Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • hazelmichling
    Hi Heeter Sistas! Juie, I love your pictures and what a great idea on those stones. Think i need to do something like that to motivate me.

    Debbie, you are really doing great with the coupons and sales. Good going. I'm glad you have all that energy to do it with.

    Cindy, sorry to hear about Eddie not coming today. But then, look all that you got done so early that you had time to do other stuff with the family.

    DH and I had a wonderful day out today. It was windy as heck. I think we had a cold front come through which I didn't think was and it started out foggy, but by the time we got down to the flowers, fog was gone but the wind, oh my! I had gotten out of the car and nearly got blown over. Yes, that is the truth! I had to laugh at this one place, it was a pasture and I had to hang on to the fence not to get blown over for sure. But the blue bonnets as beautiful as they were were still not out in full bloom. But we still enjoyed looking at what were.

    Julie, if you can tell me how to add the picture, I would like to share one with ya'll.

    Needless to say, my eating was not very healthy today. Boo hoo. DH is fixing dinner as he has volunteered, I am not complaining. Fixing steak and asparagus. yummo. Walked some but hard to do in all this wind.

    Julie, I am happy to hear you are feeling better today. But, please take good care and let us know outcome of your test results.

    Say, wouldn't it be nice to collect some of those broken glass down by that old house and put some in your jars? I collected broken glass when I lived in Hawaii. Wonder what happened to them all with all the moving I have done.

    Ya'll have a great evening..... Debbie I liked your Easter tradition that you shared.

    Lucy, so glad you're having a swell day, being your birthday, after all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213


    Ha! I'm like a kid with a new toy! This was tonight's dinner...Tomato Pie...and man was it Yummy!!

    Hazel, the easiest way to add pictures is to add them to your profile but if you want to add them to a thread like this you need a Photobucket account - it's free and fairly easy to use. You just upload some pictures (just like you would to your've already done that when you posted your picture so you know how to do it) BEFORE you upload your photo to Photobucket make sure to change the setting of the picture size to Medium otherwise it will be way too huge to view on this site. It's in the same box where your uploading, just to the bottom. Once it's uploaded you give it a title and hit "Skip This Step Now" and it will take you back to the main page. Scroll your mouse over the photo and a drop down list will appear with a bunch of code links. Click on the "IMG" code and it will tell you that it copied it. Then you come over here and paste it. The last step is this...the code will have the letters [IMG]at the very beginning and the very end in capital letters. You have to change them to lower case. It sounds complicated but now that I've figured out it's really easy! :wink: I'm glad you had a nice day but sorry to hear about all the wind! Cindy, sorry to hear Eddie didn't make it over. Maybe tomorrow. Hope the wind died down so you could get your walk in this evening. Why am I not surprised you'd want to adopt in addition to your own? :love: I've often thought about Foster Parenting but I think at this point I'm pretty much set in my ways and not sure I could handle the day to day life with kids, of any age, LOL! And besides, DH and I are settling in to our own life together. Still, maybe someday. Never too old to spread the love! :wink: Debbie, sounds like you and the family had an enjoyable day. An adult Easter Egg Hunt...that sounds like a blast! I'd love to do that and throw in a good old fashioned sack race! :laugh: :laugh: Well, I have had a very relaxing day and got quite a bit accomplished. I've completely cleaned up and organized most of my computer files and created folders for all my photos. I had stuff everywhere and it was driving me totally bonkers! I went through all my Health and Fitness documents, merged some, dumped some, cleaned up others and organized them all. I got my Journal Book completely organized and nice and tidy. Added some new things that I hadn't hole-punched and got them where they needed to be. I went through my '07 Daily Planner and my '08 Daily Planner and got all the weigh ins, measurements and exercise data out of them then went back to the old board and gathered all my data and added it all to spreadsheet I keep. Now I have one master document with all my information. That was a relief and I'm glad I did it! I also cleaned out the last "junk" space in my office. Last weekend I got my office cleaned out and re-orgainzed - that mess was mostly DH. He never puts anything back where it belongs. All I have left is to clean out the filing cabinet of all of the '07 bills and such (I keep the previous year handy) and get them archived. I'll do that after company leaves I think. Tomorrow, I'll pay some bills and do my taxes and fill out my Census paperwork. Then next week I can get to scrubbing and cleaning before company arrives. So, needless to say I've gotten no exercise but I feel good about getting myself completely organized, especially all my Health and Fitness stuff. Now I feel totally ready to Get With It!! Well, I'm off. I'm gonna take a shower and read for a while and get a good night's sleep I think. Lucy, I hope you had a wonderful day with your family today. You deserve it!! Nitey Nite! Julie[/img]
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, What the heck is that yummy looking thing?
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    LOL at Cindy...You posted when I was editing my's Tomato Pie...and YES...It IS a Yummy Thing, LOL!! :tongue:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    OHHH Julie, Please share that recipe.. I love tomatoes. :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Sunday Morning HEETers!

    I slept fairly well and am up, showered, scrubbed the shower while I was in it and have started some laundry. Just sitting at my desk to finish up my paperwork.

    Cindy, Tomato Pie is super simple and very tasty. Take 3-4 good size tomatoes, you can peel them or not, I've done both and doesn't seem to matter either way. Slice them about 1/4" thick and either drain in a colander for at least an hour or lay them on a kitchen towel (my method) covered with a paper towel (so you don't get any lint from the towel) and keep layering like this if you need to depending on how many slices you have. I do this first thing in the morning and let them "drain" all day. I think next time I'll take a baking sheet and weigh it down with a can on the top layer just to help press out some more liquid. When the tomatoes are drained thaw a deep dish pie shell for about 10 minutes, bake at 350 for 7 minutes then layer in the tomatoes. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and about 1/4 teaspoon of basil or Italian Seasoning. You can add onion (I don't) or crumbled bacon to the top (I did last night) and mix together 1 cup mayonnaise and 1 cup shredded cheese. This is the topping. Return to the oven for about 35 minutes. I stuck to the original recipe last night because this is a favorite dish of DH's as he LOVES tomatoes also but next time I'm going to Healthify the top. I'm going to drain some cottage cheese in a colander overnight and mix it with some grated cheese and parmesan cheese. I *think* this will work but haven't tried it yet. We'll find out soon enough since tomatoes will be abundant soon and I can play around with it.

    Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size 1 (122g)

    Recipe makes 8 servings

    Calories 338
    Calories from Fat 246 (72%)
    Amount Per Serving %DV
    Total Fat 27.4g 42%
    Saturated Fat 8.7g 43%
    Monounsaturated Fat 9.9g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 7.0g
    Trans Fat 0.0g
    Cholesterol 34mg 11%
    Sodium 542mg 22%
    Potassium 178mg 5%
    Total Carbohydrate 16.9g 5%
    Dietary Fiber 0.7g 2%
    Sugars 3.8g
    Protein 6.8g 13%

    Waving to Hazel, Debbie, Lucy and everyone else...Bebe...where are you??

    I'll check back a little later...paperwork is calling...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, Thanks for the recipe! I'm going to make that for sure. :smile: It's cold here today. I hope it warms up. I did my 2 mile slast night as the wind had died down. No Eddie today either. He said maybe next weekend. :frown: I miss that little guy! I plan on doing some cleaning today and some laundry. I hope everyone has a happy Sunday! Julie I hope you're feeling better. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    MY GOOGLE MAP IS GONE!!! And yes, I'm YELLING!! :mad: :explode:

    Two years ago I created a map in Google Maps where I was charting my swimming distance with little pegs around the coast of Italy (my dream vacation...I think we talked about this before...) Anyway, I went back about a month or so ago and checked on it and it was still there, waiting patiently for me to start updating it again. Today, I went back to check something and it's completely GONE!! But the worst part is this...It won't let me re-create it! So I went through the Help Topics and there are several discussions on how nobody can do it either and why they can't and how this is a flaw in Google Maps. But I know FOR A FACT that I had done this and had it saved. I had half a dozen little pegs going around the coast and all I had to do was scroll my mouse over them and it would tell me the distance between the pegs. This is one of the most bizarre things I've encountered in *computer land*. I'm SOOO disappointed!! I posted a question in the Google Help section and I swear, if somebody comes back and says "you never did that and it's still not possible to do" I'm going to seriously question my sanity!! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I guess, on a good note, I've got all my paperwork done, Census completed and taxes done. I owe this year, my second time owing. Talk about kicking a girl when she's down! It's only $14.00 but it's the point of the matter. I try every year to reach the break-even point and I guess I accomplished it. It's the closest I've ever come but still. Writing a check to the IRS just plain s.u.c.k.s. :grumble:

    Where is everybody today?? I hope your doing something fun! I'll check back later...

  • hazelmichling
    Options I am. Back from church, had my tuna fish sandwich for lunch and reading postings. Congratulations Julie for having such a productive morning. You are so inspirational and I am hoping some of it rubs off on me.

    I did wake up early this morning and so I did jump on my orbitrak for 10 minutes with some music playing. Hooray! It has been calling me and I had been ignoring it.l Hope to be able to get back on it more today but I think I need a kick in the behind to get myself going. after all, it is Sunday! Isn't it a day of do nothing day?

    Gosh, Cindy is another motivator doing so much. Where in the world do you all get your energy from?

    Julie, thanks for that tomato pie recipe. If I can find some inexpensive tomatoes, will give it a try. I am not particularly fond of that fruit, but I know it is good for us. Something different to try too.

    Yes, where is everyone? We are having some wind today and it is a bit cool but nothing to complain about. At least we are not having snow like some people in the US. My daughter tells us they are expecting some tomorrow (Monday) in Tennessee. She can't believe it and neither can we. I am not complaining when I listen to the bad news that North Dakota is having there with snow and rain and flooding. Why anyone wants to live in such cold climates, I will not understand. Give me sunshine and I am happy.

    Have a fantastic Sunday, everyone.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, Hazel,great job on the exercise! Don't ya just hate this wind? Julie, That sucks about your google map. I would be upset too. :frown: Dh and I are going for our 2 mile walk in a few minutes. I'm afraid if we wait it will be too cold. We planted 6 tomato plants and 3 green pepper plants in containers today. I hope they do well. I love fresh veggies! I stepped on the scale today and I have lost 3 pounds this week. SHHHH ,weigh in is not until tomorrow. I will not update my ticker until weigh in day. I just LOVE this new way of living! :love: I hope all of you do too. Once again I would like to say how proud I am of all of us! :smile: We Rock! Well of for our walk. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Afternoon HEETers...

    Hazel, I'm not too fond of tomatoes myself but they are one of DH's favorites. A slice on a hamburger is fine but I always squish the guts out ot mine before putting in a salad. DH just cringes, LOL! But, the Tomato Pie is delicious. Kind of like a pizza, well, sort of, LOL. And I agree, Cindy has enough energy for all of us! Watch that Girl Go!!! I'll bet you Lunch she'll be doing some kind of Marathon within a year or so...what do you think??? :bigsmile:

    Go Cindyyyyy, Go Cindyyyyy!!

    I have had a most relaxing afternoon. Got all my Must-Do's done. What a relief it is. Guess it's time to fix dinner. I'm taking it easy on dinner tonight as well. Tuna Noodle Casserole, using Whole Wheat noodles and a salad. Got to go tidy the kitchen before I start cooking. DH bathed both the dogs and I like to disinfect everything before I cook....I'll check back later this evening to see what's going on...

  • hazelmichling
    Yay for Cindy! Way to go, girl. Tell me, what am I doing wrong that I can't get that 2 lb loss? Only 1.9 :-(:mad: I am so proud of you gals for your losses. Someday, mine will come. I know, because you are great inspirations and great motivators too with all your fine ideas.

    I just love these posts with you all. But, where are the rest of the HEETER gals?

    I didn't do much but stay on this computer most of afternoon. Just got off SKYPE with one of my sister in laws that I haven't talked with for soooo long. Sure did miss her and enjoyed our long distance visit by way of computer. How fantastic is this technology?

    Gotta go look for something to eat. My stomach is beginning to complain and will then be having to get ready for our small group Bible study. We are studying Revelation and boy, it sure is interesting.

    Have a wonderful evening and I will check back tomorrow. :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Awwww Shucks :embarassed: , Julie and Hazel you two are so sweet! I honestly find the more exercise I do the more energy I have. We did those 2 miles today in 26 minutes. My heart rate was between 65-74 the entire walk. I feel GREAT! Julie I would love to participate in a marathon one day. I was just telling dh on our walk that whaen I lose enough weight to be comfortable doing it I want to start jogging. :smile: You both got so much done today. Great job! For dinner we're having BLT'S made with turkey bacon on whole wheat bread w/ light mayo --yumo and staemed broccoli-also yummy. Where is everyone today? Hazel, 1.9 lbs a week is great! I have alot to lose so I think it comes off faster for me. I upped my calories to 1,700 a day. I burn at least 600 calories through exercise most days of the week. I drink a gallon of h2o every day . All that works for me. I need to go put a load of laundry in so I'll talk to you all later. ttfn - Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hazel, elaborate on the 2 pound loss. Are you saying you lost 1.9 pounds in a week? Or you haven't been able to lose any more than that since starting to get healthy? How long have you been "getting healthy"? I'm confused. :ohwell: :ohwell:

    What did I tell you about Cindy??? LOL!! She'll be running before we know it. Think about it...we can say..."I remember her when..." LOL!! Cindy, Awesome job on your time and your heart rate! Good grief, I think mine is more than that just sitting here doing nothing! Actually, I have pretty good heart rate and good blood pressure, that's one of the reasons my doc and I don't think my pain is actually my heart. Like I said, I think it's stress related and decided to fixate itself in that area, as a symbolic gesture to Get My Attention! I'm really stubborn, pig-headed sometimes. Sometimes it takes a brick against the head to get my attention, LOL! :laugh: :laugh:

    BLT's sound great. DH and I eat them often, even for breakfast. I don't use turkey bacon though. I know it's lower in calories and fat but there's so many chemicals in it. Specifically, smoke flavor or the chemicals that make it. I don't like that stuff, makes me burp :blushing: . So, I just stick to plain old pork bacon and use it sparingly now.

    What's on everybody's menu for this coming week? I spent some time going through a few recipes today. Wasn't especially inspired by anything but here's what I pulled out...not totally committed but it's what I've got so far...

    Greek Penne - whole wheat pasta, tomatoes (not sauce), cottage cheese, pine nuts, spinach, and feta

    Asian Glazed Pork Chops - pork chops in a sweet/sour type sauce with brown rice

    Pineapple - Black Bean Enchiladas (sounds kind of whacky but supposed to be really good!)

    Orange-Almond...Chicken or Fish - this is a household favorite and a good, quick, weeknight standby. Just not sure if I'm gonna use Chicken or Fish yet...

    Lime Chicken - Chicken in a sauce of apple juice and lime - I'll add some jalapeno's because we like the heat

    Funny, now that I look at it written out it looks kind of good! :laugh: I think I'll substitute the Rappini I bought for the spinach in the Greek Penne, serve the Pork Chops with fresh roasted beets (the sauce would probably be good with them...), Mexican Cole Slaw with the Enchiladas, sautee'd Zucchini and Yellow Squash with the Almond Chicken/Fish and, and, and....not sure on the Lime Chicken. Maybe whatever I have leftover...Looks like a plan!

    Tonight is Slather It Up Sunday...meaning...I'm going to take a nice long shower and when I get out slather myself head to toe with lotion and face moisturizer. I used to this every single night before going to bed but got out of the habit not too long ago. I don't know what happened :ohwell: And I can tell. My skin is starting to get dry which is unusual for me.

    Well, dinner is done. I was just waiting for it to cool off a bit. Gonna eat and take a shower. Not sure if I'll make it back, but I might. If NOT...treat yourself...Slather it Up!! You'll do your skin some good, especially with all the cold and wind you guys have been having! :happy: sure to explain what you mean about the 2 pound thing. I'm curious now...

    Waving to all the HEETers who are MIA today...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, I forgot to add the % to my heart rate numbers. 65% -74% of my maximum heart rate. I like to stay at 70% of my heart rate while walking to build my cardio strength. Have a great night. Cindy- :heart:
  • trimkitty
    Hey there HEETers. I just wanted to pop in and say hello (some of you already know me and it looks like there are quite a few new members).

    Debbie, Thank you for reaching out to me. It means a lot to me.

    I am not sure when I'll be able to join you on this site again, it seems that my time is in premium demand right now. You already know about my surgery and I've been recovering quite well from that. However things didn't end there and I guess the saying "When it rains, it pours" is very true in my case. Some of you may remember that my 2 year old had the chicken pox, after that he got the flu, then he got an ear infection and shortly after a sinus infection. He has been on antibiotics for some time now. It now seems that the antibiotics have destroyed his GI tract and he now has an infection in his colon which is brought on by the use of antibiotics. He is quite miserable, has diareah and vomits several times a day. It breaks my heart to see him like this and I pray constantly that we will see an end to his troubles soon. On the rare occasions that he is feeling better and sleeping or quietly playing I take the chance to play with my 4 year ol daughter. I am so proud of her, she has been so understaning of her brothers needs right now and hasn't been too demanding. I am sure she wishes she could have more time with mommy and daddy and she is very concerned for her brother.
    Anyway, weight loss doesn't seem too important to me right now all other things considered. As always I make healthy meals for the family and try very hard not to overeat, but finding the time to get online every day, journal my food and check in with you ladies seems impossible right now. I haven't even stepped on the scale for a while so I don't know where I stand. I read some of your posts (not all of them) and it seems that you are a great group of very supportive friends. Moving to this site was deffinitely the right thing to do.
    I wish you all the best and I'll join you as soon as I can.
  • hazelmichling
    Back now. Okay, I must confess this thing is really getting to be quite a challenge. Perhaps you gals can get me on the right track and get remotivated.

    I am diabetic but otherwise don't have much else wrong with the health except for being obese. I was up to 237 and joined Jenny Craig. Lost 20 lbs and with the holidays, went back up to 221. Have been struggling to get going and have started with the healthy eating program and exercise for a month now. Lost some and was down to 216 but have gone back up to 219 a couple of weeks ago and then this past week only lost 1.9 lbs. I have been going to the gym and working out at least an hour when I go doing cardio and strength and some days going back for another hour of water aerobics but then got sick and was out for a week. Trying to get back into the routine and feeling better but what a struggle to lose.

    I am not good in logging my food diary and not sure if I am doing the logging on exercise tracking correctly. This is embarrassing to me to have to admit but I really feel that you both (Julie and Cindy) have been very good at posting and can help me with good suggestions. I respect what you gals are doing for yourselves and I would like to be more on track. I have always fought the idea of this calorie counting and exercise so getting on track is a struggle. Trying to drink the 8 glasses of water too. I used to do this better when I worked, but now, I have to remind myself to drink water.

    One thing is that my blood sugar is being better controlled and I feel good about that. Now that I have a gym membership and have been going, I know I need to increase my exercise level. Guess need to spend more time at the gym as I start to add more repetitions or walking on the tread mill. I was a very active person when I was younger and I can be again. Wow .... talk about confession. This embarrasses me to have to say all this, but maybe this is what I need to be honest about myself to myself. By sharing, maybe I will be more accountable for myself on my road to healthy eating and exercise. Just need to develop good habits which I do not have.

    My daughter is getting married in January 2010 and I really would like to be in a smaller dress size. I know this is a possibility but I really need to work harder or smarter at this.

    My DH is very supportive and loving. he is also trying to lose weight and walks almost daily upon returning from work. I cannot walk with him as he has a large stride and I cannot keep up with him being I am so short and have short strides. He has a strong will power and I do not. Shucks what else can I say?

    I did plan my menu for last week for the first time in my life. Can you believe it? I don't have a menu planned for this coming week. tomorrow night I have a hostess committee meeting at church and we are having baked potatoes for dinner. Tuesday night I plan to have a Jenny Craig meal of some sort and I guess I could have on Wednesday and Thursday as well. Perhaps that is what I will do. DH is planning on fixing himself some nachos for tomorrow night and will have left over for Tuesday and if that is what he wants, then it is okay with me that I don't have to fix anything for him. Am I lazy or what? Wednesday night I could fix him some chicken tenders and then i could do beans for Thursday night and Friday night. There you go. Got the week's menu. Tada~! That was easy enough.

    Have either of you heard or tried arugula? It is a green leafy vegetable used in a lot of Italian type recipes. My sister just sent me an article on this vegetable since I had asked her about it and it looks interesting. There was a low calorie recipe included with her email that if I can find this vegetable I would like to try,. It is a salad that includes bartlet pear, I believe. Interesting. I'll have to go back and read the recipe again.

    Can you also tell me how I can send you my personal contact information. Thank you as I bother you all for so much help. I just feel like that helpless old lady. Duh.

    That's it for tonight,. Will go and drink some water now. Good night and will check in tomorrow. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Yes, Cindy, I can see you running that marathon. I will not run, but I can cheer you on. :smile:
  • hazelmichling
    Hi there Wonderland. I am new to the site and i did hear about your emergency surgery from Debbie. Happy to know that you are feeling better but so sorry to learn of your son's ill health and all that he is going through.

    I would like to suggest a herbal juice that my DH and I drink daily. it is very high in xanthones. What xanthone are is super antioxidants that work on the cellular level of our bodies. This product is called Xango and is distributed by a company located in Utah. it can be taken internally as well as applied topically. I am not saying this is a cure all but I can attest to the fact that it has helped us in building our immune system and gives us extra energy. you can go on line and check this out at for more information and Mangosteen People.Com. i think you will find this to be very interesting and I highly recommend this to all my friends.

    I had to have oral surgery and never took the prescription medication given to me though I did pick it up. All I did was swish some of this juice in my mouth in the area especially of the surgery and I never did suffer from any pain. This juice also acts like antibiotics so when I have a sore throat coming on, I gargle with it and swallow the juice and sore throat disappears. When i had burned my hand from microwaved food, I applied the juice directly to my hand and it took all pain away and didn't leave any residue of having had received a burn.

    Here's to wishing a speedy recovery for your son.
  • suzinpb
    suzinpb Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Julie,

    I found you. I've been super busy since I got back from the ski trip and hadn't been able to post. How's this new site compared to MCC.

    I'm still up about 18 pounds since my lowest over a year ago... Time to get back on track ... Current weight 157. goal weight 140... Much better then my heaviest at 185...