
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    I am completely out of internet time and there are still compliments that I have not acknowledged. I will do my best to reply to them.I wont be able to do any further updates to the spreadsheet so i will post my biking mile on this thread and hopefully someone will enter those for me. Thank you in advance
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member


    *********************THE SEVEN SUMMITS**************************

    Mt. Koscuiszko 7,310 ft-Australia Nurture Summit Water!
    We will be nurturing ourselves by staying hydrated. Each 8oz glass of water will equal 1 foot up the mountain. On Thirsty Thursdays, each glass will equal 2 feet up the mountain. Water, herbal and green tea and flavored zero calorie waters/gatorade/propel etc all count towards this goal. Soda, juice, coffee, black tea and milk do not.

    Vinson Massif 16,060-Antarctica Endurance Summit Running/Walking/Swimming!
    We will continue on with these great activities we have all been doing for the past challenges. We will be measuring running and walking in mailbox lengths, with each mailbox being equivalent to 165ft. There are 32 mailboxes in a mile. Each mailbox is equal to 1 foot up the mountain. You may run and/or walk outside, on a treadmill or on an elliptical. We will be measuring swimming in lengths of a 25yd pool. There are 64 lengths in a mile. Each length swum is equal to 1 foot up the mountain. If you are swimming in an olympic pool, each length is equal to 2 feet up the mountain. Doesn't matter what stroke you use, but you must swim from one side of the pool to the other for this to count. If you are doing something like water aerobics then please count that towards dancing and not swimming.

    Mt. Elbrus 18,510-Europe Exploration Summit Exercises!
    We will be exploring ways to add little bits of exercise to our daily routines with this summit. Push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats, pull-ups, jumping jacks and stairs can all be used. Any type of push-up, military, wall, girly, one-armed or one-legged all count. Same with sit-ups, lunges, squats and jumping jacks. This is only for exercises that use your own body weight and they should fit into one of the categories listed. Each push-up, sit-up etc you do is equal to 1 foot up the mountain. Stairs count 1 stair - 1 foot.

    Kilimanjaro 19,334 ft -Africa Wisdom Summit Compliments!
    We will be finding some wisdom from ourselves and others while we climb this mountain! Post a genuine, specific compliment about another participant and we will move up the mountain 10 feet. This is limited to one compliment per participant per week. Acknowledge that a compliment posted about you is true and you agree with it and we will move up the mountain 20 feet. This is unlimited. Post a compliment that was given to you spontaneously and unsolicited in real life and agree that it is true and we will move up the mountain 30 feet. This is limited to 2 per week. And post a compliment to yourself, an honest, specific compliment about something you like about yourself, and we will move up the mountain 40 feet. This is also limited to 2 per week. This is for us to help build each other and ourselves up so we can see ourselves for the strong, capable, athletic women (and man!) we are becoming. I would like to avoid this becoming cliquey, so please spread your compliments out amongst many people, not just the one or two you know the best. Try to find something in each participant to compliment at least once during the month. Losing this weight is just about the hardest thing any of us has ever done and most of us are a little emotional and sensitive as we come to grips with new body images, more opposite sex attention new routines, and the way our spouses and friends have supported or not supported us, so please keep this in mind when you are making your compliments, as this is not the place for jokes or sarcasm.

    Denali 20,335ft -North America Discipline Summit Biking!
    We will measure our biking in blocks with each block equalling 330ft. so that there are 16 in a mile. Each block you ride will equal 1 foot up the mountain. You may ride a bike on the street, a stationary bike or a recumbent bike for this challenge.

    Aconcagua 22,841ft-South America Celebration Summit Dancing!
    For every minute that you dance you will move us up the mountain 1 foot. If you dance with someone (anyone!) else you will move us up the mountain 2 feet. Dancing includes club dancing, dance classes, boogeying in the living room, water aerobics, zumba and regular aerobics (either in a class or on a video or wii at home).

    Mt. Everest 29,029ft-Asia Power Summit Strength Training!
    For every 10 reps that you do with a 1-9# weight you will move us 1ft up the mountain. For every 5 reps you do with a 10-19# weight you will move us 1ft up the mountain. For every 1 rep with a 20-49# weight you will move us 1ft up the mountain and for every 1 rep with a 50# or greater weight you will move us 1.5ft up the mountain. You may use a machine at the gym or at home, free weights, or kettlebells as well as milk jugs, cans of soup and small children you might have lying around the house. There must be some weight lifting involved in these exercises, you cannot use only your own body weight. What you use for that weight is up to you, you only need to be able to say how much the weight was and how many reps you did.

    The fine print:

    *This is a closed challenge for members of our Skinny Chics and a Rooster 100+ to lose family.

    *We will start this challenge on October 1st at 12:01am your time and go until October 31st 11:59pm your time.

    *Same deal as last time, please introduce yourself with at least your real first name so we can get to know each other. Yes, even if you did the last challenge, please do this as we have some new people.

    *DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ADD YOURSELF TO THE SPREADSHEET OR CHANGE IT IN ANY WAY! If you think you should be on the spreadsheet and you are not, PM me and I will get back to you. Becky and Cynthia have worked really hard on the spreadsheet and we need to keep it low maintenance and accurate. Please only enter your workouts in the spreadsheet.

    *I would like everyone to try each mountain at least once, even if it is not your "cup of tea" as the idea here was that we would be expanding our possibilities for burning calories. I understand that not everyone has access to a bike, or might have an injury that prevents them from walking, but most of the mountains are easy entry activities and you should be able to sample each of them. Under no circumstances should you only do one summit for the entire month, adding the water summit requires nothing but a faucet, adding the compliments summit needs nothing more than a little time and thought and the dancing summit requires only that you dance along as you sing in the shower.

    *There are no teams this month. There are no public personal goals being committed to, although you are welcome to set one for yourself privately if you like. However we are all committing to accomplishing this, so if we as a group are really behind on one of the mountains it is my hope that you will choose to spend a little time on that activity, even though it might not be your personal favorite. Please check our progress each day and see where you can contribute to our goals in a way that works with your schedule and abilities. This will become more important as we get towards the end of the month. If we have already reached the walking/running summit but not the biking summit, and you have the ability to bike, then go for a bike ride instead of a walk. We do not want Becky to be staying late at the gym biking for all she is worth on the evening of the 31st of October to get us to the summit again! The overall goal for this challenge is to expand our fitness routines to include some new activities. Please don't cheat yourself of that opportunity by sticking with the same running routine you have been doing for the last 3 months.

    *Please log your activities on a daily basis when at all possible, as that helps keep everyone focused on our groups progress towards our goals.

    *There are no substitutions for activities this month. If its not listed for that summit, then it doesn't count. If you have a question, please ask.

    *The Seven Summits discussions will take place in this thread, including the compliments and acknowledgements, but please continue to post in the other thread about your daily life, challenges and triumphs, including those related to the challenge!

    If you have any questions at all, please ask! I will be posting the spreadsheet when we get closer to Saturday.

    I cannot wait to be standing on the top of the highest mountain on each continent with you all, enjoying the view and celebrating our amazing success.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Could someone tell me exactly what I'm supposed to be doubling? i've grown very confused... :-)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jane, I hope I'm right but:

    If you drink 10+ glasses of water double it.
    Dancing by yourself double, dancing with others or during the 6-9pm time slot x 4
    Compliments - if you compliment 5 others and acknowledge 1, double points.
    Strength - if you add at least 50ft then double it
    Biking - double it and if anyone else is around than it counts as with someone (even if ya don't know them!) x4
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Jane, I hope I'm right but:

    If you drink 10+ glasses of water double it.
    Dancing by yourself double, dancing with others or during the 6-9pm time slot x 4
    Compliments - if you compliment 5 others and acknowledge 1, double points.
    Strength - if you add at least 50ft then double it
    Biking - double it and if anyone else is around than it counts as with someone (even if ya don't know them!) x4

    Wow, ok, I need to go do some increasing. Is this all only from today? (Sorry, I've tried to find the answers in the old thread, but finding it hard to work my way through all the posts.... )
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I think (JJ correct me if I'm wrong) that that info is for this weekend :bigsmile:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Thank you. :-)
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Its like a double XP weekend on PS3....yeah, gaming geek in da' house!

    Good news on the knee/ankle front. Seem to be getting back to normal, so I hope to restart my walking regime. A little late for the October challenge, but I will be very happy to be mobile, once again. I've noticed that a few of you chics have really been "swinging for the fences" with this month's challenge. My compliments!

    Hope you all are having a great weekend.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Last compliments of the day from me....(I has got to get me a long nights sleep....so glad our clocks change here tonight so that I get an extra hour...and for 1 week have a smaller time difference for phone calls home!!)

    JJ - you are the definition of dedication. I also hadn't realised that you only lose about 1 week of the month. The fact that you keep going makes me admire you even more. You are a strong woman.

    Bonnie - I love the new picture. You look so happy in the photo. You also look younger in the photo.
  • Jane, I hope I'm right but:

    If you drink 10+ glasses of water double it.
    Dancing by yourself double, dancing with others or during the 6-9pm time slot x 4
    Compliments - if you compliment 5 others and acknowledge 1, double points.
    Strength - if you add at least 50ft then double it
    Biking - double it and if anyone else is around than it counts as with someone (even if ya don't know them!) x4

    Yep, yep! Except you only need to compliment five others to double your total for the day. Although, please, go ahead and acknowledge as many as you like!

    And yes, it is for Friday, Satuday and Sunday....October 28th, 29th, and 30th.
  • JJ - you are the definition of dedication. I also hadn't realised that you only lose about 1 week of the month. The fact that you keep going makes me admire you even more. You are a strong woman.

    Thank you Steph. It is frustrating but I have learned to live with it. And that one week is AWESOME! LOL!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I need to bump this up, but I also wanted to add a compliment.

    Zena, that is an incredible loss in your lower half this month. You have been putting in the work and making it happen!!

    Let me just tell you that I put in some work at the gym today! My whole body is aching, and I am sitting here praying that whoever is designing next month's challenge does NOT focus on the bike because I could hardly walk after my hour ride this afternoon. i did, however, want to help with the strength mountain, so I continued to give my legs a workout on machines. I would now like to compliment myself on working through the protest of my legs. I knew they would hurt, but I knew I could do it, and I made it happen!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    JJ! I'm up to date. Sorry it took so long. Looking at the spreadsheet I can't belive how awesome everyone did! YOU GUYS ARE TOO GREAT!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Everyone make sure you're doubling or quadrupling according to JJ's update on Page 19 of the old thread...we don't want to lose out on any feet up the mountains in these last couple of days of the month! These extra feet count from yesterday through tomorrow, so just double-check your numbers.

  • JJ! I'm up to date. Sorry it took so long. Looking at the spreadsheet I can't belive how awesome everyone did! YOU GUYS ARE TOO GREAT!!

    I KNOW!!! So awesome!

    Thank you for updating...you saw the part about the weekend challenge and doubles right?
  • Everyone make sure you're doubling or quadrupling according to JJ's update on Page 19 of the old thread...we don't want to lose out on any feet up the mountains in these last couple of days of the month! These extra feet count from yesterday through tomorrow, so just double-check your numbers.


    Yes please!

    And on that note....
    Carla please check your water for the 28th. If you drink 10 or more glasses per day this weekend it should be doubled to 20, so I think yours should be 20.

    Becky, Jane, Brisa, Zena, and Tina please check your dancing for the 28th. They look like the usual amount for your dancing. All dancing is doubled for the weekend. So if you danced alone its double and if you danced with someone (your kid, your spouse, the other people in your dance class) you would quadruple it.

    Jane and Steph check your biking numbers. This weekend all biking done alone is doubled, any biking done in the company of another living human being is quadrupled (so like at the gym).

    Julie check your strength numbers. This weekend, if you do at least 50 feet of strength training then you double the number.

    Not saying that any of these are wrong, just that they stood out as being really similar to what you normally input. If you were a superstar and snuck a few extras in today when you didn't really plan to do a full workout, then that is great too!

    Thank you so much to everyone that biked, complimented, lifted weights of any sort and feels like they are going to float away in a wash of water. I really wanted this challenge to be group goal oriented, not individual or team goal oriented for a change. The reason I wanted that was I thought it would bring us all together as a team and this weekend I feel like we are really starting to see the results of that.

    We look like we are in ok shape for most of the mountains, but still really, really, really need to work on our dancing. Please remember that this can be any kind of dancing, group aerobics, a dvd like 30DS, zumba class, Just Dance, etc fo the wii, or simply dancing to a good song. Dancing a little while you blow dry your hair, doing a little two step on the way to the car, while waiting for the copier to copy, in front of the microwave while you wait for your water to heat up, or my personal favorite...while cooking dinner. No wait! Cynthia's was my favorite, the horizontal dance with your loved one. :wink: This is counted in minutes, so every minute you do it counts.
  • I have a compliment for myself tonight. I have ridden my bike to work the last two days even though it is really cold out. Its about 7 miles roundtrip and I had to put on my very rad handknit fingerless gloves and hat to stay warm, but I did it both days and will do it again tomorrow.

    Real life compliments:

    A customer came in today who had not been in in a couple of months. She asked if I had gotten my haircut and I had, so I said yes. But she kept looking at me funny and finally said...no thats not it. You have lost weight! You look great! I said yes I had and thank you.

    I tried on a sweater I started and put down in disgust when it did not go well about 5 months ago to see how much more I needed to do and realized that it totally does not fit. AT ALL. I was looking at myself in the sweater in the mirror trying to figure out what I wanted to do, rip it out and start over, finish it and put it up for sale in the shop, use it as a store sample, etc etc when a regular customer looked up and said OMG! That is amazing how too big that is! It used to totally fit you! Wow! She went on and on for a while too. :blushing:

    And finally, my daughter asked to borrow the sweater I was wearing today (not the too big one I was knitting). She thought it looked really good on me and that it would therefore look really good on her. Swooooooon!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    OK say October is quickly ending and we need something for November!! The next two months are going to be challenging what with bloody Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving for those of you in the states, the onset of cold weather and the run up to Christmas. So here is my idea:

    :heart: NOVEMBER CHALLENGE!:heart:

    This challenge is open to all the skinny chicks and rooster, but feel free to invite others who you know motivate you or that you know need the motivation.

    Our October challenge has been extremely challenging but it has worked great at getting more people moving and trying new things out of their comfort zone. A BIG BIG BIG thanks to JJ for organising it and for cheering us on throughout out.
    November and December are going to be challenging with the holidays approaching and they are also going to be busy so under JJ’s advice, I propose the challenge is individual. Here is the idea for November:

    1. We will each set 5 individual goals for the month. For example: 1) Lose 5lbs in November. 2) Complete the 30DS 3) Be 10+/- my daily calorie goal every day this month 4) Burn 10% more calories than October 5) Try 5 new foods this month

    2. Every week will have a different focus

    November 1st – 7th: EXERCISE WEEK (there will be daily challenges here, for example 200 crunch Tuesday, 250 stairs Wednesday)
    November 8th – 14th: PERSONAL BEST WEEK – this is your week to break your own records. For example: I will aim to finally run 2km without having to stop and walk. You may choose to tackle more than 1 record of course!
    November 15th – 21st: NUTRITION WEEK our focus this week is food and water. Its also going to be our sharing week. Monday and Wednesday aim for 30%+ protein intake, Tuesday and Thursday is H2O days – its simple drink up!! Friday share your favourite healthy recipe. Saturday/Sunday: Try at least 1 new food and share your thoughts on it.
    November 22nd – 30th: OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE WEEK: This week consists of 3 mini challenges to complete as you can. 1) Try a new class or exercise (we could share what we do to give each other ideas) 2) safely increase the weight or number of reps you are doing with strength training 3) Dedicate 2 hours this week to you. I don’t mean by exercising, I mean by stopping and taking care of you. Soak in the tub, sit and read that book you’ve wanted to, get a manicure etc. We are all people who give give give it would seem and put ourselves on the backburner. So I think it would be a challenge to actually set aside time for us!!

    I haven't had a chance to think about tracking but am kinda thinking perhaps we wouldn't need to??? We could post our goals for the month on a seperate thread. I would post reminders about the weekly challenges and those could form the basis for our discussion and we could celebrate our achievements there??

    Please share your thoughts and ideas and things that could be changed or adjusted. I am away for 1 week in November but should be able to check in and cheer everyone on. But because of this I need to keep the challenge low maintenance. I think we could simply call it: Skinny chicks and a rooster taking care of business challenge.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Oh I've been a lazy cow. :) Moo.

    So first I'll apologize to JJ whom I told privately I've been a lazy cow, in public that I've been a lazy petulant cow because of other challenges and I took it out on this one. But I'm going to finish up with a bang. :);) So once again cuffed and waddling off on the trail cub go I. ;)

    -- You are welcome for the nudge ;) And really it was Becky's fault because she kicked me screaming into it this month even with my boot on and I suppose it's a good thing I didn't give up either, so that makes us both peas in a pod tricked into living our lives and realizing that we can still get in exercise even when we're not in a gym. ;) So I also can't remember if I told you, but, I am WICKED proud of you for climbing all 99 of those steps up Diamond Head to see the glorious view. When we were there in 2005 I was discouraged by HUBBY as 'it's a lot of work' and said 'okay' and we didn't even try. *sighs* When I go back, it won't be that way again ;) I am glad you met the challenge and saw it through. ;)

    -- The bike.. Yeah I had to do it, I knew if I just got the cheap bike I'd never ride it. As it is, It's still sitting because of the ankle being flaky and a half dozen other reasons but thank you. I will continue to use it. I knew I would have to do what I did to make it 'presentable' to myself for happy time. Every time I get out of the car I look at it and smile, MY BIKE. Very happy. ;)
    -- The spreadsheet. I am a geek at heart. Whether it's spreadsheets or graphics or html. Or god knows what, I enjoy doing work for others that can help and make them happy. I always have. I've done things like that for years. DH wonders why the fuk I do all that work for no pay. He fails to realize the simple joy there is to making people happy. It's nice to get paid, but it's not essential. Sometimes a smile or a kind word is worth more, to me anyway, than a big fat check. (of course I have food in my belly and a nice roof over my head, so I have that luxury.) :)

    My compliment to you is for becoming the strong and confident woman who has been lurking inside you all along but has found it easier to hide out inside the soft recesses of the fat chick where it's warm and safe. Sometimes it's hard being exposed when you're all out there standing in the cold wind with no padding, but that just makes our skin a little thicker, and I know you can do it, you have the strength and the brains, and the will to get through it, all of it. Just have faith. :)

    - You crazy red neck *****. *LMAO* I know it's Sunday and you're dying. You're sitting and dying. You're so ****ing tired you can't see sideways to avoid the train that's about to run your *kitten* over. Oh wait, too late. 112 miles. Did I not tell you not to do that day before the event? I love you. I Love you dearly. But I swear to god woman if you kill yourself working out I do not want to have to fly to Seattle to attend that funeral.
    So thank you for the compliment ;) (there's me accepting it up above) :D I hope you had the time of your life Saturday and will remember it always. I hope you exceeded last years funds of $400k, and I hope they carried you Jewish wedding style on a chair through the meeting hall shouting your name in glorious praise. Vale Staci Vale Cesaria Vale Vale Vale... ;)

    -- Fanks for the compliment. You know I'm too crazy not to say it. :) *HUGS* so here goes. *clears throat* *leans over and talks to your girly bits* "Hello in there... attention empty bits... *taps on tummy* Yes you, listen here... There's an impatient woman outside of you... that would like to make sure you are carrying your weight very soon. So please get off your *kitten* and figure out why your **** isn't working and fix it. Because when she's done with the adipocytes, she's comin' for your *kitten* next. And she's not very patient, and I've heard the needles hurt so Snap to it Pidgeon!" *stands up* There that should do it.. Now then.. Lay off the biccies and puddin you know it just stirs them all up into a frenzy of excitement ;) *HUGGGGGGGGGGGS* Have a good cry, a good lie in, and then don't stress any more. Stress isn't good for anyone or anything. And it gives you grey hair dammit. ;)

    -- My compliment is for you being able to hold yourself together in the face of adversity (you friend with the nasty compliments) I'd have decked that ***** a long time ago.. Oh hell yes.

    -- One last compliment for doing the totals and leaders/runners up. I thought I was ****e.. I mean complete ****e. Apparently not so much. Thank you for giving me renewed faith in the fact that I haven't completely ****ing slacked off this month like a horrible fat cow. You are awesome. As always for looking out for the rest of us.

    -- Thank you. But it's very easy with your information my darling. ;) Besides the other individuals on your feed are so polite. I feel as if I must be as much so or someone will give me a bollocking for sure ;) LOL. But it's my pleasure as always to help whenever I can.
    Speaking of compliments I never did say thank you for providing me with some of the biggest laughs this month in your ongoing struggle with Jabba. You and Ironsmasher going on and on about it. just.. saved my sanity on many a day, trust me. And thank you. There is something wholly wonderful and happy about you two going on about f'k the jedi I don't want any more help they'll just die and we'll have to fight more of him ;) LOL... So Cheers.

    -- I'm glad you joined us, if even for a month. I hope you'll join us again. No matter what you stuck with it, that's a good thing. :)

    -Thanks :) It's from a Navy phrase. "You don't have to like it, you just have to do it." I can ***** till the cows come home, it won't make it any less cold, it won't make it suck any less. It'll just delay the inevitable. When it gets right down to it, standing at the edge of the pool staring into the watery abyss my heart still holds still for a moment as I step out into the air waiting for the icy fingers of death to wrap around my body. I know it's coming. I still gear up. I still drive the 25 minutes to the pool. I still get up at 4 in the morning to do it. ;) Just like all those days you got up to take care of your girls with no man around and no one to feed 'em and clothe 'em and get 'em off to school. La vida es puta ;) y tu muerte ;) ja ja ja ;) At least we can die with red leather minis and heels on ;)

    -- my compliment is for you hanging with us all month. And look what happened ;) inches lost chest, waist, hips, thighs, arms!!! See there, before you blink you're going to be a very very tiny Ziggy ;)

    -- My compliment for you is for having the courage to change your life for the better even through all of the **** being kicked in your general direction for so very long. A new outlook on life, new food, new exercise, quitting smoking, ditching the dead weight of 200+ lbs ;), adding another 200+lbs ;) (better weight) ;) planning a wedding, taking care of the kids, getting over your crisis of faith. Through it all you're still here, still with us, still movin along. ;) It proves that no matter what happens you still wake up every day and the choices you make today reflect on yourself for the rest of your life, so keep making great choices. I know you can do it. :)

    -- Go back to study! ;) LOL I love you, but I can't have you failing because you're having too much fun ;D

    So my compliment to myself today was, actually from last week I forgot to log it. I came out to the garden and was looking at the plants and noticed that Erik's hydroponic tomato was seriously in need of being tied up. I told him he said yeah okay. In that, "yeah whatever let it die." kind of way. I told him, "you are so ****ing lazy". I know. so bad. But I couldn't help it. I got out 4 straight stakes and made a 'ladder' with string. then I dragged over a chair and just. yeah you guessed it, put one foot up on the chair then stepped up 2 feet with the other, took a moment to balance on the sloped surface and stood up and finished tying up the ladder to suspend from the beam so it hung down, then tied it off to the beam on the side. Sure it kinda looks like crazy monkey bat ****, but it works, the tomato plant is happy it's grown another 6 inches in the 4 days since I tied it up, and it's popped out 2 tomatoes. So I guess it needed it. Oh yeah and it's not leaning anymore. :P I definitely couldn't have done that 110 lbs ago, I would have went through the wicker chair first of all. Second I couldn't have propelled myself up onto the chair. So. happy.

    Earlier in the week I had gone to check out the rear planting bed behind the pool, you also have to step up about 2.5 feet, right up. no problem. zoom. I stood looking down for about 10 minutes though wondering if I was going to snap an ankle when I dropped down, and finally decided **** it and stepped off, and came down no problem like wtf have you been standing there for? Felt kinda stupid and sheepish. Gonna have to stop worrying about what I USED to not be able to do, and just DO. It's like what Stubbysticks said the other day....

    Why the hell aren't you rude people moving to get the hell out of my way. Oh yeah. I'm not fat enough anymore to make you people move. ****. Ooops. I forgot.

    Last compliment to myself was... Today when I was getting dressed to go out to dinner with Erik I put on my dress and stockings and thought, wonder if I could wear my heels. I haven't worn them in, I don't know. I really don't know. I can't remember the last time I wore them. I pulled them down, they're 1.5 or 2" I can't tell off hand, not high, but, black suede pumps. put them on the ground, slid my right foot in.. and it's slightly loose. what the? mmmkay, put the left one on, it's not loose, but it's not tight. Considering the ankle had been swollen and hurting all day yesterday I was like wtf. I was standing on the heels. My feet didn't instantly hurt. STFU. I of course had the instant ankle PTSD flash of me going *kitten* over tea kettle when I blew out an ankle wearing them, so I took them off. But for the 2 minutes I had them on, my only thought was, "wow my ankles don't even look fat". I swear to god. So I am proud of the fact that I can hopefully once again wear heels should I need to. It'd be nice to wear them again and not feel like the fat heffalump in comfortable shoes.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Hi stephanie
    thanks for the info. I'll tentatively say i'm in. But i probably need to up front say my participation might not be consistent, depending on what happens with my mum's surgery on Tuesday. (scared!)