Starting 30 Day Shred 11/14/11



  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    yay just completed day 2 of level 1:smile: im real proud of myself cos i came home and did it after working an 11 hour day on my feet so im feeling a real sense of achievement right now:happy:
    i am doing shred every other day this week and going to increase to daily next week! i dont want to go to hard out and injure myself which is what normally happend tehe
    the pushups are sooooo hard! i cant wait to be able to do them without pausing and shaking hahahahaha

    hope everyone is going well with it:wink:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Great job!! How are you liking it so far?
  • fitmel08
    Hey group!

    WOW- my arms and shoulders are so sore from doing the pushups on Tuesday (I did a level 2 though on accident, so today I'll make sure to do level 1 for the rest of the week). I also heard that doing every other day is better to let the muscle groups rest, so 2 days per week I'm going to do like a spin class or some other type of cardio for at least 30 minutes.

    I have a quick question though-

    :ohwell: How are you guys logging the 30DS on your exercise diary? I just put "circuit training" for Tuesday but not sure if that's right.
  • queenbee917
    queenbee917 Posts: 50 Member
    Completed day two this morning, I think will change to every other two was harder than day 1. Not sure if it was the time of day I did it(today I did it 5am), but I wanted to quit, but I didnt. I will rest tomorrow and do it on Saturday. Saturday is my new weigh in day.
    How often are we going to measure? I think I will wait until the 30day mark to remeasure.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Well I did day 1 on 11/15 and today I am STILL in pain. My abs actually hurt more today than they did yesterday and my thighs are still just as bad. Had no clue I was really THIS out of shape. Kind of embarrassing. Of course I did do a long walk on the treadmill yesterday when maybe I should have completely taken the day off, so it's probably my own fault. Hopefully I'll be up to doing day 2 tomorrow. It's obviously going to take me more than 30 days to do this. LOL

    I go my starting measurements, wasn't really sure if I was doing it right at the time and probably measured more than I'm supposed to LOL, but here's what I wrote down:

    right lower thigh - 15.25"
    right upper thigh - 23.5"
    butt/hips - 40.5"
    navel - 36"
    natural waist - 30"
    under bust - 28.5"
    over bust (wearing tight fitting sports bra) - 34"
    right upper arm - 11"

    day 1 starting weight - 139.6 lbs

    And my scale estimated my body fat on day 1 at 27%. No clue how accurate it is, just thought I'd throw it in for good measure. :-)

    Ok so I did completed L1D2 yesterday and I gained 2lbs?.....hoping its just water weight but feeling reeeeaaallly bummed out right now. Still going to keep going on and do L1D3 today, and hope I see a loss in the next couple of days.

    It's normal to temporarily gain a little weight when starting up a new exercise routine, especially if it's intense. Don't let it freak you out. If you didn't eat an extra 7000 calories worth of food the last couple of days, the 2 lbs you 'gained' is NOT fat. It should go back down as your muscles recover.
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Shredder!

    Day 4 completed! Tough but I am not as sore as when I started. I am sure by this weekend i wont be sore at all. Still feeling a little week on some of the exercises but pushing through.

    Remember to check in as often as you can so we can all support each other.

    Keep at it!
  • cjayplus2
    cjayplus2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all,

    Day 5 here for me. Not as sore now but definitely still feeling it! Am thinking of taking the weekend off and doing it during the week, but will see how I feel tomorrow.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    L1D3 completed. It's still hard and I still can't do all the pushups, but I'm getting better. Keep at it girls, we can do this!
  • nikkicampbell
    nikkicampbell Posts: 18 Member
    I finished day #1 today with my 13 year old. It went by SO fast. I was tired, but hard to imagine that only 20 minutes will 'shred'. I'm hopeful, but wondering if anyone else is adding anything to the end of this, i.e. additional abs, additional cardio, etc.
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Depending on how my weight in and measurements go this Sunday I may add cardio after the Shred each day.
  • charlotte3176
    charlotte3176 Posts: 115 Member
    I did 30DS three times this week. I may do it tomorrow or Sunday, but may not as I worked out 5 days already this week. I didn't think I was sore today until I did kickboxing that included squats and I sure felt my thighs then.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Anyone wearing a HRM while doing the 30DS? I love the workout but was disappointed in so few calories burned. I have since switched to Jillian Michaels Circuit Training at 30 day free trail. It is awesome. But still need the HRM site says each day you burn 500 doing the online circuits and I only burn 350. Love Jillian!
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I did L1D4 today, and it was the last thing I wanted to do on an Saturday morning, but I did it anyway. I still can't do all the pushups, but I'm hoping that by the time this level is done, I'll be strong enoujgh to do them all. I've got a little soreness here and there, but nothing too bad. I also ran/walked for about 20 minutes on my treadmill. I'm planning to get up early and work out before church in the morning too.

    My weigh in day is on Monday so it'll be interesting to see what's happening on the scale. I took my measurements when I started and I'll check them again at the halfway point. Do any of you have results from the scale or tape measure yet?
  • cjayplus2
    cjayplus2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey shredders!

    So day 6 for me today. I have a wicked cold so was not planning on shredding today (it's Sunday morning here in New Zealand) but thought I would give it a go and made it through.

    Weigh day for me too and I have lost 1.2kg (2.6lb i think) which for me is amazing. I stuck to my 1200 cal limit and started eating my exercise calories too which seems to work best for me.

    ncytiz I will be taking my measurements half way through too, so will interesting to see the difference.

    Have a great day all
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Anyone wearing a HRM while doing the 30DS? I love the workout but was disappointed in so few calories burned. I have since switched to Jillian Michaels Circuit Training at 30 day free trail. It is awesome. But still need the HRM site says each day you burn 500 doing the online circuits and I only burn 350. Love Jillian!

    I wore my HRM on day 1 and I only burned a little over 200, but I also was really bad at some things and wasn't able to do some of them with as much intensity. I'm hoping after a few more times I'll be able to keep up better and get a better burn out of it.

    I'm about to (finally) do L1 D2.
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Shredders!

    I just finished day 6 of the 30DS. Getting better at it and I feel better. Looking forward to day 7. Remember to weight and measure yourself tomorrow. I will email everyone my results in the morning after I work out. I suspect i may have lost some water weight and tighten slightly but assuming it will take a few more weeks for bigger results.

    Hang in there everyone!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Just did day 2 and I only burned 153 this time. But I had to take a bathroom break in the middle (sounds like a cop out, but after 2 babies when my nature calls, I answer LOL), paused my HRM and then of course my heartrate wasn't up as high when I came back, plus I modified some things. My knees were really really bad after day 1, so this time when I was doing things that I could tell we're going to cause me serious issues to or row, I modified and didn't do them as deep or intense, so I'm sure that cut off some of the calorie burn since I wasn't doing it as hard as I was supposed to. But this is why I love my HRM, so at least I'm not overestimating my calorie burn. I did all the arm movements 100% but I can't risk having my knees in the shape they were for 3 days after day 1. I'm going to try to keep progressing in doing the knee/thigh stuff more and more as I go. Might spend longer than 10 days on level 1, too. I want to be able to really get it right before I move on to level 2. I think since I modified the things that put me in so much pain last time, I should be able to continue with day 3 tomorrow. I anticipate sore muscles but hopefully not the dangerously wobbly knees. I was able to do the ah exercises a bit better today (still not perfect, but definitely hung in with them longer and better range of motion) so that's really exciting since that's a huge problem area for me. I took before pictures of my midsection, hopefully I'll have some good results at the end of the program so I can take a good after pic. :-)
  • queenbee917
    queenbee917 Posts: 50 Member
    Completed L1d3 today....felt much better after a day of rest. Still sore though, and I have 3days in a row this time...hope I make it without skipping. 20 minutes is just right for me....for now :(
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Hey group! I just saw this, I know I'm a few days late but I'm in on this! I did exercise on the 15th & 16th (today) anyway, so at least I'm doing something :)

    I'll take my measurements tomorrow morning. I don't know if I want to focus on weight or inches b/c I always get un-motivated really fast. So I think at this point I just want to start by exercising 4-5 days per week and logging my food (since I'm horrible at consistency) and know that my body will benfit from it either way!

    Yes please join us! Friend me so we can keep in touch!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I am not in pain today! Woohoo! I can 'feel it' in my legs, abs, and arms but I'm not hobbled like I was after day 1. LOL. So I'll be doing day 3 in just a bit. :-)
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Ok Shredders,

    I just measured myself and I realized while I do think I lost inches you have to be careful to make sure you measuring at the exact same spots or it could throw your inches off. I made notes this time as to where I was so next week should be more accurate.

    SW 138
    GW- 118
    Bust- 36" - now 36"
    Waist- 34" - now 32"
    Hips- 39" - now 37.5
    Thighs-24"- now 23.5"

    I think some has to do with water weight lost and actual inches lost. But either way I think my hard work is starting to pay off. :)
    Please post your updated weight and measurements so we can see how we are all doing.