


  • msmac74
    msmac74 Posts: 23 Member
    Dose anyone use the meal replacement drinks from HerbalLife its only because I can get these in the UK and Shakeology is very expensive to buy and run a house with kids LOL
  • Lol.

    You really aren't arguing anything. I haven't really seen one valid point is the problem. If state why you think it works for you and what is so amazing then it would help!

    Seems like you are just trying to sell it to us. We are smart enough not to pay the outrageous price ^-^
    SELL????? did you hear me selling anything? am i bb coach? NO! so hush it up! thanks

    Ahem. Don't tell me to hush up.

    Good thing you aren't a bb coach. Wouldn't be selling anything. Ha

    Seriously. Do some research, you seem quite clueless.
    Noone ask you comment on anything.... clueless no! your the naive one... why argue if it works for me it works for me ugh! why are you plp so mad?... it's my decision .... smh... childesh lol im done im too grown for you guys...

    Lol you don't even know why it works for you. We really don't care if you use it or not since it is your money. No need to spread IT IS AWESOME all over the boards - because it is not.

    Call me childish all you want... at least I can tell you why my protein powder does the job.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Leaving out all the extremely valid questions asked by ninerbuff, which I have to admit made me lol, how is replacing one form of fast food with another helping anyone? What does it teach you about nutrition? What kind of responsibility for your own health are you taking? It's like the ultimate devolving of responsibility for your nutrition.

    Nutrition should be taught in schools, by people who actually know what they are talking about, not according to some government guidelines that are sponsored by the meat, dairy and wheat industries, junk food should have a tax markup and supermarkets shouldn't be allowed to do 2 for 1 deals on junk. Chocolate should have a max sugar limit and a min cocoa content. HFCS should be banned!

    People need to learn to take responsibility for their own diet, not just go "ooooh, it tastes like a milk shake! I'll just consume that forever and never have to bother with adult food!"
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Leaving out all the extremely valid questions asked by ninerbuff, which I have to admit made me lol, how is replacing one form of fast food with another helping anyone? What does it teach you about nutrition? What kind of responsibility for your own health are you taking? It's like the ultimate devolving of responsibility for your nutrition.

    Nutrition should be taught in schools, by people who actually know what they are talking about, not according to some government guidelines that are sponsored by the meat, dairy and wheat industries, junk food should have a tax markup and supermarkets shouldn't be allowed to do 2 for 1 deals on junk. Chocolate should have a max sugar limit and a min cocoa content. HFCS should be banned!

    People need to learn to take responsibility for their own diet, not just go "ooooh, it tastes like a milk shake! I'll just consume that forever and never have to bother with adult food!"
    THIS. We should spend more money in schools on 2 things that I think are directly related to children who will eventually go out on their own. Nutrition and money management. People will ALWAYS eat and ALWAYS deal with money.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • msmac74
    msmac74 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Guys as I can not get Shakelology in the UK has anyone used HerbalLife meal replacement drinks?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Hi Guys as I can not get Shakelology in the UK has anyone used HerbalLife meal replacement drinks?
    Have never used it, but for about little over a dollar per shake, that's not a bad cost.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member

    And you know this because you are an expert in how much stores markup their products versus MLMs? have you research, a paper, a model, an article? Or is this just based on your ASSUMPTION of how the model works?
    ANY MLM is a "profit sharing" scheme amongst sales people and their uplines. When someone sells a Shake, there's at least 3 or more that benefit profit wise.
    If a clerk sells you a TV, they DON'T directly profit from it and nor does the the guy that puts it in your truck.
    Big difference.

    Are you kidding me? You don't think sales clerks get paid commissions? Or the guy that loads it into your truck doesn't get paid to do it? Or maybe get some benefits, like health insurance, workman's comp, etc? Why the hatred of MLMs?

    How about we compare an unemployed person making zero money for their time sitting at home. Then they decide to go out and get a personal training cert and charge somebody $60 an hour for their time. That's an infinite markup. Is that so bad? If you hate MLMs, you really just hate anyone that doesn't work a standard job and put in 40 hours a week "working for the man." There's really no difference when you get down to it.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Apples to orange comparison here. Try to make the analogies valid.
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    So is a $2000 tv a pretty good indication of a markup? Or how about a $2000 mattress versus a $500 - more markup? Or is it worth it for the better quality?

    Have you attempted to go out and buy all of the individual ingredients in Shakeology and put them together on your own and see how well you do? Even buy pills and stuff to take the place of what you get in it? I bet you can't do it for under $4.
    Looking strictly at price tells you nothing.

    The sad truth is what most companies do is start with a quality product and then remove crap until it becomes consumer "price acceptable" - at which point, it is essentially crap.

    If you're going to make an argument, at least make a better one than that. Maybe find some comparable products and post a spreadsheet or something. Straight price means nothing.
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    $3 to $4 a shake is a pretty good indication of markup.

    So is a $2000 tv a pretty good indication of a markup? Or how about a $2000 mattress versus a $500 - more markup? Or is it worth it for the better quality?

    Have you attempted to go out and buy all of the individual ingredients in Shakeology and put them together on your own and see how well you do? Even buy pills and stuff to take the place of what you get in it? I bet you can't do it for under $4.
    Looking strictly at price tells you nothing.

    The sad truth is what most companies do is start with a quality product and then remove crap until it becomes consumer "price acceptable" - at which point, it is essentially crap.

    If you're going to make an argument, at least make a better one than that. Maybe find some comparable products and post a spreadsheet or something. Straight price means nothing.
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    Apples to orange comparison here. Try to make the analogies valid.

    The question is on markup...everyone is dogging markup! The analogy is perfectly valid!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Proper analogy would be a markup of snakeology to another meal replacement shake or to a protein shake.

    Not something totally unrelated.

    You going to compare your markups to Debeer diamonds now? :laugh:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    $3 to $4 a shake is a pretty good indication of markup.

    Have you attempted to go out and buy all of the individual ingredients in Shakeology and put them together on your own and see how well you do? Even buy pills and stuff to take the place of what you get in it? I bet you can't do it for under $4.
    Looking strictly at price tells you nothing.

    actually i could probably create a similar formula with much better ingredients for less then $4

    prob something along the lines of aor orthro core/source naturals life force + green vibrance + trutein would do the trick
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I see the "experts" here clearly dodged my polite and well-thought explanation to product mark-up.

    Ah, being polite never amounts to much heated forum-fodder does it?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I joined as a BB coach for the discount on ShakeO. I seriously LOVE this product. ALL OF THE PRODUCTS ARE FOOD and NATURAL. I've have personally not tasted a better product. I've tried them all. There are ingredients in the competitors that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole let alone let my family ingest.

    Just saying.

    Is it pricey? Yes and you GET what you PAY FOR. Educate YOURSELF.

    I started using Shakelogy in July. By September, my results were excellent and I had plenty of energy so I signed up to be a BB coach - for the DISCOUNT of 25% off all products. I use their workout programs, so this totally made sense to me. I am doing TurboFire right now and already have ChaleneExtreme ready to start 1/1/12. I am a believer in the shakes because I FEEL better and I thikn it is a vital key to my success. Since starting back on Shakeoplogy, I am down 43# and 28" (and I didn't start TurboFire until about a month into my Shakeology). I also enjoy the taste (I have tried a ton of shakes over the past 12 years) and I agree that I even share it with my kids because I trust the brand and the ingredients. I traded out McD's breakfast McMuffin for my shake and I don't ever plan to go back! (the cost btw end up about the same as my McDs!)

    I would appreciate everyone being a little less aggressive on this topic - you can state your opinion without being rude or slamming what others have going for them. If you hate the product, make your own aggressive message board so that others asking people WHO HAVE TRIED it and HAD SUCCESS with it can make a fair judgement. The only person that buys under me is my workout partner who has had great success also. I am not pushing a product. I simply love my results! :bigsmile:

    So yeah, please play nice....

    I didn't see where anyone was aggressive. I see where certified trainers have challenged sales reps. And I have yet to see where the sales reps have met those challenges.
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    Proper analogy would be a markup of snakeology to another meal replacement shake or to a protein shake.

    Not something totally unrelated.

    You going to compare your markups to Debeer diamonds now? :laugh:

    Sure. Whats the difference? i don't feel any better about 1000% markup on diamonds as I do about it on my food or furniture...
  • spiritwolf13
    spiritwolf13 Posts: 67 Member
    I have I love it right now I can not afford it but it is worth it. I perfer the chocolate although the greenberry is good too.
    Are you a beachbody member? do you have a coach?
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    $3 to $4 a shake is a pretty good indication of markup.

    Have you attempted to go out and buy all of the individual ingredients in Shakeology and put them together on your own and see how well you do? Even buy pills and stuff to take the place of what you get in it? I bet you can't do it for under $4.
    Looking strictly at price tells you nothing.

    actually i could probably create a similar formula with much better ingredients for less then $4

    prob something along the lines of aor orthro core/source naturals life force + green vibrance + trutein would do the trick

    Ok, go do that, let us all know how it turns out and compares and then sell us YOUR shake.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Proper analogy would be a markup of snakeology to another meal replacement shake or to a protein shake.

    Not something totally unrelated.

    You going to compare your markups to Debeer diamonds now? :laugh:

    Sure. Whats the difference? i don't feel any better about 1000% markup on diamonds as I do about it on my food or furniture...

    Apparently you are okay with it for your shakeology
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I joined as a BB coach for the discount on ShakeO. I seriously LOVE this product. ALL OF THE PRODUCTS ARE FOOD and NATURAL. I've have personally not tasted a better product. I've tried them all. There are ingredients in the competitors that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole let alone let my family ingest.

    Just saying.

    Is it pricey? Yes and you GET what you PAY FOR. Educate YOURSELF.

    I started using Shakelogy in July. By September, my results were excellent and I had plenty of energy so I signed up to be a BB coach - for the DISCOUNT of 25% off all products. I use their workout programs, so this totally made sense to me. I am doing TurboFire right now and already have ChaleneExtreme ready to start 1/1/12. I am a believer in the shakes because I FEEL better and I thikn it is a vital key to my success. Since starting back on Shakeoplogy, I am down 43# and 28" (and I didn't start TurboFire until about a month into my Shakeology). I also enjoy the taste (I have tried a ton of shakes over the past 12 years) and I agree that I even share it with my kids because I trust the brand and the ingredients. I traded out McD's breakfast McMuffin for my shake and I don't ever plan to go back! (the cost btw end up about the same as my McDs!)

    I would appreciate everyone being a little less aggressive on this topic - you can state your opinion without being rude or slamming what others have going for them. If you hate the product, make your own aggressive message board so that others asking people WHO HAVE TRIED it and HAD SUCCESS with it can make a fair judgement. The only person that buys under me is my workout partner who has had great success also. I am not pushing a product. I simply love my results! :bigsmile:

    So yeah, please play nice....

    I didn't see where anyone was aggressive. I see where certified trainers have challenged sales reps. And I have yet to see where the sales reps have met those challenges.

    I am NOT a sales rep - as I said - I ONLY signed up for the discount. The "challengers" are only on this thread because they want to argue. I am not saying they are wrong, I was only saying that I am happy with my purchases. I asked that ppl play "nice" because I could see it was going to be just what it has become - ugly!