<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • So I think I've decided to up my base calories to 2300 for the next week and gradually work my way up to 2500 net. I think I've decided my maintenance is about 2250 net. I haven't gained anything yet on my "bulk".

    you are so inspirational. it's crazy that you're not GAINING at least slowly on 2200 net. My net is a full 1000 less than yours...I am maintaining and it's great...I wish I could net more but i MUST workout to eat 2200 calories a day!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So I think I've decided to up my base calories to 2300 for the next week and gradually work my way up to 2500 net. I think I've decided my maintenance is about 2250 net. I haven't gained anything yet on my "bulk".

    you are so inspirational. it's crazy that you're not GAINING at least slowly on 2200 net. My net is a full 1000 less than yours...I am maintaining and it's great...I wish I could net more but i MUST workout to eat 2200 calories a day!

    But I'm like a foot taller than you. It's not that surprising that I have to eat more..... at least you get to date short men... :wink:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Rachel, you COULD date short men. You'd just be one of those couples that everyone looks at awkwardly ALL THE TIME.

    I'm jealous of you tall ladies - you just plain get to eat more and always will. But i'm pretty happy at 5'6" - I wouldn't mind being just an inch taller but I think right around 5'6" 5'7" is where they normalize a lot of clothing sizes. Not that it matters because with my super short legs nad super long torso nothing fits anyway. My boyfriend finds this very attractive for reason - his last 2 girlfriends were also short legged with dark hair. Meanwhile he is tall and blond with super long legs. The jerk.

    I am hungry ALL the time lately and I can't tell if its my body genuinely telling me to eat more because I've got too much of a deficit (doubtful but my favorite option) or if its because that super hunger you get after losing a few pounds has finally kicked in. I was bracing myself for it for MONTHS and it didn't happen for some reason (you know the thing I mean, you lose some weight and your body goes "holy **** we're not supposed to be this thin, EAT EAT EAT").

    I'm pretty sure its the latter and it SUCKS because I'm hungry. Constantly. I had a HUGE bowl of beef and bean chili for lunch and barely 3 hours later I'm starving.

    I wonder if its because I was SO overweight - last time I dieted I was like 155 (HA!) so I had some weight to lose but not as much as what I started with this time (210). So maybe now that i'm approaching what I would guess is a pretty similar body composition to back then my body thinks its good at this weight and wants to stop.
  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    So, question for you all: if you were invited to a Kitchen Tea/Hens night for someone that you really did not like, someone who made your life hell for a number of years but seems to think that everyone should forgive her for that - would you go? Have you ever been invited to something that you really did.not.want to go to?

    Ummm that is a hard one, I'd be partial to say I had something else on and skip it, but I think it would depend on who the person was, what their relationship to you was and whether you really want to have anything to do with them in the future. If there was a big group of friends going you could keep clear of the person you really didnt like and enjoy the party - based on the kitchen tea parties I have been to, there is always yummy food to enjoy :-)

    Did a boxing class at my gym this morning, I used to box 3-4 times a week until I did a bit of damage to my pec mnior. Tt felt great to get back to it after a few months off.
    The sun is shining today in Melbourne and everyone is out exercising, I'm stuck at work now but happy I got my workout for the day in.
    Happy weekend!

  • I'm pretty sure its the latter and it SUCKS because I'm hungry. Constantly. I had a HUGE bowl of beef and bean chili for lunch and barely 3 hours later I'm starving.

    I'm starving at every 3 hour interval no matter what..."barely" for me is 1 hour. lol.
  • 2242 calories for me today. I had to do a couple extra minutes of strength training and 7 minutes of jogging to fit in another snack. I HATE going over on my calorie target. I am vowing to go the entire month without going over my target....okay, maybe 1 overage since it is turkey month. lol
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Went out with some friends tonight and found out another friend went through with lap band surgery recently and has already dropped 60 pounds. Made me kind of mad, I have been working my *kitten* off since December of last year, hours spent planning, logging, exercising, motivating myself, struggling through plateaus, etc. It just sounds so easy to have a little surgery and be done with it. I would never choose that for myself, but still found myself being a little jealous. And I still have to make it to maintenance and figure that whole system out too. And then when I think I have it figured out, I am sure I will still have struggles.
    Pretty stupid, but it makes me mad that it was so "easy" for her.
    I do sort of feel like it lit a fire under my butt though, I haven't seen her yet, but when I do, I want her to see all my muscles! Haha.
    You guys can tell me I am being shallow or stupid, I can take it. I just wanted to get my feelings out here so it doesn't fester inside me for too long.
  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    Don’t worry @jomatho by losing weight the "traditional" way you are more likely to keep it off for life. Making a change to your lifestyle through healthy eating and exercise will give you lasting power. Lap banding does work and for some people it’s the only option. My mother-in-law had it done a few years back due to some serious health issues and she lost a huge amount of weight. Over the past few months she has been putting back on heaps of weight because her diet is horrible (!!!!) and she never learnt the skills she needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And really, who would want to live off a few bites of food per day with fear of throwing it all back up if you eat just one mouthful more...not me! I think we all have something in common on this thread, we like to workout hard and eat well!!!

    Just take this a motivation to keep going and working hard towards your goals!!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    2555 for me today! Had weight lifting and a yoga class, plus eating up some of my 'leftover' cals from earlier in the week. We went to Longhorn Steakhouse with a friend and I had nearly 1500 calories of bread, cheese fries, salad, steak and sweet potato with butter and cinnamon sugar. Yum :-)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Went out with some friends tonight and found out another friend went through with lap band surgery recently and has already dropped 60 pounds. Made me kind of mad, I have been working my *kitten* off since December of last year, hours spent planning, logging, exercising, motivating myself, struggling through plateaus, etc. It just sounds so easy to have a little surgery and be done with it. I would never choose that for myself, but still found myself being a little jealous. And I still have to make it to maintenance and figure that whole system out too. And then when I think I have it figured out, I am sure I will still have struggles.
    Pretty stupid, but it makes me mad that it was so "easy" for her.
    I do sort of feel like it lit a fire under my butt though, I haven't seen her yet, but when I do, I want her to see all my muscles! Haha.
    You guys can tell me I am being shallow or stupid, I can take it. I just wanted to get my feelings out here so it doesn't fester inside me for too long.

    lol to be honest, I would feel exactly like you do!! Having been morbidly obese myself, I am one of those people who just refuses to believe that surgery is the only option. I read online the other day about a procedure where the doctor sews a piece of mesh to your tongue for months at a time in order to making eating painful....so that you don't eat.

    Seriously, the things that people will do to get out of having to eat a little less and shake their *kitten* a little more.

    I'm going to have to go through my current friends list on MFP and unfriend some folks - I feel really bad about it, but theres only so many times that I can encourage someone to eat more and not net negative amounts of calories.
    Honestly, today my breakfast (crumpets with almond butter and later a pimped out protein shake) came it at 700 calories - thats just for breakfast!! Thats what some folks are eating all day!! ALL DAY!!!
    I just don't know what to say anymore.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    2555 for me today! Had weight lifting and a yoga class, plus eating up some of my 'leftover' cals from earlier in the week. We went to Longhorn Steakhouse with a friend and I had nearly 1500 calories of bread, cheese fries, salad, steak and sweet potato with butter and cinnamon sugar. Yum :-)

    Aaahhh, that sounds so good. :) I had a bad week last week when I underate (got too busy to think about eating), so I think I'm overcompensating this week, lol. Second day this week where I've hit 3k calories. I'll feel it tomorrow!

    We're finally getting a good storm this weekend, so I think we're holing up the rest of the weekend and cleaning out the fridge of leftovers. May have to venture to the store when the storm breaks to find me some steak.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    So, question for you all: if you were invited to a Kitchen Tea/Hens night for someone that you really did not like, someone who made your life hell for a number of years but seems to think that everyone should forgive her for that - would you go? Have you ever been invited to something that you really did.not.want to go to?
    If I really didn't want to go, I wouldn't. Period. But if I wanted to, & was only hesitating because of some skank, I'd DEFINITELY go. Let her eat her heart out because you're doing so awesome fitnesswise.
    But it's slow going...I'm still intimidated by the whole weight-room world, but trying to get over it. If anyone has similar goals and/or advice, I'd love to hear about it - I swear, one day I will no longer have Grover arms! :)
    LOL @ the Grover arms! I felt weird going into the weight room at first too, but I had a routine & just focused on executing it every week. The more I did it, the more my form improved & the more progress I made from week to week. Now that I'm a fixture in the Man Zone I get a lot of respect from the guys...even though I still have more weight to lose, I lift heavier than a lot of them & they know I take my shyt seriously!

    My advice? Find a routine you'd like to start with & get used to the free weights. The more time you spend in there, the less self-conscious you'll be. And lift HEAVY...so heavy that by the time you get to that 8th rep you're shaking & can barely complete it. That's what will force muscle growth. Read up on progressive overload.
    Also if this little flap of flab on my arms isn't gone when I am done losing weight (or well, a year afterwards I guess) I WILL be seeing a surgeon. I *HATE* doing lateral lifts and seeing that skin hanging off there - its so icky.
    I considered that too, because I've got the bingo wings goin on. Just for kicks I did some Google searching & came across a blog post from a woman who'd had that extra skin removed. The scar ran all the way from her armpit to her elbow & it looked AWFUL, even after healing. I would NEVER raise my arms EVER with scars like that. I'll take my bingo wings any day, thank you very much.
    Went out with some friends tonight and found out another friend went through with lap band surgery recently and has already dropped 60 pounds. Made me kind of mad, I have been working my *kitten* off since December of last year, hours spent planning, logging, exercising, motivating myself, struggling through plateaus, etc. It just sounds so easy to have a little surgery and be done with it. I would never choose that for myself, but still found myself being a little jealous. And I still have to make it to maintenance and figure that whole system out too. And then when I think I have it figured out, I am sure I will still have struggles.
    Pretty stupid, but it makes me mad that it was so "easy" for her.
    There's a lot I could say about this but I'll try to keep it short. A major factor in me deciding to commit to weight loss when I did was my husband's decision to have gastric band surgery. He had started going through the big long pre-op process & I knew I didn't want to have surgery myself, but I also didn't want to be his fat wife especially after he lost the weight. So off I went, & by the time he had his surgery in January I'd lost around 55 lbs, & had begun lifting heavy about a month before that.

    My husband lost about 90 lbs within the first 3 months post-op & I can totally relate to the jealousy. Like WTF I had to work HARD to get this weight off & he gets to drop 90 just like that?? But I gritted my teeth & kept doin my thing anyway, & he kinda sorta paid attention to his diet, but it didn't really matter what he ate because the sheer volume of it was so small he'd still lose.

    As with many people who have similar surgeries, the slacking off on watching what he ate caught up with him & he has put some weight back on. It's a work in progress. I'm not his mother, but as his friend I do speak up when I see things getting out of hand & that's all I can do.

    I am no longer jealous because he does not have the muscle definition, strength & endurance I have worked hard for, & he is not as well-informed about nutrition as I am since his weight loss was not contingent on WHAT he ate, just how much. I make conscious decisions to eat absolutely everything that I put in my mouth. Because I have not had my stomach surgically altered, if I want to gorge myself on delicious food one day a week or on vacations or holidays, I can do that with little to no impact. There are some foods he can't eat at all now without paying dearly for them, & he can't have large quantities of anything.

    Losing weight quickly is nothing to be jealous of. Having seen up close & personal how easily the weight comes back on even for someone with a band, I don't regret for one second losing weight the way I've done it. And next time I meet someone who has had surgery & lost more than I have in less time, I won't be jealous then either, because my level of fitness isn't something anyone can have without working for it.

    Speaking of which, gotta share a NSV, today I progressed the weight in my barbell squats to 135 lbs. I have been waiting for the day I can finally load those damn 45 lbs plates on the bar, & today was the day!! And I got 3 sets in. I was super psyched. I was also amused a short time later when a young guy loaded up the bar with the same weight to do squats, & he did a bunch but barely even bent his knees! I wanted to go over & tell him he needed to squat deeper but it probably would have embarrased him, lol.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Soooo I did my friday weighin and I came in at -1.8lbs. That's neat and all but WTH? Earlier this week and all last week I was showing fluctuations high or in the middle. Last week I didn't log my weight because of all the fluctuation. The week before I had a 2lb loss. the week before that I didn't log my weight because of the exact same kind of fluctuation.

    I'm not really going to complain about that loss but it makes me nervous.

    Of course - I just gained it all back (and more probably) in pheasant pot pie (tastes like turkey) with a puff pastry crust, half a cheese plate (oh my god there was this one cheese that tasted like BUTTER but better), half a black truffle mac&cheese (with gruyere) and a cocktail.

    Eesh. Need to get my eating slightly under control.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Tonight was dinner at the in-law's house. I arrived with about 700 calories to use up, and I never know what's on the menu because my FIL is vegetarian and my MIL eats chicken, but both are heavy on lentils and veggie stuff. They also don't mind frying their food. When I got there, they had squash & green beans, a spicy tofu patty thing, some mushrooms in mixed stringy/leafy things, and a vegetarian loaf. This vegetarian loaf is made of gluten and is in essence "fake meat" and really wasn't appetizing. It also came from a box. The best part of dinner was the red velvet birthday cake for my niece and daughter. But I seriously didn't eat a fulfilling dinner, and couldn't complain about it either. On my way home with 350 calories left, I developed a headache and wondered if it was from not eating enough, so I ended this night with a late bowl of Kashi cereal. I haven't had a food headache in such a long time, probably since I've been on 1200 calories. I'm looking forward to working out hard tomorrow so I can eat more.

    Re: lap band surgery, I don't have personal experience with this, but I had a girlfriend who moved away have the surgery done. I didn't know it when I saw her Facebook pictures of an uber-skinny version of herself, so when I asked her what she did to lose the weight, she mentioned the lap band surgery. The feeling I had (but didn't tell her) was similar to jealousy, like "I am busting my *kitten* to work out hard to lose my weight, and here you've lost the weight so quickly. It's like cheating!" I understand the surgery can be medically necessary to some, and I don't envy the restricted diet one would have to be on for the rest of their life. I have never considered it for myself. I just wanted to agree that my initial reaction was probably a jealous one as well. But as the weeks roll onward and I have still managed to maintain my weight, I am very proud that I did it the hard way, and have learned/am still learning so much throughout the process.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    This is a group that I can get on board with!!! Right now MFP has my daily cals at 1770 (I have quite a bit to lose), but I burn between 300-400 working out, so that typically bumps me up to over 2000 regularly. I've been sick this week and haven't eaten the greatest, so I'm looking forward to getting back to it!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    @kat: thanks for the info about your hubby, I have to admit that I've only ever known two people who had the band and they both eventually started to gain weight sometime after. Apparently there are things that you can slip past the band, or something to that effect. You're right, I wouldn't give up my fitness, muscles or nutrition knowledge for some quick weight loss. Thanks for the perspective xx

    Welcome PoisonGirl!! You're amongst friends here! We love to eat, love to workout and we' re basically just awesome...

    Love and lollipops xx
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Re: Jo and weight loss surgery -- honestly I've had several friends get the lapband or similar and I do not yet know ANYONE it has been wildly successful for. The three girls I talked to the most dropped 40-60 pounds right away -- and then their weight loss completely stalled or they went up a few pounds. And all of them had more to lose - not vanity-more but just MORE more. And they had a serious life altering (and threatening) surgery just to lose 1/3-1/2 of the extra weight and then completely stall out.

    So don't even think about jealousy. Maybe 1 in 20 is successful but the vast majority gain the weight back or only lose a portion of the weight they need to lose and then can't loose anymore. My friend just had it too - I really encouraged her not too but there was nothing I could say that would make her change her mind - she'd tried 'everything' and nothing 'worked'. So far as I could see her 'everything' consisted of a few months of sugar free jello and crystal light and grilled chicken breasts followed by returning a few weeks or months later to the old days of 2 gigantic strawberry daquiris and sliders.

    Re: Stubby and the arms - mine aren't so bad - its mostly a little tiny pouch under the upper arms. I could live with a scar there. But maybe they have to do the whole arm for proportion or something? That probably wouldn't work for me. I dunno, I dont' need it to be perfect but its SO disturbing to me, I think a scar would bother me less. Hopefully it will tighten up and won't be too big of an issue.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    My mom got the lap band. She actually needed it medically---she's had knee surgeries that has turned into her losing cartilage and now has arthritis. And she's also had lung surgery so lung function isn't 100%. She still walks nearly daily, but still has issues with the lap band. She often tries to eat too much too fast, or tries to take too big of bites and food gets stuck and she has to purge.

    She has lost 100 lbs on it though, so all in all she's seen some success.
  • Welcome poisongirl...how old are you? Married? Do you have anyone on board with your weight loss goals?

    Morning everyone :) happy Saturday. I am going to bake some more today! Yay
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    So, question for you all: if you were invited to a Kitchen Tea/Hens night for someone that you really did not like, someone who made your life hell for a number of years but seems to think that everyone should forgive her for that - would you go? Have you ever been invited to something that you really did.not.want to go to?
    If I really didn't want to go, I wouldn't. Period. But if I wanted to, & was only hesitating because of some skank, I'd DEFINITELY go. Let her eat her heart out because you're doing so awesome fitnesswise.
    But it's slow going...I'm still intimidated by the whole weight-room world, but trying to get over it. If anyone has similar goals and/or advice, I'd love to hear about it - I swear, one day I will no longer have Grover arms! :)
    LOL @ the Grover arms! I felt weird going into the weight room at first too, but I had a routine & just focused on executing it every week. The more I did it, the more my form improved & the more progress I made from week to week. Now that I'm a fixture in the Man Zone I get a lot of respect from the guys...even though I still have more weight to lose, I lift heavier than a lot of them & they know I take my shyt seriously!

    My advice? Find a routine you'd like to start with & get used to the free weights. The more time you spend in there, the less self-conscious you'll be. And lift HEAVY...so heavy that by the time you get to that 8th rep you're shaking & can barely complete it. That's what will force muscle growth. Read up on progressive overload.
    Also if this little flap of flab on my arms isn't gone when I am done losing weight (or well, a year afterwards I guess) I WILL be seeing a surgeon. I *HATE* doing lateral lifts and seeing that skin hanging off there - its so icky.
    I considered that too, because I've got the bingo wings goin on. Just for kicks I did some Google searching & came across a blog post from a woman who'd had that extra skin removed. The scar ran all the way from her armpit to her elbow & it looked AWFUL, even after healing. I would NEVER raise my arms EVER with scars like that. I'll take my bingo wings any day, thank you very much.
    Went out with some friends tonight and found out another friend went through with lap band surgery recently and has already dropped 60 pounds. Made me kind of mad, I have been working my *kitten* off since December of last year, hours spent planning, logging, exercising, motivating myself, struggling through plateaus, etc. It just sounds so easy to have a little surgery and be done with it. I would never choose that for myself, but still found myself being a little jealous. And I still have to make it to maintenance and figure that whole system out too. And then when I think I have it figured out, I am sure I will still have struggles.
    Pretty stupid, but it makes me mad that it was so "easy" for her.
    There's a lot I could say about this but I'll try to keep it short. A major factor in me deciding to commit to weight loss when I did was my husband's decision to have gastric band surgery. He had started going through the big long pre-op process & I knew I didn't want to have surgery myself, but I also didn't want to be his fat wife especially after he lost the weight. So off I went, & by the time he had his surgery in January I'd lost around 55 lbs, & had begun lifting heavy about a month before that.

    My husband lost about 90 lbs within the first 3 months post-op & I can totally relate to the jealousy. Like WTF I had to work HARD to get this weight off & he gets to drop 90 just like that?? But I gritted my teeth & kept doin my thing anyway, & he kinda sorta paid attention to his diet, but it didn't really matter what he ate because the sheer volume of it was so small he'd still lose.

    As with many people who have similar surgeries, the slacking off on watching what he ate caught up with him & he has put some weight back on. It's a work in progress. I'm not his mother, but as his friend I do speak up when I see things getting out of hand & that's all I can do.

    I am no longer jealous because he does not have the muscle definition, strength & endurance I have worked hard for, & he is not as well-informed about nutrition as I am since his weight loss was not contingent on WHAT he ate, just how much. I make conscious decisions to eat absolutely everything that I put in my mouth. Because I have not had my stomach surgically altered, if I want to gorge myself on delicious food one day a week or on vacations or holidays, I can do that with little to no impact. There are some foods he can't eat at all now without paying dearly for them, & he can't have large quantities of anything.

    Losing weight quickly is nothing to be jealous of. Having seen up close & personal how easily the weight comes back on even for someone with a band, I don't regret for one second losing weight the way I've done it. And next time I meet someone who has had surgery & lost more than I have in less time, I won't be jealous then either, because my level of fitness isn't something anyone can have without working for it.

    Speaking of which, gotta share a NSV, today I progressed the weight in my barbell squats to 135 lbs. I have been waiting for the day I can finally load those damn 45 lbs plates on the bar, & today was the day!! And I got 3 sets in. I was super psyched. I was also amused a short time later when a young guy loaded up the bar with the same weight to do squats, & he did a bunch but barely even bent his knees! I wanted to go over & tell him he needed to squat deeper but it probably would have embarrased him, lol.

    Congrats to you!!!!!