby into a family with dogs. There are some things you can start doing now like using a baby doll, etc that could help with when the baby comes. I have a german shepherd and she is such a sweetheart and not territorial or aggressively protective so I'm not worried at all about her acting up around the baby. I think she will become protective of her if anything. 8wks is typically when most women get some form of morning sickness. But I was just slightly nauseous but if I ate I felt fine and it only lasted less than two weeks. If you've been doing high intensity workouts then 30ds shouldn't be a big deal, but if this is something new you want to start I'd suggest just sticking to the intensity level of what you've been doing prior to pregnancy as far as workouts go.

    Kristen great goals!

    rosanna sounds like things have been pretty crazy! Great goals for the week and hope your little pup heals up soon!

    Misti that is exciting! I bet it will be adorable and I can't wait to see pics!

    Kristy if I would have known then what I know now I wouldn't have bought the bumper....I LOVE it (I love the whole set together really) but what is the point in spending $100 on something you can even use?! When the baby is itty bitty and can't really move then the bumper really isn't a big deal, but when they can move around a bumper, especially one that is soft and not attached correctly could be a real hazard. So disappointing....

    Elce congrats on finishing the race! YOU GO GIRL!!!! I remember my friend who was a super rockstar runner doing the full in San Fran and said it was the hardest thing she has ever done in her entire life! So you finishing the half pregnant is absolutely amazing! And congrats on being debt free! Try not to stress out too badly. Sounds like you are in a pretty decent place with everything. Take care of yourself and good luck at your appointment!

    Well it went from 87*F yesterday to 50*F and raining today... Fall is definitely here and I'm loving it. Today the plan is to walk for an hour and then do some strength training. I ate crappy yesterday and am feeling the effects today for sure. So the goal is to drink LOTS of water and flush out the junk! My massage was good yesterday. I told her to "go to town" on my feet. Most prenatal massages, especially at the end, won't touch your feet because of all the acupressure points that could induce labor. She said "so you give me permission to work your feet and if you go into labor tomorrow you won't sue me?" and I said "I will send you a thank you card!" lol I did get some pretty strong contractions while she was doing it, but of course that's all that happened and baby isn't gonna budge if she isn't ready! Regardless it felt good to get a massage and work out all the soreness. My ribs are still in pain and the pain is starting earlier now as opposed to by noon. I'm sitting here right now already with achy ribs.... I am trying to stay positive though and work through the pain. I'm sooo ready for her to come...have I mentioned that? lol

    Hope you ladies all have a fit and fabulous day!