What is your strangest fear?



  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Clowns. They freak me out.

    These aren't fears, per se-maybe compulsions? But they are odd.

    Improperly washed glasses. I always want to rinse them out in case they have detergent residue.
    Poisoned gum. I blame my brothers for this.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I used to be an arachnaphobe, couldn't even look at a picture of a spider, worst time was when a big one appeared in the bath and I turned the tap on to wash it down the plug hole and the water gushed out hot and scalded it to death and all it's legs went straight and it just looked so wrong.

    I felt so bad that I had burned this creature and it died in agony that I threw up. From that day I decided that I would NEVER kill another spider. Gradually I learned to control my fear, having my son helped as I din't want him to be phobic so we ALWAYS caught them and put them outside, didn't work though he still calls me if he sees a spider, he is 18 now.

    I am now so ok with them that I can see a biggish one run accross the room and not even be bothered to chase it and put it outside.

    I am however scared of people vomiting in front of me, anyone says they feel sick I run away. Difficult when my son got sick, my heart would race and I would shake and cry. But you can't run away when you are a parent you have to overcome and deal.
  • marielladear
    I'm scared of pregnant people, I don't know whyyyy, they freak me outttt! Especially if they start rubbing or touching their belly, I get disgusted and run awayyyy from themmm!
    And I'm scared of stepping on floors (even in a house) after it's rained outside, No idea why too! LOOOL!
  • tinywithaBIGheart
    Butterflies. They freak me the hell out.

    noway i love butterflys!
    one of my strangest fears would have to be touching the bottom of a pool with my feet when its dirty. Im always afraid im going to step on something nasty , or like a dead bug or something. ewwwwwww.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Just remembered this one! When I was a kid and I went to the beach with family, I refused to get my swimsuit wet if none had gone in the water yet. I would step into the water together with my Mum or Dad, walk very slowly and ask every 5 seconds "Is your swimsuit wet yet?". It had become a running gag!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    As in getting close enough to the edge where I can see down. It bothers me to see someone else near the edge, especially kids. I also have a hard time with movies where they show the view of city rooftops from a helicopter. Try that in an Omnimax theatre! My first night of drawing class, the instructor had us draw with perspective....buildings from the rooftop view looking down to the street, REALLY??? Ugh.

    The invisible Sky Bridge at Grand Canyon....no way. I've seen pictures of it, but I could not do it.

    Places I've just said 'no' to....
    stairs in a lighthouse
    stairs in the Column in Astoria, Or.

    Went down the stairs to the 'deepest hand dug well', in Greensburg, Kansas, didn't think I was going to make it back up.

    Went to the Hancock building in Chicago, went to the top, the only reason I could look down was because it was night time and I couldn't tell how far down it was.

    So there you have it!
  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    Owls... Feathers... Yup. Those are things I absolutely hate.. I'm coming to like owls a bit more.. But their big eyes and how their head turns freaks me out.
  • dez_yaoichan
    Ever since I was 7 years old I cannot sleep with my feet hanging over the edge of the bed. My friends Grandmother babysat for us and when she put us to bed she told us that if our feet hang over the edge then the Devil will come and lick the soles of our feet and we will never follow our true path. I know that its irrational and I'm agnostic but I still to this day, 4 kids later and 31 years old, I cannot sleep with my feet hanging off the bed.

    Oh yes, this too! When I was a kid, I firmly believed that I had a foot or a hand hanging off the bed, a big Chinese (not PC, sorry) guy would come and chop them off with an axe! I'm over the big Chinese guy but still, all body parts have to be on the bed!

    this is one of mine too. my feet must have 3-6 inches of room between them and the end of the bed and must also have the covers tucked under them. this is from watching nightmare on elm street as a child.

    but my worst fear is pills. i cannot swallow pills. i can take chewable ones or liquid but thats it. my throat closes up, my mouth becomes so thick i cant talk right, and i start gasping for air until my face turns blue.
  • kaiteggert
    kaiteggert Posts: 11 Member
    I'm terrified of the "Paranormal Acitivity" movies coming true. I've always wanted to have a paranormal experience, but seeing as I can't tolerate terrifying movies like the PA movies, I don't know how I'd react...also, because of this, I'm ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of being alone in the dark. If my boyfriend is not staying over, I'll sleep with my TV AND my night light on.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I have a boatload of phobias, but the strangest?

    Not screaming scared of them, but I don't want to be around them.
    HEBLAS Posts: 12 Member
    Sun 12/11/11 02:54 AM

    see below
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Moths! I hate them!! I think they're going to get stuck in my hair and die and I'll have to pull dead moth bodyparts out of it! :sad:
  • Jessyrabbit
    Jessyrabbit Posts: 24 Member
    You know that thing on you stomach where your umbillical cord was.... I don't even like the word! But I'm afraid of those! When I was a kid someone told me mine would become an outie if i ever got any fatter and for some reason now i am still massively scared about that happening. I know its completely idiotic. but i hate to even look at them! even my own!
    HEBLAS Posts: 12 Member
    water where you cant see the bottom, although thats probably fairly rational. Even the thought of swimming in the open sea unless it was crystal clear, or a lake gives me the shivers

    i have this same fear.... if we are in a lake, i have to be able to see my feet --- typically i will be on a raft.
    As long as i can see my feet, then i am fine. I think this started later in life, because i grew up swimming in lakes and never had any fears so i am not sure where this manifested from....
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    I hate the undersides of boats. They are just creepy and terrifying and I hate them. Pics like this creep the hell out of me:


    My worst fear would probably be falling off a cruise ship and being really close to the underside there. I don't know where the fear comes from, and as far as I'm concerned it's sort of a random one.

    Ugh. That picture gives me the heebie-jeebies.

    This frightens me as well. I agree, creepy. Have you ever been snorkeling and looked back at your boat from underwater? That is when I realized this fear for the first time. I was terrified to be in the water yet equally terrified about swimming back toward the boat.
  • Juliette320
    Juliette320 Posts: 144 Member
    I have a fear of something crawling inti my ears at night while I sleep :( and heights and water combined, think I'm afraid of drowning. Pretty sure I died on the titanic in a past life ): but yeah I actually love heights when it comes to other things but not when it's near water.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    EMc4452 I dont have a belly button any more ...was removed because of navel hernia ....lol !:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    I think my only fear is caused by a natural disaster would be Tsunami! other then that I'm all good!

    Me too ....Hate the water , after i nearlly drowned ...when i was young ....that and coming around after operation , guess i like to be in control .
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    EMc4452 I dont have a belly button any more ...was removed because of navel hernia ....lol !:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Wait. Really?!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Give me spiders and snakes all day long.... just dont let me near flocks of birds. I know where it came from - growing up, my daily duty was mucking and collecting eggs in the chicken coop. Those darn chickens had it out for me. Theyd peck and chase me. I still have to do it when I go home and it makes me all panicky. And then in college I had an apartment right on a lake. The geese and ducks were so used to being fed they would walk right up to you and snap at your hands rather there was food in them or not. And heaven forbid youd try and shoo them away. Theyd scurry for the food and then come running back to you when they realized you didnt throw any. Thats when the fear got expanded to geese and ducks. bleh!