Safeway groceries are horrible people.



  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I worked at a Vons store back in early 2000s and it was infuriating when people would munch while shopping, not because they were thieves but because there ARE lots of thieves out there that leave there garbage all over the store and as an employee you have no way of knowing. Whenever I saw people leave an empty package somewhere I would bring it to them with a big smiling "excuse me, you dropped this" LOL

    As for this situation, most big chain stores have ZERO TOLERANCE policies. I think it was a bit harsh that the husband was arrested as well but other than that the store just did what they had to do. I don't understand what people are freaking out about? If you steal something, whether intentionally or not, you get in trouble. She can show it was a mistake in court (which I'm sure they'll let it slide since she is preggo), that is what court is for.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I say bring back the good old days. Up until 1832 petty theft was a hanging offence in the UK. :tongue:
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I say bring back the good old days. Up until 1832 petty theft was a hanging offence in the UK. :tongue:

    Let's chop off their fingers. That'll learn em!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    i always drink something im buying while in the store...hell, ill open up food if im hungry. And no one, NO going to grief me over it.

    That is because everyone is too depressed thinking about those Colts to care.

    damn! that was

    :laugh: Just messing with you.

    I give you credit for proudly displaying the team logo. I have been a diehard Steeler fan since I was a kid.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People keep saying "it's only $5" and someone said she'd be more upset if someone stole $500 from her wallet than $5. But what if 100 people stole $5 from your wallet?

    Those "little" shoplifting incidents add up and a lot of people do not get caught. It costs companies a lot of money over the long-term. Most people who shoplift are not stealing high-priced items. They're stealing bottles of nail polish, makeup, food, you name it. Most of it is probably less than $5.

    If it was a genuine mistake, this is a pretty tragic incident. But like everyone else, I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't something we're missing about what happened. We pretty much only really have the side of the people who were arrested and their press-happy attorney.

    I don't really care what's happening on their Facebook page. I'm on Facebook. I see some pretty ridiculous things posted and reposted and reposted on there every day.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459

    I have walked out of the store with my kid holding a pack of gun he grabbed at the register, he was 12 months old

    You must be in Texas. ;-)

    Im assuming by "gun" she meant gum.

    you steal you go to jail. but im thinking there is more to the story. i have a sneaky suspicion that the cops asked them if they had anyone to call to get the kids mom and dad said no. therefore authorities had no choice but to call CPS. I want to see the video inside the store.

    Cant wait for the truth!
  • dbecker70
    dbecker70 Posts: 161 Member
    LOL are you serious? I remember being a kid and my mom would open up something in the store and let me sit in the buggy and eat...people are a joke.

    In this case, the woman ate some sandwiches while in the store and DID NOT PAY FOR THEM. That is theft.

    it is theft, but they could have charged her without going to such extremes! i don't understand how that is ok..

    Thank you! I agree with you!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    seriously, it was a mistake-I can't believe what they did to them- I accidentally walked out of the supermarket with water on the bottom of my cart and I am not a thief.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    seriously, it was a mistake-I can't believe what they did to them- I accidentally walked out of the supermarket with water on the bottom of my cart and I am not a thief.
    I did go back to pay for it by the way!
  • dbecker70
    dbecker70 Posts: 161 Member
    I am not here to debate if it is wrong or right to eat in a grocery store, I just feel that the actions taken by the safeway manager were a bit extreme.

    They bought 50 dollars worth of grogeries so I don't think that they were trying to get away with $5 sandwiches for free. They offered to pay for it, I know being pregnant leaves you or at least me absent minded, also just moving there can make you tired. I honestly feel they forgot, but that is just me. right or wrong? I don't know, but I understand.

    I have walked out of the store with my kid holding a pack of gun he grabbed at the register, he was 12 months old so he didn't know and I was paying so i didn't see him grab it. Once I got in the pakring lot I seen him chewing on it and ran inside and offered to pay. We all make mistakes, but arresting both parents, actually arresting them at all is a bit extreme.

    I have seen many adults that shoplifted, but they weren't all arrested, they did get charged and convicted with shoplifting, it's not a felony though. It is not right to try to steal anytihng, but having a criminal record because they forgot to pay for $5 sandwiches? I am not sure it was intentional so I don't agree.

    I am boycotting safeway, i may be alone, but until this mess gets straightened out, I am done with safeway.

    You are not alone. :)
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    seriously, it was a mistake-I can't believe what they did to them- I accidentally walked out of the supermarket with water on the bottom of my cart and I am not a thief.
    I did go back to pay for it by the way!

    I did go back in and paid the one time I accidentally walked out without paying! I had taught my kids that stealing is wrong. Period...So how could I teach a child if my actions didn't show I really believed it.

    Still think this incident may have been a mistake. If I was going to deliberately eat a sandwich then not pay for it, I sure wouldn't keep the wrapper. I'd ditch it somewhere inside long before I got to the check out line. I truly hope it was a mistake, because I hate to think a parent would deliberately steal with their child watching them. Our actions speak louder than our words!

    Am I sure it was a mistake? No. Just as I couldn't be sure it was a deliberate attempt to steal. My crystal ball is broken!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    1. Irritates me when people use pregnancy as an excuse for anything. Special parking spots, absent minded-activity. Get a grip.

    2. There has to be more to the story. You know we're not getting all of it, this is american media. For all we know, this is the 10th time they've done this and the store has had enough of "Oh I forgot, let me pay now"....

    3. That's all.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    When I was 13 I used a stick of deodorant after a soccer game and put it back on the shelf.
    I wasn't pregnant though.

    I think I bought that stick, I wondered why it smelled like a 13 year olds soccer game sweat:)
    Did it smell like teen spirit?
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
  • redcore
    I think it's bad form to eat in a grocery store before you pay. That's just me. I don't think they should've been arrested for it (unless it was not the first offense, which is entirely likely) though.

    That said I love my Safeway and the people that work there. I wouldn't boycott them for a little incident like this. I mean, that's a little extreme. If that's your moral stance, I sure hope you're not shopping at any big box store like Walmart either.
  • revnica
    wow safeway don't play! i used to work at shoprite, if they where like safeway at least a dozen customers would be arrested there everyday!!!!
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    My 2 cents...

    They should've paid inside for the sandwich. HOWEVER this has all kinds of FAIL by the store written on it.

    The loss prevention people were FOLLOWING them through the store. When they got to the register, loss prevention was STILL FOLLOWING THEM. Why not bring it up there so they could pay for it? Pregnant and with a 3 yo -- you could probably profile it and see it was likely forgotten. If the intent was stealing, why not ditch the wrapper?

    They waited til they got OUT of the store to confront them. They realized the mistake and offered to pay for the sandwich. Heck take the money and ban them if you want. But no, the manager said once they leave the store he can't take money. Um, why didn't you take it IN the store?

    Next the manager insisted on calling the cops, who took 4 hours to show up. The COPS SAID "Why don't you let them pay for it?" Manager said no he wanted them arrested. Cops offered to arrest her since she ate the sandwich and have dad take the daughter, manager said NO he wanted BOTH arrested. Cops offered to arrest one first, let them bail out and come back for the other so the daughter wouldn't go into the system. IT WAS THE SAFEWAY MANAGER that insisted they BOTH be arrested AT THE SAME TIME, which then put the little girl in CPS. BTW, anyone notice in the story that she's a former Air Force Staff Sergeant? Defends our country and this is the thanks she gets.

    As for suing, yeah, I think they should sue. The manager had a ton of options to deal with this. And yes, theft is theft, but there are DEGREES of theft. So now because he wouldn't take $5 for the sandwiches, Safeway is dealing with legal fees, bad press, possible boycotts, and the parents have been left with a kid who will probably be freaked out for some time to come.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    People keep saying "it's only $5" and someone said she'd be more upset if someone stole $500 from her wallet than $5. But what if 100 people stole $5 from your wallet?

    I was just going to post the same thing. What if there was several people who took 5$ out of the wallet?
    IT WAS THE SAFEWAY MANAGER that insisted they BOTH be arrested AT THE SAME TIME, which then put the little girl in CPS. BTW, anyone notice in the story that she's a former Air Force Staff Sergeant? Defends our country and this is the thanks she gets.
    And you were there to know this by fact? Didn't think so either ;)
    And what the hell has the latter thing have anything to do with the situation? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    Also, very sorry to tell you but pregnancy is not a disease or handicap. You still need to consider other people around you, behave (and eating before paying is behaving badly) and yeas, laws and rules apply to you too.
    If you know that you get easily hungry, then carry some snacks with you. It really is not that difficult.

    Here we see again how selfish people are these days, it's sad :frown: It's really not that hard to wait for 15 minutes until you're out of the store. Just try it even once :wink:
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member

    They bought 50 dollars worth of grogeries so I don't think that they were trying to get away with $5 sandwiches for free. They offered to pay for it, I know being pregnant leaves you or at least me absent minded, also just moving there can make you tired. I honestly feel they forgot, but that is just me. right or wrong? I don't know, but I understand.

    I agree you tend to forget about stuff when pregnant. Her husband, however, has no excuses...
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    My 2 cents...

    They should've paid inside for the sandwich. HOWEVER this has all kinds of FAIL by the store written on it.

    The loss prevention people were FOLLOWING them through the store. When they got to the register, loss prevention was STILL FOLLOWING THEM. Why not bring it up there so they could pay for it? Pregnant and with a 3 yo -- you could probably profile it and see it was likely forgotten. If the intent was stealing, why not ditch the wrapper?

    They waited til they got OUT of the store to confront them. They realized the mistake and offered to pay for the sandwich. Heck take the money and ban them if you want. But no, the manager said once they leave the store he can't take money. Um, why didn't you take it IN the store?

    Next the manager insisted on calling the cops, who took 4 hours to show up. The COPS SAID "Why don't you let them pay for it?" Manager said no he wanted them arrested. Cops offered to arrest her since she ate the sandwich and have dad take the daughter, manager said NO he wanted BOTH arrested. Cops offered to arrest one first, let them bail out and come back for the other so the daughter wouldn't go into the system. IT WAS THE SAFEWAY MANAGER that insisted they BOTH be arrested AT THE SAME TIME, which then put the little girl in CPS. BTW, anyone notice in the story that she's a former Air Force Staff Sergeant? Defends our country and this is the thanks she gets.

    As for suing, yeah, I think they should sue. The manager had a ton of options to deal with this. And yes, theft is theft, but there are DEGREES of theft. So now because he wouldn't take $5 for the sandwiches, Safeway is dealing with legal fees, bad press, possible boycotts, and the parents have been left with a kid who will probably be freaked out for some time to come.

    Where did you get all the information from? The only part of what you have said that I saw in the article was the she used to be in the air force. :huh:

    And why should the fact that she was previously in the air force mean she shouldn't have been arrested? Does that mean that if a former member of the armed forces commits any crime then they should be exempt from prosecution?